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r i , r "" * s PERSONAL MENTION d \ D. Worth McKinley spent Sunday t; in Clio. u John C. Woodley of Clio was in a town Sunday afternoon. Miss Shirley of Honea Path is vis- ^ Uln? V. ni.i X# T T7. rpi ?vtu& net oioici, mip. ?i. r . luuiiiysuu. ^ Hymie Rephan of Charleston spent Sunday in town. Miss C. B. McLeod left Saturday f for Glenn Springs. ( Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McRae are visiting relatives at Barnwell, N. C. r O. C.'Croxton an<j family spent ? the week end at 'Myrtle Beach. Messrs. Phil Osteen and Cecil j Bracey spent Sunday at'Myrtle Beach. Carlisle Bracey Is spending some time in Mulllns thi8 week. ' Palmer Bethea of Hamlet, N. C., was in town Tuesday. Mr. J. W. Hamer has returned 5 from a trip to Ashevtlle and Hendersonville. , Mrs. LeRoy Williams returned t Monday after spending some time j, with'relatives in Wilmington. Mrs. E. B. Powell left Monday for J Tyron, N. C.. where she will spend ^ some time with her daughter. C. G. Hatch left Sunday for More-|] i:eaa v^ny, i>. vj., wnere oe will spend ^ a few days with relatives. f o _ Misses Beth and Sallie McKeithan a of Kentyre section spent Tuesday in town. Misses Irma Medlin and Pauline Webster spent Sunday at Myrtle Beach. . Mrs. R. J. Gaddy and sister. Miss j Dixie Curtis, of Adkinson. N. C. were j visitors to our town "Saturday. Julius Blumberg has returned from Cf a two week's tour of the northern markets. ' Miss Louise Moore is attending a house party at Rockingham, N. C., this week. R. C. Couch returned 'home Saturday after an absence of several 11 months in the north and west. 0 o Mrs. Charles Parker of Waycross. c Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. B. Welch. 11 Q v Mr. Smith of the Dillon Pharmacy . has gone to Asheville, N. C., for a few days. g Mrs. Gertrude Johnsttn of Valdosta. Go., spent Saturday in town, leaving Saturday night for New York. Mrs. S. C. Henslee and daughter.! Rebecca Field, and Miss Isla McKenzie left Friday for Asheville, N. C. Mrs. L. F. Johnson and children * are spending some time at Myrtle Beach. Miss Alice Haynes left last week for her hoiV/e in Michigan. She will return about <he first of October. Mrs. W. B. Guill and daughter. Mrs. E. L. Barney are spending some time at Hendersonville, N. C. Mr. L. R. Craig left Wednesday for Mobile, Ala., where she will spend some time with relatives. ?o? Miss Mary Saleeby and her mother Mrs. A. A. Saleeby, are spending tlie week at Myrtle Beach. Alton Ramsey left Saturday morning for Ehrhardt, S. C., where he will spend some time with relatives and friends. Mrs. J. E. Duval of Mobile, Ala., who has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs, L. R. Craig, returned to her home Wednesday. Mrs. A. N. Coppedge and children spent the week end in Raeford, N. C., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs? B. F. Grimes. Mr. and Mrs.'W. L. McKenzie spent Saturday and Sunday in Raeford, N. C., with Mrs. McKenzie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Grimes. W. A. Blizzard walked through the COttOn On his Bass r>lfirt? n#?r T.atto and found boll weevils in abundance. Mr. Blizzard says he'did not think he had a weevil on the place. He brought several blossoms to town and the weevils could be seen dowti in the t>ud eating the fruit in feverish haste. They appear to be greedy insects and If all of them work as rapidly as those Mr. Blizzard was exhibiting it will not take an army of them long to clean up & patch of cotton. The weevil is feeding on the top crop this " year and if he destroys this he will not do much damage as it has been a good many years since Dillon has made a top crop. ? o FORMER DILLON MAN DIES. Benj. F. Clayton, a rormer Dillon resident, died at Adel, Ga., last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Clayton had not been sick and death came suddenly. For many years he was telegraph operator at Dillon and at one time conducted a grocery business here. Before coming to Dillon he held the position of night operator at Pee Dee. Mr. Clayton was * son of the late W. I F. Clayton, well known attorney ofj Florence. _ _? I k. Hi ? 1 ' , w. iiLiii flfctiiL. i - i ? i ' ? HIE DILLON . ? ? Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stubbs, Deweyj tubbs, Mrs. Ola McNair and little j aughter. Marian, spent Sunday at ( lyrtle Beach. j! The Woman's Missionary Society of he Baptist church will have its reglar meeting Friday afternoon at 5 'clock in the church. All members re urged to be present. Miss Naomi Copeland returned to ier home in Baltimore Saturday light after spending some time with ;er sister, Mrs. D. H. Fass. Miss Zenetta Gressette returned lome Sunday night after visiting riends and relatives in St. George. S. J., for several days. Jord Jordan and Joe Taber have eturned home after attending the Citizens Military Training Camp at Jamp Jackson, Columbia. o Messrs. G. B. Robertson and Wiliam Phoebus, of Fayetteville, N. C., ipent Wednesday in the city. o 'Don't Get Alarmed," Says Dr. Stackhouse. "I am not nervous over the coning of'the boll weevil," remarked Dr. itackhouse while commenting Tueslay am the situation. "I had the boll veevil last year on my Grove place tear Sellers," continued Dr. Stacklouse. "and 'I am getting used to ilm. He made his appearance again ?arly this spring and he has been rery much in evidence all the sumner. The wet weather of July and lugust has made him multiply rapdly. I don't believe the boll weevil vill do as much damage in the Pee as must yeupie sft'IIl IO I 111 n k ne ?ill. We have the advantage of the >ther sections of the south in that ve have tobacco to fall back upon, ind thus the boll weevil will not deirive us of our only money crop. I im making preparations to diversify lext year and on all my farms I will plant peas, corn, potatoes, pind>rs and other food crops, put up some encing and raise \ few cattle and logs, and reduce y cotton acreage. t I thought we would have a dry rune and July next year I would not are a snap about the boll weevil, but or the past three years July and Vugust have been extremely wet lionths and we have 110 assurance hat next July and August will not be he same. With the start the weevil Till get in Dillon County this year he rill play havoc with the crop if we lave the long mid-summer rains text year. Tl! j people have nothing to ;ain, however, by getting excited ver the situation. The best thing they an do is to keep their heads, do a ittle clear thinking, study th0 situaion as closely as possible and Ihey j till not be badly damaged.". 'i Ollie Hai Geo. P.( COM TO D1 FOR ONI . m m m -W ? Commencing Mon Vaudeville and C Different shoi Yon al! remember tl ville Show. Old Jake, tl Well this is him. Every! the acts are written by especially for this show, wl thing new. One lady accompanu paid admission will be adi night. ADMISSION?-Children cents. Door* open 7.30 P. M, Look for Big Tent on Peoples "? * # HERALD. DILLON. SOUTH CAROLI Floydale. ' " Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Floyd , Miss Maybelle aiul Bert McLaurin spent Sunday at Myrtle Beach. Miss Alma Taylor of Florence is visiting her uncle. Mr. S. C. Taylor.1 .Mr. Rupert Gaddy of Mullins spent the week end here with friends. Mr. Joe Stackhouse spent Sunday at Mrytle Beach. Mrs. J. W. Bryant of Rowland visited Mrs. H. L- Calhoun last week. Misses Mamie and Carroll Stack-] house of Dillon spent several days last week with Miss Lillian Stackhouse. Mr. Harvey Reason of Mullins was a visitor here Sunday. Miss Nina Bryant spent several days at Lake View last week. Mrs. Lou Utley and Ralph Utley spent Sunday at Rowland. Mr. Bascom Floyd. Jr. is visiting at Lynchburg. Va.f this week. Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Hodges spent Sunday at J. H. Stackhouse's. Misses Lucy and Ruth Spivey of Conway are the attractive guests of the Misses Alford. Mr. Low Utley of Sullivans Island is visiting his mother, Mrs. Lou Utley. Rev. P. K. Crosby will begin the piuiraciea meeung ai rioyaale E. church Sunday. The Misses Alford entertained a number of young folks Monday evening at a delightful party in honor of their guests, the Misses Splveys. o Boy Scouts News Troop No. I. The Boy Scouts of America held their regular meeting August 15th. The meeting was in charge of the Assistant Scoutmaster. The weather was bad and only a few Scouts were present so we had our meeting in the school auditorium. We spent a few minutes in learning parts of the second class test and the rest of the time was spent in playing games. Every Scout is urged to be present at the next meeting. Everette Hall, Scout Scribe. NOTICE. Take notice that the fall term Court of General Sessions for the County of Dillon will convene at Dillon, S. C., on Monday. September 12th, 1921, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. SAM McLAURIN. 8 18 4t. C. C. C. P. & G. S. WAXTKI)?To R<?nt Piano in Good condition. Apply P. O. Box 246.? 