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jgpffiffifflfflBSffiBBaffiffiEHRR 1| r\?i Pi I li| r? Y*J Lis * i eg ffl H * H j oc [ 1? | Hundreds of Ag e a i s E a [ BB ~ [ a i a i a [ ? CO ; m s | Wonderful Agg m s ,ffi ffi ffi . ffl ffi s ffi A Midway that ffl early last spring g tions. ?It has m ffi a ' ffi ffl ffi ffl ffl ;" a ffl ffl Spend a !j friends fi ? in the v |U There ai ffl of, and 1 ffl. . 1 1 Tu [] On Friday, h mitted FREE 01 hmnimmmmmmrBmmni a aBDBDDBBSinDSIIIIDDDDBDBn a mmm ? h. Ion TOBER 1 >ricultural Exhibits, ' County; Scores oi HORSI EVERY DAY / regation of Home-On Compete tor Pur, A GREAT plays the largest Sta r and comes to Dillon tany new features at Fair Come! ( day at the Fair, forget y< rom other sections of the < ray of live stock and crop re hundreds of wonderful 1 the exhibits will be a rev esday, nrmDrn I V/D?fA Children i October 21st, all sc n. presentation of a ce .J * 3 CD Q3 IB CD DD Cfi rxi ran m Q3 CD CD CD IB DEI I 9 CXI DO CE OS SI OS ISi CD S3 CD CD CD KB IB IB I ^ I \ jj u ~ i ~ ^ r/ . . ..... mrnrtnmmmmmfgiXirnmmn aiBSIBflSia H3 cn CD H3 CD CD ED CZJ DC <xi HO HQ Q3 Br BISSiBlOIS Pnnn 18, 19, 20 Typifying the Wonderful I Fine Hogs and Cattle. ???A?? ?? E RACES DURING THE FAIR oned and Foreign-Owns* ses Aggregating $1,500. BIG MIDWAY te fairs. This Midway u with a large assortment c id will be one of the pi Ground. Zome! Come! our troubles and exchange idea: county. See what the other fell diversification. things in Dillon County you nev elation to you. day, Thursday F\ 18, 19, 20, 21. k $ > ? . Admitted Free *.hool children in Dillon i rtificate signed by the tea 33QDCBOH GB?H (SI SI 9B (fi Efi Cfi u?imnammma 3D SI lu IZJ Hrfc i) [99 IS CB DO DO DD LZJ 2) S3 S3 uQ Si SS 9 IffiSSffiBBSSGBGBSBBGBSffig ? m j_ J I ty s i ^ s ' ffl. ? a B B B"^K *- is B B^B m 21 . ! ' . ffl ffl Resources of Our ? v ffl a ffl s si ffl m 9 9 9 9 i Horses that a 9 ? i 9 m * s 9 ? Jas contracted with ? I first class attrac- | easure spots of the ? s s ffl ffl ffl ffi m m s with your JU ow is doing 9 m s -a er dreamed ? BB ffi m ? ? riday, | - BB m. $ ffl ffl BB 4 SJ County will be ad- ? cher. a ..............I stzicBtzitsaisjtsmtfitEtstSitSiSiisx ij . wm m