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jns pITTA DEPARTMENT ^ ^ Bogene Yftmn of Marion was a tuiiMM visiter here Tuesday. C. B. Haselden of Sellers was here &1* the interest of the price of cotton |P<: Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Mims and Carl McLean went to Mulllns on Sunday to V . visit Mrs. W. EL Edwards who is sick. \ ' Bert McLaurin of Floydale was here looking after his farming interests Tuesday. M. H. Blum went to Baltimore on Sunday night to replenish his fall f.' and winter stock. Lawrence and Gary Hayes of Free State were here on business Tuesday afternoon. C. E. (Taylor a substantial farmer of the Fork section, was here on business We<f-iesday. Mrs. T. C. McGee and little daughtei Elisabeth are visiting relatives and friends in Greenville. Messrs. J. F Bethea, H. E. Farham, M. H. 6px and Hoyt Watson went several)!.ays fishing at Little W. K. Fore o? Elberry was here looking after his cotton being sold on weanesaey.A Miss Lola Sessions returned Wed nesday from McMinnville, Tenn,, where she has b\on attending a Photographic Schooi, tar several months, with a view to putting up a gallery for making pictures somewhere in the Pee Dee section. S. V. Lane of Dillon wag shaking hands with his friends in town on Wednesday afternoon. 1Uc Messrs. E. B. Berry, Sr., R. J. Dew, P. C. Henry and Mayor L. L. Watson S motored to Darlington on Saturday afternoon, returning same evening. L. N. Hatchel o, planter of the Elberry section was in town on business early Monday. J. R. Reaves of Floydale has returned from a ten days trip to the mountains of North Carolina. L. B. Alford of Floydale was one of those in our city Monday morning. Dr. E. L. Brown left Saturday for Charlotte to visit, hk H miffhtor Mr? I A. B. Edwards for a few days. Pratt "Watson a prosperous merchant of Sellers was here on business Monday. F. T. Burney. who travels out of Cliadbourn, N. C. representing McNair k. PearaGll, Wilmington, was in town pushing his line Monday. A Marriage. ______ Sunday morning at the hour for services at the churches in Latta Miss Katherine Bethea and Mr. Sam Cale^ han, with two friends, walked out of the Methodist church, got in a car and went towards Dillon for the purpose of getting married at that place, but finding on their arrival in Dillon, the Methodist and Baptist ministers both busy holding services in their churchSi SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI E IZI tXJ ? I ^ ? L m n b ? b t , U 1 h x.4 dresses, B S) b uui b S3 line of ffi m s Mi? ffi of the ?j ffi ffi | I Nc 1 ffi ffi I % ffi i 1 Hi ffi r i ? Mp-gj Bffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffil ii '' ' es, took the road towards Bennettsville, but when they arrived at Mlnturn, found the preaching services about over aim were married by Dr, Mclntyre, pastor of the Presbyterian church in his church. Just* at the end of the morning services. They took the evening train at Benaetttaville for Greenville the hOme of Mr. Oalahan'g parents to spend a few days, after which they will return to Latta, the home of the bride's parents, where Mr. Calahan holds a position as Superintendent of the Electitc Light Plant. Miss Bethea is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea, and was a student at Lander College the past year, and up to a few day8 before she was married, her parents expected her to return to that institution and resume her studies this fall. MASTER'S SALE State of South Carolina, County of Dillon. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Dillon County, S. C., in the case of F. W. Truluck, plaintiff, vs. Charlie M. Huggins, T. H. Huggins, Nancy Huggins and Palmetto Grocery Company, Defendants, the utfdersigned will sell at public 'auction before the court house door at Dillon, S. C., within the! legal hours of sale on the 3rd day of OfftnKo. *?-- * "? - - - ' vrv.vuci, iiti me iuwowing aescriD-) ed property, towit: 1st: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying and being situate in Dillon county, state aforesaid, containing twenty-three (23) acres, more or less, and designated as lot or tract B on a plat of the T. H. Huggins lands made by Fred D. Bryant. surveyor, Nov. 9, 1906, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Marion county, South Carolina. in Plat Book No. 1, at page 109; being the same tract of land conveyed to Charley M. Huggins by Sidney Huggins Gregg, and bounded as follows: North by tract of land conveyed to Covington Huggins; East by T. H. Huggins' Carmichael land; South by tract of land conveyed to | Charley M. Huggins by T. H. Huggins. 