University of South Carolina Libraries
^ * p II r ' Lalta I ( Judge Haselden of Dillon was in' town Monday afternoon. | W. J. Galloway of Dillon was here or. business Monday afternoon. W. W. Braddy spent the week end "with his family here. J. K. Page of Sellers was in town on business Saturday afternoon. 1?. E. Dew of the Dalcho section was among those in town Saturday. L. F. Ellis of Mallory was a business visitor Saturday. H. M. Hodges of Brownsville was' here on business Saturday morning, j Mrs. D. E. Allen of Hartsville is visiting relatives in this section. Mrs. E. L. Brown is visiting her. daughter, Mrs. Edwards in Charlotte. | P. Osteon of Dillon was in town on| business Tuesday afternoon. Demle McCutcheon of Aynor passed, through our city Tuesday afternoon. I Joe M. Bass was calling on relatives' here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Coleman of E1-, berry were in town Thursday. > W. O. Kirkland of Florence was] looking for business in his line here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Bethea of Tatum spent Sunday with Mrs. Flora M. Bethea. J. G. Crawford of Sumter paid his, sister Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea a visit on; the week end. S. M. Campbell of the Ebenezer! section ot iwarion county was in town Saturday. S. B. Crawford of Mullins spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea. Rev. W. C. Allen, pastor Baptist church at Dillon was in our city Tuesday. Junie Brunson of Marion was In our city on business Tuesday after-! noon. J. E. Anderson of Tiramonsville was in town Tuesday afternoon looking for business. D B. Spell who represents the A. C. L. at Sellers made a flying trip here Tuesday afternoon. James L. Dew of Floydale was here most of the day on Wednessday attending to business. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hayes of the Elberry section were among those who visited our town Thursday. J. G. Ellen of the Free State section of the county was a business visitor here Thursday afternoon. E. L. Powell and J. F. Williams from the Dalcho section were in town Thursday afternoon. Lattie Fort of Fork was looking after his affairs on his farm near here Monday. I Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea and her brother J. G. Crawford attended the Federation of Womens Clubs at Lake view uii oaiuiua^. Henry Bowmen, manager for the American Cotton Oil Co., of Wilmington, N. C., spent Monday here in the interest of his company. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Williams and son Asbury of Mallory also Mrs. D. E. Allen of Hartsville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea E. C. Allen has returned from Gallivants Ferry where he attended the Pee Dee Association which convened at that place. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Stafford. M. H. Cox and B. H. Atkinson went to Proetorville by motor Tuesday afternoon and returned same evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacherg Association was held in the school auditorium Thursday afternoon, the 13th. The new president Mrs. Hoyt Watson, presided. She made a splendid talk on "Each individual doing her part," after which R. T. Fairey gave a short talk on "Cooperation." The old school building has been repainted on the inside and is quite comfortable and more Inviting, and to meet the expenses of these improvements they are to have a "Chicken Bog" at the Latta Hotel at an early day, with all the accessories that go with such a supper. There was a fine attendance and much interest taken, and we believe that these meetings will be produc tive of much good, as the days come and go. Mrs. T. M. Bethea and Mrs. C. W. Foxworth entertained the Pee Dee Chapter U. D. C. at the home of Mrs. Bethea on East Main Street Tuesday afternoon. Her new bungalow was made more lovely with cut flowers and ferns. The large and enthusiastic meeting was called to order by the new President Mrs. T. C. McOee. The subject was "Norfolk, Va." Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea read a paper describing Norfolk and vicinity, also the battle of Hampton Roads. Mrs. Crumpler read a paper on the Norfolk poet, Hope. Miss Lillian Bethea read a paper on Fortress Monroe, where Jefferson Davis was in prison, and also a description of his stay and treatment while in prison. During a short business session it was decided that they would send a box to the Old Soldiers Home in Columbia Thanksgiving, each member taking some article for this box at our next meeting In November. At a late hour delicious, refreshments consisting of ambrosia,' Japanese fruit cake with coffee and whipped cream were served by the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. E. A. Caddy. The souvlners?a beautiful bright flowertfor each guest. It will be news to those who fancy nice horses to learn that E. R. Ellerbe has just returned from several, fairs In North