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*&CE^MBAN8 Xggfc fa PROFIT. SfeMon Look For i Matt?' Prloaa m the Bcmor \ AdfMCM. F^fnston, Sept. 11?Between $200,. |v and $260,000 la estimated to \ Ire been paid out to local tobacco .powers during the first four days of ne new sales season. Tl\e sum was probably nearer the^, quarter million ~>xnark. Breaks during tbc opening days \ggregated between 1,300,000 and 1,AOo.OOO pounds, according to lndlvikdual warehouse reports. Much of the - ^tobacco sold, possibly the bulk of it, was of inferior quality. Tobacconists in this vldinlty look fnr grni^MolW -I- ? 1 ? - w* wu uuli/ *UUl COOIU5 y 1 ItCH ftB a' result of the apparent policy of the J growers la withholding their bestj weed from the market for the pres^ eat. The general quality of the crop is fair. Better crops have been made throughout the region, but in some localities some superb tobacco has been grown. Local growers will make a reasonable profit on 15 cent tobacco, cony servatlve observers bellre. As a matj tec of fact the crop will probably V bring an average above that price. \ There has been no "bulling". of the / local market, say members of the Tobacco- Board of Trade. The administration of that organisation is conservative. an# 50good cigarettes for 10c from one sack of GENUINE * "Bull" DURHAM TOBACCO We want you to have the beat paper for "BULL." So now you oan receive V with eaoh package a book of 24 loaves of TOUfethe very finest oigarette paper in the world. H K Suffer? Sd li^l Wonders for Me," Kl Declares Has Lady. J, [^2 "I suffefjd for a long time with womanly weakP^| ness," says Mrs. J. R KS' ran Simpson, of 57 Spruce mri Kl SL, Asherflle, N. C. "I finally got to the place where it was an efiort for fj| me to go. 1 would have a bearing-down pains In my ride and back ? es- K4| Specially severe across my back, sad down In my side there was a great afl deal ol soreness. I was oenrons aad easily lp9" TAM B r.ARnm VI lllft# w Hie Woman's Tome SW1 heard of Cardui and decided to use it," contioues Mrs. Simpson. "1 ^ saw shortly it was benefiling me, so I kept it up and it did wooders for KjM me. And since then I |^| ghave been glad to praise CardttL It is the best KM woman's tonic made/* 4 Jj Weak women need a iJdB tonic. Thousands and a thousands, like Mrs. Kt Simpson, have found pAMLJ jJ ?! a ? aflt * '* Uutiui or Deocnx ttrtnetn. WK/fTA C?Mfcr?rt?m. ? ? All 0 L * ** o ' * ? * THE MLLOj NOTICE. All who Intend showing cows or hogs at the Dillon County Fair will please notify 3. W. Epps. County Agent, so the cows can be tested for tuberculosis and the hogs inoculated against Hog Cholera. This work will hare to be attended to before October 10th, so please attend to this at once. JNO. C. BETHEA, 9 23 3t. Secretary. Statement of the Condition of THE BANK OF LATTA. Latta, S. C. ac the close of business Sept. 6, 1921 Resources: Lioans and discounts $359,813.91 Overdrafts 8,689.71 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank 2,800.00 Furniture and fixtures 2,384.75 Banking house 5,000.00 Due from banks and bank ers 15,857.43 Currency 3.489.00 Gold 40.00 Silver and other minor coin 570.39 Checks and cash items 3.168.61 Total $401,813.80 Liabilities: Capital stock paid in $ 35,000.00 Surplus fund 15,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 3,054.34 Individual deposits subject to checks 141,240.38 Time certificates of deposit 96,480.97 I vXai i v Hi % I ?HUUNT, SOUTH CAW Cashier's checks 1,038.11' Bills parable. Including certificates for money borrowed 110.000.00 Total $401,813.80 State of South Carolina. County of Dillon, bs:? Before me came M. M. Sellers, cashier of the above named bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the. books of said bank. M. M. Sellers. | Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of September, 1921. Deans Crumpler, Notary Public Correct Attest: ? D. B. Shine, A. M. Finklea W. H. Smith. Directors. Statement of the Condition of THE BANK OF FORK Fork, S. C. at the close of business Sept. 6. 