University of South Carolina Libraries
^mmim CLAIMS AUDITED AND ORDERED JUNE 80th Claim No. Claimant 8400 G. E. Bond. 8401 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8402 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8403 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8404 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 88405 A- C. Jones, Treas. 8406 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8407 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8408 C. T. Lester, Treas. ^8409 C. S. Bethea. yf tjUlO Mrs. W. D. B. Hayes 1,11^/111 H. B. Seymore > 8412 Sam McLaurin 8413 J. C. Adams 8414 J. C. Adams 8415 J. C. Adams 8416 N. W. Mclnnes 8417 Joe Cabell Davis 8418 B. P. Gasque 8419 Joe C- Davis 8420 Joe C. Davis 8421 D. S. Allen 8422 C. T. Lester - 8423 Will Woodley 8424 J. R. Watson . 8425 H. M. Moody 8426 J. B. Edwards 8427 J. B. McCracken 8428 J. B. McCracken 84?9 Miss Etta Sue Sellers 8430 Miss C. B. McLeod 8?81 J. B. McCracken, 8432 S. W. Epps 8433 S. W. Epps 8434 Louis G. Miller 8435 T? S. Richbourg 8436 J. J. Andrews 8437 'J. S. Thompson 8438 M. S. Britt 8439 J. H. Manning 8440 J. F. Easterling 8441 H. T. Hartley 84 42 Public Works Com. 8443 Sam'McLaurin 8444 Moody Drug Co. 8445 C. S. Bethea 8446 Jones Dry Goods Co., c ,'?7 J. R. Watson, Treas. ' Walker, Evans and Cogwell O > f49 Dr. R. K. Gordon, 8450 Walker Evans C. C. Q A c t tt: ~i iui oiaic ni^iiway ' 84 52 Dr. F. L. Carpenter 8453 Dr. L. W. Corbett , 8454 W. J. Adonis Co. 8455 W. J. Adams Co. 8456 Austin Western Co., 8457 J. H. Stackhouse 84 58 J- H. Dunlap & Sons 8459 J. H. Dunlap & Sons 8460 J. W. Hamer 8461 C. M. Collins 84 62 J. A. McCall 8463 D. W. E. Lester ' 84 64 R. M. Jackson 84 65 James E. Morrison 84 66 Carroll Drake 8467 R. S. Moore 84 68 Max Fass 8469 Rogers Motor Co., 84 70 Lake View Grocery Co., 8471 Bose Bell 84 72 J. D. Hargrove 8473 Moody Drug Co. 84 84 Standard Oil Co. 8475 Hayes Brothers 8476 Auto Service Co. 847 7 E. P. Smith 8474 Williams'Furniture 8479 Dillon Machine Shop 8480 J. C. George 84 81 J. R. Watson, Treas. 84 8 2 Robert Smith 8483 B. P. Rice 8484 J. C. Adams 84 85 Sam McLatirin C AQC T T? J uiou d. o. CIUWUIU8 84 87 J. B. McCracken 84 88 Will Woodley 8489 Joe Cabell Davis 8490 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8491 C. T. Lester 849 2 J B. McCracken 849 3 C. S. Bethea 8494 H. M. Moody 8495 D. S. Allen 8496 Miss Etta Sue Sellers 64 9 7 Miss Etta Sue Sellers 8498 Dr. L. R. Craig: 8499 Miss C. B. McLeod 8500 James McLellan * 8501 D. G. Manship ? 