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, ' V y-' ' : * ,* FRIGHT ARRKSTFI) GROWTH. ' "No, I did not come front a family of small people," replied Capt. Doatile, the little Tom Thumb in, the "Tenfor-One" show at the Carnival, "but on the other hand I came from a v . family of large people. My parents ^ t weighed over 200 and I have several V i brothers and sisters who weigh from l \ L 185 to 22") pounds.'' The Herald man ' ' \enquired. with as much politeness as ; 1 possible, what had caused his growth to be arrested. "It was a case of fright when I was about two years years old." replied Capt. Doanie. "My mother told that I was a normal baby, but at the age of two or thereabouts I suffered a terrible fright and my growth was arrested. 1 continued to grow, of course, but the older I got the more slowly I develop-j( 1 ed. Yes," continued Capt. Doanie, "Ij * have been in the show business since! I reached my majority. I was with T> ~ .... ..... r_ n? 11 ?>no ee Kilt ' IK'. i u ;i ill Of uailt'V iui iuau> > ra i urn ; as I prow oldor I had to give up the; circus. I could not hold up under the! . one-day stands. Circus life is a hard: life. It is a rush from the time you go out until you come in and a man must have lots of surplus strenpth to stand up under it. I went into carnival work because they have one-week stands and the life is not strenuous. You have a chance to rest between jumps. But next week I am poinp back to my old home in Massachusettes to lay off for the winter. I am lookinp forward to it with much pleasure. I want to pet back among home-folks." Capt. Doanie is 60 years old, but he does not look a day over forty. He is an interestinp talker. NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned against trespassinp upon the lands of the undersigned or the estate lands of A Mrs. O. C. Hayes. Hunting, fishing, ^ hauling straw or wood or any tresspass of any nature whatsoever is forbidden, and all persons violating this notice will be prosecuted in the courts. 10 13 3tp. O. C. HAYES. MASTER'S SALE Slate of South Carolina County of Dillon. ' In the Court of Common Pleas. R. H.,Wiggins aud J. H. Meadors as administrators of the estate of Ida Boahn, deceased, and Myrtle B. Carter, Plaintiffs against W. Bruce Boahn, Roger Boahn and John Boahn, Defendants. Pursuant to an order of his Honor Edward Mclver, Judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, bearing date the 22nd day of Sept. 1921, the undersigned, as Master for Dillon County, will sell during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in Novem? ber same being the 7th, before the % * court house door in the Town of Dillon, in the County of Dillon, in the State aforesaid, at public auc( tion to the highest bidder for cash: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate in the town of Little 4 Rock, County of Dillon, State of of South Carolina, boundded on the north by a street; East by Baptist 'Parsonage lot; South by certain vacant lots; and West by Mrs. Lucy Davis. Terms of sale Cash. Purcharer to pay for all papers and revenue stamps. Any person bidding off the said property am'^efusinp: to comply with his bid therefor said property will be resold upon the same or some subsequent salesday at the risk of the former purchaser. A. B. JORDAN, 10 20 3t. Master for Dilllon County. ' Jf > mSS&Sm m lV^-^11 - &*Sfiwi? ? < SZf* " .,. .. THK DlljfiO: PSoSSe N Written by I ?r. .1. \V. Tlurhaiian. (J 1: to of tl r. S. I <'f Acriculture ami 1* ofossor of Votcriuary Son , <at t" nisoii <'olh-j;e. Jtemnrkahh ' "k on J: of ?lisoj-ilors, a .''Uis a;,.I diseases ?.f } iirvrs, rt;*:i < nttln at: 1 hogs. Tht re is a huge ?' ' arnl " tin* valuable itifirina:5<??i ataim 1 i.t this hook. , t ivi r ..o.i'iiii < opios lia\v h-'en ?listrihutml a" ug farmers. For a lirni? '?! tit i<>. 