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BIG TREE YIELDED TO AGE Chestnut In Which Washington Is Said to Have Hidden Collapses at Yonkers, New York. Maybe there's no truth in the tradition that George Washington once hid In the hollow trunk of the great chestnut tree thut Until recently stood In the front yard of Charles F. Coy, Yonkers. New York. But folk thereof about believe he did. just as they he" lieve that the tree was 700 or 800 years old when It died a few years ago, and was the oldest and biggest tree of any variety not only in Westchester county but In New York state. The trunk, which wus about 35 feet tall and about 35 feet In nut I cuur, nuuiruuiK lu air. ^ao \ ui down by the department of public works of Yonkers, and its dismembered remains carted away. Said Mr. Ooy: "Before it died that tree produced the biggest and sweetest-tasting chestnuts I ever saw. After Its death a vine that covered It made It still an object of beauty. Just as Its vast size and age mode It an object of admiration. "The top was broken off about the time It died. I never knew lt^ exuct height. But I do know that a deal of tradition had grown up uround it and that It commonly was rated the largest" tree in this part of the country. I am sure It was the biggest In tills county." TO DESTROY INSECT PESTS Two Forma of Insecticides Necessary for Successful Protection of Plants and Foliage. r*n not wnsto vonr flint* sum vine - parts preen on inserts that suck the Juices from plants anil follape. such as lice, preen, black anil whi.e aphis or fly, mealy hup. reil spider anil scale, by tlirustlnp their proboscis Into the leaf or stem, for they are not affected by stomach poisons. Tlvey must be destroyed by contact insecticides. Those in powder form kill by closinp the breathinp pores in the insect's skin, or in fluid form by belnp absorbed through these pores, the American Forestry Magazine points out. The best contact insecticides in powder form are hellebore, slup shot and tobacco dust. The best in fluid form are aphine. black leaf 40, fish (whale) oil soap, nicotine (tobacco extract), kerosene, miscihle oil and lemon oil. Insects Uiat eat plants, follape. vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc., whether bugs, beetles, worms, caterpillars or slugs are more quickly and effectually destroyed with a poisonous stomachic insecticide such as arsenate of lead, paris preen or hellebore. These, If applied according to directions, are so diluted as to be harmless to vegetation and to animal life. Less poisonous stomachic and contact Insecticides are kerosene emulsion, slug shot, etc. Boy "Policeman"' Gets Results. Bill Zerbe, formerly of Indianapolis, io uiuiut vjrvit; jniiiieuimi 111 me i/(igansport police department. Both the young and old know Bill because of his record as a tamer of speeders. A few days ago the driver of an automobile permitted the motor of his / -u machine to run while he went Into a ( store. When he came out he found a piece of paper In the front seat of the car. On the paper were these words: "You are pinched for permitting the engine of your machine to run over 15 minutes. Bill Zerbe." The driver of the car went to police headquarters to pay his flue and exhibit the evidence thnt he had been caught. On being assured that the paper presented had not been prepared by Zerbe, the driver of the machine recalled that he bad seen a small boy with a broad grin on his face standing near when be started toward the police station.?Indianapolis News. Electricity to Locate Metal. The idea of using current trans/mitted through the earth as a means of locatlhg metal ores Is familiar, the belief being that the greater