University of South Carolina Libraries
^ ' : " ' V PLANT FAUL. OATS EARLY. Clemson Collect, Sept. 6 ? Best HL, . results are secured with fall oats when they are planted early. When C\ seeded reasonably early oats make a better growth, giving more grazing K-, (or livestock if desired for pasture, more protection to the soil as a cover erop, and make a better yield in the spring. For the Piedmont section y of South Carolina the latter part of September or first of October is the best time; for the coastal plains sections. October is the best time according to Prof. C. P. Blackwell, agronomist. If oats are planted for seed production they should he seeded alone, but if for cover crop or for hay, hairy vetch should be seeded with them. The hairy vetch not only im-l proves the quality of the hajit but also serves as a soil improving crop because it takes nitrogen from the sir and fixes it in the soil in a usable form. ? A O ix .TKVUU^IB VI C9milll|(. The most common practice is to seed oats in corn and cotton middles with a three-tube drill, or to sow broadcast and plow in with a cultivator or sweep. In sections where cotton does not make a rank growth and where it matures early, it is a good practice to plow under the cotton stalks as soon as the cotton is all out. This should be done with a large plow and with a weed hook or weed chain to help cover the plants completely. This will help materially also in the control of the boll weevil. After the land has been plowed, the oats may be seeded broadcast and harrowed I EAGLE "MIKADO For Sale at your Dealer I ASK FOR THE YELLOW PI EAGLE 1 EAGLE PENCIL COl Brick! Come to our pla we have to offer LAYTON BE ESTABLIS MARION, S We have a high power, fast complete power plant in itseli Does the work of 6 to 10 ir while engine is running. Have good assortment of Gasoline Engines. All equipped with Bosch Magneto u and offered at factory prices. I Lever cut control starts and stops saw. COLUMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY The first ten orders received f * ioc ? - i - ' "* * eaco; ao not torget Ooieb Magnet I Dillon Sw Storage < We wish to announce 1 onr Potato House, which i Carolina. Mr. J. W. Edgerton wi tato business. Will buy Sweet potatoes, and will one car load of crates o at 15 cents per crate. After September the 1 strictly for cash. Mr. Edgerton will be o _ _u n?n n. ? oi me Old union storage f week day. He will mak corn or flour for wheal Fnlghum oats and Abruz: at close cash prices. \ oats, velvet beans or peas We will keep Formalin o every bushel of oats, whe Ion County be treated to ] We buy cotton seed am fall grain. Yours I DILLON SWEET P01 ft* , # 1 ^,0 do MiMBPOH in. or thfc^nay be seeded with ft] disc drill/ .| 1 Oats are also seeded after corn frequently, and this is a good practice and may be done successfully if .velvet beans are not grown In the corn. If velvet beans are grown in the (corn, it will be necessary either to graze them off before planting oats jor to chop them up with a heavy disc mid plow them under. This will of necessity make the oat seeding later. o V. eekly Cotton Letter by Savannah Cotton Factorage Co. I The much talked of Bureau Report was issued by the Department of Agriculture on Thursday, September 11st, and proved to be sensationally, low. The condition as of August 25th wc8 given at 49.3, indicating a crop of approximately 7,000,000 bales, which was slightly below what the trade expected. All cotton markets jadvanced*rapidly following publication of the report, and futures went to new high levels for the season. The indicated yield for the various states follows: Estimated Condition Yield Georgia 63.0 11,000 bales .North Carolina 62.0 523,000 bales South Carolina 60.0 744,000 bales Georgia 41.0 827,000 bales Florida 59.0 16,000 bales Alabama 53.0 472,000 bales Mississippi 57.0 679,000 bales I-ouisina 45.0 244,000 bales Texas 42.0 1,938,000 bales Arkansas 63.0 729,000 bales Tennessee 74.0 235,000 bales Missouri 78.0 50,000 balesj .I No. 1741 Made in five grade* 1NOL WITH THE RED BAND MIKADO HP ANY, NEW YORK Brick! I nt and see what | before you buy ICK WORKS I HED 1885. I ioutli Carolina. : cutting outfit forced feed?a f for sawing logs to any lengtk. I ken. Lever control of blade {, 823 W. Gervaia St , Columbia, 5. C. or this engine will be furnished for :o Equipment instead of Battery. eet Potato Company ~ that we hare completed s second to none in Sonth ill have charge of our poand sell both Irish and store potatoes. We have n hand which we can sell st our local sales will be n hand in the front room Warehouse ten hours each ? e excnange ot meal tor t. He will keep on hand zi rye which he will sell Ve will buy corn, wheat, and pay cash for them, n hand and suggest that at or rye planted in Dilprevent smut, d will sell fertilizers for to serve, tATO STORAGE CO. * s. c. i^? 