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vmb^kw ~9 'tfww " 1 Bob 01iT?r and J.' L. McLaurln visited Pleasant Hill Sunday. J. W. Rowland visited Clio Wed-I neaday on business. Mesdames Walker Floyd and Paul Deaton spent Tuesday 'in Florence. r. ?U(j jars, w. Murcnison spent Wednesday'in Colombia. J. W. Robertson spent Tuesday in Columbia. Miss Ella Gaddy of Caddy's Mill spent Monday in town.' , Mark Jones of Rocky Mount, N. C., was a visitor in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Bethea of Tatum were in town Monday. Get the Lyceum habit; buy your tickets^or the season?now on sale. Miss Julia Rumph spent Sunday in Florence. Truman Smith irf visiting friends in Asheville, N. C. A. B. Welch and E. C. Stanton spent ^Thursday in Fayettevllle. ' A. V. Bethea spent a few days in North Carolina last week. L. Cottingham spent Monday in Columbia. o If 1 T 1 TT..S- * ? miso Liuuise nun speni tne weeK enr in Darlington. Miss Edith Elliott, who is teaching in Fayetteville, spent the week end at home. Mrs. T. W. Berry and daughters of ^ Latta were shopping here on TuesWday' Misses Columbia Rowland and Marlon Easterling spent the week end at Hasty, N. C., with friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McCallum and their nephew, Jack Hunter, motored to Clio Friday afternoon. ~u? ^ Miss Maye Johnson of Lake View spent the week end in town with her sister. Miss Florlde Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Bethea of Hamlet, N. C., spent a few days in town this week. Mesdames J. M. Sprunt and Jno. C. Bethea motored to Bennettsville Tuesday on a shopping trip. WfflfflfflfflfflBSSElS IA Yl | We wil ~ either of 01 ffl si m s B ffl JL-J \ ffl ffl ffl L - 1 Full o 121 f ? I - g ffi ? FAIR VIS ffi g CHEERFl g OUR IDE m I m WEAR and usi | ? satisfaction wit ffi I BL IS ffl W ^ ffl i II a it ? 4 ffifflfflfflfflfflfflfifflfflt I % # I ance will greet and welcome th 1 teachers to our midst. with Mm. LeRoy Williams. Winston Bllssard of Law ton, Oklahoma, is at home on a furlough. He made part of the trip in an aeroplane. Dr. E. 'J. Price of Monroe, N. C., is spending some time in town this week. Miss Esther Maynus of Rowland spent Tuesday with friends near town. Norw&rd Richards of Richards. N. C., was a business visitor to our town Tuesday. Mrs. Bessie Rawls of Lykesland. S. C.f is visiting her 'mother, Mrs. Charity Lane. ?? Mrs. Ruth Sellers of Birmingham, Ala., is visiting her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Wade Stackhouse. ^ Messrs. L. G. Miller and E. P. Smith of Lake View were among the visitors here Monday. Mr. C. F. Powers who was called to Birmingham on account cf the illness of his wife is at home again. Miss Bledsoe of Greenwood has accepted a position with the Carolina Milling Co. "Cutie" Jordan of the State Highway Department who made the survey for the county roads, spent the week end in town with friends. Miss Sallie DuBoIse returned from McLeods Infirmary Tuesday where she has been for treatment for the past ten days. Mrs. J. W. Robertson reformed home Wednesday night from Asheville, N. C., whe^e she spent the summer. J. W. Creasev, who has been on the northern racing circuits during the summer is In town for the fair, next week ' All who enjoy genuine music must hear the Hawaiian singers and playera at the Auditorium Monday evening. Lee Hayes, a former Dillon boy, was married in Richmond, Va., on the 5th to a Miss Warren. Mr. Hayes is connected with an automobile tire concern. Mr. B. F. Gasque