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'*1 bailor* the boll weevil damage Eh this county will be greater than : 3111* moot people think/' said Mr. J. B. S | 1 MeCmtcheon. '"The weevila are show< r ^ 39 1,1 many unexpected places and r* (V<1 estimate the damage in Dillon coun. 5* 9. ty this year from 10,000 to' 16,000 , r J bales. It ia astonishing how rapidly a, they multiply. In ten days after they * make their appearance a field is lit3, erally covered. I am apprehensive as 3] to resulta" County Agent Epps estimates the | damage in the county this year at 10 ' > per cent. "The weevils," says Mr. bb~> J Epps, "are more numerous in the c southwestern part of th? county :where the rains have been heaviest. I s' C. don't think the damage this year will be very great but the weevil is lay BF 7 Ing a good foundation for next year's 1 0 work and the indications are that we ; Ml f will not make more than 50 per cent. 1 of crop in 1922." ?; ' o Sw??t Potatoes as a Money Crop. 1. The News and Courier. It is not easy for the average far* III mer in South Carolina to believe that M IB eweet potatoes can be grown for market successfully and profitably. It is * not earfy to persuade the average business man or banker in South Caro; ) lina that the sweet potato can be I | planted in this state as a money crop. ; ' , " BUILD OF CYPRESS ANL A U NP SOLE MJ.WUF.1CTURERS OF THE "JU i Bee Keep< 1 "SMART BEES LIKE TO LI So here's an "All - Cypress" f BEE-HIVE that you'll call a "jiradandy"? on sight. limit right, priced f ' right, "OKAY" all Aver. Cypress resists rot longer than ^ any other wood when exposed to varying weather conditions?hot i ^ repair bills?saves you real moi || Von can identify it by "80" I L this trade-mark. ^ I >r ^ CYPi "THE wool will be an A-l permanent investraen ~ GOOD HOME F( J This "All-Cypress" bee hive is shipped to MB dealer's name when writing. We are prepared to meet your needs in al ? y the "best ever" lumber for FENCING. K MOULDING. LATH. SHINGLES. FOR and for all purposes where you need lumbe ? "BUY THE GR/fDE T1 Insist on "HO" Brand Cypress from # hasn't enough to supply you. give us 5 THE BUCK RIVER CYPRESS C Also manufacturers of Superior BLACK I ing, and our famous " L; ' ? ft I : Ki U ?? Sold on/y^ * The best made for hi or rougt 111 f RED Extra Ply ? 30 |.[ , $22 I Reduction on ai I? jj I Known and H Nevertheless, we are confident that both the farmer* an* the boalnee* men of Sooth Carolina are going to he converted to the possibilities of (rowing sweet potatoes commercially and we hope that this convraion will be fairly well advanced before many more months pass. The South Carolina Development Board, which Is taking the lead in this matter, has secured in Mr. H. E. Horton as manager a man who has studied the sweet potato problem from every angle and who is able to deal with it practically and convincingly. In hi8 conference in Charleston on Saturday with a number of farmers and business men on this subject Mr. Horton fully satisfied them that 1 he knew what he was about and he satisfied them further that if the sweet potato is taken hold of in the right way we have in it a crop which Will go a lone wav toward nrnvMind the money-producer which is needed on farms which in future can grow cotton only on a limited scale if at all. ! Growing sweet potatoes is a simple enough matter; the problem is to , market them and it is to the task of creating the machinery necessary for thi8 purpose thftt Mr. Horton is devoting himself at present. We believe that he wi!I make a success of it if he is given proper support and if he does the foundation of a new industry will have been laid in South Carolina?an industry which should > YOU BUILD BUT ONCE." >.S.C. V BRAND OF "THE WOOD ETERNALI ?? i ers Listen! VE IX A CYPRESS HOUSE." and cold, wet and dry?and avert* ney? therefore a bee-hive made of iRAND ?'a>' *n'c- Refuse "anonymous" Cvtress. ress D ETERNAL' t for you and make an everlastingly OR YOUR BEES! you ready to set up. Give us your lumber 1 grades of genuine "8a" Brand Cypress, SIDING. SHEATHING. FLANKING CH SILLS and FLOORS. SUB-FLOORS I AT FITS THE JOB." your nearest lumber dealer. If he his name and we'll "do the needful." OMPANY, Gable, South Carolina tlVER Tupelo. Sap Cum and Maple FloorAll-Cypress" Garages. Si by dealers j fabric tire javy service i roads ? -TOP Heavy Tread x 31 1.00 I styles and sixes v Price on a [onest Product / r bring millions la to tb? State from tbo beginning la retnrnfsr the itnt potatoes shipped oat of it. aad an Industry with great possibilities in the derelopment of sweet potato by-produets. In the past fifteen years we have seen the trucking' Industry in the coast country grow from nothing to a revenue-earner which in Charleston 1 county alone in recent years has < brought in more than seven million aoiiers annually. Sweet potatoes have i a great advantage over other vegetables grown In this region in that they 1 are less perishable and can be mar- 1 keted over a period of months. The market for them does not have to be i created. It exists now. What is needed i is for the producers here to learn how ! to put sweet potatoes on the market i under the conditions which the mar- ! ket requires shall be met. If they i will do that?and they can do it 4f they will? they can'sell all the po- i tatoes they can grow and sell them for good money. J? i TO LET?One nice large well vend- 1 lated front room, close in. Furished. C.?Herald.?8 11. From this date < Fresh Gover: Of All