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y i ^ 2 COLUMN aMt ' ? * AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES -titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. FOR SALE?One Dort Sedan Body in excellent condition. Will fit Dert or Chevrolet chassis. Perry's Auto Paint and Repair Shop, Dillon, S. C., Phone 127-J?7 21 tf. MARGARET WILKES GRADUATE Nurse. Located at D. M. Dillon's, Dillon, S. C.?8 11 2tp. CROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, Dins or sale, planters con-j tracts, rent Hens, claim and delivery papers for Bale at The Herald office.?3 24. EVERYONE WHO CAN MAKE A few cross ties for quick delivery, see L. Cottingham. Cypress or white oak preferred.?8 18. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ? At old Dillon Hotel. For information See J. R. Hatch, Dillon Market.?7 21 tf. Rub-My-Tism is a powerful antiseptic. Cures infected cuts, old sores, etc 5 12 201. MONUMENTS?We are builders and' erectors of high grade monuments. All work of the best material and fully guaranteed. Prices reasonable. See us before placing your order. Lumberton Marble Works, J. H. Floyd, Prop., Lumberton, N. C.?2 24 52t. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Staf iv/iu h Buycnme riDDons lor smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 IjOST ? Three return tickets from Dillon, S. C., to Hendersonville, N. C. Liberal reward if returned to ticket agent at Dillon. Miss Isla McKenzie, Bat Cave, N. C.?;-8 18 WANTED ?COUNTRY PEOPLE TO TRY OUR 75c. MEALS. PALMETTO CAFE, NEXT TO HERALD OFFICE?.tf. WILL BUY FOR CASH 535 CROSS Ties. See L. Cottingham, Dillon, S. C.8 18. * t Professional Cards. OTIS M. PAGE~ Civil Engineer DILLON, S. C. DR. J. H. HAMEK, JR. Dentist Offlrfi fivpr p.innloo Ronlr s c., m. d. Eye," Ear, X ose and Throai Spectacles Fitted. Cfflce Hours 9 to 11 and 2 t? 4 Evening Hours by Appointment. J. W. JOHNSON Attorney-at-Law Practice in State and Federal Ceurt* Marion, S. C. L. B. HASELDEN Attorney at Law DILLON, 8. O. Money to Lend on First Mortgage Real Estate. GIBSON & MULLER, Attoraeys-at-Law Office over Malcolm Mercantile Co. DILLON, 8.%. Practice'in State and Federal Courts DR. R. M. BAILEY, Veterinarian Office at Dillon Live Stock Co's. Stables. Office Phone - - - - 2S5 Residence Phone - - ? Surveying Drafting and Blue Printing W. M. ALLEN Dillon, S. C. Phone No. 112 L. D. LIDE Attorney-at-Law MARION. 8. CJOE P. LANE a Mvrucjr *yi?IJ?W Office Next to Bank of Dillon, Main St. Dillon, 8. C. DR. R. F. DARWIN Dentist Office Over Bank of Dillon FINAL. DISCHARGE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that J. H. Meadors, guardian of the estate of W. Bruce Boahn minor, has made application unto me for final discharge as guardian and that Monday. August 16th, 10 o'clock in the forenoon has been appointed for the hearing of the said petition. All persons holding claims against the said estate are requested to file them/irlth the administrator on or befeife It o'clock In, the forenoon ef Monday, August 15 th or this notice will bp plead in bar of their recovery. JOB CABELL DAVIS, Judge of Probate, 7 II 41. Dillon County. AtUS, UUiAlV 11LU We are proud of the confidence doc- < tors, draniata and the public has* In 666 Chill and Fever Tonic. ? 5 19 90t. NOTICE?I AM AGENT FOR TBUs. Florence Steam Laundry and will receive and deliver all laundries as pror- jtly as possible. Falace Market. 006 lias more imitations than any other Fever Tonic on the market, but no one wants imitations. ? 5 12 aot. SERVICE r.-J c ' uooa service me^ns getting what you want when you want it, the way you want it and at a moderate price. We can soon convince you that you can get ' good service here. Cars washed $1.00, oiled, doped and washed $2.50. BENNETT at Moort Auto Salts Co. s il . t ; \ V-T * T~*SL".