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^ ET RESULTS FROM HOLIDAY Vacation Days Should Be as Car*, fully l? the Work of the Year. To the question. "What will you do an your holiday?" some might reply, dlsi"ruing a possible tilt against ?he trenuous holiday, "Nothing!" That would be as wrong as doing too mueli. The perfect holiday, for the average worker, should be on crescendo and diminuendo lines, observes a writer In London Answers. Yqu pass Into your fortnight or three weeks quietly. Your body Is. literally, a machine. It has been doing work?hard, monotonous work? lor a year. To switch it on suddenly to something quite different is to nsk for trouble. The walkers to Brldgton don't wlnnsA * r>uuhr ni me whik. iney negin witn short walks, to get themselves In trim. So whatever you are going to "do" o your holiday do It slowly and quietly at first, so that the machine of your body may "change gears" without Jar, break or mishap. Then by the middle of your holiday you will to In good trim and the best of health. And It is necessary, if your holiday ti to do you real good, and build you up for another year's work, that you * should gradually slow down with your holiday activities, resume your work without, as it were, having to make yourself do It. Who has not known that post-holiday feeling of not being able to settle down? It is the result of living a .. holiday at high pressure and ending ] at high pressure. Let the steam off gradually, so that you may pass from your holiday back to your work without effort. REFUSED TO ABANDON GAME , tttucky Terrier Died With Fox It Had Run to Earth and Killed in Combat. What Is believed to be an unprecedented end to a combat between a fox and a terrier Is reported from the Lake country. A stout hill fox hunted by the Bleneathra hounds for three and a half hours on the mountain heights above ac. jonns-in-tne-vaie sought sanctuary In a fissure of rock in a crnck near the skyline of Wanthwalte. Here he faced , ne of the gamest terriers belonging to the pack and, scrambling to a shelf hi the rocks, was able for some time to give as fierce punishment as he got', i The terrier killed the for, but refused to leave it and followers and hounds had at last to quit the crags so that they might make the descent 1 of one of the most' dnngerous ravines of the mountain range before dark- 1 ness. When huntsman and whip returned next morning to the crag they found terrier as well as fox lying dead outside the borran. An examination of the terrier showed that the fox had inflicted no mortal , wound upon him. The terrier had < dragged the fox out and then, loth to 1 leave it. had laid down beside it It 1 was clear that he had died from ex- ] posure during a bitterly cold night, i No sfinilnr case has. so far as is 1 known, occurred before.?London ?M 4 x imps. > 1 When In Doubt, Add 10 Per Cent. < A Wall street man was negotiating | with a country tinsmith for the renewal of the rain gutters on his house. Inquiring cautiously about the cost of j copper gutters, he was surprised to llnd that they would cost him at the 1 rate of more than 50 cents i? pound, though the metal sells in ingots . around 19 cents. "Well," said the smith, "you see the men that work the metal up In the shop get $9 a day. The shop adds 10 per cent for the workmen's Insurance and alms to make at lenst $1 a day on every man. When it comes to me, I figure the cost of the materials and labor, and I have to add 10 per cent to the wages to cover Insurance cost, too. Then I have to add 10 per cent to the whole thing for overhead, 5 per cent for the use of the car and 18 per cent for being a boss. So I really don't get any profit on the Job at all. All I get out of it Is my living. you might say."?Wall Street Journal. Making a Lion Love a Lamb. Mr. Rostock has told how he succeeded In making a lion and lamb firm friends. "I placed In the llon'a cage all aorta of toys of the animal variety?cotton sheep, homes, rabbits?In fact, a regular Noah's ark," said Mr. Bostock. "Then I specialized on manufactured sheep, but It took a long time for the Hon to And oat that they were not good to eat. Finally a live lamb whs Ho trod need. At first the Hon looked surprised, and then lay down and gently pawed the stranger. Tlie Iamb did not like this, and drawing back n pace or two butted the Hon In the mane. This appeared to amuse the Hon greatly; he playfully rolled over on