conductivity of these metalliferous regions can be clearly Indicated, and the area mapped out, says the Scientific American. The location of oil deposits, which according to the Electrical Review Is now being Investigated elec iiiiauj, iiicscuiB n iDuvrrw prouiem. In this case the Insulating properties of the oil diminish the current, and oil-bearing regions are detected accordingly. In view of the great depth to which It Is often necessary to bore for oil?oil that only exists simultaneously with an almost oil-free area above?the method would seem to have limitations, but It has doubtless possibilities In dealing with surface oil areas. That Decided Him. George was In n despondent mood. "But, Mnhei, dear," he said, "marriage Is out of the question Just now. You seem to have forgotten that I'm a poor clerk on a meager salary." "Oh, George, don't let poverty Interfere with our happiness. We cnn live on one meal a day, if necessary." "But you know nothing of household duties, sweetheart. Why, you can't even cook." "Indeed,"I can, lovec I hnve kept It secret from you but the time has come for my confession. George, dear, I got a certificate from a domestic aclence school three months ago." The yonng man jjasped. "My darling," he said, "come to my arms. It shall he as you wish?one mesl a toy will be more than enpugh." THE DILI MADAME POST ha? moved her beauty parlor from 27 S. Dargan Street to 57 E. Evans Street, Phone 586 W. Florence, S. C., and is better equipped to take care of her clientele. Absolute privacy. Hairdying a specialty. A complete line of hairgoods, switches, curls, puffs and transformations. Any shade of hair may be matched without the annoyance of waiting or have to send for same.?8 25 3t. XOTICE , State of South Carolina, Dillon County. Under and by virtue of certain tax executions to me directed by Mrs. Jennie C. Watson, clerk and treasurer for the Town of Dillon, S. C., I will sell before the court house door in the Town of Dillon, state and county aforesaid, on the first Monday in September, 1921, the same being the' 5th day of said month at 12 o'clock noon, for cash the following property, both real and personal, to satisfy executions; purchaser to pay for papers and revenue stamps: L. F. BRITT, Chief of Pnllcp 1019 Tax Executions. W. S. Cottingham, 1 lot and bldg. Don Hayes, 2 lots. Mattie McLean, 1 lot and 1 bldg. Amanda McLellan, 1 lot. Ben McRae, 2 lots. Selicia Page, 1 lot and 1 bldg. Pullman Company, personal property, value $135.00. Emma Ratley, 1 lot. R. P. Stackhouse, 4 lots. J. R- Wallace. 1 lot. N. D. Adimy, 1 lot and 1 bldg. 102O Tux Executions. J. J. Allen, 1 lot and 1 bldg. W. Merritt Allen, personal property, value $50. J. J. Andrews, 1 lot. Thos. Adkinson, 1 lot and 1 bldg. R. M. Bailey, persona! property, Value $100.00. Mrs. Ann Eliza Bethea, 1 lot. D. 1). Bethea, 1 lot. J. M. Bridgman, personal property, value $25.00. H. N. Britt, personal property, value $30.00. Lawrence Campbell, 3 lols. B. P. Cobb, personal property, value $55.00. Richard C. Cook, 16 lots. J. W. Connelly, 5 lots and 1 bldg. W. S. Cottinyham, 1 lot and 1 hldg. Herbert Courser, 2 lots and 2 bldp. B. G. Doggett, personal property, value $08.00. B. F. Edwards, personal property, value $560.00. Wesley Gaddy, 2 lots. . James Gasque, personal property, value $110.00. A. T. Godbold, 1 lot. Marvin Hamilton, personal properwm^ i f (pp&p % More At the new brook1' giv your dollar f *L Here is a b carried ov sound, prac first cost is The "Glenl It has resp< to gasoline for perforn Imagine a twenty-five Theil *you \ when you s nd accept PA1GE-D J. EARLI Opei Clan brook, *-44. 5L?o?. *-44. 1-Pw Ardmorf. 4-44. 4-Pi Lakowood. 