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ff * l ^ / un mm? j ? WmU| CMtoa Letter by Serannah 1 V Ootton Factorage Co. ' The much talked of glnners and ' condition reports as of September 2(th were published yesterday, the . former at 10 A. M. and the latter at ] 11 A. M. The trade had been expectJ Ihg a large glnners' (3,000,000 bales or more) and a low condition (39 to 40.) It was predicted by some that cotton would decline when the ginning figures were announced, and would .advance when the condition report came out. But this prediction was reversed. The market advanced 1-3 8c. when the ginning figures proved to be below 3.000.000 bales, and there was a break of 195 points an hour later when the condition was glruh as 42.2. Trade and investment buying set in on. the break and the market advances again, closing verv steady at a net advance of 25 to 44 points. The total number of bales ginned to September 25th was 2,907,950, Indicating a crop of 6.537000 bales and an average yield of 118 lbs. per acre. Picking is about over in the Southern half of the belt, and very little cotton remains to be ginned except in the northern portion. Statistics for the last week in September showed: - Spinners takings for the week 249,000-bales against 123,000 bales in 1020. Spinners takings since August 1st showed an increase of 723,000 bales as compared with 1920. 4 Exports thus far this season exceed those of 1920 by 460,000 bales, of ah"tnerease of more than 100 per cent. ~ "'"With these facts before us we feel Justified in advising owners of cottbn to'bontinue selling very slowly or to liold for higher prices. ? . ? MnomDAv STATiKS \OW . JJOC91.KM/4. TJlemsQn Qollege, Oct. 10 ? The early- fall destruction of cotton stalks Is the*most Important single step tn any tight against the .cotton boll weevH.iS? says Prof. A. F. Conradi, entomologist, who adds that it , has beeen trhown time and again in prac,tlce atad by experiments that the most farontble conditions for the boll weeVil to pass the winter successfully are found In those fields in which tH?e*QOttl>n stalks, together with grass peeds. fallen leaves and other raff use jyfe' lefjt undisturbed until nearly time to plant the' following season. On ^pch: fields the greatest number of weevils will survive and every farmer should ask himself the question. "Will J permit my farm to be a winter, hotel for the pest?" In other words, will the farmer choose to destroy the weevil this fall or have the weeveil destroy his cotton next season? The earlier the stalks are destroyed the fewer weevils will survive tne winter, in rested fields it is- common to find weevils at the rate of five thousand to twenty-five thousand per acre at the time of first frost. It is a well known fact that the weevils developing late in the fall are the ones most likely to survive the winter, as they are not worn otit by'iong flights and the rearing of thfe ybung as are the older weevils. For this reason, development of weevils in late fall must be prevented as the first step in making the next cotton .prop. Therefore, we should start now a cleaning campaign such as South Carolina has never before witnessed. The boll weevil is a pest with a terrible amount of fight, and to meet this situation our farmers must develop the best fighting spirit of which they are capable. '<5hriy stalk destruction and clean t?r&W& with cover crops, constitute the most powerful gun that can be used "against the pest at this time. falVaJnvjer method of cleaning is employed,'one thing is certain: The weevifs winter hotels must be destroyed In the words of General Neville.'j>ef ore Verdun, "they shall not pass." o Dillon Boy Preaches to Ciypies. ?. ?. C. F. Norman of Lake View, now a student' at The Moody Bible Institute ?f Chicago, is one of a grout .o4: students who are conducting re ttgloup. services each Sunday raorninf 4n a?4iipHy.,camp at Berwyn, 111. Thii oapip. which is located about twelvi miles from Chicago, is one of the lar jtCS| gAS"ey camps in the United States The^nnday morning services are of -ten attended by audiences of 150 anc professed conversions are frequent. > ' ? o TWICE PROVEN. If you suffer backache, sleeplesi nights, tired, dull days and dlstresslni urinary disorders don't experiment JRead this twice-told testimony. It'i JDillon evidence?doubly proven. Mrs,.Penie Edwards, 3rd