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f ffi ? H I h ^ 1 i ffl 03 m = . ? And the balance in ffl if these liberal ten m H The Detroit Va s that / am doing ihi ? buy one. I can at s once the Detroit V m TO _ n m.r m 1NO smut?N? s ? JHESH a ? Ifii a HippfP^ ( ' 1 P| lJWB ? MlirTMT'lFTI *jCh i 1"i W V H m" u ? k jngjJ S\ >v gj Detroit Vapor Oil Stove si | Read what the 1 * SI Mr W' A' Bllzzard' Dillon, S. C., ~j Dear Sir:? 1 ? I have been using the Red Star Detroit Vaj SI four years and they are still in perfect conditio SI away with my wood stove and use the Detroit ffl I couldn't get another. . ffl ffl nn Dear Sirs:?It gives me pleasure to recomm _ and hsa given perfect satisfaction. Uses less ol ffl Tours tr ffl ffl ffl W. A. Bllzsard, Dillon, S. C. rxi Dear Sir:?-I take pleasure in saying that 1 m about two and a half years, and It gives uc the v< for cooking. Uses less oil than any other make ffl Yours very tr ffl j|j Better get one out of this can fw. A. fflSfflSfflfflfflfflSSffl HE cmmmmmmmmmmrnmrimmmmi D in mi jmj rm mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mn in mm mi | 5~~pi Detro I- V 111 1U t monthly payments $i ns do not suit your pockt por Oil Stove should he i 2 housewife a real good, ford to offer these stoves apor Oil Stove goes into, > Dirt No Wood b Clean, healthy, sanitary. 1 White walls stay white when K you use the Detroit Vapor P Oil Stove. Fuel is always handy, and cold, rainy days have no terrors for the housewife. A good all-theyear-round stove which makes cooking equally as delightful in summer as in winter. 'A users of Detroits say: >or Oil Stove and Heater also water heater for the past in. I find them the best on the market. I have done entirely and would not take twice what I paid for it if Very truly, Mrs. John E. Diebler. - tend Red Star D. V. O. Stove. Have used one two years 1 than any other I've used and no expense in up keep, uly, Mrs. J. D. Hargrove. Dillon. S. C.. Sept. 26th, 1921. [ have used a Red Star Detroit Vapor Oil Stove for >ry host serviee, and we use nothing else the year round s of stoves and absolutely no cost in upkeep, uly, J. C. Haety. vhile they last as the offer will be withdi BLIZZARI gmmmmmmmmmmmmtcmmfilB EJtsistaratsisicatsisjtsmtsiiBixjQDisitx SMMMY' MMMDM? MMBMNM M, IMA ???? I- 1 mmmmmmonimxinil IS IS IS IS IS IS IS wiifiiyiifiifiifiipiiiByiiimmgimmmn v \ ? ST ARM it Vapor C| Stove Um ur Home to > until the amount is pai ttbook, come and tell m n every home in Dillon downright service whet on such liberal terms b your home it will never The Remarkabi Will enable every woman in Detroit Vapor Oil Stove. $? be made with the saving in f your stove is paid for and cos a lifetime and tfive von inst : O / J"ww ' 1 years from now as the day yo THIS OFFER IS LIMITED \ Come right away and let u roit Vapor Oil Stove works ar payment plan. I will convince you with facts and figures that tgi you are making real 3* money when you buy the Detroit on the easy payment plan. ? Mr. W. A. Bllxsard, Dillon, 8. C.. Dear Sir:?I have been using the Red Star Detroit have found it so satisfactory that I have done away wltl ively. It la the best for baking that I have ever used and sut one for anything. I consider a big part of the dru< Red 8tar Vapor Oil Stove. I also *use one of your ked I tory. / Tours truly, rawn when this car is sold. Come right X - Dill I en CD IB CD MOD EB CD SI SI SI SJ SJ o3 SJ SJ S ", .i -u c?x.-. ajujujii.LijLi.uu sT^ P ' hiBHRH^SI IBgl^i^SlLP--^ ffl K9BSIKMB?H| ffl HHH|H PH^Shmb s-' I vi ffl>: I JH ffl BSBBS^ a BE ' ?K9?? 1 nit VaporjOil StoVa gg. ffl i 1 ? Id in full. But even a " e what you can do, j|; County,and I feel ? 11 induce hubby to ? ecause I know that si come out again. | e Club Plan J? : ( H r ' < r [ Dillon County to own a ? > a month payments can uel, and in a few months jg its you nothing. Will last IS is good servicp twenty ? >u put it in your kitchen. ? rO A SHORT WHILE ffl is show you how the De- j|J id explain to you the easy gj s Dillon, 8. C.. Sept. J?th. 1921. ? BB Vapor Oil Store for the peat four yeare, and ? i my wood store and use the Red Star exclus- Ua is so rery economloa Ithat I would not be with- m Igery of cooking reasored by installing of the ry? Star Water heaters, which is perfectly satlsfacffl r Mrs. W. V. Jones. H? : a/ along today delays are costly jg Olle S. C. i 6B i ixsx1 en rn m mm mrnmmmfn mm IEDGE DD B1 IB BDH3 IB 190 QD QB CD CD 0D0D