's h i a as ?.mi- supply lusts, w will sttpplv i very farmer or live Stoi-k latin -villi -l free copy of this 1 > U. \V?iti t?i lay for your copy. tCWROJ.IVA HKMMDIKS CO. Ilotui'nf ^R0\^Xi:cm.-,lics Dept. I uiaii, S. \ ? ? ?? 1 IKKASlItKit's XOTK'K. I The books for the collection ol". county, state, poll and road tax will be opened in my office, October 15 and continue open until the last day of December, 19 21, without penalty. After said date the following penal-J tier, will be added: One per cent January, 1 per cent! additional in February, 5 per cent additional until the 15th day of: March when the books will close. All districts have special levies for] school purposes. The following isi the total levy for the various dis-; tricts: Dist. No. School Dist. Levy Mills 2 Carolina 51% 3 Harllee 41% 4 Little Rock 47% 5 Oakland 53% f Minturn 46% 7 Zion 48% 8 Dillon 51% 9 Dothan 43% 10 New Holly 41% 11 Bingham 48 %j J 2 Kentyre 4 6 %( It 'HE WHO LOOKS BKFVRE UK LEAPS UUIL, Next time you the back steps, drips down an< insist on genuii "THE? v CY Pi "THE WOOl and no substitutes, the repair jobs thi one the last repair j< Often the medium exactly the thing fo repairing, or for m where Cypress wasi place. 44Buy the Gr t# ,,-;n .... "" 11 ^ 111 tUL jrUUl LUdld. will give you honest at Write us for list of FREE Southern Cypress Mf ? ^ Poydras Building, New Orh ^ Graham Building, Jackso YOUR LOCAL DEALER WILL SUPPL H ASS'T ENOUGH CYPRESS LET US A |<gg> Food and Dr Life's Jou Budweiser makes good food tt The ideal beverage for noon ing meals and afternoon am lunches. It is the standard of quality hy other cereal heveraces are iud U J < In a class by itself and adds tbose wbo serve it. At restaurants, drug stores and dr ANHEUSER-BUSCH, lN( ST. LOUIS, U. S. A MARION COCA-COLA . BOTTLING CO. Distributors Marion hi. 't i' * * '" .1 1 V HERALD. Dll.l.ox SOUTH ( Alt 13 Union 4 > * _ , 14 Lake View 53>?: .Mi. Cahary 4S 10 Kemper 4 S1 ^ | 17 liorinudu 4 71 j 15 Manning: -171 _ I. 11) Uloydale 531 j ! 20 Laiia Ill ! )i Irhii -.11. 22 Ouk Gmv.> 3 1 ' 2.*; inilsboro i J1 : J ; High Hill 411 2o Pleasant llill 4D12G Fork r, t?~ 27 T? in pern n' ' 'l1.28 Sol It is 4 .">1 j i All partita l??-i \\ < n the ; of 21 and 60 years, inclusive, are liable,' unlf.?; i'x.m ii'it'tl ly law. 11? a i ??11 ofj of $ All parties between tie ages of 21 and 55 years, inclusive,!] are liable io a capitation road la\ of| $3.00. unless exempted by law. Those who desire to pay their taxes through the mail may expedite matters by dropping the Treasurer a card asking for the amount of their taxes, so as to avoid sending the wrong amount, also stating the township or townships (if property is owned in more than one) and if possible givej school district where property is located. After paying taxes examine your receipt and see if all your, property is covered; if not, see aboutj it at once. All persons writing for information or asking for receipt to be sent to' pnplnan tlm r??f urn nncfntrn i o nn provision is made for this item of expense. By following the above suucestions complications and additional costs may be avoided. Any persons wishing the amount of their taxes will write me not Inter than December 1st. Yours truly. JXO. It. WATSON*. 9 29 tf. County Treasurer. | , i>s orcrPHKss a\n hi ii.os f"k kh.i-s have to patch where the water J rots 'em out, le. RESS > ETERNAL" (Why not abolish s way? Make each ib in just that spot.) or lower grades are r these odd jobs of aking replacements used in the first acle that jits the job.11 i'our nearest retail yard ivice. So will we. PLANS for farm buildings. yc ' A ccn ln?i?t on "Tide IS. rtSSH. Water" Cypmi ?youcanidentif y ;ans, La.,or it by t(,it mark: rnville, Fla. Y YOU IF HE V/ A \ .1 ii'u. T tic. x-a-toutf-o . :\0W AT ONCE. iste better. and ^ven- vt^\ J evening wbicb all ;, I eed. If^H i class to Irri I ink stands. Bottle j oTjINA. Tnri:s!?