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I CL B m m ffl ? s ??^^=? B = B | BEGI I The Schafer m g Realizing that the pure; ? We don't propose to waste ? over these prices carefully, |j^| g this is an actual bargain sal ? of the word. We need the ? ing this sale. We can't nan g as many staple articles as i . SI Extra?For the Great Clean Sweep I a Sale we offer: | ? Granulated sugar while it last, Clean I ? Sweep Sale Price, per pound 6c I a 24 pounds of the best self-rising flour I a and made by The Carolina Milling Co., I a their best Purity Flour, Clean Sweep I gj Sale, (any quantity) per sack 92c B 3 LOOK GIRLS, fg SHOES. SHOES. SHOES, gj High lace top in patents and browns gj worth $7.50, Clean Sweep Sale J2 gj MIDDY SUITS. White Linen Middy suits, Clean Sweep | gg Sale Price 0^ GQ A big line of children and Misses Coats ? with prices from $3.98 UP I m A big snap for the clean sweep I a sale worth twice asmuch. I &[ jS UNDERWEAR. ?? Our line is complete with a full line of I ? Union Suits and two piece garments I a with prices ranging for the Clean Sweep I m o _ i | oaie - - 48cup' gj Children and Misses Hose, m 100 dozen regular 50 cents heavy hose, p! Clean Sweep Sale Price OOp Less than factory cost. LOOK LADIES. LADIES COATS. Special lot of all wool in all colors, which ? must be cleaned out so hence the Clean Sweep Sale price from $6.98 up I ffl 1^1 laADlfciS SKIKTS j? 200 Ladies all silk skirts of every known color retail price $8.75, Clean Sweep sale e price $2.98 B3 You can not afford to miss this value. I ffi SHIRT WAIST. White Voile, ponges and blacks worth I jg $3.50, Clean Sweep Sale 98 C UP WR MEN'S COLLARS, j? The famous Arrow, regular 25 cents, ? Clean Sweep Sale price, 3 for 50c HP Remember the place and don't be misled by ffi others, come to the old stand where Schafer has S3 aerved the public since 1873 with honest values and E good goods. The buying public knows when s Schafer pubs on a sale it is agenuine bona-fide sale m to reduce and prices slashed so ttyat your dollar will hare buying qualities on both sides. EB ffiffiffifflfflfflfflBBfflfflfflreissfflsii 1m* MH<OW SOOTH cS sa aaa a a aa a a a sin a ai< EAN Smmm jAl INS FKJLJJ Go's Departmei hasing power of the dollar n words telling you what you compare them with what y< e of seasonable merchandise money, you need the goods, le the price of every article room will permit to show yo LADIES HOSE j All nvor mivo ci 11^ 1*0 m "11 o v* vnfnil trnlnn 1 m* vt vx v/ oiin, x vgiuai ictau vaiuc $2.00 Seconds, all colors while they last Clean Sweep Sale price ? 49c Best grade pure silk, brown and black only, regular $1.50 sellers, Clean Sweep Sale price ?- 69c I DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ticking?Good and heavy, worth 35 cts. per yard, Clean Sweep Sale price, per yard A better grade of ticking worth 42 cts. per yard which will be cleaned up at 99/. Big lot of Ginghams, including Apron and nice patterns, Clean Sweep Sale, Per yard - - 14c Good quality nice patterns ginghams worth 27 cents per yard, Clean Sweep sale Jgc Alifinrro oil /t/\lrvv>e otiil pVioflnn Vionmr v ui/ingo un wiuio anu aitautO) ncav j and will not fade, worth 25 cents, Clean Sweep Sale 16 c MEN'S WORK TOGS; Heavy Blue and Kacky Shirts, not the light kind, worth $1.25, Clean Sweep Sale price 69c OVERALLS. Big heayy union made Overalls the best quality of denims, Clean Sweep. Sale price $1.39 LEGGINS. Big assortment of Army Leggins worth aa ?n Olff AO r?i C I pf-vw) an oiiico aiiu iuuu, vicaii o weep Sale price 59c LOOK MEN AT THE BIG SNAP. SHOES SHOES We have the famous Whitehouse Thorogood, Brown Shoe Co. and Craddock Terry Co. make in every known last and quality which we will offer in this Clean Qfir/iArv Col a -PvAtvi ifl 4 A A no | u* ccp uare iium ? ? fP A jO THE SCHi LITTLE R SfflfflfflfflfflEBEBISffliaSBfflBBBHBB i N l' ituMt ' 4 i\ ? .. iZ' ' ' XI SBBffiffifflBS&eBBBfflffiBBGBffiB SWE A "\r XT^ ?