4-44, 7-t Whffloot II. 4-44 4-44, S-P. /ON HERALD. DILA/ON, SOOTH CA ty. value $40.00.. Richard Harlee, personal property, value $20.00. J. D. Haselden, 1 lot and 1 bldg. A. C. Hayes, personal property, value $220.00. Doff Hayes, 2 Ipts. Jane Higgins, 1 lot and 1 bldg. A. J. Hopkins, 1 lot and 1 bldg. H. Hubbard, 6 lots. F. D. Huggins, 2 lots and 2 buildings. C. L. Jackson, 1 lot and 1 bldg. Mary Jackson, 3 lots. Marcus J. Jackson, personal propprty, value $180.00. Richard Johnson, personal property, value $20.00. Jubeuleum Lodge, 3 lots. Lady Knight of King David, 1 lot. Einpro Lampey, 4 lots. Boyd Lane, 1 lot and 1 bldg. Joe P. Lane, 5 lots and 1 bldg. R. L. Lane, 11 >6 lots and 4 bldgs. Ben Mace ets., 1 lot and 2 bldgs. 'daiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | HAVE Y I Repaired where you wil cost before thi i We guarantee ever\ manship | ALL WE WA1\ | miiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 MARTIN and GARAN E Re jairin^ Departmenl | At Perry's Auto Pi E A?. R. Avenue / E 11 n 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 | WE HAVE AN UP-TOwhich will serve yo are always near us = niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | OUR WASHING | is superintended by D. = know bow to take care i | Washing $1.00. Washing 1 $2.25. -| 11111111111 HI 111111IJ11111111111111111II111111111 . M ifie Most Beautiful Car in/Imer ! Than Par price of $1635 the five-pass< es you gratifying evidence can go today. ranc1 new product?not a er as a 1921 motor car. :tical investment because w: last cost. Drook" is endowed with th< ;ct for your pocket book wl , tire mileage and repair fc lance ? motor that accelerates \ miles an hour in nine s vill have a new vision of wf it behind the wheel of the any challenge of the road. ETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROI1 Manufacturer* of Motor Car? and Motor Trut i BETHEA, . Dill, NEW PRICES OF PAIGE CARS " C* Clo* PWTourt"* ?|fc3.n Cowpe. 6-44, 4-Pauu Roadater . . S?d?n. 4-44. 5-Paiui, J1, Coup*, 4-44, 5-Pam? ^f*iJourin* **75 Sedan. 4-44. 7-Pmom Limou^ne, 4-44. 7-1 ?. Roadtttr . 4145 AU Pricme f. o. b. I 1 I "Y ' ROLXNA, THURSDAY MORNING. A John A. Manning, I lot and 1 bldg. Mary L. Manning, 2 lots. S. W. Manning, 1 lot and 1 bldg. Dan Miles, personal property, value $270.00. Ed. Miles. 1 lot. R. C. Miles, personal property, value $100.00. A. D. Moody. 1 lot and 1 bldg. Champ Moody, 1 lot. Lonnie Moody, personal property, value $20.00. Bettie McBridge, 1 lot. J. C. McCorniack, personal property, value $40.00. J. B. McCraeken, personal property. value $50.00. E. D. MeCutcheon, personal property, value $50.00. J. B. MeCutcheon, personal proper, ty, value $2110.00. C. P. McDowell, personal property, value S30.00. George McDowell, 4 lots. A. D. McKenzie and J. A. Mc11111111111111111111I I1111111111111111111111111111 OUR CAR I & Painted I 1 know what it 2 work is done. y job, both in work- | and price. IT IS A TRIAL. 1 1111n11n11111111111ii111ii11111i.i111111111u | GER D.V.PERRY Painting and Uphnletering Dept. E lint & Repair Shop | Dhone 127J, Day or Night = 11111111111111111 i 11111M1111111111111II111111 E DATE SERVICE TRUCK | u day or night. You with our equipment. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii = I DEPARTMENT | V. Perry himself. We | of the paint on your car. | \ and greasing all oil cups i 11111 HI 111II11111111111II11111111111II n i n m 111^ ?'!i! ii'si n ,!!'i! ? *** i || |! j i jj , W", fa ? i^| ?i v . X , , | f-f t , ; 1Q\ I ~ r v ,*/jl ',1^ , r ? V' '*? * Y' ' ~ v '* * ^VJ )d 7 0?