8102 J. H. McLaurin 8503 J. B. Arnette 8504 H- A. Hasty 8505 E. A. Bethea 8506 S. W. Eppe 8507 N. W. Mclnnis 8508 Braddy-Wheeler Co. 8509 City of Dillon 8510 S. F. Bailey 8511 C. S. Bethea, Sheriff 8512 C. S. Bethea, Sheriff 8513 Walker, Evans and Cogwell 8514 W.H.Phillips 8515 Evans Pharmacy 8516 Evans Pharmacy 8517 Joe Cabell Davis 8518 Sam'McLaurin 8519 J. C. Davis 85 20 I. N. Van Voorhis 8521 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 85 22 Palmetto Hardware Co. 8523 Public Works Com. 8524 Dr. L. R. Craig 8525 L. W. Reavea 8526 H. McRae 8527 J. H. Dunlap & Sons 8528 J. H. Dunlap & Sons 8529 G. E. Bond 8530 George Miller 8531 J. W. King 8532 J. H. Dunlap & Sons 8533 J. C. Adams 8534 J. H. Dunlap & Sons 853 5 Evans Pharmacy 8536 Brooks Calloway 8537 State Highway 8538 B. P. Rice and party 8539 W. J. Adams Co. 8540 Max Fass ' 8541 S B. Lovell 8542 McLaurin and Thompson 8543 Wm. Brick 8544 Sou. Chemical Co. * 8545 E. M- Wilson 8546 Carolus George 85'47 R. M. Jackson 8548 R. S? Moore 8549 Dillon Hardware Co. 8550 Sandy Clake 8551 J. D. Hargrove 8552 Evans Pharmacy 8553 Evans Pharmacy 8554 Fulton Bag Co. ? 8555 A. G. Miller 8556 Ben Scott 8557 Luke Allen 8558 Gilbert Pegues 8559 Oliver Hugging N ' V ' frj. % ?. J X v#i i a inv THE DIL PAID FOR QUARTER ENDING , 1091. Acct. of Amt. Allowed Building bridge I 20.00 Janitors salary 6.72 Note B. of Lake View 700.00 Note B. of Lake Vi?w 20,000.00 Interest on notes 921.08 1 gal. Tr. Iodine t 6.05 Stamps and envelpe3 22.68 Envelopes ' 23.35 Expense of pris. 7.26 Salary for Aprirl 150.00 Bridge work 1 7.50 Constable 50.00 Salary for April 65.99 Salaryr and supplies 155.32 Supplies for chain gang 200.00 Supplies for chain gang 18.93 Salary and dieting pris. 112.60 Salary for April 41.66 Salary for April 22.50 Stamps and telephone 2.95 Bond of A. B. Jordan 50.00 Salary 88.88 Salary 116.66 Salary Janitor 18.28 Salary for April 83.34 Salary for April 125.00 Salary 101.50 Kural police -- nn Rural police J2 Ks ?To Back Salary J26.00 Farm Dem. , nX Farm Dem. 152 ?? Equil Board I nn Equil Board Equil Board Equil Board 7?^ Equil Board ?**;. Equil Board J'J.JJ Equil Board ^ Equil Board J gj{ Water and Light on'Rf; Stamps "r'o,, Drugs io!oo ^%PhlllIP8 GirlS 20.86 cioth for court house 2 25 Note B. of Lake View 10.000.00 Stationery 54.go Lunacy examination 10.00 Books for clerk of court 78 44 r?? KiJ? An n-, IVI Uiua iu.o ( Medical Service 20.00 Medical Aid 5.00 Provision for gang 108.75 Provisions for gang 21.00 Machinery ' 43.75 Road work 75.00 Lumber 3.21 Lumber 17.88 Road Work 7.50 Rridge work 20.10 Lumber 57.82 Medical Aid 5.00 Road Work 11.00 Rotid work 10.00 Roa(] work 5.00 Read work 6.05 80 lbs. Cabbage 2.00 Oil Gas, etc. 6.50 Provisions 157.10 Shoeing mules 5.00 Supplies * 10.25 Drugs 20.08 Gas, Oil, etc. 104.04 Provisions 57.28 Repairs 10.00 Drugs 6.05 Cot and pad 8.00 Repairs 60.40 Road work 130.00 Note B. of Lake View 10,000.00 Highway .25,00 Highway 50.00 Ins. on court house 44 5.50 Salary 58.33 Salary 100.00 Rural police 100.00 Janitor 10.72 Salary 41.66 Salary 83.33 Deputy 116.66 Rural police 50.00 Salary 150.00 Salary 125.00 Salary 88.88 Home Deni. 138.18 Home Dem. 138.18 Salary 25.00 Salary 125.00 Com. Salary 25.00 Com. Salary 25.00 Com. Salary ' 125.00 Com. Salary 25.00 Com. Salary 25.00 Com. Salary 25.00 Farm Dem. 158.33 Jailer 159.80 Lawn mower 17.00 Water