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[N I STORE CLOSED P Tuesday and Wednesday, Augu 11 16-17 to Mark Down prices and Rea Mm I range Stock for the Biggest Slashii ll I Furniture Sale Ever Held in Soui II B Carolina. IV li iuj y iiuiiTi i nil 11 n 11111111111111111 u i II BEDSTEADS mm e $28.00 value quarter Oak Beds, 6 f< if Sale Price- - $17. mm Ti ??11 in in w rrrn i iiifmiiiiniiiiiii111 u i iriiirMiiiiiiin i irW in hi um i mm 11 mm 111 mm mm ill ma 11 mmmmmmimm MM | $13.00 value Iron Beds, roller botti VI = V/2 inch post, Sale Price ? $8: H Ti mini 1 li mi 11 m 111111111111 nimniii mill kmihi hi huh imm Vl 111111111 m 111111111111111111 in 1 in 111T1111111 in 11111 nun 1111 mum J | $18.50 Couch Hammock, Sale $9.! II 1T1 mu 111111111111111111111111 ma 11111 jii 1 lii 1111111111 ijji wm m 11 1 J ammmmi mmm ma 1 mmm 1111Jmtmm in 1 ammmmat 1 VI | $35.00 Mattresses, silkheart, guar ? V i-~~ J 1 AA mam tmiwa Tnnoy*o 1 IKI I | iet;u iw pci tcin puxc uupaio j 3 11 1 il! l.l.lilBKIU I III II Mil l 1111111Ml M M I IIJJJIIIIIIIJNtI tl Mil 11 Ml 11 III I 9' 111 ^ 3 V S v|. E 1 I 1 J JM11111III III III 111 111 111 lil'l I 111 I Mill I ill I MM! IIII 111 11 III I Mill Mill 1 ' 111 "JlHimHIII M 11111 III IIII 111 Mill! Ill 11 111 I 111 111I I11 III 111H11111I I11 3 11 I Mm 111 IIII Ml III1111 lil HUM u 11 DM I rill IIJJJM11 III 111 JJ.11,'IMiiM 11 I III | $3.50 Wool and Fiber Rugs, I III III Ml Ml 111 III 1111 111 Mill 11 I.I Ifl 111111 IjJ 11111111.11111SJI1I 111 11 Mill, II IW a 3 /i I ^ MM jfiv r 1U553^' III!-= E!^1 j I s BpUsli-l's i = ''i?='5 | f Is- 8^-5 ? *1 a. I 18 siifrfi 8?? 33;-^-=?! I ."a ? ;l?l;a5So?o ?ff?gMB? I ;ff 0 ll?iit?s|il spy* ?ii $ _ ? 3 gy o3*a 3 <?'8sS?v,i I E Z 5*x=-.78 ?" ?-?= ^ i}3.i!39 9 a. S "1 "* "^ J >t X ? B ; > JiiCrsg JBj; 3*5 7T ^7*. So ? ' , = ^ *0 5 ! 3 Opportunity is Screami for just in the r mr t/Ai in -Dili VMLUI 11 ENTIRE J CARMICHAEL-M Has beenturned over to B.T.Fi minim I satisfv all concerne.$25,0C ;at, | cal Instruments cast to the fou Jfrl ln this section of South Carolii 3 Selling Starts ' I =?= iitiiiii'iiii! / 11 ii 11 ii ii -j p-?????? 3 o? 2 - 2 * P p H-r2 > ST ?2 * 5 3 5 ?a -???2.-pS"2 5-5 ? ? 2 ^ - a -1 y = ~ "3 _ 5 ^ 5?.^' ??,#? S# 2. | ^ ? " ?"-H^?2"4^S! 5 "? SEflJj !-s&9sisf.ff?i 3ii?ii n?!: H: i g'li'in? ffsff'Sg1"* *? 