has returned from Columbia where he attended an executive committee meeting of the Slate Adult Blind Association, Mr. .Gasque being a'member of the com|mittee. iaaaaaaaa?Es tEE T '/ give a tree ti ir stores durir STORES: LUM 1 t goods fresh t\ We can unc ITORS, To you v JL SERVICE, and A OF SERVICE i s that the market h every purchase. UM & DI1 D CD (ZIQQ CD (23 CD (23 (23 (23 (23 I fi in mi mi mi mi mi mi m mi mi | ic! rained through wide ana vanea ?. Iperience. His regiment ot englneei / little dkvghtw of Roviand were the week end guests and Mr. and Mrs. T. Li. Manning. 1 Weatherly Betljea of Clio was In town assisting Capt. Jack Henagan In drilling the National Guard on Tues-| day evening. The young men are. showing a decided improvement in their method of going through the ! manual of arms. Messrs. Henry and Walker Bethea spent several days last week in Harnett county, N. C., studying agricultural conditions. They have rented lands in that county and will plant a large acreage in cotton next year. The boll weevil has not made its appearance in Harnett and the Messrs. Be- , thea count on making a big crop next | year. } All Confederate veterans and the i kinsmen of Confederate veterans who j contemplate going to the Reunion will 1 have to secure a certificate from i Commander W. B. Allen in order to \ get reduced rates on the railroads. t The reduced rates are limited to veterans and members of their families. Mr. Allen is ready to issue certificates to all applicants who may be ( entitled to them. o First Lyceum Number Monday Night ( The Piedmont Lyceum- Bureau ] opens the season at Dillon Monday | mgni, ucioDer lttn, wttn the "Hi- ^ waiian Singers and Players." a quartet of native Hiwailans which pre- : Rents an attractive and specially arranged program for Lyceum audiences. Tickets are on sale at the usual places. This is a very fine attraction and will no doubt draw a largo crowd. o Reception at Mrs. E. L. Moore's. On Friday evening the High Sehoo' faculty was complimented with a reception under the auspices of the ImIprovement Club at the residence of Mrs E. L. Moore. A feature of the charming event was the lack of formality and the occasion was the usual pleasant outcome of the many social affairs with Mrs. Moore as hostess. Receiving with Mrs. Moore was Mrs. C. L. Wheeler and the guests were ushered to the receiving line by Mrs. A. C. Rogers and presented by Mrs. W. A. Blizzard. In the line were Mrs. L. C. Braddy. President of the Improvement Club, I Prof, and Mrs. McNairy, Prof. Mc|Farland, Mrs. Walker, Misses Vash.tle George, Isla McKenzie, Ruth Allen and Annie Johnson. In the back of the spacious hall and in the dining room delicious fruit punch was served from prettily apjpointed tables during the evening by El 13131313 S1313131313 E cket to the Fait n ? ig rair ween. Dillon, Tatum, Lai ? KO "HE NE\ rnm r v?f ft bfKV f ftMIIUI U lersell and still \ trho want the most unquestionably got is to supply you w affords; to give ] r ko THE. NEV LLON, SOU1 23 SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI rJlution of the problem. Hk dim^Snhw. Mary Bethea anu Marguerite Elliot' Mrs. Wade Stackhoiise, Mrs. f Dunbar and Mrs. Wm. M. Murchia of the Club assisted in entertaining. Mrs. J. R. Watson was assisted in the musical program by Mrs. J. E. Diebler, Mrs. W. C. Moore, Misses Effle Ramsey, Thelma Hamilton and Misses Eula and Beulah Braddy. Miss Sarah Barlow's recitation was especially enjoyed, and the event was one of the series