\v. ;h A 11. raid . .. i'i I ron i ot i 11?*iv I< 1 ! .. : < \ land - r >t Ti: " c< .)( <! 1; : s<!?r.- . ; t > t"i\ * Tu?s,|ay was u ; a D llon, iilnr. frolasdma: (v.1 . s c. III:NS?.I:? . M. ^ v> r, I ?r, Sum n- in SrnctJi -les ! *!s * tt. ?.:rjce K.our? r? ??> l) f?i?i r ? ' I'lil'ii: Huur" bv * . olnt-ubi*' \ W. JOUNM?.> Attomt'jr-Ri-' nw ?.\n!? ? in St;?te ut; ! ? : Marion, S. C. Fpap Albe Prince Albert it sold nr, , ?n toppv red haft, Ull < tidy red tint, hand- t'Vllt tome pound and halt lllti I pound tin humidors cmrt and in the pound &111VJ crystal glass humidor with sponge M maistener top. A' ing ' Sk, Copyright 1921 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. g Winston-Salem, 5^ N. C. " j Atk your dealer about the Perfection (HI Heater Con* im -*^j,uuu.uu in prtjfs. TOHKIl 27. 1021. i .> > m nv. \ i ilili ;?? * . \ J>ill hi < < k C'o'f. ItaM' T V. ie - - 23!. e Phi' ? .li ?l IV I.AM. . ! i'i.i?. S. 1 ou. t?. r. pa !t\\ i n iif.i iv| Oil! 'l\ri I. 111!. " ?T*?il? ' \ \ . t ? ?. "I \ ' I' . ? I I S M. PAG , Civii Engineer DILLON, S. C. spori em RST thing you do next -go get some makin's A1 ers and some Prince th< ;rt tobacco and puff away an a home made cigarette ou : will hit on all your ess ke cylinders! P. o use sitting-by and say- ^ maybe you'll cash this ch tomorrow. Do it while going's good, for man-o- co 1, you can't figure out sir tyou'repassingby! Such sn ror, such coolness, such Y< e-ish-ness?well, the only ? ' to get the words em- fo tic enough is to go to it re know yourself! or imun J 'KlNbC P the national jo, ) t\\ ') ' i tfJJ i ?> -v W\ ^ r 23 SP* UfT. "Kerosene co: half what it < A practical way to save cc 1 he Perfection Oil 1 leater will prove more economical in over a million homes this year than ever before. Coal prices have changed but liule in the last twelve months, while Aladdin Security Oil, the best kerosene you can buy, has gone l down nearly 50 A. 1 he Perfection is an c ficicnt heater. I here's no waste of fuel, no ashes that represent many of the 1 pounds that : <> to makeup your ton of coal. Rooms \ and hallv ays that arc used ? / 'i _ * - .. .. .. mm,V Att??rno> N-a'-l.a\v Offi< > over Mnleoh ? M-ran'ilc Co. I>] IjI.ON, s. c. Pn t;? . 'S i. and Podoral Fourta l>k.. J. II. i'.-.MKK. Jit. ' II -l P....;i|??s. : -I'Sf. St! -vevi\..g Drafting and - ic nting W. 1V1. ALLEN Diilon, i>. C. Phone No. 112 . u.\. n<;. .11 nif.i.OX, S. t. ' '! on First Mortgage Hoal Estate. 11 enjoy the t of rolling with P. A.! And, besides Prince bert's delightful flavor, jre's its freedom from bite d parch which is cut out by r exclusive patented proc;! Certainly ? you smoke A. from sun up till you p between the sheets witht a comeback. Prince Albert is the tobacthat revolutionized pipe loking. If you never could loke a pipe ? forget it! )u can?AND YOU WILL if vou use Prince Albert r packing! It's a smoke velation in a jimmy pipe a cigarette! LLBERT y smoke Aladdin" tWWI : SEClKmoiL NTWDVUI) i Oil ".OMfUNY r> ' r sts only about did last year" nil this fall anil winter only a few minutes each day are an added source of wasted heat, greater, probably, than you imagine. I'se your co:il heater to keep the whole house warm. Then in cold weather, instead of "rushing" the hrc nil day, make the living rooms comfortable by using a Perfection, j-,ir i wiicreyou want it?in the hay window or tiie opposite side of the room lroia the radiator. ^ ou can hum a Perfection for about 10 hours on n single gallon of kerosene. Your hardware or department store salesman will gludiv point out its simple construction ur.d smokeless wick adjustment to sou. { I OIL COMPANY e\\ Jersey) ECTION heaters . I