1 Oklahoma 48.0 474.040 bal?a California 88.0 78.000 bale* Arisona 86.0 47,000 balea All others' 86.0 The condition declined over 15 points during the month ..and the anticipated yield is over 1.000,000 bales less than last month's report indicated. There may be reactions from time to time, but the general trend of prices should be upward. The demand is good, especially at the ports, where there are many foreign and American buyers in the market. Those who wish to sell their cotton would probably do well to consign it to some good factor and get the advantage of any advance while the cotton is en route. Those who wish to hold can borrow reasonable amounts from their factors and keep their cotton off the market. o?: How to Paint Fly Screens. Popular Mechanics recommends to city householders the careful painting of fly screens, de&d black on the inside and white on the outside, to provide privacy. In this way the screens are rendered practically transparent from the inside and practically opaque on the outside. o Old Gentleman (in the street car) ?"Has anyone here dropped a roll of bills with a rubber elastic around it?" "Yes, I have!" cried a dozen at once. "Old Gentleman (calmy)?"Well, I've Just picked up the elastic." o Sufferings are the storms of the soul. o People who jump into the matrimonial bus with the idea that marriage is a joy ride, soon experience a lot of engine trouble. NOTICE. Take notice that the fall term Court of General Sessions for the County of Dillon will convene at Dillon, S. C., on Monday, September 12th, 1921, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. SAM McLAURIN, 8 18 4t. C. C. C. P. & G. S. I SERVICE Good Service me?ns getting what you want \yhen you want ity the way you want it and at a moderate price. We can soon convince you that you can get good service here. Cars washed $1.00, oiled, doped and washed $2.50. BENNETT | at Moore Auto Sale* Co. | WANT COLUMN^ TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stafford's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 bX)R SALE ? Flue Young; Stock bull, Guernsey?Jersey cross. Mull and calves mull. Not overworked, runs with only small private herd. No finer animal in community. Price reasonable or by weight at eight cents. He is a beauty and fine milk stock. Gentle, quiet and harmless. Call, phone, write or wire Prop. Red Bluff Farms, Box 109, Clio. S. C.?9 8 2t. Card of Thanks. We feel that we would be ungrateful if we did not before closing our warehouse express to the people of Dillon county our deep appreciation of the splendid patronage they have given us this season. We hope to be back with you again next season and wish to assure you this far in advance that we will do our best to get you the top-notch prices for your 19 22 tobacco. UIBERTY WAREHOUSE, j 9 8 It. Hardv Bros Pmn. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stafford's superfine ribbontkjor Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 NOTICE. All persons are forbidden to hire, harbor, protect or shelter my wife Lula Ford who ran away from me July 2nd. I will appreciate any information any one can give me as to her whereabouts. MABE FORD, 9 1 2tp. Lake View, R. 1. FOR RENT ? One 5 Room Cottage. A. B. Jordan.?9 1. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stafford's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Jameji B. Hamer, as guardian of the e&tate of Brown McCallum Hamer, minor, has made application unto me for final dischargc as guardian and Friday, September 16th at 10 o'clock in the forenoon has been appointed (MO quickly relieves Constipation, biliousness, loss of Appetite anil Headaches, due to Torpid Liver. ?s 12 aot. H. FOR IALE ? Om Ford ooepe; ?M Dort touring car cheap. Buy terms. One Jersey cow fresh, two Jersey heifers. For further information see O. D. Barrlow?$ 8 lip L/ORJS. . FOR SALE ? 400 Acres of Land in 4 miles of Loils, S. C., near good church, good school and good road. 75 acres In cultivation. Good dwelling, 3 tenant houses and tobacco barns, $40.00 per acre, 1-4 down, balance in 1 to 5 years. For information write or see G. W. Graham, Loris, S- C.?9 8 ltp. HAMILTON'S STUDIO, Florence, S. C., has Just hdd installed the latest improved mechanical devices for quick kodak finishing. All kodak films received by 10 o'clock a. m.. are finished and ready for delivery by 6 p. m. same day. Customers living out of Florence can send by tnall any morning and receive their finished work on the night mail. Developing, 10 cents per roll. Send us your kodak work. Hamilton's Studio, Florence, S. C. 9 8 ltp. MONUMENTS?We ore builders and erectors of high grade monuments. All work of the best material and fully guaranteed. Prices reasonable. See us before placing your order. Lumberton Marble Works, J. H. Floyd. 