3 = Iai| ir|Il2 = !l ! HVn-tA Ob 2 m 5 B 7 yq CT * 73 3 O 3 ^ 3> 3* r* ? o ^ . Big?3-? = ? I H;i!|Iiii;: :d;s; i;h;:'h < :i?;*;!? 2 5 ? ?. x n 3 w *i -? X 13* Zu X 3"^"Oc_?. g5'i=r,5's=,:3^:7B,Q ^,2??r3 = ^ 5 =" 5 ? a. 3 c i - I * ? ' a * - ?o-?a2_ ^4 ^ *3 4 Jss' 3 :3 3- 1 * p 3 * a I j wm^mm^mmB??1?1mmmmm nng at You - Com tick of time comes i l?Biw. i 259HHH MM : STOCK OF OOD Y FU rierson Merchandising Attori 10.00 worth of Furniture, Stt r winds. Biggest selling eve la rk tiMA/lnir Aiirfiio 1 lluiMid y Hugud I. RAIN OR SHINE " " Wi to take * 4 stock of Furniture with orders to sell e * possible time, and I am going to do it. bear the evidence that this will be the qi annihilation of this entire stock of fui I41i A A * * * *?vw w - ? State of South Carolina. 1 have slashed prices beyond recognition and 1 offer b vicinity the most marvelous opportuni funiture. Talk about going back to pn investigate, and I will prove to you thai the rest is up to you. B. T. FRIERSON, conn A.i, ,j R^P 'jVP'IS I S,933t3"33'di'?'!3cii!2''SS?H'n?3i m^B'9 ? a ss'i 1^20SB25'S2a2S'm^'?IE?, ^ 3 s ? ,os?CS?5?5^^3 ?.srK'^3^ins2223 ,t-?5 ^ a 2 J ? o ? 5 ; } t - 2, S'SweSS"sS"*s-sii'^3'3 4fsa3lssS?3^?l ^33 *|?*jfl32*,,~*!?3l*,3Sa '2?5i3^ . ^|S-?i|?iS'S'5!a,li':5^ = ?3,l^25SS"?l'?'S.? sgs.2!J>ailjjig^8ff?-p;yfl^oj||&a||||a5 : Il-.i|.3? |=?~3?*i^*?Ss3',33*3i*S*3''' . ? =r ? 2. ? a=;-^?.22r: J-'ir 5?5i?-2^ o9^fl?32S3S5^sl3 5 3'o,,''i3 = = * * 5- 3 f 5 n2-;^'::?3-r,3^-:i.;';--^J2C -:3'*3s'/1* ! 9 ii *E-< l^j! = = = 5* ^1- ^;s2 J?2s ? 3-^*j;';3=Ti3~-j",n7?:' "3 ; 3'< 2 3 2: ^ ? ST 5f ' ? t cri=W.5 y , PsJ^S'S, ? : 1 2. - - 4 a. o = ??! 9??=3;tr'^2 3 ^ 2? ' ? -? * 3*5 '- >?"! & ? < 5 s-' ~ ? - -* -! ft ? ' ? I \e and Save this | I"'" HFJ kiimhhbhhmM H Experienc< ~ 9 Stock to the >r% _ ^ ^ I this Smash,' Ar f fs 1 I>hone (he M IV JLs V/ H Thursday, 9: ley to be sold to oves and musi mtever staged I *?-00s^?? ^ ^ . ? tg Ml 1111 III 111111111111111111 j| 1*1 E ?8.50 Porch Erly En] TiiHiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiimi hen I so in I U_l U1111111111111111! 11! 11 / ? | $40.00 Mano I x = 12, new s ooctsg oout ! f/ie Legal pow f w w. jllllMlill llMIJIIIillllll le public. I $20.00 Willo , ^ 1. . 