\. I , 1NU Dt Store, Little lust be doubled we have pi will get at this sale. Prio >u have been paying and y< . It is going to be a "Clean so why can't we get togetl we have in the store, but \ u that we mean business. Men Suits, all colors, including blues, browns, blacks Mixed goods, and a nice lino nf f 1 ill Koniro T*. ^? ?i?? A iniv ui xuii uavno.. Ill U11& UCJ^cll w ki are going to make a big sacrifice as we are overstocked and must let them go.. We will offer the buying public in this big clean sweep sale from ? $7.98 up You can't help but look these over. It will mean money saved. MEN'S HOSE. Good heavy sox, all colors and sizes, regular 35 cents seller, Clean Sweep Sale price will be onljr _ 12c DRESS SHIRTS. Cotton, all shades and sizes of the best madrids, worth up to $3.00. Clean Sweep Sale price from on _ nr? 03C ? LADIES HOSE. All colors, black, cordivan Brown and white, good heavy hose, full cut and well made, regular 35c seller, Clean sweep Sale price, pair- . 12c REMEMBER. All prices quoted ar? good while the stock lasts. Better come early and see what big bargains we have for yftm Blankets ?COMFORTS ?RpH Snr???Ho ? Big assortment of the best wool blankets to the cheapest cotton blankets, which must be sold, Clean Sweep Sale will help you buy at less than before the war. Comforts and bedspreads less than one half off* ' 200 dozen ladies handkerchiefs worth 10 cents, Clean Sweep Sale will be OEach Better grab 'em. SHOP AT OUR EXPENSE To induce out of town buyers to attend this sale we will nav railroad faro a distance of 50 miles on all purchases over $30.00 If you travel by auto on all purchases of $20.00 we will give you gasoline, 2 to 5 gallons according to distance traveled. IFER CO. :ock. s. c. i * HUH' 11 Hi 3 ffl ffl ffl BB SI SB ffl ffl EB ffi? GB ?<? ffl ffl ffl EP I ? ? ffl . Si SI v. 11. | Rock, S. C. I 7 Si nt on this big cut price sale, Sj es count, not words. Go> J?J ju will agree with us that ? Sweep" sale in every sense IS ler. No goods charged dur- j?} ve are giving you prices on ? and her and sincereIBoys Garments for the Big Clean Sweepdshi^a" Sale. lzsral ... Boys alL wool suits, consisting of all col- ? ors and sizes, which we offer in this Clean Sweep Sale from ? 0^ UP ? Shoes?SHOES?Shoes. ? Don"t forget that we carry the famous ? Buster Brown Shoes for Boys and Girls [ ] j none better made and every pair guar- g) anteed, Will be included in this Clean , Sweep Sale. fg TRUNKS. TRUNKS. ? Big assortment which we are going to. ffl turn loose in this big Clean Sweep Sale.. ? pins. pins. a ? AH 1/irirl of nnl'nl-.. 1"~ ^' xxxi miiu vix fsaictj pillSj OX' SllliUl^, ! ] sells the world over for 10 cents, Clean* Sweep Sale, per doz. ? . 2 c B JOHN B. STETSON HATS. ? All colors and styles, worth up to $10.00 IS Clean Sweep Sale price from QQ ? up. Less than pre-war prices. gj HATS. ? Big lot of ladies trimmed hats will be ^ sold regardless of former Qftp UP prices from FQ1* [S 151 WINDOW SHADES. gl All colors heavy, Clean Sweep Sale ^ MEN'S NECKWEAR. ? Big assortment including knits and ? other weaves. Clearing sale price ? UNDERWEAR ffl Our line is complete in every detail con- 00 sisting of Union suits, combinations g] which will be sold from 49 C ? Wrights health underwear, sells the SB world over at $2.50, our Clean Sweep Sale price Si.19 ? !1 ^upia uomestic tHeacmng wortn Zb cts. iffl per yard, Clean Sweep Sale 1 * ffl IS UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR IS Men's heavy underwear, regular $1.00 ffi seller, Clean Sweep Sale price -- CQ~ ? D*c is IS Remember the Date 11 Nov. 11th, Friday Doora will be throrwn open to the public at 9 o'clock sharp, are you going to be on hand when SB \ th? Cl6ftn Sw66p S&lc starts? It will pay you. a i aafflasifflfflsifflfflfflfflgifflfflfflffl i l /