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very member of Brownsville charge is urged to attend a shower,' for the benefit of the parsonage, to be given at Oak Grove school house at z o'clock P. M. .Saturday, Oct. 2 2d. No. towels needed. Bring anything else from a tin pan to a feather pillow. ? Bed clothes especially needed- Refreshment* will be served. Mrs. Ellerbe Rogers, Mrs. Plunk Brlgman, Mrs. J. S. Fair, Mrs. Tracey E. Fore, Committee ?o Floydale. ji The Floydale School gave an entertainment Friday P. M., from 7:30 i to 9:30. Enjoyable exercises were indulged in. Chicken and rice and i other delicacies were served. Cake walks to the edification of the mirth- j % ful man and a liberal turn out of pa trons and some friends of the latter i greeted the managers. Under the < beautiful moon-lit sky the scene was made more resplendent. Just here we would state that the make up of the faculty conducting Floydale School is ^composed of Superintendent Mr. Isa- i dore Ussery of Barnwell and well ; supported by Miss Rosa Dreher of Leesville, Misses Boykin and Gleaton of Kershaw and Barnwell counties respectively. The Saboard Air Line railway spanned our section about 1910, True enough, "i ju repair bills that e \ f1 the bank account. "stop them before t \ * "With Cypress you L S be sure you get the j . : ' rmms ^ ^\/n f VJ CI tHE WOOD Look for the Cypres* below on every boar< on identified respon "double your lumbe ?and often more tl . ~ BUY THE GRADE T* For many uses the medh exactly the thing. Your dealer will sell yoi Ask him what your job Write us for list of FREE P Southern Cypress Mf r 245 Poydras Building, New Orlaa Graham Building, Jackson YOUR LOCAL DEALER WILL SUPPLY HASN'T ENOUCH CYPRESS LET US KN 0& _j jmum^^^m ci i LOTH'S HOT of BLAST is made all in 14,16,18 and bu 24-inch fire pot sizes. The U. S. Fuel AHminia- ers trat ion re com- ' no: \* mended this ^ type of heater to conserve fueL tha ant on BRADDY ra 1 1 m 1 1 i ! when Floydale along with the birth i of Dillon oountj was launched and ! though yet in itaprlmltlre stage gives fine premise of a long and useful ca- i reer. A saw mill, cotton ginnery, a < fine and up to date school building i are among its earliest assets and a tudier class of citisens or more ; thrifty, in the sunny south would be i hard to find. A well wisher with a 1 tip of the hat. H. L. B?. P Negro Was 110 Years Old. Yorkville Enquirer. \ "Uncle" Fenton Diggs, venerable ] colored man who died Monday even- ] ing and who waB buried Tuesday af- i ternoon waa a remarkable charac ter," said Miss Margaret Glenn, as- ; sistant postmaster in Yorkvllle who < was talking about the old man the \ other morning. "According to Dr. j R. A. Bratton, Uncle Fenton was j about 115 years of age, having been , born along about 1806. He was a < slave of the late Lieut. Gov. Robert ] G. McCaw, of YorkviUe and after he j was emancipated he worked for my ' father, the late Sheriff R. H. Glenn, , for many years. That's how 1' came , to know him. The old man was always , courteous and polite and in fact i a white man's negro. He voted the Democratic ticket all of his life and he rode in the Red Shirt parade In 1876. He never did know his exact ace, of course, but I have'heard him < ray that when the stars fell in 1853 ] he was big enough 'ter go to see de , -a V -- t's the frequent ;at the holes in " But, why not* hey happen?" mild but once " but genuine Z&ffSET 1ESS ETERNAL" > trade-mark shown dor bundle. Insist \sibility. It means :t money's-worth" lan that if you IAT FITS THE JOB. 9 um or lower grades are u the grade you need, calls for. LANS for farm buildings. H ' Allltn fauiat oa "Tida 8, MBSU. Witar" Crpraaa _ ? youcamdentif y it by tbia mark. ville, Fl?. YOU. IF HE OW AT ONCE. _ >me C&mforf; h Economy *HE home that is heated by Loth's Hot Blast Heater joys solid comfort comacd Vith strictest economy. jlS&3h>. 