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m MB RIVER BRIDGE PRO*! iter. The Pee Dee Bridge Commission set in Florence Oct. 15th and adjourned sine die with all prospect of I . government aid to a free bridge gone RUmmering. About Feb. 20th the bridge commission by unanimous agreement selected a site 6000 feet above the A. C. L R. R. crossing and made a contract with an engineering company to construct a bridge across the river at about 996,'000.00. The bridge people shipped equipment to Pee Dee and were ready to begin operations.*At this time eur Marion friends saw a blue print of the bridge with a heavy red line following the A. C. L. road bed and indicated a good road via Dillon. As a prominent Marion citizen said to me I a "short cut" R.Tr. line at one time 'left Marion off the main line: so a "short cut" highway might leave them off the map again. It was nowj necessary to find some way to cancel the contract to build the bridge and to open up again the question of a , suitable site. .. r- It was first contended that the relocation of a site was necessary largely on account of expense. Sifted to last analysis it was found that the advocates of crossing at Mars Bluff t ferry figured on a low water bridge with a cement coated road leading - from Pee Dee to the bridge and only a few inches higher than the present road bed. This road has been submerged several times every year and acts as a spill way for flood waters in time of a freshet. The estimate made by government engineers for con. structing this low water bridge agrees very closely with cost estimated by . Florence and Marion counties. This bridge and spill way road in no manner compares with the" high water ^ bridge and fftt planned by government engineers and which could have been completed at about $3 80,000. Of this Urn $190,000 would have been paid by the National government and the .balance by Florence, Marion, Charleston, Dillon and Berkeley counties. This would have been a free bridge and would have had government aid . roads built approaching it. The bridge would have been the means of building up a great artery of travel second to none in South Carolina. A #second vision ruined our bridge contract. Put on a toll charge that will pay the cost of bridge and then help build up the roads of Florence and Marion counties. We have perhaps for a generation lost our chance of being located on a great national highway. Our friends at Cheraw will see that their roa^n and bridge will attract any distance travellers. Citizens of about three counties may pay In tolls enough to pay for the bridge, provided it does not wash away before any considerable amount can be collected. No great thoroughfare can ever be built up with the double handicap of (oils and high water. Dillon d&unty did no, seek nor expect any advantage due to the location of the bridge. Florence has lost her last opportunity of getting on a great highway. An enlightened public can yet cure a great mistake by demanding a bridge at any one of the three locations selected by government engineers. Wade Stackhouse. o PBOfiBAM. Dillon County Baptist Union to be held with Mt. Calvary Baptist Church October 29th and 30th. 1921. Saturday Morning. 10:30?Devotion by F. W. Walters, i 10:46?Enrollment of delegates and reports from cfcurchos 11:16?Doctrinal address by W. H. Simpson. 11:46?Baptist Growth in this Country up to 1919 by W. C. Allen. < 12:16?New Baptist Program Inaugurated in 1919 by A. Finch. 12:40?Baptist Outlook in View of Past Attainm <?n fa arH Proaont Opportunities by J. I. Allen. 1:00?Dinner Hour. i Saturday Afternoon. 2:00?Song Service led by Mt. Calvary Choir. . 2:10?Stewardship by H. C. Dunn. 2:00?B. Y.'P. U. Work by T. L. Ayers. j 2:00?Evangelism: "Everyone Win One." by W. B. Sherwood, j; Sunday Morning. 10:00?Sunday School Hour. 11:00?Sermon by W. B. Sherwood. ? o LOST ? One Hound Dog Near New j bridge below Dillon. Color white pets on side. Spot -t point of ear. Looks something like bird dog. Answers to name "Jack." Liberal reward for information that leads to his recovery. Notify D. D. MeLaurin or W. J. Williams, Rowland, N. C.?10 20 It. Rub-My-Tisra la a powerful antiseptic. Ourea infected cuts, old sore*, Cc.?ft 12 aot. i ?' LOW ROUND TRIP FARES f TO COLUMBIA On Account of the South Carotin* , STATE FAIR. For the above occasion the Atlantic 0 Coast Line will sell round trip tickr etc to Columbia at reduced fares for all trains on October 23rd to 27th, inclusive and for trains scheduled to ar73 rive Columbia by 