'Pron.. T C.?2 24 52t. ~ MADAME POST hag moved her beauty parlor from 27 S. Dargan Street to 57 E. Evans Street, Phone 586 W. Florence, S. C., and is better equipped to take care of her clientele. Absolute privacy. Hairdying a specialty. A complete line of hairgoods, switches, curls, puffs and transformations'. Any shade of hair may be matched without the annoyance of waiting or have to send for same.?8 25 3t. NOTICE?I AM AGENT FOR THE Florence Steam Laundry and will receive and deliver all laundries as promptly as possible. Palace Market. 066 lias more imitations than any other Fever Tonic on the market, but no one wants imitations. ? PC 1 O U X 4M i Ruh-My-Tism Is a powerful antiseptic. Cures Infected cuts, old sores, etc 5 12 20t. EVERYONE WHO CAN MAKE A few cross ties for quick delivery, see L. Cottingham. Cypress or white oak preferred.?8 18. LOST ? Three return tickets from Dillon, S. C., to Hendersonville, N. C. Liberal reward if returned to ticket agent at Dillon. Miss Isla McKenzie, Bat Cave, N. C.?8 18 CROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate,%mortgages real estate, bills of sale,1 planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. WANTED ? Cross Ties at Once. See L. Cottingham, Sec.-Treas., Dillon County Warehouse and Marketing Corporation.?8 18. BATTEY & CO., The I^arge and RelUkie - ? inuir ^unuii r aciors or savannah, > . offer a service that combines long and successful experience expert salesmanship and financial soundness.?9 1 13t. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ? At old Dillon Hotel. For information See J. R. Hatch, Dillon Market.?7 21 tf. WILL BUY FOR CASH 535 CROSS Ties. See L. Cottingham, Dillon, S. C.,?8 18. We are prond of the confidence doctors, druggists and the public hart In 66G Chill nnd Fever Tonic. ? PC tO OA* u -UI. Rub-My-Tism is a great pain killer. Relieves pain and soreness, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Etc.? 5 12 20t. WANTED ?COUNTRY PEOPLE TO TRY OUR 75c. MEALS. PALMETTO CAFE, NEXT TO HERALD OFFICE?.tf. CROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delirery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. COTTON?Ample stottoge capacity at reasonable rates and libeial advances on consignments in any quantity, for prompt sale or to be held, offered by Batty A Co., The Substantial Cotton Factors of Savannah, Ga.?9 1 13th. FOR SALE?One Dort Sedan Body in excellent condition. Will fit Dert or Chevrolet chassis. Perry's Auto Paint and Repair Shop, Dillon, S. C., Phone 127-J?7 21 tf. COTTON Shipped to Batty ft Co., The Proficient Cotton Factorg of Savannah, Ga., yields satisfaction as is evidenced by the large volume of business entrusted to them. Isn't it to your interest to try them? Do it now and be convinced.?9 1 13t. I WANTED POSITION As Knrm Overseer. Have had considerable experience in tobacco growing. 1 th'.ro-1 uglily understand all phases of I farm work. Apply to J. F. G., care Herald.?9 1 3tp. CROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at Th? Herald office.?3 24. MTf?C - them with the guardian on or before 10 o'clock In the forenoon of Friday, laaaaBnmHBeemimmai From this date Fresh Gover Of All ] Canned OT A DT T7? A XTn TTt A 1 oxaru?i AI>i; TAJ NOTIONS At lowest c Call and look my stocl p. w. session: SI IS IS III SI 51 BUS] EE 51 ffl gj Safe Deposit E 1 Tho 51 | DOLi I STO H E s EACH ffl V g he only safe plac ra 1 ?ui LZJ ? xzy aiiu vmuctUK ? Where it can't be ST ? lost. [*\ When you keep val Lj your house, you take ^ ous about them all th y Put your money in gg get it at any time an when you sleep. H a a We invite your pat ? FIRST NATIC g] DILLON, Soi B National Bank Pr< ! ! ?? uav j BB HfflSSBSISHHiaSE ^H|[>i j kouA. A Tear off the blii agance if you ai You can never a light until yrftTc Extravagance is norance is a cr and to your fan If you earn $10, spend it all you ahead. If you ear a part of it yoi That's arithmeti vite your bankir The Bank AFETY, SERVICE Dillon, Son b? plead In bar of their recovery. JOE CABELL DAVIS. Judge of Probate, 8 18 4t. Dillon County. on I will handle nment Stock Mi of y Eatables, STCY GROCERIES, iND SHOES' ash^prices. c over before buying. S, LATTA, S. C. i to ran rsi fsi rsi ran iahai mmm mfflfflffltillzl raQQ tzllSilfi taxes For Rent SB IS mas or ? LARS i IS L EN 1 ffl YEAR ? ffl e to keep your mon- ? es is in a BANK, m OLEN, BURNED or m LU ffl uables and money in Eg a big risk and nerv- ffl e time. ? our bank, you can ? dyou will feel easy ? m m ;ronage, IS >NAL BANK | uth Carolina [g stection For Your ? ~ ings ? fi . OL)\jbcUro*^ r^ou/aniLtrudui y/iXiJlfriCL. jwoi&A. conmt. JJTL TWJTvdAA/ SonnrUL oUxftjf F!uyu ^ ?1 ?ank^ S idfold of extravre wearing one. ea-financial daylo. i ignorance; igime to yourself lily. 000 a year and will never get ti $1,00 and bank 1 will prosper, c. Try it. We inig business. r' of Dillon S AND 4 PER CENT th Carolina . X y X . | '