University of South Carolina Libraries
1 A SPfctTAL TO Mc-"* ' ; i LENDON.MEbTLNG. Spencer Admlder* Will Rnif Special to Atlanta. I A.dispatch from Spencer, N. C., to the Greensboro News says: Cyclone Mack, now holding a revival in a big tabernacle in Atlanta, has written P. Stoudeinire and Robert Haynes that Atlanta is making , great preparations for the Cyclone vMsick special train, loaded with Spen. .^-jfolks, that will roll into Atlanta Sunday morning. Mack writes that he don't think any man could have a higher compliment paid him than to have a train load of folks vide several hundred miles to hear him' preach. He expressed the hope that the sermon will inspire the train load of folks from Spencer like their pres-' ence will him. Photographers will teat the Atlanta station to get moving! pEtui'es of the North Carolinians go-' ii/g all the way to Georgia to preach-! ing. Newspaper men will also be in; the- party to write up the trip. Noting, in the papers that Spencer proposes J to organize McLendon clubs in Ashe villa. North Wilkesboro, Wilmington an other places Cyclone Mack gives his indorsement to the movement1 and saya it is just the thing to keep v hew converts at work. Mack says: ' "Give all the Spencer tribe my love, and tell them the meeting in Atlantat is coming swimmingly." A message from Washington to Spencer brings the information thati a special train has been authorized for the trip to Atlanta. o DILLON IS PROSPEROUS. ___ "We have had the best week in Dillon since we have been out this season," remarked the lady who wore the custume of an Egyptian princess and manipulated the mechanical fortune telling device in the "Ten-for-: One" show at the Carnival. "The poor jw wr iwk prosperous iin(j seem to nave plenty of money," continued the "princess." We have heard very little talk of hard times and one does not see that air of depression among the people which has greeted us at near-! ly every place we have stopped. And your exhibits at the Pair are fine. We are so used to fairs that many of our people do not pay more than passing attention to them, but I believe ov-j ery person in our company has visited the exhibit building and they are| simply carried away with your exhib-1 its. You must indeed have a very fine . county. And then. too. I have been told that this is your second Fair. . You have every reason to be proud of it. Not only are our people charmed with your Fair, hut they are charmed witl\ your people, and 1 do hope that we can come back again next year." ??:?? LJ1^? Notice to Tax Payers. ___ The books will bo onen for nnv ment of Town taxes for the Town of Latta, from October 15th to Decem-| ' ter 1st. 1921. Through the month of December a penalty of 10 per cent.' will be added. After January 1st, 1922 a penalty and execution will be adyed. W. ELLIS BETHEA, 10 20 3t. Clerk. 4 rrKj"-) j| p-T-J" .? /V v Hi Nr= &Q '" LOTH'S HOT ^ BLAST is rftado in 14,1G, 18 and qu 24-inch fire pot 24 sizes. The U. S. he Fuel Adminis- r.l tration re com- sn mended this lie g type of heater r.r r to conserve fuel. y 'p'i / - tei p "iE % I'I Willi a** .? y , . w? jill . -il ? tx">. THE DILLON' 1 NOTICE. ' All persons are hereby warned not | to trespass upon the lands of the undersigned, either* In the way of huntling, fishing, hauling straw or wood | or in any manner whatsoever without the consent of the undersigned. All violatipns of this notice will be hand-1 led by law. MARY HORN, H. HORN. 10 20 3t. MASTER S SALE. State of South Carolina, County of Dillon. In the Cour^jyjJ^nniiuon Pleas. J. A. McKaynn^David Townsend. as administrators of tho estate of A. D. McKenzie, deceased and J. A. McKay, individually, Plaintiffs, vs. A. R. Reaves, W. M. Cox, Clarence Bet hea, W. F. Stack- . house, C. C. Robertson, Jones and H. C. Knuwling, *j Defendants. ** Pursuant to an order of his Honor Jas. E. Peurifoy, presiding in tho Fourth Judicial Circuit, bearing date 11th day of October, l!)21,^the undersigned, aw Master for Dillon county, will sell during tho legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in November same being the 7th before the court house door i%the Town of Dillon, in the ffWHWHT' niti^ s? ? WW1..4VJ VI JU1UUII, 111 