1921 Resources: Loans and discounts $ 10,755.14 Overdrafts 14.59 Furniture and fixtures 2,588.50 Due from banks and bankers 4,819.20 Currency ' 467.00 Silver and other ~minor coin ^ 204.84 Checks and cash items 92.35 Net loss 178.46 Total $ 19,120.08 Liabilities: Capital stock paid in $ 8,725.00 Individual deposits, sub- i PAC The Packard day? The pri the skill dev< patiently de1 twenty years, car pays bac care and exp< facture. Th< Single-Six, an than 4,000 o\ ness of the Single-Six toi It is now $29 YOU CAN SAFELY EXf OF 17 MILES OR BE BETTER TO THE GAl PACKARD MO Roge ask the i jp^pppp a Marj t ~t-.? ?>?? HI I HP > * XiMi. nH7BHOAT MORNING. SKI I Ject to check 8,270.08 Time certificates of deposit T 2,125.00 Total $ 19,120.08 ' State of South Carolina. Coanty of Dillon, ss: ? Before me came L. M. Rogers. President of the above named bank, who. being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bauk. L. M Rogers Sworn to and subscribe^ before me this 14th day of September, 1921. M. E. Carmichael, Notary Public. Correct Attest:? i F. Rogers, Z. Edwards, 1 D. N. Jones, Directors. Statement of Condition of the FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK j Latta, S. C. at me close of business Sept. 6, 1921 Resources: Loans and discounts $507,391.74 Overdrafts 8.129.85 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank ' 19.000.00 Due from banks and bankers 41,067.28 < Currency 3,465.00 Gold _ 25.00 1 Silver and other minor I1 coin 1.975.68 1 Checks and cash items 17,435.26 * ] Total $598,489.81 liabilities: < Undivided profits. less < current expenses and ! HBM3BMOE :k/ Single-Six was nciples underlyi )ted to its consi ^eloped throug Every mile y k to you the I srience that go i i remarkable s Ld the enthusias vners, rest solid! ? ? 11 car. originally iring car was pri >75, f. o. b. Detr< ECT FROM THE PACKARD SINGLE S TTER TO THE GALLON OF GASC XON OF OIL, AND 15,000 MILES O TOR CAR COMPi rs Motors Coi DILLON, S. C. man who 53E55555 N TKMBER 9S, 19S1 taxes paid 13. 30-57 . Due to banks an<i bankers 74,556.74 ' Individual deposits sub- .< Ject to cbeck 309,402.35 Time certificates of deposit 178,712.13: Cashier's checks 2,188.02' Bills payable, including certificates for money borrowed -- 20,000.00.< Total $598,489.81 'l State of South Carolina. County of Dillon, ss: ? Before me came H A. Bethea.l President of the above named bank I .who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is ua true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. '< H. A Beth?ja. ] Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of Sept 1921. I Notary Public. ! Correct Attest: D. M. Dew. J. C. Davis. L. D Lide. 'i Directors. Statement of the Condition of !< THE BANK OF IJTTLK ROCK. j' LJttle Rock, S. C. || it the close of business Sept. 6. 1921. |( ivesources: I Loana and discount# $119,508.93 Overdrafts 6,^65.29 j Furniture and fixtures __ 1 ' *0.65 [ Other real estate owned- 220.00' Due from banks and I bankers 6,201.55 j Currency 333.00; Cold __ 25.00 Silver and other minor j tKE not built in a ing its design, truction. were h more than ou drive this eward of the nto its manuuccess of the m of its more y on the goodthe Packard iced at $3640. oit. 51X A YEARLY AVERAGE )UNE, 2000 MILES OR R BETTER FROM TIRES VNY - DETROIT upany ' oivns ot * 9 coin ? 514.65 J Checks and cash items 698.58 Contingent assets 18.20 Revenue stamps 25.00 Building account __ 3,611.28 War Saving Stamps 201.15 Total $139,701.28 Liutbilities: * Capital stock paid in $ 20.000.00 Surplus fund 7,000.00 I'ndivtded profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 5.272.96 Dividends unpaid 54.00 Individual deposits subject to check 55,246.54 rime certificates of deposit ? 11.280.91 Cashier's checks 346.87 Soles* and bills rediscount ed 7,500.00 Hills payable, including certificate for money borrowed 33,000.00 Total $139,701.28 State of South Carolina. County of Dillon, as: ? Before ine came J. H. Mcadors, Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the \bove and foregoing statement is a I rue condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. Sworn to and subscribed before me ibis 13th day of September, 1921. E. P Mobley. Jr.. Notary Public. Correct Attest: ? J. S. Thompson, S. D. Lane. A. Schafor, Directors. Jz&M n j j :