't-Jv 9 A A rti~tln CS~etht^ ^911 W SOT-BLAST rhe entire outside surface i3 metal and radiates heat in directions. The down-draft rns nil the gases that escapa smoke in under-draft heati, as well as the coal, so that ne of the fuel is wasted. liat is why Loth's Hot Blast res more heat on soft coal n ordinary heaters give on hracito and saves one-third your fuel bilL WHEELER CO. M, S. C. > J:: * imAijb, rxmow mtnm &*** frim* The oM m4a enjoyed good' bedm SU'oC Mattfo until a abort;< while ago although he lost one eye in id accident several years ago while I engaged (d repairing a fence. It is said that at the time of his death every tooth in his head was sound, i He is survived by his widow who is( a very old woman but not so old as i he was." The First SO Win. Hundreds' have taken advantage ot the Herald's 60-day offer of The] Herald, the Gentlewoman, Feminine Review and The Farm Journal all fori he price of' The Herald?$2.50. The offer holdB good till December j 1st. But we have a special prize iOj "iffpr t h IcAroolr Tho '#1 odf C A vv?. AUV inav uv OUUOVI iyLions received from today (Thursday) till Wednesday, October 26th we will give, in addition to the above papers, i 12 month's subscription to The Southern Agriculturist. Everybody knows what the Southern Agriculturist is. The offer is open till next Wednesday, but the prises will be given to the first 50 subscriptions received. Act today if you want to be( i winner. The 50 subscriptions may he gone tomorrow. o Folic. Miss Sadie Moore, a stud/snt at Coker College spent the week end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore. Mrs. Lonnie Stanton of Dillon visiteded friends here last week. Mrs. Carrie Lewis has returned Notice to Scl District The Compulsory Att into effect in this distr 1921, to run for four m | and the negro school 1 I PALM F I i TANK I Gives quicker re I seed meal at I GUARANTEE! I Ammonia I A. P. A If your local agent cann | with us direct. I A. F. PRII I CHARLES! I Dillon Sw I r* > aiorage ( Wc advise all p< store potatoes witl ly, tkis week, or a week. AA^e do not qualities of potato ing frost or if tke3 land is wet. pi< crates from our po e advise to gra< tke field. We 1 grading wkick we ply you. Best ca toes in tke crates t kandle eggs, and d< keaps striking pot other. Jtfring to cur as dug, if possible, bi second day if you We will iuy at and number two P at one cent per pound (. o. t. msk crates. We sell Fulgkur secure your seed at once am planting not later tkan Nov* We re installing a large skucked ear eorn. Pull and skell (or you and buy (or cm OHlfl* 9W??T POttTI ST1 J Tel ' 1 W# IMHIDMi OvHI Ml iM M'.to. *. kM U rtMi relitlm. Miss Thelma Rogers, who is attending Columbia Collage, spent the week end at homo.' The monthly- mooting of the Fork School Improroment Association was held afe-the school building Friday afternoon. The following program was rendered: * 1?Song, "America." 2?Bible Reading. 3 Prayer. 4?Roll Call and Minutes of last meeting by Secretary. 5?Paper "Patriotism and Ignorance" by Mrs. Frank Rogers. 6?Piano Solo, Miss Julia Rogers. 7?A Thought for the Week by Mrs. Zack Edwards.' 