and Lights 24.96 Lunacy 14.52 Ex. prisoners 47.58 Ex. Prisoners 31.61 Books and stationery 78.09 Plumbing 9.75 Courthouse 1921 14.50 Jail 8.03 Bond of H. M. Moody 2.50 Express and drayage 2.85 Stamps 3.80 Ribbons 8-50 Sinking fund 3,378.20 Courthouse 6.20 Water and light 47.66 Inquest 5.00 Burial of poor ' 21.50 Bridge work ' 3.00 T.nmW 20.31 Lumber 16.00 Bridge building 15.00 Bridge building 2.00 Bridge building 10.00 Lumber 12.33 Salary and supplies 210.68 Lumber 23.00 Jail 1920 2.70 Highway 2,813.04 Adv. Bids 30.77 Ehg. Highway 215.06 Provisions . 407.33 Cabbage 3.00 Shoeing mules 22.50 Provisions 429.03 Supplies 2076 Oil and grease 113.64 Road plow 3.50 Read work ' 192.00 Road work 2.00 Road work 6.00 Supplies for gang 285.58 Road work '9.00 Supplies foi^ gang 30.50 Chaingang 31.50 1920 18.57 Shirts for gang* * 30.00 Chaingang guard 50.00 chaingang foreman 75.00 Work on bridge 6.45 Work on bridge 5.00 Chafngang- guard ' 75.00 ' ' * \ * UFA LOlf HERALD. MLLOW, SOUTH G 8660 Jdo. R. Watson, Treas. 8561 Jno. R, Watson, Treaa. 8562 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8563 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8564 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8565 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8566 Jno. R. Watson, Treas 8567 J. Earle Bethea 8563 C. T. Lester 8569 C. L. Carmichael 8570 C. L. Carmichael 8571 Jno. R. Watson 8572 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 7573 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8574 B. P. Rice 8575 Will Woodley 8576 H. M. Moody 8577 Sam McLaurin 8578 Joe Cabell Davis 8579 D. S. Allen 8580 C. S. Bethea. Sheriff 8581 J. B. McCracken 8582 J. B. McCracken 8583 Jno. R. Watson, Treas. 8584 C. T. Lester 8585 J. C. Adams 8586 J. C. Adams 8587 A. G. Miller 8588 J. B. Edwards 8589 Joe Cabell Davis 8f90 Joe Cabell Davis 8591 J. C. Davis $592 B. F. Gasque 8593 B. F. Gasque 8594 N. W. Mclnnis 8595 W. C. Moore 8596 W. C. Moore 8597 Miss C. B. McLeod 8598 S. M. Rogers 8599 R. M. Evans 8600 S. W. Epps 8C01 E. C. Allen 8602 R. M. Evans 8603 F. Rogers 8604 T. L?. Fore 8605 T. E. Fore 8606 Miss Etta Sue Sellers 8607 Dr. L. R. Craig 8608 Dr. L. F. Johnson 8609 Walker, Evans & Cogwell 8610 Jno. R. Watson. Treas. 8611 Dr. M. A. Saleebv 8612 Dr. N. N. Schofield 8613 Dr. W. R. Smith 8614 E. C. Allen 8C15 B. P. Rice and party 8616 Y)r. L. F. Johnson 8617 Sou.'Bell Telephone 8618 Ben Scott 8619 Ben Scott. 8620 Bob Cribb 8621 Sandy Clake 8622 Oliver Huggins 8623 W. F. Bridges 8624 Dr. D. M Micliaux 8625 Dr. D. M. Michaux 8626 Bethea and Moore 8627 Dillon Machine Shop 8628 Standard Oil Co. 8629 B. F. Casque 8630 Standard Oil Co. 8631 O. W. Jackson 8632 Leneau Bridges i8C33 D. J. Lee ' 8634 O. C. Crawford S63.r> Braddy-Wheeler Co. 8636 Braddy-Wheeler Co. 8637 Palmetto Hardware Co. 8638 Chemico Co. 8639 S. B. Lovell 8640 Moore Auto Sales 8C41 Dillon Market 864 2 Allen McNair 8 643 Worsley and Scott SC4 4 Max Fass 8645 Palmetto Hardware Co. 8646 Geo. Miller 864 7 \V. J. Adams Co. 864 8 Brooks-Galloway Co. 8649 Perry M. Teeple 8650 J. A. McColl 8651 Carolus George Total Warrants drawn for second q Less sinking fund, 1920 items and F Treasurer's Receipts Balance April 1st Less Co. Ordinary warrants 2d. qua MANNING TO\VN$T.IP t P ?