Ave., says -y y kidneys were out of order ant flay back pained land ached in th reglpn. of my kidneys. I tired easil; and waa sore and lame in the morn in*. I also had headaches and spelli of dissiness. My kidneys acted lrre gularly and annoyed me very much Friends recommended Doan's Kidne; Pills and I bought a supply at thi Evins Pharmacy. They soon relieve* the symptoms of my trouble and reg ilateVl the action of my kidneys." Over Four Years Later Mrs. Ed ^rards added: "Everytime I hear any one complain of kidney trouble I ad wise them to use Doan's Kidney Pills I still use them whenever a slight at tack af bay former trouble comes 01 and Doan's always quickly relieve me I am glad to confirm my recommen dation of 1914." 60c. at all dealers. Foster- Milbun Co., Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y.?10 13 II WANT COLUMN < GALVANIZED ROOFING, LIME CEment. We have Just received solid carload I V4 " Corrugated and 5Y, Crimp Koottn|. Also fresh cars JLehigh Portland Cement and Lump and Hjdmted BulMers Lime. Also cni<load very best grade British Columbia Shingles. It will pay you to get our prices on ALL kinds builuers supplies before you buy. Bennett-Hedgpeth Company, Clio, S. C. lO 18 St. LOST ? Thursday morning in Eastern suburbs on old Marion-Dillon public road bundle containing navy blanket, comb and brush and underwear. Reward for return to W. Murehison.?10 6. SEA FOOD FOR THE NERVES ? Over-worked, want a change? Don't let your troubles bury you! Wash them nwav In fho Brooiror. at Cherry Grove'Beach! Sea Foods. Supper, lodging, breakfast, dinner only >2.00. Meals or rooms separate. Address N. F. Nixon, Warnpee, S. C.?10 6 4t. We are proud ?f the confidence doctors, druggist* and the public hart in OM Chill and Fever Tonic. ? s ia aot. 066 Cares Malaria, Chills and Fever, _ Bilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe, or money refunded.?6 18 20th. CROP AJTD CHATTEL, MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. dATTKY & CO., Tho targe and Reliable Cotton Factors of Savannah, in. offer a service that combines long and successful experience expert salesmanship and financial soundness.?9 1 13t. Rub-My-Tism is a powerful antiseptic. Cures infected cuts, old sores, etc 5 19 20t. WANTED ? Two or Three Cars of four foot pine wood.'Quote best delivered price. Latta Hardware Co., Latta. S. C.?10 13 2tp. lO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE AND rent on easy terms. Well located, good houses, ceiled and painted, daily mail on public roads, loamey land, clay subsoil, extra land for cotton and tobacco, also truck, melons and potatoes. Near market and schools. Home Land Co. J. G. Liayion, uunn, IN. <J. K3 10 13 3t. IF YOUR AMERICAN PRODUCTS Export and Import Corporation stock is for sale we can handle it for you at 70 per cent of its face value. We think this stock is valuable as an investment and advise you to keep it but if you must sell we will be glad to hear from you. Manning & Shine, Latta, S. C. ? 10 6 2t. FOR SAIiE?One Shetland pony, 0 years old. Perfectly gentle, in good condition. Also rubber tire buggy for best offer. M. H. McDonald, Dillon. S. C. R. F. D. 4.?10 6 2tp. NOTICE. Patrons of Carolina District No. 2 will take notice that beginning October 31st the compulsory school atj tendance law will be enforced and all ;children between the ages of seven and fourteen-*will be required to attend school of the parents or guardians will be held responsible. D. L. Mclnis, D. B. Mclnnis. J. C. Bennett, 10 6 2tp. Trustees. FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE^ Notice is hereby given that W. S. Alford, Administrator Est. of Tommie Jane Alford,, deceased, has this day made application unto me for a final : discharge as such guardian an<i that Saturday the 22d day of Oct. 19 21, at ten o'clock a. m. at my office has been appointed for the hearing of said petition. JOE CABELL DAVI?, Judge of Probate, Dillon County, S. C. Dillon, S< C., Sept. 21, 1921 ?9 29 4t. ! FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE. ' Notice is hereby given that Dunk '|L. Mclnnis, administrator of the es'itate of William Mclnnis, deceased, ' has this day made application unto ' me for a final discharge as such ad1 ministrator and that Saturday the 22nd day of Oct. 1921, at ten o'clock a. m. at my office has been appointed for the hearing of said petition. JOE CABELL DAVIS, Judge of Probate, 9 Dillon County, S. C. 5 Dillon, S. C? Sept. 21, 1921 ?9 29 4t. i SERVICE I Good Strvice means getting what jon want when you want it, the way yon want it and [' at a moderate price, i We can soon convince yon that yon can get good service here. Cars washed $1.00, oiled, doped and washi ed $2.50. BENNETT ot M*?r? Auto Safe. Co. a ' ?