Carolina where he1 raced his horses, and sold his mare, "Virginia C. Forbes" to lfr. W. N.1 Reynolds, president of Reynolds Tobaeco Co., for the sum of $2000.00, and a good paddle pony, also an ex TBI DOLiXW BU \ Sews Depar Conducted by W. Ellis Bethel ! cellent bird dog. The writer ia an admirer of fine horses and had become well acquainted with this mare, and has often remarked to her owner that he had rather own her than any horse that {ie had ever seen. And while it looks like a big price, j these hard times, yet she is worth1 every cent of it, not to plow, but to anyone who can keep a fine horse and likes to drive fast. One fine point in this mare, which makes her like our best citizens, is that she iis honest,', and not like some citizens, dishonest and deceitful?when you make a demand on her. She will give her' driver all that she has, showing sense and speed. The writer is wondering how many boxes of Browns Mule tobacco and cases of Camel cigarettes Mr. Reynolds gave Mr. Ellerbe, besides the pony and bird day and caab. One weetr eve r?* ? ? 4/1 iwiauu 6af cj his congregation notice that on next Sunday evening his subject would be "The Bible," and requested his people to bring their bibles along witht them when they came, so at the evening hour on October 16th there were more than 80 bibles in the church when services began. Some of these books were more than one hundred years old. with many interesting histories brought out by those who own them. Among these books was the first bible put in the Latta Methodist church when it was organized. It was called to mind that the lady who was the prime mover in getting up the money for this bible also in the same way furnished the first church here at that time with hymn books, and she likes many of those owning these old relics, are now in the Great Beyond. There were many handed down to present owners along with diplomas from colleges, Borne given by loving mothers, who doubtless now are in heaven. There were a few Greek and Latin Bibles, several written in poetry and some made especially for ministers. The Masonic Bible was there, and a short speech made by the Master of the Lodge here showing what Masons thihk of the Grand Old Book. Dr. Kirk land read from the 119 Psalm, which It will be remembered was written by David, Isreal's greatest king and poet, and contains 176 verses, each of which gives some word of praise for God's Word, showing what he thought of it, with the small bible that he used in his day, there being only a few books compared with its fullness of today. The services were unique indeed, but were enjoyed by a large congregation. At the end of the service Dr. Kirkland stated that he had about one dozen copies of Johns Epistle, which ho would give away to any one who wished it, as long as they lasted, which could be read, after which a coupon leaf could be torn out and sent to a little publishing house near Boston, Mass., and the publisher would send the Book of Acts free. These books were soon eagerly taken mostly by children. Mrs. Fred Williams entertained at a miscellaneous shower Friday afternoon for Miss Eunice Allen, who is to be marries to Rev. Waddy Sherwood, a missionary to Brazil. The hall and dining room were beautifully decorated in th<? color splii'inc of In dian Summer. Mrs. John J. Allen met the guests at the door and Mrs. J. O. Bethea Introduced them to the receiving line, which was composed of Mrs. Williams, Miss Eunice Allen, Mrs. Lawrence Dew and Miss Florence Allen sisters of the bride, and Mrs. W. B. Allen, mother of the bride. The guests were then invited to the hall where delicious punch was served by Miss Rosa Tilghman; then they were asked to register In the bride's book, a gift to the bride by the hostess. The guests were then asked to take part in "A Man" contest. Each were presented with a score card with a man head and a bag containing hearts. During the conversation, any guest hearing another say man, or any word "containing man could present her a heart. Object being to get rid of the hearts. When tbis contest was over, Miss Martie Atkinson and Miss McLeod made shadow silhousettes of each guest. These were duly numbered and every one were asked to guess whose picture they were. Mrs. Everett Atkinsou was the most successful and was given an indian match holder. In the dining room the same color scheme with golden rod and yellow candles were carried out. The centerpiece was a minature lake encircled in golden rods on which was an Indian brave and his beautiful maid in his birch canoe. White cake and yellow cream were served by young girls dressed as Indian maids, Edith Williams, Marjorie Dew, Elizabeth Tilghman, and Margaret Bethea. On leaving the dining room, each were given a white basket tied tied with yellow ribbon containing yellaw mints. The guests were then Invited to an Indian camp where each one drew a string from a wigwam and found her fortune attached. The bride found at the end of her string two little Indians, Fred Williams and Ellen Allen Dew, who piled her with numerous gifts. The many lovely gifts were accompanied by little verses which afforded much amusement. o Notice to Tax Payers. The books will be open tor payment of Town taxes for the Town of Latta. from October 15th to December let 1|11. Through the month of tment. Ll |] !i i ' !