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wnsg== I ARB WE HEADED FOR THE ROCKS? "Sometimes I almost reach the ccn. elusion that Old Nick has the world by the heels and is headed straight tor perdition," remarked a Dillon father a few nights ago. "I don't know what is going to become^of the next generation. I don't believe I am an k old fogy, but the world has hit a pace that Is too fast for me, and I believe I the automobile and indulgent parents are responsible for it. In my day an/1 time two or three ronnlea n/onlH I get together and walk td a party. We had lots of fun out of It. A boy had an opportunity to talk to his girl and he could say nice little things to her and enjoy saving them. But there is no walking these days. The boy must have an automobile. If the party is in the same block in which his girl lives he must have a $2000 or $3000 car to transport her back and forth. He dresses hurriedly, rushes out of the house, sails into an automobile and dashes down the street just like his , time was worth $1000 a minute. If his father tells him he should walk with his girl to and from the party he objects and says all the boys and girls In town are going in automobiles, and he doesn't want to embarrass his( girl by making her walk, and so there . you are. What the parents ought to do is to get together and put their; frpt nn *Kic ..ii wu iuid ivuiinuurfS. W e | could start the ball to rolling by get-, ting some sensible woman to give a,, party and Put on the invitations "Au-' tomobiles not allowed." What this parent says is true. The world is moving forward at an alarming pace and the youth of the land are' y hitting life in high spots. The auto-, " mobile is largely responsible. As some one has said, it has taken the place of whiskey and it? effects ore bound to) be seen in the next generation. There io something intoxicating about it. particularly among the young people.} Many of the fathers of the present day?the men at the head of affairs? used to carry their lunch to school in q tin bucket. They gathered in groups on the school grounds and enjoyed the( lunch hour. But not so in this day and i time. Boys and girls of the high school} age are above carrying lunch to I school, and as for eating on the school} grounds?the suggestion would be considered preposterous. The most of ( them go to school in automobiles and , when the lunch hour arrives they step} into their automobiles and go to their | homes. Th? world must go forward,! but too fast a pace is dangerous. | more warning ana less riding would produce a hardier race of men and women. It might pay to get back to the good old days when all children carried their lunch to school and no child was allowed to leave the school ground during the lunch hour. o DILL/ON POOR FRUIT COUNTY. "We have just made a survey of the county", said County Agent Epps, '"and find that Dillon ranks very low as a fruit producing county. There are 3400 farms in the county and the number of fruit trees in the county, averages two and a fraction to each farm. When it is known that 50 fruit hearing trees is the average for each farm you can readily see how far Dillon is behind the country in the fruit ', growing industry. Each farm in the county should have at least a half' ecre plaated in fruit trees. It would add some cash money to the farm revenue and effect a good saving in producing for the table. Our average is entirely too low. and if we can build up to 50 per cent we will profit tremendously by the increase." o Colored Hi shop Did Not <?ne Had Advice to Negroes. Latta, S. C..Sept. 9. 1921. Mr. Editor: Please allow me space,' In your "paper to mention something relative to our church in the seventh. Episcopal District (S. C.) It has been j rumored that the Rt.. Rev. W. M. Chappelle, D. D., gave to Negroes bad advice while holding his annual con-! ference in Latta, S. C.. in November, 1920, and he is afraid to return to this town for any purpose whatsoever. The above mentioned rumor is untrue, and was simply calculated to injure him and the church and' bring strife between the races here as well as elsewhere. We therefore, affirm that this rumor is without foundation. Bishop Chappelle conducted himself manly, with dignity and spoke only those things that