8 18 ltp. ABBRl'ZZI 11 YE FOR SAFE?1AMited quantity. Got your order in quick. Dillon Co. \Yh. and Mkt. Cor- L poration?8 18 2t. See the big double page furniture ^ Sole ad. of Carniichael-Moodv Furniture Co.?8 18. ?? nilton & lardner IING ILLON E WEEK day, Aug. 22nd* omedy Dramas ff each night. ie James Adams Vaudele Black Face Comedian, ing is new this year. All Mr. Geo. B. Gardner, iiich assures?you of someid by gentleman holding mitted free, on Monday i 15 cents; Adults 25 # > Show starts 8.30 P. M* Main street near the Bank. 1 NA, THURSDAY, MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1921. =M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II c. I Farmers 1 | Dillon, Sov The Farmers Warehi leading in high prices. 1 thr many good sales mi reliable house: Briggs & Owen McClellan & Dew Jno. C. Bethea Arch Graham | Campbell & Campbell Bass and Fladger = J. Tolar Stevens and Stackhouse D. W. Bethea and Hya = Roerers and Sellers Bass and Fladger Bass and Sweet Jackson and Hyatt Stevens and Carmichae 3 W. D. Graham Herring and M. Z Miller and Stewart McLean and Johnson = Parham and Johnson Allen and McLellan Allen and McLellan David Hyatt E Rogers and Ward | Bass and Carter We sell tobacco and highest price tobacco < E Don't be mislead by 1 other places. You worl and are entitled to eve Y ou will get it at 1 Farmers Wareh | August 12, 1921. ^ 111 li 111111111 LI IIIi1II11M N11111111IIII111M11111II111II11N1111 '' ' ' Fi powmr, 119$1635 f. NO other factor than i Special-Six spread by prideful owners, coulc honed popularity that i unusual car is a member of cars whose productu first six months of 1921 other automobile manu with the exception of < 11 l * * well Known and very lo B. & B. AL Dillo I NEW PRICES OF : f. o. b. Faetorim?, mff Tomrinjt Cmrt and Raadatart , LIGHT-SIX 2-PA9S. ROADSTER: fisoo LIGHT-SIX TOURING CAR 1315 SPECIAL-SIX 2-PASS. ROADSTER ISM . SPECIAL-SIX TOURING CAR 1635 ' SPECIAL-SIX 4-PA33. ROADSTER Kll BtC-SDC TOURING CAR IMS ALL STUDBBAKBR CARS ARE 1 I i.i i 111 Hi 11111111111111 11 r 111111111111111! 1111111 i t 11 n 11111111! i * n Warehouse | I ith Carolina 1 I [)use, Dillon, S. C., is still Below are quoted a few of ide this week by this good 324 lbs. @ $34.00 266 lbs. @ 35.00 | 428 lbs. @ 31.00 I 166 lbs. @ 36.00 580 lbs. (a) 29.00 1fii lKc ^ QCftft S 1 ,u". \J?' UV>W | 426 lbs. @ 29.00 = 442 lbs. @ 30.00 I tt 678 lbs. @ 30.00 = 690 lbs (a 38.00 i 164 lbs. @ 36.00 = 242 lbs. @ 40.00 i 210 lbs. @ 34.00 = 1 740 lbs. @ 35.00 74 lbs. @ 40.00 i 136 lbs. @ 39.00 i 224 lbs. @ 35.00 I 610 lbs @ 37.00 | 510 lbs. @ 41.00 290 lbs. @ 40.00 222 lbs. @ 46.00 632 lbs. @ 30.00 i 740 lbs. @ 30.00 = 300 lbs. @ 51.00 not men and have sold the )n this market, the paid drummers from ked hard to raise your crop ry dollar that it will bring. louse, Uillon, S. C. Watkins & Bethea, Mgrs. | 111IIIIIIIIIII 111 Mil III I III! Ill II III II111.11 III 11II JIII11 III liMHCimiLiF inch lohmalbatc Th. o. b. Detroit , aotel for /< ? (is and * will find public appreciation of th ^ mouth-to-mouth f ashic 1 account for the unqi:, tlr,, u t enjoys today. Foot the Studebak' o< T'n>;; ,n?f ^?4 1 | 1 in)-' land washing ar?<t . ti< 3n and sales. of s?". fertility ana for j j ^.vaining. soil texturp is or tbe .exceeded ?< vaiu? ! * weevil ,-nndi .itnns, because it :k?s as a ctranMg [TftctlHPC** *' [crop which keeps down weeds and n?y vint. i ?v>mi plants and destroys promm a f more tectlve coverings foi tin weevil usd ,e better othei insecti dsrlni j . . ^liversified winter. I** <n?d that s It is time now for farn ers to flunk i, including about these matters and not let this e a week's i work uo until thr last moment, adAlabama to'vises Prof. A. F. Conradi. ontomoloverslfled as- gist who says that w0 want to cleat /I to grain up our farms this fall as wo hare 4 warehouses, never done before .These wintering have to do.places mentioned must not be ptrr i of diversifies nittted; they must be removed or 'this tour of in- (destroyed by one method or another, nade early In Humus is our greatest deficiency in les of the trip farming and for that reason vegebusiness men table matters should be properly inng. corporated in the soil whenever pos ? sible; but there are a great many s and A. K. Me- caROS where this can not bo done; n o two week's an<* J'f*t. should weeds, dead gram-* hile away they etc ? ^main through the winter they * Kj? he county fairs would form successful wintering race. places for the boll weevil. Turning |;JE may be the only resort by whffcfc* Florence spent they can he destroyed, an<j if eOk?. w burning should be employed.'