12.55 noon on Octrj ober 28th, limited returning to reach 1 original starting point prior to mid^ night of October 30, 1921. ] The reduced fares apply from all agency stations on the Atlantic Coast Line and the Columbia, Newberry ft Laurens R. R. in South Carolina, but only where tickets are purchased before boarding tralps. Chlldrens rates I will he half fare. a - For schedules imd further inforMR tton call on \ 't. L. BRIDGERS, Ticket Agt. jf> Dillon, 3. C nSSTMYERS. D. P. A. C. L. K v Charleston, S. C. ?n MLLOir n WANT COLUMN GALVAN11ED ROOFING, UMB CI}ment. We have just received solid carload 1)4" Corrugated and 5Y Crimp Koottng. Also fresh cars Lehigh Portland Cement and Lump and Hydrated Builders Lime. Also caiload very best grade British Columbia Shingles. It will pay you to get our prices on ALL kinds builders supplies before you buy. Beniiett-HedgpeUi Company, Clio, S. C.?1? IS St. SEA FOOD FOR THE NERVES ? Over-worked, want a change? Don't let your troubles bury you! Wash them away in the Breakers at Cherry Grove Beach! Sea Foods. Supper, lodging,, breakfast, dinner only 12.00. Meals or rooms separate. Address N. F. Nixou, Wainpee, S. C.?10 6 4t. We are proud of the confidence doctors, druggists and the public hart in 066 Chill and Fever Tonic. ? 5 la 2?t. 066 Cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, - Bilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe, . or money refunded 5 19 20th. CHOP AND CHATTEL. MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald office.-?3 24. i - .V Jfc CO., The lotrge and Reliable Cotton Factors of Savr.nnah, , -ervice that combines long and successful experience expert salesmanship and financial soundness.?9 1 13t. FARMS FOR SALE IN LEE CO, N. C. We can suit you in size, quality, price and terms. Our soils are productive. Climate and location unsurpassed. Boll weevil unknown. Let us know your wants. Sand Clay Real Estate Co., Sanford, N. C. ? 10 20 2tp. WANTED ? Two or Three Cars of four foot pine wood.'Quote best delivered price. Latta Hardware Co., Latta. S. C.?10 13 2tp. lO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE AND rent on easy terms. Well located, good houses, celled and painted, dally mail on public roads, loamey land, clay subsoil, extra land for cotton and tobacco, also truck, melons and potatoes. Near market and schools. Heme Land Co. J. G. Layton, Dunn, N. C. R3?10 13 3t. GALVANIZED ROOFING, LIME CEment. We-have Just received solid carl00,1 1H " Corrugated and 5V i rmip itoonng. Also fre?b cars Le> high Fortlaiul Cement and Lump and Hydra ted Builders Lime. Also caiload very best grade British Columbia Shingles. It will pay you to get our prices on ALL kinds builders supplies before you buy. Bennet t-Hedgpeth Company, Clio, S. C.?1? 13 3t. ATTENTION' FARMERS: ABRUZZI Rye. There will be a big demand for all the seed rye you can produce this year. Buy your seed now and market your production next fall at a big profit. For sale by Dillon Co. Wh. & Mkt. Corp.?10 13 2t. auh^JCI. All persona are hereby warned against trespassing upon the lands of the undersigned or the estate lands of Mrs. O. C. Hayes. Hunting, fishing, hauling straw or wood or any tresspass of any nature whatsoever is forbidden, and all persons violating this notice will be prosecuted in the courts. 10 13 3tp. O. C. HAYES. FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE" Notiae is hereby given that W. 8. Alford, Administrator Est. of Tommie Jane Alford,, deceased, has this day made application unto me for a final discharge as such guardian and that Saturday the 2 2d day of Oct. 1921, at ten o'clock a. m. at my office has been appointed for the hearing of said petition. JOE CABELL DAVIS, Judge of Probate, Dillon County, S. C. Dillon. S. C.. Sept. 21, 1921 ?9 29 4t. FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Dunk L. Mclnnls, administrator of the estate of William Mclnnls, deceased, has this day made application unto me for a final discharge as such administrator and that Saturday the 22nd day of Oct. 1921, at ten o'clock a m. at my office has been appointed for the hearing of said petition. JOE CABELL DAVIS, Judge of Probate. Dillon County, S. C. Dillon. 3. C., Sept. 21, 1921 ?9 29 4t. . SERVICE tiood Service means ] getting whit yon want - when yon want it, the way yon want it and at a moderate price. We can soon convince you that yon can get good service here. Cars washed $1.00, oiled, doped and washed $2.50. BENNETT * AmtmSmhi Cmw * 3 ?