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If'' MAT MEAN CHEAP FERTILIZER. Extract Phosphoric Acid in Oil-Bum. ins Furnace. With the installation of a new high temperature oil-burning furhace now being installed on the exBp perlmental farm at Arlington, Va., the Bureau of Soils, United States department of agriculture, will conjf.'; tinue investigations into the extraction of phosphoric acid for fertiliser from phosphoric rock by the application of heat. Experimental runs with an old furnace several months ago appearently demonstrated the practicability of the new method developed by department scientists of separating the phosphoric acid. The present commercial method is by the application of sulphuric acid to ground phosphate rock. It is not practicable for low graae rocks and makes necessary the j /shipment of a large proportion of in- ( ert material with the phosphate. Ear- t ly experiments in separation by heat were made with electric furnaces, but the expense seemed a serious obstacle to the introduction of the new method. It was found, however, that the ! petroleum-burning furnace could be made to do the work at much less ex- ( pense. . Experiments "will be continued with a view -to establishing methods v which will permit the use of much . phosphate rock which now goes to waste, and also to a material reduc- : tion in freight rates on commercial fertilizers. j Do you know Sucan roll9 ? Q Aoq>d cigarettes tor i lOcts from a one bag of GENUINE BuliTDurhah ^ TOBACCO gjg raver wS "Black-Draught is. in 5452 my opinion, the ocst liver 1521 medicine on the market," MSI (aCf states Mrs. R. H. White- i^UI BrS side, of Keota. Okla. She blik continues: "I had a pain bflnK ira. in my chest after eating? fffjcSR tight, uncomfortable feel- mS KKj ing?and this was very XSKl i BW disagreeable and brought iSH fgG* on headache. 1 was con- SKB Kmi stipated and knew it was lAC/ indigestion and inactive MKA ggM? liver. 1 began the use of gjgfit GSm Black-Draught, night and Mat wigl morning, and it sure is }gk9t ES? splendid and certainly fyLtZFK3g gives relief." ng Thedford's BLACK- i DRAUGHT M For over seventy years KIM gg this purely vegetable un yicpsriuon nas oeen (|M lyR* found beneficial by thou- fcjjgg ra|j sands of persons suffer- mn WK ing from effects of a tor- uM SEjQj pid, or slow-acting liver. 8WS indigestion, biliousness, jatn ffW colic, coated tongue, diz- &9S flpj ziness, constipation, bit- /3M VOX lack of energy, pain in InE/ back, puffiness under the MflE* eyes?any or all of these Sjra Sffic symptoms often indicate ttfJf that there is something gjtj the matter with your jAfiift liver. You can't be too KQ( careful about the medi- Ij^S Ue/ cine you take. Be sure ujK} Tj?? that the name, "Thed- wS Mr ford's Black-Draught," is 3/? Eg on the package. At all S/S THE DILLON HI I ?? Weekly Cotton Letter by Savannah Cotton Factorage Co. Early in the week weather reports were slightly better, and dispatches from abroad indicated unsatisfactory trade conditions. The stock market w&s easier, and money higher. This, together with other influences, had si bearish effect on cotton and the market lost a few points. On Thursday, the cotton market steadied and advanced on reports of further deterioration, and better trade conditions. The cotton market continues quiet, jut scarcely enough cotton is being jffered to supply the demand, and the pasis has hardened. It is well known 'acts that many buyers who have visited Eastern markets recently have peen compelled to rdturn with only i small portion of the goods they reject to purchase. Manufactured stocks ire depleted and will have to be replenished immediately. This should :reate a much, better demand for aw cotton. The 19 21 crop will prove to be teveral million bales less than that >f 1920; trade conditions are improving slowly, and if the present :rop is not marketed too rapidly, no loubt higher prices will prevail beore the new year. Every farmer and >uyer should hold a portion of his :otton, even if he has to borrow monsy to do so. Very little can be lost n doing this, and much can be gained, not only from an advance in he market but also from narrowing >f price differences between grades. Before the war price differences beween grades were usually l-8c to L-4c. On account of the unusual de V * ' . BAUD, DILLON, IOOTI niand for high grade* during and after the war, differences widened to 2c to 5c per