I Canned STAPLE AND FAJ NOTIONS A At lowest c: Call and look my stock P. W. SESSIONS THE U. S. U SCO TB Here is the U. S. Usco with a long-established si of service among motoris have an eye to value, as to price. While selling for lc the other tires in the U. S. line, the Usco has earned tation for quality and depx economy which is not e; by any tire in ita class. I United States T1 I are Good Tire: I U.S. USCOTRE, I U. S. CHAIN TRE I U. S. NOBBY TRE I U. S. ROYAL CO! I U.S. RED & GREY Tl Unit I United . - . - MUT like nan n dillon . i _____ i i taUhrOMN Being PablklMd tm Each Inm. ] The following cane is bat one of many occurring daily in Dillon. It la an easy matter to verify it. Ton cannot ask for better proof. John Roberts, Dillon, says:: "I sm perfectly satisfied that Doan's Kidney Pills are all that is claimed of them and I am only too glad to give them my endorsement. My kid. neys had been in >A-1 shape until a f*w VPftpa mirn anH than T haJ a Haft attack of kidney trouble. My back started to ache and pain me. making my work awfully hard. Sharp, digging pains would dart up and down my back. The kidney secretions were unnatural and showed that my kid- ? neys needed immediate attention. I I was in 'awful shape when I read of l Doan's Kidney Pills in the local paper c and decided to try them. I bought a ] supply of Doan's at the McLaurin 1 Drug Co. now the Moody Drug Co., t and they certainly did good work in _ t t ?????? t on I will handle \ nment Stock kinds of Eatables, JCY GROCERIES, ND SHOES ash prices. : over before buying. 5, LATTA, S. C. g?1^?? ?????? a ifFrom 11 u*s'' ni ] users J j ' J ( leaIJVv Tread, V tandard . its who \ weii as TN rf^of modern mer .'ss than * , , Fabric -I- the bigrcest conunc a repu- fabric tire situation. sndable tceeded Around 70% of all c use fabric tires. Their instinct for qt strong and insistent i else's. Why, then, are th such hodge-podge stoc count tires,""odd Ictfr," "retreads" and other bargains of uncertain res ? * , 5 Sooner or later the ways seeks out qual matter of self-nm+etr * no other reason. The o opinion in favor of U RD Tires has spread mon JBES -than it ever did. :ed St. States ||| Rogers Motors Co. Dillo The Floyd Co., Floyd Di F. Rogers, Fork. S. C. I>. J. Lee, Hamer, 8. C. mmmmmmmmmrnMmmmmmmmmmmmmam v ?. lm ny cut. far boxes of Dou't rand ne of the trouble and fixed me op in Ine condition." Me, all dealers. 'Foeter-Milbura Co., klfgrs., Buffalo, N. T.?S IS It. o NOTICE. Having taken but fifteen days nation in the past nine years I hare included I am entitled to a little est, so I will be away from my ofce for two weeks leaving Monday norning, August 22nd- Mr. B. Frank Sdwards will be in charge of the ofice during my absence from nine unil five o'clock. JOE CABELL DAVIS, Judge of Probate. FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE. No(lce hereby given that Vink guardian and that Friday. August Daniel, executor of the estate of Civil 3. Daniel, deceased, has made application unto me for final discharge as L9th. 10 o'clock in the forenoon has >een appointed for the hearing of he said petition. All persons holding claims against he said estate are requested to file ;hem with the administrator on or >efore 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Friday, August 19th or this"" notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. JOE CABELL DAVIS. Judg* "?f Probate, ! 28 4t. Dillon County. GINNERS, OIL MILLS AND We have a large and well Supplies at present low price of them: Bahhitt. Belt Dress mg, Leather Belting, Gandy Flew Cleaners, Files, Steam gine Governors, Shaft Hangers* I ing, all kinds: Engine Governors, w ood Pulleys. Steel Shafting. F ^Veh^v^ evirything that should be fou COLUMBIA SUP 8'2:1 IVcst Gervnis St., the ma! Royal C to the ofFabri iU. Giving to tho fabric tiro uaar froth, /)? tiroo. Stung mad a now. Being ahippod now." chandising People have g Irum is the the U. S. policy. by it. And passe :ar owners It's a policy se ard for all U. S lality is as fabrics or cord: is any one large. Giving to the tey offered fresh, live tii :fcs of "dis- now. Being shi "seconds," All the origir 11 _ 1 JX -X su-cauea anuserwcecor origin ? you buy aU.S * * public al-^ "Usco," "CI ity. As a Three different Hon?if for Built by the ut-and-out same policy, t . S. Fabric ideals that ha 3 this year Royal Cords the ure of tire wort ates Ti Rubber Coi o, 8. C. lie, 8. C. rudson, 8. C. tow 8. G ' *? > liiraP 100 lb. Cotton Sacks $1.75 W. J. ADAMS COMPANY. . PAD OPDVirP vni\ wlUA T 1VL That is what you want when you take your auto to a shop for repairs. If our service doesn't please we make no charge. Our work is guaranteed. Cars oiled and greased by one' 'who knows how," and it is important to have a "know how" to do this. W. K. BENNETT, In rear Moore Auto Sales Co/s. MACHINERY OPERATORS assorted stock of Machinery s. We only mention a few ung. Belting, Rubber BeltEjectors; Flew Expanders, I Guages, Water Gauges, Ennjectors. Iron Lubricators. PackPipe. Valves. Fittings. Pulleys, *ipe Tools, Wrenches, all kinds. nd in a first class machinery supply PLY COMPANY COLUMBIA, S. C? tors of 9 cllres otten very close to Felt it. Benefited d the word along. 3 ttled to one stand- 1 .Tires. Whether 3. Small sizes or / , i fabric tire user *es. Being made ipped now. lal U. S. vitality nes through when . Fabric Tire. * * hain," "Nobby/ trooHe w* ^ UU*J same brains, the he same quality ive made U. S. i standard meash. ires mpany > iij'i 1 o . ; , i .(r I I : < r.