were necessary for the betterment of' the church and j ministry, end at no time discussed j anything relative to racial differ-1 encea. Me lert mends in tne town or l^atta and can come back any time the opporunity presents itself to him. The citizens of Latta, S. C., both white and colored stand ready to denounce such an act on the part of any individual who attempts to circulate such rumors when calculated to effect both races. Respectfully yours, Rev. W. J. Robinson, P. C. Level Branch. ' Rev. O. F. Barteele, P. C. Tiinmonsville Station. Rev. O. B. Flager, P. C. Unville Station. A. R. Bethea, Steward and Secretary of Western Chapel Church. Boston Gileg, Steward and Treasurer,) Western Chapel Church. K. C. Smith, Steward Western Chapel1 Church. Rev. D. D. Doughty. P. C.. Pine Hill ! Church. : FOR SALE, CHEAP ? One Large square, old style piano, solid mahogany case, sweet tone, In good condition. Fine for school work. ! Will sell to white or colored. Mrs ! J. A. Nettles.?9 22 ltp. ? 1 HAMILTON'S STUDIO, Florence, S. C., la especially equipped for quick kodak finishing. Work the best, prices satisfactory. Bead us your films.? 2S It. THE 1 WANT COLUMN FOR RENT?Two Large Unfurnished front rooms. Phone 260?9 22 It. CASH FOR YOUR OLD CARS. Used parts for all makes of cars et bargain prices. Wire wheel and rim sales and service for all cars. We carry complete stock of wheel and rim parts. Wire wheels rebuilt. Columbia Vulcanizing and Truck Co.. Columbia, S. C.?9 22 4t. FOR SALE ? One first class Whitney piano almost new, for less than half cost. Come and see it. H. W. Batton, Dillon Mill, Dillon. S. C. ltp TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stafford's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 COTTON Shipped to Batty & Co., The Proficient Cotton Factors of Savannah, Ga., yields satisfaction as is e\itlenced by the large volume of business entrusted to them. Isn't it to your interest to try them? Do it now and be convinced.?9 1 13t. Ruh-My-Tigm is a great pain killer. Relieves on in ami sorpn?? rnMlsiD, Neuralgia, Sprains, Etc.? 5 12 20t. WANTED ?COUNTRY PEOPLE TO TRY OUR 75c. MEALS. PALMKTTO CAFE. NEXT TO HERALI) OFFICE?.tf. We are pr?ud ?f the confidence doctors, druggists and the public hav? | in OOO Chill and Fever Tonic. ? 5 12 201. CROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. V'TKY At CO.. The Large and Reliable Cotton Factors of Savannah, f'?r a service that combines long and successful experience expert salesmanship and financial soundness.?9 1 13t. AAA nnioVl* ? ,,?j vviiaiipauuu, biliousness, loss of Appetite and Headaches, due to Torpid Liver. ?5 la aot. Rub-My-Tism is a powerful antiseptic. Cures infected cuts, old sores, etc 5 12 20t. MONUMENTS?We are builders and erectors of high grade monuments. All work of the best material and fully guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Bee ub before placing your order. Lumberton Marble Works, J. H. Floyd, Prop., Lumberton, N. C.?2 24 52t % At the P You Mai Tust a short while brook 6-44 model, i Today, because thi justed materials r our immense facil Surely if a genuin door, the Paige G1 threshold. Not only is the initi but the Glenbrook the repair man. I amazingly satisfac A pure quality pro fitness the countr sudden or unwarr and safest investor. PAIGE-D J. EA Open C Glenbrook, 6-44, 5-Phss Lenox, 6-44, 3-Paos. Roi A rdmore, 6-44, 4-Pass. I L .1,r *cioii, C-66, 7-Pa?. k .rchirionf II, t- -6, 5-F Di-jvonu, 6-Cc, i-f trn. 1 Si ' ^^cv. A^m. \ MLLON HERALD. DOiiOE, BOCTH FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ? At old Dillon Hotel. For information See J. R. Hatch. Dillon Market.?7 21 tf. COTTON?Ample storage capacity at reasonable rates and llbeial advances on consignments in any quantity, for prompt sale or to be held, offered by Batty A Co., The Substantial Cotton Factors cf Savannah, Ga.?9 1 13th. 060 lias more imitations than any other Fever Tonic on the market, hnt no one wants Invitations. ? --5 12 aot. Dillon Swi Storage ( We wish to announce tl our Potato House, which is Carolina. Mr. J. W. Edgerton wil tato business. Will buy Sweet potatoes, and will s one car load of crates 01 at 15 cents per crate. After September the Is strictly for cash. Mr. Edgerton will be 01 of the old Dillon