* ^llllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 HAVE 1 il Repaired where you w\ cost before ti | We guarantee eve manshif | ALL WE WA | ri 1111111M11IIII11DI till 11H1 III 11111II11 = MARTIN and GARAl Repairing Dcpartmc | At Perry's Auto f = R. R. Avenue = 111 fTri ii i n n in in n 11111 n 111111 in i in i | WE HAVE AN UP-TC which will serve y are always near u E I III 11111111II1111 t.l 1111IIMI Li 111111 I.I 1111 1 OUR WASHN | is superintended by 1 | know bow to take car< | Washing $1.00. Washii | $2.25. 11H11 i 1111111U 11 LI U11111 I.I IJIIIIIIJIIIIIIIII IROLXNA, THURSDAY MORNING, At Repairs on typewriter 25.00 Note poor farm 231.70 Vital statistics 312.25 Roa d refund 1919 35.25 Repairs adding machine 12.50 Note B. of l^ake View 10,000.00 Note due May 15th 10,000.00 Repairs 33.95 Lunacy 41.00 Stamps 1.30 Stemps 2.00 Highway . 3.55 Witness and jurors 2.574.10 Pauper fund 1,350.00 Highway 50.00 Janitor 40.00 Salary 125.00 Salary and stamps 59.83 Salary 41.66 June Salary 82.88 Salary 150.00 Rural police 100.00 Rural police 50.00 June salary 83.33 Salary 116.66 Salary 125 00 Supplies 36.02 Salary ? 50.00 Salary 100.00 Stamps .2.00 Lunacy 30.00 Lunacy 11.03 Salary May 22.50 Salary June 22 50 Jailor and dieting pris. 133.00 County Attorney 25.00 County Board of Education 30.00 Nurse 125.00 Constable 18 7' Ma pristrat<i E7.50 Farm Deni. 158.34 Magistrate n~ rfl Constable f.'L .. . oo.OO -Magistrate 18 ?r Constable *>5 on Magistrate ' ^r'" Home Deni. 138.18 Lunacy 5 ft0 p"na.^ 10.00 Pencils - f Pond Int. o 60 " Lunacy Ex. I'm 101 n Medical Service 3rl rr Post Mortem - on Dieting prisoners f> 00 Highway Engineers 4a,, , Medical Aid 23.00 Phone rents ' "1 an Supplies for gang "4 40 Salary 1 , 4 5.00 Road work -0 Road work Guard "-M! Head labor Medical aid lOjHt Medical aid, 5 no Ponds county officers i*ii on Ssllo gas etc. 0a 00 12 Qt. pads 27!oo Oi. gas OR Supplies ~lriR'o Read work - Provisions ic c v noadwork 140.00 Supplies 1050 supplies courthouse 12.35 supplies 00 jjq Disinfectant 0 0 00 r-moemg Aiuies 22.50 Auto Tires 35.85 Provisions 35.06 Road work 2.00 Rorul planc 100.00 L. BB1. Dis. 12.00 1020 127.31 Bridge work 5.00 Provisions 322.80 Highway 6,680.26 Highway 10.00 Lumber Aliens bridge 160.70 Road work 0 2.00 uarter $95,022.5S [ighway Dept. & Bond int. 81,834.35 $13,248.23 $ 1,805.06 23.437.18 $25,242.24 $25,242.24 r. 13,437.18 13,437.18 $11,805.06 $11,805.06 Appropriation $4,871.55 Expenditures 2.130.35 11 III! 1111111111111111111111111 111 11111111 III 11111111 ^ fOUR CAR | & Painted j ill know what it he work is done. *ry job, both in work- = > and price. NT IS A TRIAL. | i iiriTmi N111111111 ii n 1111111111111 ijii 1111111111 = STGER D. V. PERRY Painting and Upholatcring Dept. ? *aint c? Repair Shop | Phone 127J, Day or Night ? 