- ' * SL' WAH1? ?COUNTRY PBOPUB TO TRY OUB 75c. MEAL*. PALMBTTO GAFH, NEXT TO HERALD OFFICE?.U. CHOP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to'real estate, mortgagee real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald office.?8 24. Rub-My-Tism Is a great pain killer. Relieves pain and soreness. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Etc.? 5 ia aot. COTTON Shipped to Batty & Co.r The Proficient Cotton Factors of Savannah, Ga., yields satisfaction as is e icienced by the large volume of business entrusted to them. Isn't it to your interest to try them? Do it now and be convinced.?9 1 13t. I _ TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Staf ford's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 "\V ANTED?Cotton Seed in Car Lots for crushers. You get the benefit of latest merket from a large number A# 1 ' * vi 111 aiib wuen you get my price. H. B. Bethea, Dillon, S. C.?9 22. 606 quickly relieves Constipation, biliousness, loss of Appetite and Headaches, due to Torpid Liver. ?5 12 sot, NOTICE?I AM AGENT FOR THE Florence Steam Laundry and will receive and deliver aH laundries as promptly as possible. Palace Market. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stafford's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 -r066 has more imitations than any other Fever Tonic on the market, but no one wants imitations. ? ?5 12 aot. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ? At old Dillon Hotel. For information See J. R. Hatch, Dillon Market.?7 21 tf. * % ill uB liiU llIIla^H ?M r rWH^U! * IS IB <] K t?I 1 III^^^K rrw?;~ - - v. y 'A, THrMDiT NOIUTTKQi QCTOM COTTON?Ample toeUgs eapacity at rtuoubU rttM ud libeial advance* ob consignments In any quantity, for prompt sale or to be held, offered by Batty * Co., The Substantial Cotton Factors cf Savannah, Oa.?9 1 13th. % Tast? tobai c - TO PRODUCE the ciean-imruiiij ''Standard*' Mot* fewer than five impo employed. Nothing granted?nothing left t "Standard" Motor Gj I ' pass five stiff examina! These are; Chemical laboratory tc line itself, to detern purity, stability, nxji etc. Physical laboratory to* der engines, to deternil ignition, rate of coml pressure developmrnt, I formance, etc. La Dynamometer tests in i )T: of engines, to determii W oped, mileage per gal Isn't it lim" , case? ISotice t I ' STANE / nV iml erectors of hlfh gnlt monuments. All work of the beet material and ftflly guaranteed. Prioee reasonable. See us before placing your ordar. Lumberton Marbl? Works. J. M. Floyd. Prop., Lumberton, N. C.?2 24 52t. > ; is a matti cco quality 0 We state it as o that the tobaccos \ field are of fine hence of better taj Other ciourrtfr af-1 t Liggett & ] hesterf CIGARETT of Turkish and Domestic toba * " J i i i ? % Accidental] Made in -ui<] day out equivalent to ^ t'ull-powered rate data on ir Gasoline, no pitting, apart rtant tests are Road teats in is taken for trucks, whici o luck. former findi tsoline has to greater ?jcur ions. fle*lbi adjustment, c Service test* \ 8*8 on the gaso- Company gar ame volatility, containing fr dosion points, and tractors, type of moto drivers are b .<* in one-cylin. e|ona|?_a fai no character of work lustion, rate of aroIln(j perfo limits of per- the haBas of 1 "Anybody's 1 standard makes and then. "? ae power devel- has to be rif Ion, etc. Runs what the pub vnu drained the old oil out he difference tohen'you refill to ARD OIL CO] (New Jersey), WMTKD?To Waqr American Prtoduets Export Corporation stock. Offor 97.00 per oharo. Take otook to your bank aim draw draft with fl stock attached through National Loan & Exchange Bank. Columbia or forward direct-*to us by registered mail. Carolina Commission Ok Company, Columbia.?10 20 ltp. ==rC 4 ' 9 er of ? 9 r * m 9 4 9 9 >ur honest belief ^ lsed in Chester- w r quality (and ^ ?te) than in any ^ he price. V Myers Tobacco Co. ^ ield r I ES " AT kcos?blended 9T ih^" i er 'fiSfi er Ly Good? that Way 2 J & a year's service give see a carbon formation, valve , .m i plug fouling, etc. i representative cars and 1 check the accuracy of J ugs, and determine with acy the factors of acceler- 9" lity, range of carburetor J *tc. under average conditions. vH ages are maintained, each om 30 to 200 cars, trucks * j comprising every known W r-driven equipment. The oth amateurs and profes- . ir general average for this s tescs aeiermme tne all- - , J) rmance of the gasoline in the user. Gas" may be good now, Standard" Motor Gasoline . fht all the time. Thgt |? i!?|S lie expects of it. IaI of your cranh S* ith POLARINE. MPXNY ?* e* t* %