his Hack, while the lamb butted again. Now they are fast friends, and an Insurance company would be justified in taking the lamb as a first-class risk." ?F. H. Cheley In "Stories for Talks to Boys." World's Glass Industry. Glass factories of Bohemia are filled with orders and working at full capacity, but are likely to suffer In the future because of the competition that affese In this trade during the war. Japan Is one of the largest competitors! Mew glass factories also hare boon founded in Belgium, the Ukraine, Moussuala and Poland. THE Di OTIS M. PAGE Civil Engineer DILLON, S.C. SERVICE Good Service me* ns getting what you want when you want it, the way you want it and ] at a moderate price. We can soon convince I you that you can get ] good service here. Cars washed $1.00, oiled, doped and washed $2.50. BENNETT at 7*foori Auto Saltt Co. JTRAYED OR STOLEN?From My ' home about three weeks ago. pointer duddv ?hnn? months old, white with brown spots, had on leather collar, answers to name of "Pal." Finder please return to W. M. McLean at Post Office and receive reward ltp. HEMSTITCHING and plcoting at- ' t&chment works on kny sewing machine, easily adjusted. Price $2.50 with full instructions. Oriental Novelty Co., Box 11, Corpus Christi, ' Texas.8 25 ltp. ^ STRAYED OR STOLEN ? White and liver spotted pointer; answers to name of Jack. Seen to get in Ford automobile Saturday night. Reward for information or return tn P. M. Nlernsie?8 25. ' CITATION. The State of South Carolina, County of Dillon, by Joe Oabell Davis, . Probate Judge: < Whereas, Bettle Page has made suit to me to crant unto her letters of administration of the estate and These are, therefore, to cite and . admonish all and singular the kin- ] dred and 'creditors of the said Henry Page, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Dillon on Thurs- ' day, September 1st next, after publication hereof, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they < have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 16th day of August, Anno Domini, 1921. JOE CABELL DAVIS, Judge of Probate, ' 8 18 2t. Dillon County. FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that Mrs. , Tames B. Hamer, as guardian of the estate of Brown McCallum Hamer, ninor, has made application unto me Tor final discharge as guardian and Friday, September 16th at 10 o'clock n the forenoon has been appointed tor the hearing of the said petition. All persons holding claims against the said eatate are requested to file ( hpm with tho trnor/ilon nn Ar KafAm ? ?~ *= ( 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Friday, , September the 16th or this notice will le plead in bar of their recovery. JOE CABELL DAVIS, 1 Judge of Probate, 8 18 4t. Dillon County. H ? ffl EE 51H ? ? ? E a m gl Safe Deposit B ? Thousa I DO LI I S TO ffl m EACH E B 'TPhe only safe plac ? ey and valuabli ra . Where it can't be ST g LOST. When you keep val gl your house, you take gg ous about them all th< gg Put your money in g] get it at any time an gl when you sleep. 51 51 We invite your pat 1 FIRST NATIC IS DILLON, Soi * National Bank Pr< ? Savi 5 .aimmn mmmmmixim QD CD CD DC ED CD CD OD CD uD OD ULON HERALD, DILLOV, SOOTH WANT COLUMN | CROP AND CHATTEL. MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and dellrery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. FOR SALE?One Dort Sedan Body in excellent condition. Will fit Dert or, Chevrolet chassis. Perry's Auto Paint and Repair Shop, Dillon, S. C.. Phone 127-J?7 21 tf. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ? At old Dillon Hotel. For information See J. R. Hatch, Dillon Market.?7 21 tf. MONUMENTS?We are builders and erectors of high grade monuments. All w6rk of the best material and fully guaranteed. Prices reasonable. See us before placing your order. Lumberton Marble Works, J. H. Floyd, Prop., Lumberton, N. C.?2 24 52t. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stafford's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 WANTED ?COUNTRY PEOPLE TO TRY OUR 76c. MEALS. PALMKTTO CAFE, NEXT TO WERAin urrics?.tf. WILL. BUY FOR CASH 585 CROSS Ties. See L. Cottingham, Dillon, S. C..?8 18. We are proud of the confidence doctors, druggists and the public hav? in 666 Chill and Fever Tonic. ? 5 ia aot. DROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. Etub-My-Tism is a great pain killer. Relieves pain and so renew. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Etc.? 5 ia aot. 866 quickly relieves Constipation, biliousness, loss of Appetite and Headaches, due to Torpid Liver. ?5 ia aot. FULGUM SEED OATS WANTED ? Qnn/1 eemnlo- TVI11 ' wvuu wuiliico IV VUIUU VjU. wn. and Marketing Corporation.8 18 2t WILL. BUY OATS?Let Us Know what you have. Dillon Co. Wh. and Mkt. Corporation.?8 18 2t. WANTED ? Cross Ties at Once. See L. Cottingham, Sec.-Treaa., Dillon County Warehouse and Marketing Corporation.?8 18. TO LET?One nice large well ventilated front room, close in. Furished. C.?Herald.?8 11. ABBRUZZI RYE FOR SALE?LIMited quantity. Get your order in quick. Dillon Co. Wh. and Mkt. Corporation?8 18 2t. NOTICE. Take notice that the fall terra Court of General Sessions for the County of Dillon will convene at Dillon, S. C., on Monday, September 12th, 19 21, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. SAM McLAURIN, 8 18 4t. C. C. C. P. & G. S. ????ffl?fflffl?ffl? RR oxes For Rent gj rids of 1 't_A_R_S 1 L_EN f YEAR ? ffl e to keep your mon- gj es is in a RANK. f?l OLEN, BURNED or ? D uables and money in 5, a big risk and nerv- gj e time. m our bank, you can g] dyou will feel easy g) ffl ffl ffi ;ronage, S >NAL BANK| nth Carolina ? Dtection For Your gg ings ? m rn m m qq rxi qq cq bq cd qe tZitStStxjt&iBiZliZitZiCDCK r . ? . IHPWWML? -C**; r I CAROLINA, THURSDAY. MOB2TIHO, NOTICE?I AM AGENT FOR THE < Florence Steam Laundry and will receive and deliver all laundrlee aa promptly aa possible. Palfce Market. OM has more imitations than any. other Fever Tonic on 'the market, 11 bat no one wants Imitations. ?1 ?5 ia aot. ?T I SIX I / M 1 THE unprece SIX can be I a degree of at sought for yeai Studebaker fac indication of it the fact that, in baker (with the well known ani sold more cars country. . <j 1 ! . i i Tmmrlna Cmrm mmd Roai LIGHT-SIX S-PASS. ROADSTER... ALL 8TUDEBA1 \ AUGUST, SB, 1ML I DROP AND CMATTEIi MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estafte, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent lienr, claim and delirery papers for sale at Th* nereld office.?3 24. Etub-My-Tism is a powerful antiseptic. Cures Infected nuts, old sores, etc.?b is aot. liledand he she * AFTER MONTHS and months. T MY WIFE persuaded me. t F TO HAVE It done. 1 y SO I went around. " I TO THE photographer. A AND QOT mugged. A U/UCBd rue a ** i i nb yiwvurvv oaiuv. n I SHOWED them to a gang. B OF AMATEUR ari critics. F AND PROFE88IONAL crabs. V DI8QUI8ED AS friends. G ? WHO FAVORED me. 7 WITH SUCH remarks as. "DOE8N'T HE look natural?" "HAS IT got a tall?" . "A GREAT resemblance." I * AND THAT last one. ? b MADE ME sore. ti S SO WHEN friend wife. U * h ADDED HER howL I TRIED again. ^ ? Li ^_| rM-riNMMT. 40-A?n?- | M I pimf. f f 2-mcn mkmathmam I I urn i.Ab. SmA Bm< I 8f I denied popularity of * braced to the fact th itomobile value that rs. It is built compl tories in South Bend s real worth today, i t the first six months i exception of one mi i very low-priced cai than any other man This is & B. AUTO SA Dillon, S. C. IV PRICES OF STUDEBAKER ( f. o. b. Factorial, affactioa Juna lit, 191 iatara C $1300 LIGHT-SIX 2-PASS 1338 LIGHT-SIX 8-PASS. 1888 SPECIAL-SIX 4-PAf ::::::::::::::::: iSS SESifFJrS 1888 BIG-SIX 7-PASS. SI CER CARS ARE EQUIPPED WI1 ' t X ' ' " * ^ EVlDBTONE WHO CAN MAKE A few cross ties for (fujck delivery, see L. Co tt Ingham. Cypress or white oak preferred.?8 18. v LOST ? Three return tickets from Dillon. S. C., to Hendersonville, N. C. Liberal reward if returned to ticket agent at Dillon. Miss Isla McKenzie, Bat Cave, N. C.?8 18 " f it me HIS TIME they were great. OR HERE'S what happened. ? HE PHOTOGRAPHER said. ? LOOK THI8 way, please." lND HELD (in ortmathlw? A HE poshed the button. ? lND NO one could help. ? UT LOOK pleasant. < OR WHAT he held up. VA8 A nice full pack. ? ? tF THE cigarettes. HAT SATI8FY. # r TIGHT up a Chesterfield and Li sense the goodness of those ne Turkish and Domestic toaccos in that wonderful Cheejrfield blend. Taste that flavor! niff that aroma! Youll regis;r "They Satisfy." You can't elp it. a Did you know about tko Chm*tmrfimld packafm of 10? ggett Sc Myem Tobacco Co. * MMh-ll ^ -IDF^S (o {SB the New Lightat it represents the puMic has efe in the great A I il I i ruiu uic uc51 s to be found in of 1921, Studeuiufacturer of a r) produced and ufacturer in the a Studebaker Year LES ! . * I IARS ? "^OUF'E ROAD5TM ?1MS SEDAN 1MB .'H CORD tirrr , r