University of South Carolina Libraries
I W*. ' . " I . * iONAL MENTION Mrs. C. L. Wheeler spent Monday in Florence with her brother. * Miss Susie LeOette of Fairmont, is tisiting Mrs. J. T. Whitfield. I. Blum of Baltimore is in town this week. Brown McCallum of Davidson Col-! lege spenr the week end at home. I M. T. Booth of Reidsville, N. C., was in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Welch spent the week end in Wilmington, N. C.' Henry Richbourg of Columbia spent Wednesday in town with relatives. Miss Ruth Hayes left Saturday for | Piedmont where she is teaching this: year. Mrs. Marshal Bridgers and chil- \ dren of Florence were recent guests of Mrs. S. C. Henslee. 4 j Mr. and Mrs. Will Stackhouse of Marion spent a short while in town Tuesday morning. Dliot t A -? * u0lci iicis reiurnea Dome after spending three months in New York. Morris Fass returned Wednesday morning after an extended visit to the uv/' ^lorthern markets. 1 Mrs. W. B. Blankenship is spending a few days in Tlmmonsville with her daughter, Mrs. James Harner. ?o? Mrs. W. Mclnnes and son, Willie, of Carolina section were in town Tuesday! 4 Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Stoney, Sr., of Asheville are spending the week in town with their son, S. P. Stoney, Jr. Jno. Blackwell of Lake Wacamaw, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. \f if pnKle/vn AM u a VIUOUU. Mrs. S. M. Parnell and children of Columbia are spending some time with Mrs. W. A. Blizzard. Claude Gibson of Gibson spent the week end in town with relatives and friends. Miss Annie Johnson of the public school faculty spent the week end at her home in Chester. Dr. W. B. Smith has returned from a visit to his son, W. C. Smith in Winston-Salem, N. C. ?????s????5 121 I Mior ?.he ? IS 1 JUST AR ? ? ? ffl ffl | THE Li i C ? ^ e ? ? jg LUXURIOUS g] with large IS Touches of IS | WOMEN'S ' (S Untisual the * and canton < ? ments. ffl e ffl NEW MILL ^ . m Exclusive n IS slenderizing (S ffl i I a ffl s 1AU QB CD IS (X) (Zj QD CD S] [Z] mm BP B3 BO Cxi BE CE K) (33 CD / THE DOEIEEM ?? Dillon had a Itite representation of delegates and members of the various 1 clubs at the County Federation of Women's Club at Lake View Satur- ] day. t Mesdames J. E. Mitchell, of Salu- ] da and J. P. Stackhouse of Asheville. i N. C. are guests of their father, O. C- Hayes near Dillon. , Horace Pierce, Frank Fitts and Joe ] Stackhouse attended a chicken sup-'i pei and church entertainment at'< Floydale Friday night. ! Miss Cathrine Chappell of Lykesland, a former teacher in the Dillon < High School, is the guest of Mrs. F. ] M. Niernsee for the Fair. j Misses Lacey Jackson, Alice David, Nelle Smith and Columbia Rowland ( motored to Rowland Sunday after- \ noon. Mrs. George White of Smithfield ] who has been visitine her mother Mrs. Will Mclnnis for several weeks, i returned home Tuesday. i Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Turner of Ham- , let spent the week end in town with ( Mrs. Turner's parents. Mr. and Mrs. < S. W. Jackson. i Mrs. W. 3. Smith is visiting Miss Gladys Smith at Gray Court. She will j ! also visit relatives in Greenville and j Laurens before returning home.1 | Congressman Stoll was a visitor at i | the Fair grounds yesterday afternoon ] I and left that night for Washington. 1 Mr. Stoll was returning from Andrews i where he accompanied the secretary i I of agriculture who made an address at the opening of the Trl-County Fair. o j, i Mrs, Bethea Entertains. i j i | One of the loveliest affairs of thej i early fall was the receDtion Thm-cio*. I afternoon whicl^Mrs. A. V. Bethea I gave in honor of her sister-in-law,' ( 'Mrs. Wade Hampton Cooper, ofi 'Washington, D. C. Ij j Mrs. F. L. Bethea greeted the' guests at the door and Mrs. Lutie Be- , thea invited them into the living room where they were presented to the , guest of honor by the hostess. Mrs. t Bethea's spacious home was charmingly decorated in a profusion of mari- ( golds and dahlias.. The dining room , was especially attractive with its j mound of dainty cosmos and softly \ shaded candlelabra. Here Miss Ed- < wards poured coffee while Miss Hyatt ' and Miss Vieve Hugglns, Mrs. T. B. l Thompson and Mrs. T. W. Bethea ' served a delicious salad course. 