* # / WANTED ?OOUR1BT PBOPLB VO TRY OUR Tie. URALS. PALMETTO OAKS, SKXT TO HEMIJ) OFFICE?.tf. CROP AND CHATTEL MORTG AQEtf ! titles to reel estate, mortgages real estate, bills ot sale, planters contracts. rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at Th? Herald office.?2 24. Rub-My-Tism is a great pain killer. Relieves pain and soreness. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Etc.? 5 19 90t. ^ . COTTON Skipped to Batty A Co., The Proficient Cotton Factors of Savannah, Ga., yields-satisfaction as is evidenced by the large volume of business entrusted to them. Isn't it .to your interest to try them7 Do it now and be convinced.?9 1 ISt. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stafford's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 WANTED?Cotton Seed in Cat Lots for crushers. You get the benefit of lamsi nrarset rrom a large number of mills when you get my price. H. B. Bethea. Dillon, S. C.?9 28. 066 quickly relieves Constipation, biliousness, loss of Appetite and Headaches, due to Torpid Ijlver. ?5 la aot. NOTICE?I AM AGENT FOR THE Florence Steam Laundry and will receive and deliver all laundries as promptly as possible. Palace Marl?aA aoii TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stafford's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 064 has more imitations than any other Fever Tonic on the market, but no one wants Imitations. ? 5 ia aot. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ? At old Dillon Hotel. For information See J. R. Hatch, Dillon Market.?7 21 tf. . The Sour* is not Alw YOU do not lool gasoline tank 1 cause of engine far you mi^t J i! l) Automobile ncLor good, stcaJy diet c gasoline. If the die net varies bc:au:o < qualities of the cm which it is refined, line is one-sided, field produces peti in certain propertic ing in others. The Standard Oil (New Jersey) has numerous motor ti much gasoline was STANI ' . V OOOC0A, I Ml I Mil I, MOMDK K L-" COTTON?Ample aloMfe eaptdtj at reasonable rates and liberal ad anceg on consignments in any quantity* tor prompt sale or to be held, offered by Batty it Co., The Substantial Cotton Factors ct Savannah, Oa.?9 1 13th. I Taste tobac r ce of Motor ays Under I l into your veloping a n to find the not only pr oubles, but but is the sa kierc# ?to the last 3 require a and whenev< if balanced starts the ir tilled prod- burns up clc )f changing exceptional ] de oil from , your gaso- e have nei Every oil for our pre oleum rich could not pi '8, but lack- We recommc tankful of " 1 Company Gasoline and eliminated trial. You w oubles and advantages tage by de- balanced gat >ARD OIL COM (New Jersey) 4 ? - ? ^ F II I Ml 1 ,1 I < ? ? IS B?g? GASH FOR fOVR OLD CARS. Used parts tor all makes of ears at bargain prices. Wire wheal and rim sales and service for all-cars. We carry complete stock of wheel and rim parts. Wire wheels rebuilt Columbia Vulcanising and Truck Co., Columbia, 8. Cr?? It 4t. I a is a matte 5CO quality V T*r_ _ yv c sacc re as ou that the tobaccos us field are of finer hence of better tast other cigarette at th Liggett 6c M hesterfi CI6ARETT1 of Turkish and Domestic tobac [ 1 > i' ! ( (*j*U HMToB^B^P^vr^Vv^Mf^&P I 1\ ^.J ^7 ZS^s^T . jfy^A Trouble the Hood A aotor fuel wriieli i i / operly balanced, ime day after day ^ ounce?wherever er you buy it. ii kjfi lotor in a hurry, Si a nly, and delivers Sjffif pulling power. Iv fer claimed merits ducts which you 19 rove for yourself. qfL ;nd that you get a Cm? Standard" Motor 'jLjj I give it a thorough 12 ~ ill quickly note the Jm |j of a completely jjM^A PANY lif % -? iv ' A S K Al v ^ afsnpaeeaaMnn MOSnOKTS-V* are UIHl ?d . erectors of hi(b gni? moumota. All work of the boot material an* fully guaranteed. Prices reasonable. See ua before placing your order. Lumberton HarbU Works, J. H. Floyd, Prop., tiumberton, N. C.?2 24 52t. - ? 1 ;r of V ? * - N r honest belief ed in Chesterquality (and e) than in any e price. [yen Tobacco Co. ield ES cos?blended i W ~ 1HP; j