9?Reading a short story by Mist Katie Calhoun. * 10?Business session. Delegates were elected to ^attend Jthe County Federation at La^p- View. 11?Social Hour. Refreshments consisting of cake and coffee 'were served. Col. R. L. Carmichael has returned to his home at Washington after spendng some Dine with his mother, Mrs. Annie Carmichael. NOTICE, w? _ The members of P.amn Warllee and *11 Confederate Veterans of Dillon county are requested to meet at the court house -in Dillon Friday, Oct. 21st St 10 o'clock for the purpose.of appointing a pension board. J. W. Turberville, Com. Camp Harllee. 11 hool Patrons No. 20 endance Law will go ict, Monday, Oct. 17, onths. Sardis school will open same date. ETTO S H :age suits than cotton id costs less.. d analysis: l per cent 2 ot supply you, communicate IGLE, Inc., 'ON. S. C. eet Potato Company m ersons expecting to 1 us to Jig promptLot later tkan next guarantee keeping es Jug after a killit are Jug wken tke ?ase get necessary tato kouse at once, le kest you can in lave a bulletin on would like to sup- I re fully lay pota- I lame as you would I 0 not throw into I atoes against each I ing house same day I at not later than the I expect best results* I rictly number one | orto Rica potatoes I our curing house, we to fur- I n oate and Akruzzi rye. Best I 1 arrange to complete your I rnher the tenth. I power corn Keller to Kandle I shuck your corn. We will I sk or grind for toll. I mil, mm,s. c. j * am;'" ctfkMd H4 - Corrugated tedtf Crimp Hoqttnc. Also frah can I^. high Portland Cement aad Um? and Hydmted Bnlldera lime. Also. r : i. ~T BRICK BRH Com* to our plan we luLTt to otter I LAYTON &RICK V MARION EAGLE "M1KAD0">^S| For Solo ?l your Doolor ASK FOR THE YELLOW RR eacle m | g/fcCLE PENqt OOIW aaaaaaaaaaas 1? a- - "* SB a Business M a A . a America. a ... ? have confidence in the ffl S America ? financial n emerging from a st ^ into a period which p: ? lasting prosperity. LXJ ffl Definite, improvemi SI is the best evidence g| certainly conditions e\ gg ing this improvement. This bank has confid is past, and faith tha ^ ture holds much of go 09 ffl 00 || We invite your patr 1 FIRST NATIO \+\ DILLON, Sou IS National Bank Pro IS Savii SI ttl IS BBBBBBBBBBBG (?juX A&m*. uouK Jbo/uu ^TaSv^a Bowi^AOffi dOAjl ifc" VI , P rtTi /R ?,.0 What is the use money unless you bs that It will some di He who spends al who hanks a part of ularly must prospe: That's arithmetic. Let our bank hav< ey on deposit. Mone you leave It in the 1 adding to It. Try it. It PAY* We invite YOUR 1 The Bank SAFETY, SERVICE) . DiHoa, Sent f |H i i get ear prices on ALL kMitalii'V ere upptlci before you bay. Bern* 1 nett-Hedgpeth Company, Clio, S. J C.?lO 18 St. 1 ^ * 4" I p* ZK BRICK [ t end tee wket >efore you key. < /ORKS, (Eri. 1885) f. s. c. J J^j^^^Pcncil No. 174 . Made in Ore ?i>tu SL WITH THE MD BAM> *APO ' C zpAny, new Vork ????m ffl 51 en of 1_ m m a i future. * IS and business?is |] ate of uncertainty m romises healthy and ^ . IS int along all lines IS of adjustment, and IS rery where are show- EH .ffl m Ipnop that thp ronycf ?. t the immediate fu- m ij od for all. 'g ? ffl ? onage, gg NAL BANK?, th Carolina |g tection For Your ^ igs ? m , ffl ; sisasiHHiaafflfflg ???????? ??i??????? %^yfWnr*A?. ^/S5Sv r ' * ^ V '/V ' ; s*r ?r ^ ..*?*LZ .f*~ ( vw1 of working for .nk a part of it so i cy work for you? 1 has nothing; he I his earnings reg- ( 4 ; I J your spare mon7 piles up fast if >ank and keep on i ' I Banking Business. I of Dillon ?. AND 4 PER CENT k Carolina ii i ?? IH