the State aforesaid, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Tract No.. 1 ^ All that certain lot (ff land in the town of Latta, County and State aforesaid, containing one an<l one-; fourth acres, more or less, Bounded North by ditch or lot of fc. L. Brown. East by lot of Methodist Episcopal Parsonag; South by street running West front A. H. Brown's corner; and on the West by street running North and South; and being the same property purchased by C. C. Robertson front E. L. Brown.' * Tract No. 2.? All those certain lots of land at that time near the Town of Dillon, now being in the Town of Dillon, and being lots Nos. 80, 70, 78, 77,81 and Lot No. 1 of the property known as; the Moore property as shown by a Plat of said property made by J. M. Martin. C. E., dated Nov. 3rd, 1013; said lots Nos. 77, 78, 70, 80 being conveyed to the mortgagors by A. C. McKenzio and J. A. McKay, and Lot No. 1 being formerly conveyed by A. i/. nui\fiitic ana j. A. .McKay to C. G. Robertson. Tonus ?>f /<alc_ Cash. Purchaser to pay for all papers aiTU revenue stamps. Any person bidding off the saifl property and refusing to comply with bis bid therefor, saij property "will be resold upon the same or some subsequent salesday at the risk of the former purchaser. A. B. JORDAN. e 10 20 3t. Master for Dillon County# MASTER'(+ ?rT State of South Carolina, County of Dillon. In the Court of Common Pleas. ? { Marion National Bank. Plaintiff, against Ama Page, Defendant. pursuant to an order of his Honor Jas. E. Peurifoy presiding in the Fourth JudieialCirruit, bearing date the 12th day of Sept., 1021 the nndersifrned, as Master for Dillon county, will sell durinc the local hours of KManrrAjwv- ?t?T. ?? Pi V4* \'?r / / -j 1 / ' V ' Y '* / '/ V :jan -i i '', / / ZV Wqrmth BqkifsBqth ~ ; BABY'S health (Jemands i ^ that tlic house be warm id cozy. Generous, unirm heal'in severest weather itli the least bother is yours :tb a a@T-BI.AST This efficient heater only noires attention once or twice in hours. It is most economical cause the down-draft burns 1 the #ases that pass off as lolce in ordinary under-draft ators?none of the heat units e wasted. It's a pleasure to show you is splendid heater and exain our low prices and easy rms. r WHEELER CO. ON, S. C. \ ? Lryifiiii liiiiiirTit 1EHALD, DIM-OX SOVTH CAROIJ? sale, on the first Monday , in November, same being the 7th be-| fore the court house door in the| town of Dillon, in the County of Dillon, in the State aforesaid, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. .. : DESCRIPTION of Premises! '"All of that certain piece, parcel or tract, of land, situate, lying and being in Dillon County, South Carolina, and! bounded and describe^ as follows: j Bounded on the North by the public road leading from Dunbarton church to Allen's Bridge, and known as the Swamp Road; Bounded on the East; by lands of Penelope McDuffie; Bounded on the South by Swamp lands of Mrs. I,. J. Fort and by South side of old mill dam; Pounden on the West bv lands of L. M. i W'e have a high power, ?< a comp lete power plant in i length. Does th c work of to 1 while engine is running. Hav engines. All equipped wi th Notice to Scl District The Compulsory Att into effect in this distr 1921, to run for four m and the ne&ro school 1 I PAIJM ?? ww i^MBi W TANK Gives quicker re seed meal ar GUARANTEE! Ammonia A. P. A , If vour arf-'nt -1.. I, - --- -h-*"witli us direct. A. F. PRII^ CHAR LEST SQiZSSilRraKroaBEra MBKBBUttniBmWK I Dillon S?Vi Storage * W e advise all p4 I store potatoes with 1 ly, th is week, or n I week. We do not l[ qualities of potato* R ing frost or if the}? | land is wet. Pie I ^ratp<! mi f X A. V/ All UU1 p U I We adv se to grac the field. We h grading which we ^ ply you. Best cai toes in the crates s handle eggs, and dc heaps striking pot other. Bring to curi as dug, if possible, bu second day if you < We will buy stt and number two Pc at one cent per pound f. o. b. < nish crates. W^e sell Fulghum secure your seed at once and planting not later than Novcn We re installing a lar^e f 1 shucked ear corn. Pull and shell lor you and huy for cas DILLON SWEET POTATO STOI # . % % ?A, THURSDAY M()|(MN(i, OCTOUi Kogers or the run of Manoah Branch which is the line between lauds of L. M. Rogers and the lands herein mortgaged, the same consisting of Seventy Two and two tenths (. 