of pleasant receptions given yearly In honor of the teachers. o HA YNES-DAVID. Taking their friends by surprise Miss Alice Haynes and Mr. WilDavid drove over to Marion Monday night and were married by Judge of Frobate Hamer. The bride, who is a native of Michigan, was formerly a tiained nurse at the Florence Infirmary, but has been located in Dillon for the past year. The groom is bookkeeper for J. W. Dillon & Son. Mr. and Mrs. David will be at home to Lhelr friends at the residence of Mrs. Annie Bransford. o D. A. R. frlEETIN?. The members of the Rebecca Picken's Chapter. D. A R h*?ln their rtn. tober meeting with Mrs. F. L. Bethea at her lovely home near Dillon :>n Tuesday afternoon. After the pleasant drive through the country the members assembled at 4 o'clock and t*ie nieeting was called to order by the Regent, Mrs. L. It. Craig. Mrs. McNalry who is a member of thoj Mary Adair Chapter, Chester, was a visitor and gave an interesting talk about the work of their chapter. Mrs. A. C. Rogers was elected a delegate to the County Federation ?t Lake View Saturday, with Mrs. J.j Karle Bethea as alternate. Delegates ( to the State Federation in Charleston were elected as follows: Mrs. J. R. Watson, with Mrs. T. W. Bethea, alternate. After the business session a delicious fruit salad course with j coffee was served by the hostess, as-1 slsted by her little daughter. Into-! gene, and Mrs. T B. Thompson. Other members of the refreshment committfco nnnhlo in Kn ^ Mrs. F. L. Sitton and Miss Ruth Allen. The meeting was very much enjoyed by those fortunate enough to be present. GALVANIZED ROOFING, IjIMK CEment. We luive just received solid ourlon,i 1 ?4 " Corrugate<b and 5V Crimp Roofing. Also fresh ears Ia?liigli Portland Cement and l.unip and HydnUed Builders Ijime. Also enrtond very best grade British Columbia Shingles. It will pay you to get our prices on ALL kinds builders supplies before you buy. Bennett-Hedgpeth Company, Clio, S. C.?11) 13 St. 8 HI (?1 ? ?) IS H ? H IS ? ' TO f A Vf * to every persi tta, Cheraw, Lake RNBLl V STOR icturers, bough make our t for your money, >d merchandise, m ith the very besl ^ou full value for RNBL V STORE ["H CAROLI asfflfflfflBflSfflfflffli (Continued on rage ruur.j ) J olCB Dix. *AJ& kt. Corporation, ent on c6?t.~? FOR S 25 Hereforc Cows with (sucklings). Nineteen hi lars f. o. b. 1 Zellobee Stock Buena Vi PLAYHOUSE & bennettsville. s. c. THE PLAY AND BOOK SE PHILIP KLEIN PRESENTS BROCK 1 7f,||| Oil r'C dram atizatlol lUNA UALt u widely-read n M3 v&m EMMA J BUNTING i AND A DISTINGUISH * 7 MONTHS AT REEMONT * i * The Pulitzer Columbia Uni- * * ver9itv Prize Play of 1920- * * THEATRE, NEW YORK * * 1921. PRICES SOo. to #2.00. SEATS AT I mnsirsnrsinsiriirsiriirsiriim! IVEF 3/i trading $10 View. UT, In .E m m m m if at declining p 'mate profit. will do well to sho lake fast friends f< t things in LADIE! your money, and to UT, I NA fifflfflfflfflsifflBBaaasiii |V/.; FOR SALE- I Rft fl cent on cost. Dillon Co. Wb. nn? 9 I SALE I I 1 4 year-old ^ 25 Calves indred dollere. & Seed Farms ista, Ga. t I1I10N.0C1.I7 NSATION OF THE YEAR PEMBERTON'S PRODUCTION OF ED HROADWAY CAST I MK9 * I ran personally guarantee * * this as one of the best high * * class attractions ever seen * * in Bennettsville. * J. W. TYSON, Mf?r. ' CROSL.AND &* TYSON'S NOW. SSiSaaaaaaaa a or more at a a a a a ? a a L* '' F I LJ a * ! ] rices. ^ a a B m p with us. g >r US. g 5' AND MEN'S | > guarantee you ? 121 SI ?? s nc., I 7 ? a 19 a 19 s aaaaaaaaaal i ?