11111II1111IIIIIIII1111111111111111IIII111111111 [ E )-DATE SERVICE TRUCK 1 ou day or night. You is with our equipment. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii. = iG DEPARTMENT D. V. Perry himself. We | i of the paint on your car. | ng and greasing all oil cups = 11111 n 11 h 111 h 11 li i ii 11111111111111 n i n 111111 ii i up x,.. ;|j r.rsT is, i92i. DETHEA TOWNSHIP HARLLEESVILLE TOWNSHIP CARMICHAEL TOWNSHIP H1LLSBORO TOWNSHIP K1RBY TOWNSHIP Carolina 1 DILLO We are now buildi capable of curing and tatoes. We believe we < curing house in South tracted to buy 10,000 c nnfafnac Hi" W? Jo Ci |/viaivvo> i/l> II auc l)I house at his own expe will be uniform with t houses in this section. We renew our offer Rica potatoes at 50 cent house. We ask our fric tatoes to fill the house, tatoes are very grass) I and made to yield from yet. Last year's crop i the growers f. o. b. car We plan some improv guarantee a good cask mart farm. We kope to kave 1 . tion in time to take care ol We kuy and sell Ft a sample of your seed oats price. We buy and sell Abi for le let us kave a sampl Carolina Dilloi ifloy- boudi. v ?"ft Tear off the bl agance if you i You can never light until vou -- - . aj a tru v agance norance is a c and to your fa If you earn $1< spend it all yo ahead. If you ez a part of it y< That's arithme vite your bank The Ban! AFETY, SERVICI Dillon, Se Balance $2,741.20* Appropriation $3,199.01" Expenditures 1,073.32 Balance $2,125.76 Appropriation $2,293.09 Expenditures 570.12 Balance $1,722.37%* Appropriation $2,292.62 * Expenditures 2,021.20 , Balance $ 271.42 Appropriation $2,488.12' Expenditures 2,416.05' Balance $ 72-OT Appropriation $ 855.55Expenditures 841.2? Balunce $ 14.32* Respectfully submitted. J B. EDWARDS, Clerk Milling Co. >N, S. C. \ . ng a sweet potato house storing 15,000 bushels poare going to have the best Carolina. We have conrates in which to cure the ackhouse is building this nse. Our storage charges i_i f .1 n I nai or oiner VjovernmeDt | to buy No. 1 and 2 Porto 1 Is per bushel f. o. b. our | inds to grow plenty of po- I While many patches of po- I r, they can be worked out | 100 to 200 bushels per acre | netted $1.25 per bushel to | s at the curing houses. fi rements at the mill which will I ;et for any product raised on a I :his department in full opera- f this grain crop. ? ilghum See d Oats. B ring us a and we will name you a ruzzi Rye. If you have any .e. Milling Co. ti, S. C. h&ir i Uouy ana. ->u?aJ W(XdJlnroQ. / loouflxi. ocnruL /MV\, rtcundAJy ScrmiL CJUxaa^ indfold of extravire wearing one. see financial daydo. is ignorance; ig:rime to vmirself mily. 3,000 a year and u will never get irn $1,00 and bank 3u will prosper, tic. Try it. We ining business. k of Dillon AND 4 PER CENT , luftb Carolina . ^ ^