1 During the afternoon Miss Beulah t Mason played the latest popular se- < lections and Mrs. C. E. Lipscomb ren- 1 dered several well chosen songs. Mrs. 1 J. R. Williams and Mrs. Jno. R. f Cooper of Mullins motored over for 1 the occasion. i ibbbebs bbbbh ris Fi RIVED NEV PAREL AT ' 4RGEST AND OA T SU1 k 3 COATS of rich, c handsome fur coll embroidery add dis i ia1luked day-t mes in frocks of tw crepe with novel en INERY for discrim lodels that subtly appearance of you L orris 1 DILLC l mm mm gmg mmm. mmmm ? ? lZI CD IZi Qj lZj lZj lZj lZI lZI ^ maaoaoDcriQDCDCDCBCBa: nwrnrs sale. State of South Carolina, County of Dillon. [n the Court of Common Pleas. 3. D. Barlow, Plaintiff. against R. J. Johnson ana Minnie Johnicn. Defendants. Pursuant to an order of his Honor fas. E. Peurifoy, Judge of the Fourteenth Circuit, presiding in the Fcurth Circuit, bearing date the 19th lay of Octber, 1921, the undersigned, as Master for 'Dillon county, wjll sell during the legal hours of sale, 3ii the first Monday in November, 1921, same being the 7th before the court house door in <he Town of Dillon, in the County of Dillon, in the State aforesaid, at public auction to the highest bidder: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land near the town of Dillon, in the state and county aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of the Dillon Cotton Mills; on the east by Methodist "church property; on the south by lands of Lonnie Lee and on the west by lands of Jack.Simpson, and being the same property conveyed by deed from Mary E. Quick to R. J. Johnson and Minnie Johnson, dated July the 2nd, 1906, and record-i ed in Marion county. South Carolina, in Book G, Page 1906 and being the same lands on which there is now a three room dwelling house and a small store house. Tnrme nf r* 1 ' .V.U1D U1 aair V/ttDU. I~ Ui cilituer lo pay for all papers and revenue stamps. Any person bidding off said property and refusing to comply with his bid therefor, said property will be resold upon the same or some subsequent salesday at the risk of the former purchaser. A. B. JORDAN. 10 20 3t. Master for Dillon County SKLF-KEJilANCE <;OES BANKRUPT. Thin Blood Saps Energy CSmle's Pep-! to-Mangan Rebuilds the BIo?h1. Wrestling with a weakened condition of the blood is a desperate strug;le. Tbin, watery blood deprives the aody of energy and causes a played>ut feeling not unlike utter exhaustion. A man with weak blood has not the full use of his powers. He lacks recision, and vacillates until he loses jelf-confidence. Some men, and women too, go faltering along for months scarecely vMuuug luoi iurj need Vruae s fepioSlangan, the blood-builder. But when they have taken it for a whle, what a lifference there is in the feelings! rhe old-timer vigor and the redjlooded hue of good health return. The new rich blood gets to work, juilding, fortifying, lifting the spir; up to Its normal standard. Physl:ians have prescribed Gude's Peptodangan for years as a blood-builder. Druggists sell it in liquid and tablet orm. Look for the name "Gude's ?epto-Mangan" on the package. ? tdr. It. as!????????? 1M. D /EST auth: THE MOST EVER K ? MOST WOA D 1ST IN TS, COA EXH1B11 leep-pile fabrics ars and cuffs, stinction. IME FROCKS. rilt cloths, satin ibroidery treatlinating women, contribute to a ith and grace. Fass D )N'S LARGEST I re nri GET QD CD CD CD ESI EZ3 QD G ISHfilfl D QD OD CD QD CD (33 C 4 J 7~~ fv5 ***& Ab ^ **U7* i ria^idig?te p Mileage ISJ Car Owners want more ml l^j hardest; more gum between < |Vj powerful carcass. And they !,*m Skid tread with Ml s-nglcstanc p(Pj6 sure traction. Fires tor. 3 Ccr Kjrt the car owh^rs. ffl Rea-1 L< ?3^ fcecor<^s :!1 2. hX> Cord Tires built the Firesto i'A\ way could not fail to prodti E?