2nd: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying and being situate in Dillon 'county, state aforesaid, containing twenty-three (23) acres, and designated as tract or lot A on a plat of the T. H. Huggins land_ made by Fred D. Bryant, surveyor, Nov. 9, 1906, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Marion county, South Carolina, in Plat Book No. 1, at page 109; being the same tract of land conveyed to Charley M. Huggins by Lucy H. Rogers by deed H n t f*A Dooam Kor 1 O 1 o 3rd: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying and being sit-, oete !n Dillon county, state aforesaid, containing twenty-three (23) acres, and designated as tract or lot D on a plat of the T. H. Hugging lands SSHS??????? Leady ave opened and Coat Suits, Coat! - Millinery De Kats that can 1: ?s Mary Harris* millinery depar % w goods will an w. nmmmmmmMiamm B OB IS199 09 CD IB 09 OB OD IB made by Fred D. Bryant, eurreyor, Nor. I, 1910. apd recorded in t)ie office of the Clerk of Court for Marlon county. South Carolina, in Plat Bqok No. 1, at page 109; being the tract of land qonveyed to Charley M. Hugging by T. H. Huggins by deed* dated 28th day of December. 1906, and recorded lb the Office of the Clerk of Court for'Marion county. South Carolina. in Deed Book O. O. O.. at page 32.* 4th: Alio the life estate of T. H. Huggins and Nancy Hugging in all that certain piece, parcel' or lot of land in the county of Dillon, State of South Carolina, containing twentythree (23) acres and described as tract C on a plat of#the T. H. Huggins lands made by Fred D. Bryant, surveyor, November 9 1908, and recorded in the Clerk's Office for Marion county, S. C., in Plat Book No. 1, page 109 and conveyed to Covington Hugging by T. H. Huggins by deed dated December 28, 1906, and recorded in the Clerk's Office for Marlon County, S. C., in Book Q. Q. Q., page 30. The life estate of T. 'H. and Nancy Huggins in the fourth parcel of land above described, will be sold first, and then the first three parcels of land above described will be sold to-' gether in fee simple; and copy of the, plat above referred to Will be exhibited at the sale. Terms of sale. Cash, purchasers to pay for revenue stamps and papers. 0 A.W-. * 1 n me purcaaser or purcnaserg at said sale shall fall to comply with his or their bid or bids, the Master will resell the premises on the same or some subsequent salesday at the risk of the former purchaser or purchasers without the further order of the court. A. B. JORDAN. 9 15 St. Master. NOTICE. Take notice that the Fall Term Court of Common Pleas for the County of Dillon will convene at Dillon. S. C., at 10 o'clock in the forenoon on Monday, the 10th day of October, 19 21. Sam McLaurin, 9 15 4t. C. C. C. C. P. & G. S. Cypress Shingles. i have just received a large shipment of No. 1 Cypress * i . . - ? I shingles at pnces which prevailed before the war. I also carry a stock of Cedar Shingles. If yon will see me before buying I will save you money. W. Ellis Bethea, L*tta. S. C. I?i l?l WW w raei rarararaF for $ have a nice, nev s? Sweaters, Skirt partment is com] >e kougkt. I wil an, wko kas kad tment. rive daily, and 11 C. F Fashion X DILLON, SOUT * t v'A w, .. -^ QQ rnm rrj qq qq cn S] on n (33 m MM 1X1 IB B n DD CD DO SKI w "W w TP- _ ' . ' THE UN I> ANNOUN Mr. Edsel B. Ford\ Preside makes the following annoi "We are making anothe Ford Cars and the ForcJ Ti new prices average $70.( are the lowest in which ] ever been sold. List pri jy.ii ? now as ionows: Ntw Prii Chassis $29( Runabout.... 32J Touring Car 35* Truck 44i Coupe 59* Sedan 66( No redaction has been made in and none is contemplated. Go over these new prices. See owner of a Ford Car or a Ford ' without one any longer? Let as tell yoa more about it, a ery of the particular type of cai ! Dillon Mot V S IS IS ? IS IS ? H IS B 51H IS IS IS H I Busii v selection of tlie seaso s, Shirtwaists and gener plete with the season s 1.1 handle "Rhodes line many years experience, / \ i ten days I hope to hav< >ARHA \ i Shop \ H CAROLINA i % i j f \ I i . Q QQ rxi bq IT] [? IZCfi |2 123 SI SI IS (Z (S C SI 00 rn DDBSts ORB 03 OE IS OB OB EE m D yjecC' ill 'ERSALCAR. I J? CEMENT! 1 ent of the Ford Motor Co., 1 *f mcement: I r reduction in the prices of I ruck, effective to-day. The I * )0 under former prices, and K * Ford Cars and Trucks have I ces, F. O. B. Detroit, are I ? :es Old Price of Reduction I 5 $345 $ 50 E ; 5 370 45 II I 5 415 60 ||_! ) 495 50 f> 3 i v 695 1O0 ) 760 100 i the price of the Fordson Tractor how little it costs to become the rruck. Can you really afford to do \ nd advise you regarding tbe deliv- ( ' in which you are interested. ^ or Sales Co. J -i es | i si 6 si I ffi- ? si \ m \ m 1 less! 11 ? I SB' 4 ' ffl ? , BB | >n s most popular ? | al ready to WC2ir. ra fl CD "* 0b fl most fashionable gg J m. j exclusively. ? " I SI | will have charge ? J en * m < H3 B ffl I : stock complete. j|| J .M |vi PoamcpcBgaiiimmmmmiTimBaiain v ( txlWf || |