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r i I ??? LOOKING TO SOUTH PACIFIC j Whit* M*n Planning Complete Posse* i alon of Fsrtil* Islands of Thst i Far-A way Ocean. : i t Witb Europe a seething mass of un- J Met and discontent and uncertainty, 1 jour Britisher is looking to the islands 1 Of the Soutii Pacific, already owned by ' the empire, as the next place to go? ^ and to exnlolt. to use the expression of a lot of people who do not know the , medhlng of the word. Already corpo- , rations are being formed to colonize j the islands, and beautiful word pic- i tares of the advantages of n residence < upon them are being painted. ] The fruth is, for some years the ] white man has been gradually getting 1 a foothold In the region. The delight- < lul pictures which one sees of the na- ' tives, gives a little Idea of what is ' really to be seen in the country- They 1 re not the wild, naked people roaming at large, eating each other and ' the mlMHlonarles. Rubber plantations, 1 coconut groves, phosphate mines and ' other Industries are operated by Eriropeana. And schools and churches " re encountered on every hand, with ( the honk of the horn of the automo- ( bile heard In the shade of the palins. , The white man will not reach the ] end of his road until there Is no more j country to be settled up. and there \ re still vast areas to be brought un- , der his domain. In Africa, and upon . the Islands pf the sea, he is setting his fodt and clearing up the Jungles and conquering the pests and becoming acclimated. But the end Is not yet: there Is still much to the done, and * the fiances are that* the next" few years will see an exodus to these faraway places where a beginning bus already been made.?Columbus Dispatch. MADE HIT WITH RECITATION ' PrlncCa Speech Consisted of Verses From the Koran, but Audience Didn't Know ItIt Is Interesting to recall that during the recent European tour of Prince Peisal of the new kingdom of Syria, his memory of the Koranic versep stood him In good stead. In London, t a dinner In the Guildhall, the prince, who was the guest of honor, and who knew little French and less English, was called eipon to reply to the toast of his health. Beside htm sat his friend nnd mentor. Colonel Lawrence, Oxford profeasor and oriental scholar, to whom ha whispered as he rose to acXorwlodge the lord mayor's speech. / Colonel Lawrence nodded his assent, and the prince addressed his audience In flowing Arabic periods, winning appreciation and applause. When the guest of honor had resumed his seat, Colonel Lawrence, as his interpreter, rose to express in English the prince's sentiments of gratitude for his reception, and to voice his devotion to the principles of democracy and allied solidarity. It was not until many days had gone by that Colonel Lawrence allowed It to he known among his friends that what the prince had whispered to him was! "I'll recite the verses from the Koran about the cow." Thus did the diplomatic professor deceive the unwitting ears of his Guildhall friends.?Munsey's Magazine. Country's f^otive Energy. The gauge of u nation's industrial might Is the amo;int of motive energy wuicii ii can command inr ine manifold fields of production and the essential contributory activities. We have maintained our supremacy in manufactured output very largely because of the vast amount of power which we could call into service, Robert G. Skerrett wrote in the Scientific American. Modern nations expend far more energy than the combined muscular ability of their population and beasts of burden. The margin is covered by the employment of mechanical energy in the form of power. To accomplish the work done annually In the United States, would require the labor of 3,000,000,000 hard-working slaves. The use of power gives to each man, woman and child In this country the service equivalent of thirty servant's. Why Orchid* War* Caged. Visitors to the flower ahow held recently In the Royal Horticultural hall at Westminster, England, were surprised to find a number of rare orchids confined, like so many wild animal* in the zoo, within a heavy wire cage. It was explained that as the flowers represented a new addition to the orchid family, the grower was naturally anxious that his fellow dealers -should not share his triumph. Had It not been for the cage, an unscrupulous competitor might have stolen some of the powdery pollen from the tolooms, and used It to fertilize plants of his own. Normally adhering to the bodies of visiting Insects, the pollen might easily have adhered to the tip of the thief's finger.?Popular Mechanics Magazine. United In Bond* of Peaco In the presence of the chief executlves of Ecuador and Colombia, the I corner stone of a monument commemorative of the happy termination of the I boundary dispute between the two countries, was recently laid at the I bridge of Rumlchaca on the frontier. President Alfredo Maquerizo Moreno I of Ecuador and President Fidel Huarez met half way on the bridge and greet| ed each other amid a salute of artillery and cheers of spectators of both l nationalities. The presidents delivered addresses referring to the monument k mm a symbol of peace and friendship IdBiiii their respective countries. , ' ~ THE DILLON BU Potatoes Selling High. "The advantage of being able to market a crop alowly was brought to my attention in a striking way this summer," remarked Dr. Stackhouse. "I planted three and a half acres of Irish potatoes between cotton rows and gathered the potatoes in time to cultivate the cotton without any difficulty. I did not have a place in which to store the potatoes and sold them early, realizing $2.50 a barrel for them. The only profit 1 made was the guano I used under the potatoes. I will make just as much or probably more cotton where I had the potatoes planted than I will make t>n any other part of the field. When [ sold my potatoes the market was pretty well glutted and I felt that I was lucky to get out with cost of production. But a few weeks ago the market went to $3.50 per barrel and & few days ago I received a letter Trcm a wholesale house olferlng me $6 per barrel. If I had kept my potatoes until now I would have had a good profit in them- This led me to make some investigations and I And that potatoes can be kept almost the / ivuuu, yiunucu iuey ?re pacKea In ventilated barrels and stored In a iark place. They will retain their original flavor and can be kept through the winter If they are not allowed to freeze. I believe it is a profitable crop if a person will store them carefuly and market them gradually through the winter." DR. R. F. DARWIN Dentist Office Over Bank of Dillon I 1 sfrcgj Mm KS > & KJ " I i .. a ? / rn b g <w-vy B: fcgte j y i I ^ i ,4j A T^fW' I ignop ^ .tJ^ML'.lf'igiill.'.'MX"B ^ *... .. - . .. ? .. -^ \ - . .!. BRALD, DILLON, SOUTH CAROLW Complete Sleep Preventer. A sufferer who lives close to a railroad yard in the suberbs, wrote the following to the railroad company complaining about the racket made by a switch engine"Gentlemen: Why is it that your switch engine has to ding and dong and fizz and spit and clang and bans and buzz and hiss and bell and wall and pout and raut and howl and yowl and grate and grind and puff and bump and click and clank and chug and moan and hoot and toot and crash and grunt and gasp ' and groan and whistle and wheeze and jingle and twang and clack and rumble and jangle and ring and chatter and yelp and howl and hum and snarl and puff and growl and thump and boom and clash and jolt and jostle and shake and screech and snort and snarl and slam and throb and crink and quiver and rumble and roar and rattle and yell and smoke and smell and shriek like hell all night long?" Professional Cards. DEL J. EL HAMKR. JR. Dentist Office over Peoples Bank. S O. HENSL.EE, M. D. ye,' Ear, Nose and Itiront nee?s?lss OOm Hoars 9 to 11 and 2 to 4 renins Hours by Appointment. _ The swift and Packard Sing intrinsic good more than 4.( m 7 the causes oi Single-Six has owners it has a Packard in formance,cor strong, comp and to own. C car was $3640 YOU CAN SAFELY EXF OF 17 MILES OR BEBETTER TO THE GAL PACKARD MO ROGER 7sh t % (A, THURSDAY, MORNING, AUGUST L. O. LIDC Attorney-at-I,aw MARION. S. CJOE P. LANE Attomey-at-Law Office Next to Dank of Dillon, Main St. Dillon. 8. C. DR. R. M. BAILEY, i | Veterinarian Office at Dillon Live Stock Co's. Stables. Office Phone - - 235 Residence Phone - - - - ? Surveying Drafting and Blue Printing W. M. ALLEN Dillon, S. C. Phone N*. 112 J. W. JOHNSON Attorney-at-Law PrutlM In State and Federal Oeurt* Marlon, 8. C. L. B. HA SKI,DEN Atfoavutw ? .mwm DILLON, 8. C. Money to Lend on Flrat Mortgage Real Estate. GIBSON & MTJLLER, Attoraeys-at-Law Office over Malcolm Mercantile Co. DILLON, 8. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts ??^g Jk7 w impressive succ< le-Six is a direct .ness of the car. i )00 owners will \ : that enthusias ; everywhere aro ; shown itself to every respect c nfort and reliabil act, agile?delig] >riginally the Sinj Lit is now $2975, ECT FROM THE PACKARD SINGLE-SI ITER TO THE GALLON OF GASOl LON OF Oil, AND 15,000 MILES OR TOR CAR COMPA :S MOTORS CC DILLON, s. c. nan who , 25, 1921. GiNNERS, OIL MILLS AND IV We have a large and well ai Supplies at present low prices, of th m: Babbitt, Belt Dressin ing. Leather Belting. Candy E Flew Cleaners, Files. Steam G gine Governor*. Sbaft Hangers, Inv ing. all kinds: Engine Governors. P w ood Pulleys. Steel Shafting, Pip We h ve everything that should be found h?"- COLUMBIA SUPP1 82tt West t.ervals St., From this date o Fresh Govern Of All Ki I annprl 1 STAPLE AND FAN NOTIONS AI At lowest ca Call and look my stock P. W. SESSIONS ____ ess of the new result of the \ny one of its ?laQjv tell von ^ J / m which the used. To these be genuinely power, perity. It is light, titful to drive ?le-Six touring f.o.b. Detroit. I X A YEAltLY A VEX ACE -INE, 2,000 MILES OR . BETTER FROM TIRES NY - DETROIT tMPANY oxvns o %% . II I I1WI III IHWH IACHINERY OPERATORS ssorted stock of Machinery We only mention a few I ig, Belting, Ruhher Beltjectors; Flew Expanders, uages, ^\^ater Gauges, Enectors. [run Lubricators, Packipc. Valves. Fittings, Pulleys, >e Tools. Wrenches, all kinds, in a first class machinery supply LY COMPANY COLUMBIA. S. C. n I will handle iment Stock inds of Eatables, CY GROCERIES, SHOES sh prices. f over before buying. , LATTA, S. C. BsraaasaiSllf WW ! I =sr TtsfaNlli fftlTi'fr? ? J*; i j "?.