$n mileage. Every day, i'-om o\ tx?S the country comes the word tl jjjfl 10.000. 20.000 or 20.000 miles ? jyyi frequent and consistent rcccr. Fires'on- Tir? P bber Ca., ***' Jacksonville Pnnrh, Jacksonville, F.or.via. KOflu Ceniicn-.en : ? < J\y"/j I t herc\vi:v> t*-.e V ir'orv ?f p t'st " b. i ,J t'cn? Cord tire PYs ha* run .t - i.) v. i'VSV I have retreated :t rtv;,: times, 'ia\<:ntiieage to each retreadSVj in^ w.-vs nbo'lt 7 COO. ! think you iviH a ;ree th*s *y?-i f-^VM is a rctr srVable rr orU .f" L 1* ?s espe-iaHy urn-aval J r. ... es I know the cwntr to 3 ?jT. ?j be a severe driver. . *V? * < tier, i-e gives hit tires 3 a v . prorerinflst'ion The t ? 3 L'i'O J r-v.^i in ejjesi on is r. t v.i B t, ?,v " ? o.Jt cf rervi.e 1 1 si a ii every ir> M-?tion o: bcinv f ??*" ?tifr.ciiat:y strong tor as* 1 " R?iv! ,thT retread I ?.: J IJm v. v otaaraphi vn- ? frAV d?r separate cover. , In ?.tis Ub J.'aOl C. "U. Pen iey, u ortiy F rCsto ^ - $ Plant C..y, Fls. ? mco can pr i# ; I * CORE m Palmetto Hardi Auto Servic epartmer ENTIC MODE I> PHENOMENAL NOWN. IDERFUL ARRAY CT1VE TS and MILL Eli IN DILLON Women's elegant costu med models of newest Women's distinguished fon, brocades and cam reveal all the late Pa color and treatment. Smart foot wear for v occasions. Our assorti as to insure a satisfac epartment AND BEST STORE D SI Si Si Si S3 SI SSI Si Si Si S3 SI CD El (S3 CD CD S3 CD CD SSI IS tS tXl IS <21 IS i f.r . ' ^ ^ ' """" - """ c7fT.^^m"sppt?v $1 EOl ^ sTYjN? ?? h> iv ob^r en the tresi where the v."ear is Kjfl :ord p*:ies to perfect a resilient and G?y want a scii; tiiicaliy constructed Non l v^ptaccs ro resisr siocMm? and give * Tirps have' d zzz demands of s tiers ^2'?r'7~ R :\09Q t7 67,000 Miles |p ne, Now r.nd then they are enpha- rXn| tee si/cd ly unusual i:i5t^r.c;? such JLRc er ts quoted befow. Performances JH?J :??t lixe these demonstrate the ulti- R^T irs mare possibilities ot Firestone jklti .'-Z. Cords under* carefnl driving. Evpt. 2, 1021 i\Y T'-.e Harvey E. Mack Cs , Iff r? t Thirteenth i Hsr;..jn Plcco, ujj Uinr.t*t>blii. KlrJE ^ Ge.-.tlenien:? (SzL re. J: or car* to r*e t*at yoi< rr*?^>.t be interested i.4 ja \ e nvl -tc c. j; I ot ?' ,. ,'rov. ths set of f,?* X .'.rcv.utc c.lca on cr.y . tov -:. Th* PH'i rirn wi? wort over 28- U-<TV t?a tr a. T .? re con J ~ - a ' v* a "a tirr r>!'t: up a mileage IvT* . ? i J- 'h ' . ? "f bt 1 :4.C03 and lXQ , , ? T' , J JJ.O'Jc ? . it were [391 ,v it.-.x " 't'- ri?r "'"-i ?rd hod been *<V , tfT. < c t wVerably by ;<* ? c ..i s i .-.o '?'o front tJT^'V ISi i3> A. i^c-* * J ' - b;it<r rX*h\ rv rryv, . th ' . > !1 ?> lis 'and are P* ) . V ?r2-J. iG- .? ;| sriii v.; jOc rc.-.eitlcn. I r-XSti ,*<> >. y~.-- ?, e -? ? > ?t ?i lesst !^fT| * *. * ' ?"s ' ! -ve n f . ra each of HWl r. \ ^ \f ' ; ?' - " In:' scarcely '\V/ " ' 2 ^ y t'.? ._ i- n'irestcne ric tic: as in c ur ccrc.> i j *- "^r, .'* .h t tu? 1 -Zt^k cvi>rthuv;u.iVty ? ?.; KJffl ! i^.nnecpoJia. frjYj "" 1 1 ' r"'^^ * y r^w? ?# &. *n*J4cm2 **mfj jijfo es c;are Co., Dillon, S. C. e Co., Dillon, S. C. - ' A _ ffl Lt Store 1 aa UZJ a J WOMEN'S AP- 1 VALUES 1 9 . . 51 OF WOMEN'S 1 m ISI 19 JNER Y 1 19 19 SI ime suits, richly fur trim- ? ; fabrics. g 19 19 * 1 evening gowns of chif- Is 121 ton crepes in types that s jg risian influences in line, ? IS talking dress or evening ? nents are so diversified ? :tory selection. g Store | 9