StorageW week day. He will make corn or flour for wheat C..JJ --i- ? J n i uigiium uais ana ADruzz at close cash prices. ? oats, velvet beans or peas We will keep Formalin 01 every bushel of oats, whe Ion County be treated to ( We buy cotton seed an< fall grain. Yours 1 DILLON SWEET POT DILLOIs ^?r J. ? I St. r__ y | r^TT CI; Vie Most Beautiful Car iriy luetic lew Price Wh tch Glenbrook < ! back the Paige five-passenger aold for $1925. t price is based on the prevailin narket and the low manufacturi ities, the list price of the Glent e buying opportunity ever kno< enbrook ia that VftTV nnnftrtnriil Lai cost absurdly low for such a r is a true economist. Its sturdini n the hands of thousands of ot tory tire and gasoline mileage. duct, the Glenbrook has demon) y over. New from stem to ster anted depreciation. Unquestior lent in the light six market toda ETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT, Manufacturer? of Motor Cart and Motor Truck i iRLE BETHEA, - Dill< NEW PRICES OF PAIGE CARS ars Clo i. Touring $1635 Coupe, 6-44, 4-Pi adster - 1635 Sedan, 6-44, 5-P? Snort Car 1915 Coupe, 6-66,5-P) Touring 2875 Sedan, 6-66, 7-Pi 'assenger 2975 Limousine, 6-66, *oacU,ter - 3296 AUPric?f.o, % % - CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNIN NOTICE?1 AM AGENT FOR THE Florence Steam Laundry and will receive and deliver all laundries as promptly as possible. Palace Market. FOUND ? In Street in West Dillon ne?r Mr. Frasier's house a 6beet of tobacco. Evidently dropped from a load that came in from west of Dillon. Owner can get same by calling on Charlie Saleeby, identifying same and paying for this advertisement.9 8 3t. FOR SALE?Five room House, with lights. J. E. McDonald.?9 15 set Potato Zompanv m. v bat we have completed ; second to none in South II have charge of cur poand sell both Irish and (tore potatoes. We have i hand which we can sell t our local sales will be i hand in the front room arehouse ten hours each i exchange of meal for He will keep on hand :i rye which he will sell fe will buy corn, wheat, and pay cash for them, a hand and suggest that at or rye planted in Dil >revent smut. 1 will sell fertilizers for to serve, rATO STORAGE CO. 7, S. C. r , fi i ? ""I ; / ]V. v : . " r ??*." ' *mk : S&\ I . / f.) I 22 ^1 Quality? touring car, Gleng costs of the readng overhead due to jrook is only $1635. :ked at any man's ty waiting on your emarkably fine car, ess is the despair of vners it has shown itrated its supreme n there can be no lably it is the best yMichigan i >n, S. C. i i sed Cars luenger - - - $2450 issenger - - - 2570 isaenger - - - 3755 tMenger - - - 3830 7- Passenger - 4030 , b. Factory, Tax Extra T G, SEPTEMBER 22, 1221 Brick! Come to our plant we have to offer b LAYfON BRI( ESTABL1SHEI MARION. Soutl EAGLE "MIKADO'V^^ll For Sale at your Dealer ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL 1 EAGLE M1K EAGLE PENCIL CQMP> in |^| L/CMUOlt uu/ 1 Thousai 1 DOLL ? 1 ST O I m ? EACH Y ? [21 m ML- -?1? = ! ' | Mitj uniy saie.piace j=! -*? ey and valuables m Where it can't be STO gj LOST. g When'you keep valu* g your, house, you take a ous about them all the 1 g Put your money in o [S get it at any time and: ij when you sleep. m g We invite your patrc ? FIR<nT NATirUV 1^1 m. iiit^ a a in a iv/i g DILLON, South ? National Bank Prott ? Saving iSBSBBEIlllSSIISffiE The only way that a "hired mat It is own is to piit regularly a PART o The only way that a property o' is to bank a part of HIS INCOME. Money piles up fast if you will keep on adding to your balance. Try it; you will see. We invite YOUR Banking Busin The Bank < AFETY, SERVICE A1 Dillon, South ??????^ Brick! I ! and see what efore you buy :k works > 1885. k Carolina. ^^^PencilNo.l74| Made in five grade* . WITH THE RED BAND ADO INY. NEW YORK ?s???????? :es For Rent ? ids of | A^s J IEN I EAR ? to keep your mon- gj is in a BANK. a LEN, BURNED or a IS ibles and money in IS big risk and nerv- ? time. ? ur bank, you can ? you will feel easy ^ si ? o rv? n 1^1 JAL BANK 1 i Carolina ( ] ?etion For Your w IS S urerfe&cL A VwL yrr (h^yi/yyijuy. 3ufc/Qfl/vtlt l" can ever own property of f his earnings into the bank, wner can buy more property let it STAY in the bank and ess. )f Dillon - .j'iy WD 4 PER CENT Carolina 1 - JJ