1 9xl2>Sf thaige of this entire jTiik<i:iiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiii verything in the shortest My smashing prices will lickest and most complete mture ever held in the = clinftMoff I, smashed and destroyed ? V o the people of Dillon and ? ty of a lifetime in buying T:|1""" pwar prices, i say come, ; I am doing my duty and Merchandise Attorney % $15.00 Refr: in full charge. = Sale Pr oublc^ne bottom ifl Siu?'mi?umi:iimih.i a ? 3 si SB 33 ?S- 2 =S?'!3s::3?i:?S3tisi I? =r? 7C go ?|a,f|.a*?a-"sir^SJl s o 5? m a5 SS3oI 22I~oSlloBI s2 *s 5 f ? f e. if = 2.3.12??I I- i| p 3s|gl:'sjs>?f^? ?oJ = ; M?S o ??i53|5sS??l5&?! =|a 52, ?o? -< SS???s3S ?Ecsr2 ?2P 3i 5k2 s - cs3 _ i ? rs <? rn ? .58 35 s $ ? :r x i- 5 .* ? sl fl' " ?Mi-3; 3 3 ='js:-"- F^a I ? -Z < CO3-?3 5?|e,o??, "3.; 2= 2? ? 5T?= l?r.?Sfl5r ??*? ?0 H **->-<?* Is g-"*i **2 3*2. F 3 X ? ? p 3 ~ 2 '1 X 2 ?? a a - E OO cgjws 2 3 ? 2 fc 3 31 3 ? o 11 ^1? I? *?*2.3 g.0.0 q" a a *? g* E*?** ==*' ? "? 2 = 2 " 2 1 bp 5 a g ? *? ~~ I ? J I ?@ip 11 J PWANTF.n B Ml I Mm V V A A & 1 A W M '"tf ?d Men to Pass Out this j|j B9 Crowd that Will Attend jy? f 1 Crash, Slash Sale. Sec or jjy & J an in Charge. Sale starts || II ? mmzmmswm U S : 11111! p * .rt i i f { 1111111111:: 11111111 ri ru f 1111 II hairs, cane and slat bijcks = II ' | 11111 hi II mjj 11111111111111111111J m 111111111111 uT III 8 ' 1111111111 (fur 11111II111III! I! 111! 1111II11 n 11 ti i tj_ III- |t Swings, fumed oak and e " i ?lish. Sale price ? $5.49 E VI B 11111111111 in 11111 in i Miii n i u 11111 in ii i ii ii 1111 ii wM \ 111! 111!! I! 11II11! 11! 11111! 111II1111111 i 1111111111 "J_ H r Tap Rugs, 9 x <)?09 AQ I 11 - M tock, Sale price-^^"*^? = mm i 1111II111II Ml 11 fl 111II1111111111111111 i i 1111HIU U V 1 :.V . Mill 1141.1 I I iTi II II II III II I I.I II III II II I Mil l III UtJ I f I I & w Grass Rugs $10.29! HI ihi.iin11111m111iii:11ii1111111111111uhiii^Ji:i' -l yj J BB ' ^B BB ?'j^B 1111111111111 iTi 111111111 i 11111111111111111 u i i 1111111 h resses, cotton 50 Ofi 5 I Price JMhJO | M 11111 f 11111 if hi 111 in 1111 n 111 n i i 11111; i: 11 u 11 n 111 ! tiltilil II III III II I1111I I11IJ1 I.I 11111 lltli 11M1111I III m igerator, 35 lb. Capacity, | ~ $10.981 5?ifsi?liiiIsBiffi s. '5 aZ*|?a!s?ZZ? ' f* H Eg* a|trJ#||8|?l^0^M -*I ~n "3 ? S2 ? 2 :2 ? 3 ? a?? m |s *&?& fffl ssli"13 ^ 3* fffs BE S 31? m ?& *2* i: s lis *?. i?? 3 io *5" * I ? 3. % I? ?S * 5. g'S S? 1 e' t=5 " ? ? ? * " t 2. B :S *3 Ch 22 ? 3 S. ? o ? q _ ^ V) o St J 9 <v 1 m It X B ? .. ?