pound between grades. However, these differences have narrowed to l-5c to lc, and will probably continue to narrow from time to time, making the grades below middling worth more even though middling remains unchanged. As stated above, little can be lost by holding cotton on this low market, and there is a chance to make a great deal. August 19, 1921. o The Law is Better4. Yorkville Enquirer. From all reports it appears that the mob demonstration against Fox, Gabbins and Kirby was made principally by taxicab drivers, moved by the idea that the lynching of these fiendg by taxicab drivers would tend to guard people of their occupation from similar outrages. This idea enters into the motive of most lynchings; but in the light of the old axiom which condems the rule that does not work both ways, the attention of the would be lynchers among the taxicab drivers is called to the reported subsequent incident where a taxicab driver is alleged to have beaten a passenger almost to doath for purpose of robbery. The moral of the situation as we see it is that in all cases it is best to allow the law to take its course. To be sure the law makes mistakes, mainly through faulty administration; but after all such grievances as properly come within the jurisdiction of the law can best be settled by law. i Do Continue gBw an avera t |j|r Even th< r 11 quantitu H source o \ H poor gas I Vifloi I ! tll^cc nrr I Kg plied, th< burning nfllH ing a lai niigiM partially MM loss of p< tion and |plP^ Uge mot( sary wag gasoline familiar "Standa quid ?r smoo^ i for you well hav STAN] u IHIMPAI MORNING, AUGUST, Season Opens September 1. The open season for hunting sQUlrrels, raccoons, rabbits and opossums t is from September 1 to March 1 of t each year. County Game Warden Gaddy hag received notice to this effect from the state gamo warden. ' "THE MONEY YOU DOl "Honest Advic Ask your lumber retaili FITS THE JOB " bee Inaiat on "Tide Water" Crprets?you can identify it by this mark. render its medium and investment?and you t are sure to insist on "t responsible Association "double money's-worth Write us for list of FREE PI and no substitutes" from yoi SOUTHERN CYPR Gr YOUR LOCAL DRALBR WILL SUl r >w nine ? You ^ ed use of a low grade of j ge wastage of almost 9< 5 best engines unavoi< 58 of potential power, f unnecessary energy 1 ?oline. isoline of a uniformly 1 e motor functions une the fuel cleanly, but mc rsre nronnrtion nf it o - i r burnt, into the mun >wer and is the cause c other troubles. or fuel of definite qua ;te will be eliminated now available where "S.O." sign is the best rd" Motor Gasoline i v ?, and releases a ma vower. It will be more to give it a careful tri e the best, for it costs DARD OIL (New Jersey / ???? ?* New Bank for Fairmont. t The comptroller of the currency ias issued a charter to the First Nalonal Bank of Fairmont. The new >ank begins business on a capital of 40,000. V'T HAVE TO SPEND ON REPJ e Is the Best of All S er and he will tell you " BUY :ause the remarkable rot-resis , lower grades in many cases A ! _H - a wvc materially on ine expect he real stuff," the bona fide pr mill, identified by the above " of lunlber value in actual sc ANS for farm buildings?but in the meant .it local lumber dealer?no matter for what ESS( MANUFACTURER! sham Building, Jacksonville, Fla. 'PLY YOU. IF HE HASN'T ENOUGH CYPk h Gaso 7 aste? gasoline results in )% in fuel energy! rtably waste great But the principal nss is in tti p iiqp nf vra. ligh quality is supvenly, sometimes re often dischargunburnt or only ler. This means f crank-case dilulity, and unneces. The improved iver you see the that you can buy. is clean-burning, ximum of steady, than worth while al. You might as 110 more. , COMPANY r) ) I "v ~ A. J. Carmichael left Thursday for Rocky River Springs where he will spend about ten days. FOR SALE ? On? Practically New Ford Seaan. Self starter and demountable rims. Runs as good *3 a brand new car. For quick sale we offer this car for $625.00. Rogers Motors Co.?8 25. % =n t iIRS IS ALL PROFIT." Salesmanship/' THE GRADE THAT iting characteristics of InaUt on "Tide Water" C jrpreas?you can identify it by thie mark. tamtiUMu i the very best sort of :ed cost. Then if you ^ oduct of a thoroughly trade mark, you get irvice. YOU TRY IT. ime Insist on "CYPRESS purpose you buy. Address 5' ASSOCIATION 245 W3 US KJfOW AT ONCE. v ; V JM > ?v I 1 ' ' <8 line ? S 4 w? 2 w*i MM A />