< i ? i i December a penalty of 10 per cent. ! will be added. After January 1st, i 1922 a penalty and execution will be added. W. ELLIS BETHEA, I 10 20 3t. Clerk. MASTER'S SALE. State of South Caroliua, i County of Dillon. i In the Court of Common Pleas. J. A. McKay and David Townsend. as administrators of the estate of A. D. McKenzie, deceased and J. A. McKay, individually, Plaintiffs, ?. A. R. Reaves, W. M. Cox, Clarence Bethea, W. F. StackhmiiA P P Pnhortann T O Jones and H. C. Knowling," Defendants. Pursuant to an order of his Honor Jas. E. Peurifoy, presiding in the ! Fourth Judicial Circuit, bearing date , 11th day of October, 1921, the undersigned, as Master for Dillon coun- , ty, will sell during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in November same being' the 7th before 'the court house door in the Town of 1 Dillon, in the County of Dillon, in the State aforesaid, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Tract No.. 1 All that certain lot of land in the town of Latta, County and State aforesaid, 'containing one and onefourth acres, more or less, Bounded North by ditch or lot of E. L?. Brown, East by lot of Methodist Episcopal j Parsonag; South by street running! jWest from A. H. Brown's corner; and; on the West by street running North' and South; and being the same prop-: erty purchased by C. C. Robertson j from E. L. Brown.' Tract No. 2.? All those certain lots of land at' ithat time near the Toyn of Dillon, inow being in the Town of Dillon, and being lots Nos. 80, 79, 78, 77,81 and | Lot No. 1 of the property known as the Moore property as shown by a ' nu* -? t . ? 4-- 1 - i? * *? ! nai ui saiQ yruyfrijf uuiue oy j. m. ; Martin, C. E.t dated Nov. 3rd, 1913; said lots No8. 77, 78, 79. 80 being conveyed to the mortgagors by A. C. McKenzie and J.-A. McKay, and Lot iNo. 1 being formerly conveyed by A. ! D. McKenzie and J. A. McKay to C. , C. Robertson. Terms of sale Cash. Purchaser to, .pay for all papers and revenue j ! stamps. Any person bidding off the | said property and refusing to comply with his bid therefor, said property j will be resold upon the same or some subsequent salesday at the risk of the former purchaser. A. B. JORDAN. 10 2.0 3t. Master for Dillon County ( FINAL DISCI IA ltd E NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Annie ! Daniels, guardian of Ralph Daniels, minor, has this day made application unto me for a final dischar.-c as such guardian and that Saturday the 22nd day ef October, 1021, at ten o'clock a m. at my office has been appointed for the hearing of said petition. JOE CABELL DAVIS, Judge of Probate, Dillon County, S. C.i Dillon. S. C., Sept. 21. 1921 ? 9 29 it. STOLEN?1 Black Hoike Mule about ten years old.weighing about 1 I 000 pounds and a little lame in the left front foot and a top buggy that has been run about 1 year. With red running gear and black ! body. Finder will please notify W.' F. Bullock and receive $2f>.00 re-j ward for man, mule and the buggy. W. F. Bullock, Rowland, N. C.1 ?10 20 3t. NOTICE. All persous are hereby warned not to trespass upon the lands of the un-J dersignod, either in the way of hunt-] ing, fishing, hauling straw er wood o(- in any manner whatsoever without the consent of the undersigned. All, ; violations of this notice will be handled by law. MARY HORN, ' H. HORN. 10 20 3t.j A Carj of Thanks. i Dear Mr. Editor?Please allow mej space in your valuable paper to return our hoqrt-fol# thonl/o ha WW. -vw. V-1V.*, tuui.uo wu H?c pie of Dillon for their kindness to-; ward us during the sickness and death on October 11, 1921 of'our little dar-; ling Woodrow Wilson, aged 1 year 11 months, 11 days. C. A. McDonald, Adelie McDonald. ?10 20. MASTER'S SALE. State of South Carolina, County of Dillon. In the Court of Common Pleas. Marlon National Dank, Plaintiff, against Ama Page, Defendant. Pursuant to an order of his Honor Jas. E. Peurifoy presiding in the Fourth JudicialCireuit, bearing date the 12th day of Sept., 1921 the undersigned. as Master for Dillon county, will sell during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in I November, same being the 7th be,fore the court house door in the j town of Dillon, in the County of , Dillon, in the Slate aforesaid, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. DESCRIPTION of Premises. "All of that certain piece, parcel or tract ORMMT MOUDiQ, OOTCNUX 4 land, situate, lying and being ln 'l >111 on County, South Carolina, and mounded and described as follows: Sounded on the North by the public oad leading from Dunbarton church .0 Allen's Bridge, and known as the Iwamp Road; Bounded on the Ecet >y lands of Penelope McDuffie; Sounded on the South by Swamp ands of Mrs. L. J. Fort and by' South side of old mill dam; Bound-] 2d on the West by lands of L. M Rogers or the run of Manoah Branch 1 which is the line between lands of L*. M. Rogers and the lands herein! mortgaged, the same consisting of ( 3eventy Two and two tenths (72.2) acres as will more fully appear by! reference to a plat made by J. M. Johnson, C. E. in June 1911 and be*! Ing the same lands conveyed to Ama , Page bv L. B. Fort." Terms of sale Cash. Purchaser to pay for all papeis and revenue] stamps. Any person bidding off the; caid property and refusing to comply with his bid therefor, said property; will be resold upon the same or some; subsequent salesday at the risk of the formernurchaser. I have just received a large shipment of No. 1 Cypress shingles at prices which prevailed before the war. 1 also carry a stock of Cedar Shingles. If you will see me before buying I will save you money. W. Ellis Bethea, Latta, S. C. I CAPE | Fayetteville, I The Agricuitu Women s Depart Departments wi MORE SPACE h ever before in The Educational I features. THE MIDWAY, consi new and different. FREE ATTRACTIONS juggling and bicycle act; I three big acts; Camp Br< nesday; Big Football Gai singer, will sing with the will give a free outdoor All of the above will a FREE. CAMP BRAGG BAND. Bowley whereby thecelel Major Bowley and his Pc for the occasion. CHILDREN'S DAY.--E is invited to attend the F will be admitted Absolot< Above invitation is als Bring the children est and most entertai PARADE.-Don't mounted men, specti Mammoth Dii REDUCED] Don't forget ti A. B. JORDAN. Master for Dillon Countv. 10 20 3t. CITATION. State of South Carolina. County of Dillon, by Joe Cabell Davis, Probate Judge. Whereas, Jasper Jackson has made suit to me to grant unto him letters rf administration of the estate and effects of Geo. W. Turbeville, d?-J ceased. . These are therefore to cite and ad-1 monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Geo. W. TurbeYille, deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate to be held at Dillon, on Monday, October the 24th at 10 o'clock A. M. after publication hereof, to show cause if any they have why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 12th day ofOctober, Anno Domini, 1921. JOE CABELL DAVIS. Judge of Probate, 10 13 2t. Dillon County. Cypress Shingles. lm? i?ti. FOR ABBRU1ZI RTB 8KB DOXOM FOR 1 Co. Wb. and Mkt. Corporation. Prtoee 10 Per Cent on coet.? cen 10 13 St. Mk1 IThe Diflerei Your Old Ca A New One. Your old car is part is right wh Iturer put it. If it well, the car i seasons yet. But it doesn't one. Of course are freshly pain Now, if your ol a new one, woi hand it to soi what it cost yoi Our Paint and was establishei work demandec nating custom true experts, an modern equipn reputation for < in a fashion thj and lasting sat "Every Job niRRFC MATH 9 uiwuu linvu B CoLUM | DISTk Packard - Paige I FEAR N. C., Oct. 25, 26, 1 re, Live Stock, Poultry ment,Canning Clubs an 11 be a feature withir as been reserved for the history of the Fai and Public Health wo sting of 25 cars of high class fea , consisting of the famous MART! the TWENTIETH CENTURY WC agg Officers' Auto Polo Games oi me on Friday; MISS PEARL WAT i Band; MISS BESSIE MIER, cham exhibition twice daily. ppear in front of the grandstand -Special arrangements have been brated Camp Bragg band of fifty p do Team to the Cape Fear Fair an very white child in Cnmberland at air on Tuesday, Oct. 25th. All u ily Free. o extended to all colored children to the Fair and let them se nine fair ever held in this set fail to see the Big Match icular floats and three Big I splay of Fire Works Ei RATES ON ALL RAI1 he dates, October 25, 26, 2 v 1 HiTT miliiwi By?. It Par t on cost. Dillon Co. Wh. and t. Corp.?10 IS It. 9 - > d| ice Between ir and ? all there. Every lere the manufacyou have treated id 0*nr?H fnr* mar?\r >W vvv* XVI. liiUilJ look like a new not, for new cars ted and trimmed, d car looked like ild you want to nebody for half a? Trim department i to do the fine 1 by our discrimiers. We employ id give them every lent. We have a loing re-finishing at gives complete isf action. is Guaranteed" INFRY fflMPANY iiAiiti win nuu BIA, S. C. UBUTORS ? - and Durant Cars FAIR 27, 28, 1921 r Department, ; + T-* 1 - d Educational I i themselves, exhibits than t r Association. >rk are special iture attractions, all iLLS in their comedy ? >NDER, consisting of n Tuesday and Wed- I SON, a noted soprano ipion lady high diver, r i I i tuauc wuu vienerai lieces will accompany id will furnish music id adjoining counties inder the age of 15 i on Friday, Oct. 28. e the best, cleanztion of the State. less Parade?100 3ands. ach Night. .ROADS. 7, 28, 1921. rn 11