->"T *" * : ' ai>, UiiiiiOA,' oulitl (.AuuLl.X CROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and dellvery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. Rub-My-Tism is a great ? ain killer. Relieves pain nn?| soreness, Rheumart ism. Neuralgia, Sjr aiiis, Etc.? 5 12 20t. GENUINE BULL' DURM^M tobacco n ,.es50 flood ciflarettes for ^ IUC Cf r Fi "Stan I feci r s< iiradc > years / our v everj ting 1 You you J in op balan A on cient of de gasol Lupon raaxi It is 1 gasol and 1 on hi % You STAJ . __ ' ? - ? lmji11__i__l4 - * t. IdthSUal .uUd.MAu, AluL&'J 11>21 SAliK CARD 11)21 \ KAI, * DIXON BROS.. PiOps. | FARMERS WAREHOUSE Mulling, S- C. August. Thursday 4th, Sale 3 Friday. 5th, Sale 2 Monday, 8th, Sale 1 Tuesday, 9th, Sale 4 Wednesday, 10th, Sale _ 3 Thursday 11th. Sale 1 "THE MONEY YOU DC " Cypress Averts You don't like repair you have a job of new a " once-and-for-all" j # Insist on "Tide Water" Cypress?you csn identify it by this mark. "Cypre The true "Wood Ete GET IT. Identify firs insisting if necessary? Write lis for list of FREE F f and no substitutes" from y< SOUTHERN CYPI 241 YOUR LOCAL DEALER WILL St ^ -v=-*c Tide Oil elds He! darrl" tli rROLEUM varies grea )ine crude oil is best ;s are superior for d i of experimental wc videly varying source r developed field ? ai to the ideal balance i cannot get out of th >ut into it?via the ca deration will make a iced fuel. e-sided gasoline may in some other one i livering the all-roun< ine. A gasoline of pre not only for quick-sts mum mileage, ami a ihe easiest thing in tl ine yourself. Wait ui then try out "STAN1 ills with which you ai can huy it wherever \DARD ( (New rvts,?Tf^, ? all .. a*. - i? . .-i .i L I?. 1021. (Friday, 12th, "Sale__ 1 : Monday. 15th, Sale ? ? - 4 Tuesday, 18th, Sale ?3 Wednesday, 17th, Sale 2 Thursday, 18th, Sale ? -- _ 1 i Friday, 19th, Sale ? 4 i {Monday 22nd, Sale 3 \ Tuesday. 23rd, Sale 2 * Wednesday. 24th, Sale 1 i Thursday, 25th. Sale 4 Friday, 26th, Sale 3 >A"T HAVE TO SPEND ON REPA1 Repair Bills?Lasts Pract bills, do you? Neither does ai r building or sure-enough "must ob of it by using "TrnisJii 'mTSET CYPRESS iHE WOOD ETERNAL" ;ss Lasts Practically For* rnal" is your "one best bet." it-class lumber by the above trac -for your complete quality-assu: 'LANS for farm buildings?but in the meantin >ur local lumber dealer?no matter for what pi *ESS MANUFACTURERS i Graham lluildiug, Jacksonville, ria. IPPLY YOU. IP HE HASN'T ENOUGH CYPRE from Mi ps to Mi e Best (? tly according to its for one purpose whih iifferent products, in >rk wc have discovert s of supply?covering re of great value in co n gasoline. e motor anything moi j r? rburetor. No amount one-sided gasoline ad be quick-starting, or respect, but it is not c 1 efficiency of a well-bs >per balance can be de] irting but for smooth-n clean motor as well. le world to test this im itil your tank is nearly JARD" MOTOR GAS re familiar, you motor. )IL COM] Jersey) Monday, 29th, Sale 2 Tuesiay, 30th, Sale -1 g! Wednesday, 31st, Sale 4 K Remember that it takes a strong ?? earn to pull the load this year. We Aill make it to your interest to sell with us and our last sale is Just as jood as our first. Dollars are worth nore and time worth less. Come to N EAJi & DIXON BROS. !RS IS ALL PROFIT." H ically Forever." lyone else, so, when be" repairing, make !t L Insist on "Tide Water" Cypress?you can identify it by this mark. ever." SEE THAT YOU le mark. (Do a little ranee.) ie insist on "CYPRESS irposc you buy. Address ' ASSOCIATION SS LET US KNOW AT ONCE. b =^0r, ' v \ any ike asoline source, e other manv ^<1 that almost in. injure than of skill t like a be effi;apable danced jiended inning, proved empty OLINE PANY