#N a R 7 ?: -X ?X -* ? \j \VV > 7 j~~ \]& E| D ) P ica Value ?nger ilGIenof how far n old model And it is a ith the Paige b thrift idea. len it comes >ills. And as From five to ieconds flat! \at to expect klGlenbrook,, T, Michigan :kj >n, S. C. * id Cart enter . . $74M in|? JS79 enter , . . J7SS nter . . -VU9 fMsenter . . MM Factory. Tax Extra VGUST, 25, 1921. Kov, 14 lots and 3 buildings. Mrs. Dollic McKenzie, 1 lot and 1 buildings. \V. L. McKenzie, 1 lot and 1 bldg. A. P. McKinnon, 1 lot. Mattie McLean. 1 lot and 1 bldg. Amanda McLellun, 1 lot. D. C. McLellun, personal property, value $3,000. \\ illiatn McLeilan, 1 lot and 1 bldg. Columbus McLeod. 1 ot. A. M. McNaull, 2 lots and 1 bldg. Charlie McNeill, 1 lot and 1 bdg. Kffie McNeill. 2 lots. Mrs. A. G. McQueen, 1 lot. Dee McRae, 1 lot. I). C. Nance, 1 lot and 1 bldg. L. F. Nance, 1 lot an,i 1 bldg. Koumelia Owens. 1 lot. C. C. Prince, personal property, v? 11> no C. H. R?y, personal property, value $230.00. Mrs. Alma Roberts, 4 lo?s and 2 buildings. J. E. Roberts, personal property, value $720.00. Joe Robertson, 1 lot. A. M. Rogers, 5 lots. Mrs. W. L. Rose. 23 lots. Carolina DILLOI We are now buildin capable of curing and s tatoes. We believe we a curing bouse in South ( tracted to buy 10,000 cr potatoes. Dr. Wade Sta 1 house at his own expen will be uniform with tli bouses in this section. We renew our offer Rica potatoes at 50 cents house. We ask our friei tatoes to fill the house, tatoes are very grassy, and made to yield from 1 yet. Last year's crop n the growers f. o. b. cars We pi an some improve guarantee a good cash marke farm. We Hope to have tf tion in time to take care of i W e huy and sell Ful a sample of your seed oats a price. We huy and sell Ahri for sale let us have a sample Carolina I Dillon I .A a Jij^ i^ou. fuxd i @U3i Tear off the blii agance if you ai You can never s light until you c Extravagance is norance is a cr and to your fan If you earn $10, spend it all you ahead. If you eai a part of it yoi That's arithmeti vite your bankir Th e Bank AFE TY, SERVICE Dillon, Soi J. E. Siiemore, personal property, \alue $280.00. . Bill Smith, personal property, valCarrie Smith, 1 lot and 1 bldg. John Smith, 1 lot and 1 building. Mrs. Valeria Sprunt, 2 lots and 1 M. D. Stabler, personal property, value $205.00. Mary Stack house, 1 lot and 1 bldg. M. M. Sfackhouse, 1 lot and 1 bldg. J. C. Stokes, personal property, value $100.00. John Tann, 1 lot. A. B. Thompson, personal property, value $40.00. X. V. Townsend, 1 lot. Raleigh Williiams, personal property. value $20.00. Hnrneitha \Vith?*rspoon, 1 lot and 1 building. Southern Express Company, personal property, value $231.00. Pullman Company, personal property, value $135.00. Mint Cola Company, personal property, value $1260.00. G. G. McLAURlN. Mayor. JENNIE C. WATSON, Clerk?8 18 St /tilling Co. I si, S. C. I ig a sweet potato house 1 toring 15,000 bushels po- I re going to have the best I Carolina. We have con- I ates in which to cure the I ckhouse is building this ! se. Our storage charges 6 lat of other Government 8 to buy No. 1 and 2 Porto | > per bushel f. o. b. our f ids to grow plenty of po- g While many patches of po- | they can be worked out 1 00 to 200 bushels per acre 8 etted $1.25 per bushel to | at the curing houses. 1 :ments at the mill which will j t for any product raised on a 1 us department in full opera- B this grain crop. ghum Seed Oats. Bring us fl nd we will name you a cash 8 1ZZ1 Rye. If you have anv B Willing Co. , , s. c. f vWa v tyvowu^ jj^ou, ana. -vtouj I -u>ouSL<A. OOrrrMi jim. TiaorvoUx* .. ? JUW ^ ^ ldfold of extravre wearing one. ee financial day 10. > ignorance; igime to yourself lily. 000 a year and will never get -n $1,00 and bank a will prosper, ic. Try it. We inig business. : of Dillon 1 AND 4 PER CENT ith Carolina ' J ' JjM