72.'.') acres as will more fully appear by reference to a plat made by J. M Johnson, C. E. in June 1 *. 11 an,} In inc. ihe same lands conveyed to Atua Page by L. it. Fort." Terms of sale Cash. Purchaser to pay for all papeis and rev< nue stamps. Any person bidding off tlu said property and refusing to comply wi?h his bid therefor, said propert; will be resold upon the same ?,r son < subsequent salesday at the ris! of the former purchaser. A. P. JORDAN. ~jj Master for Dillon <*"u::P i?t 20 y.\. 1 i mmmmmmrn p-i ? i ? ist cutting outfit forced feed; tsclf for sawinp lop's to any 10 men Lever control of blade c pood assortment of p'asolinc B0sch map'neto and offered at $100 eack. A little over a vear arid tb f! pn ct ii'o ' ? ? f.>. o ' sold for $200 each artel even I | more. w e arc offering tli em .at a big sacrifice, but they mu>t go. Price SI00. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO. Columbians. C.,823 W.Gervai* St tiool Patrons ^ No. 20 endance Law will .eo ict, Monday, ()ct. IT, onths. Sard is school will open same date. j ETTO I LAGEj suits than cotton id costs less. e) analysis: 7 per cent . 2 ' ot supply you. communicate JGLE, Inc., ON. S. C. f . ? t i act Potato I; Company I M 1+' irsons expecting to | \ l us to dig prompt ot later than next guarantee keeping is dug after a kill- ! r are dug when the ase get necessary tato house at once, le hest you can m ave a bulletin on a/nil 1 rl 1ilr/3 ?? w wxv* H1VV> L U 3 U JJ -e fully lay pota- | ame as you would j ) not throw into atoes against each ing house same day it not later than the I expect hest results, ictly number one )rto R ica potatoes ? 3iir curing house. we to furoats and Ah ruzzi rye. Best 1 ; arrange to complete youj* iher the tentfi. 1 lower corn sheller to handle 2 shuck your corn. We will I h or grind for toll. 9 RAGE CO.. DILLON. G. C. I _ * :ii 27. 1021. c;\izki? hoofing. ck ' niriit. Wo littve just rereivwl solicit carina,] 1 l4 " < "orrufiatccl ami 5V Crimp Hoofing. Also fresh cars Leliiuli Cortland Cement ami Lump ami llydiatecl Guilders Lime. Aiso BRICK BRI( Come to our plan we liave to offer I LAYTOX BRICK V MARIi )!. EAGLE "MIKAD0">^^ For Sale at your Dealer ASK FOK THE YELLOW" PENC EAGLE Ml EAGLE PENCIL COME aaaaaaaaa??5 a a a Business ( s a America a ?' have confiilence in the a H America ? financial ^ emerging from u st br' into a period which pi y lasting prosperitv. S3 Definite improveme 5 is the best evidence [S certainly conditions e\ g ing this improve m nt. v ^ This bank has confid y is past, and faith tha y ture holds much of go< 6 a a gj We invite your patr ? FIRST NATIOl a g DILLON, Sout * National Bank Prot * Savin a a aaasa s s*in fO - -0 UMA ACmm " yuK froSg > i v ^ 1 - c? 4 _ , ? t / ' :. / What is the use < money unless you ban that it will some day lit- who spends all 1 who batiks a part of h ularly must prosper. That's arithmetic. Let our bank have j ey on deposit. Money you leave it in the bai adding to it. Try it. It PAYS. We invite YOUR lla The Bank SAFETY, SERVICE A Dillon, South -I ' . I (itrlfiii! very hcst >;ra(lc Itriiish Columbia .Shingles. 11 will |i?y you to x net our prices on AMj kin?ls buildrrs supplies before you buy. Bennet t-lledgpeth Company, Clio, S. C.? lO I :t at. ZK BRICK t and see wliat >eforc you buy. /ORKS. ( Est. 1885) s c. SjS^^^Pcncil No. 174 ^L_ _______ Made in five grades i !1L WITH THE RED BAND KADO >ANY, NEW YORK . ?- ? rrx3 saaaaaaaaaa a a a cn of ? a f ? future. and business---is ? ate of uncertainty ? onuses healthy and ? ? ?nt along: all lines of adjustment, and ^ 'ervwhc re are showSi ffl ence that the worst ? t the immediate fu- r*i od for all. :0 ffi onage, g, NAL BANK ? U h Carolina ;ection For Your ? erg ? o S (S y 1 * "< ; > :f|(+ ' ? I <f* ' '<-< T*W ' W ***** ^. . z ** , > ' '- V ;v * ? ' o' > V. it / -ifoV'ti *&k, ... ?^v" ^ noTotrg-': ' t / ' ? ' #4 <??-?? ^ ? V_ Jf working for k a pari or il bo work for you? tins nothing; he is earnings region r spare monpiles up fast if nk an?l keep on nking Business. of Dillon ND 4 PER CENT Carolina i