The Dillon herald. (Dillon, S.C.) 1894-????, August 11, 1921, Image 2

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ihe 9iUon uieralb A- B. JOItDAN Editor * A B8CRIPTIOX - 82.50 Per Yv. 1 ? Dillon, S. t'., August 11,1021. j i The Chester News is reading the < ""riot act" to its merchants for send- i ing their printed matter to northern 1 and western states. The News says it i is "spending more money in the city I of Chester than is paid it by the ' people of Chester" and for that rason alone is entitled to a chance at ! the commercial printing of its town.,1 fPl?? XT * 1 1 ?<? / ?tvmu iiiv news says is irue.j'1 But The News is not the only news-,1 paper in the state that suffers from Jthe ingratitude or indifference or whatever you may call it of its merchants and business men. Fifty per j cent ol the printed matter used in I the state comes from the north and | west- It is printed on thc sanie(t presses, from the same material and ( | S?y the same class of workmen as l one will find in this state and is every < whit just as good in point of price, i quality and appearance. Personally i ve have no complaint to make along i this line, but we have often wonder-j ed how long and loud a western or j northern merchant would laugh if a i southern man should solicit his print- | ins . i .SI AM CHANCE FOR REDUCTION1! IN PHONE RATES. j'( The recent decision of Judge Henry |! A. M. Smith in the case of Miller, -against the Telephone Company j* shows conclusively that the fight ^ against the increase in telephone rales must bc made before the rail -,1 read commission and not in the 1 courts. .J Time and again the United States,' Supreme Court lias held that the fix-1( iijf? oT rates by a public service cor- 1 poration is a governmental function, and the power of a municipality to < ??>ulract in connection therewith will i "not be presumed, but nmst be given ' I in express language. It has also re-|C peatedly held that where the rights of(t an individual or set of individuals, 1 come into conflict with the public welfare, those rights, even though |t fixed by contract, must give way. |> Dillon and Hartsville have the^t same contracts with the telephone i rxnnpany, and even though the con- t SIS????? @??s ? ? ? ?????? j?j j Original Dollar ? a I ? I Dollar Dav is qtp c? - bargain day in Am gj We are the first to S3 this great barg event in Dillon. ? ffl __ .ffl ffl ffl ffl 1?' Yards Good Apron Ging?hams, genuine indigo blue, good quality, guaranteed last fast colors, 10 yards ffl X Yards Good Grade Dress ^ Ginghams, largo assortment of beautiful patterns, 8 yds sjZI 5 Yards Amoskeag Dress Ginghams, pretty patterns, 5 yds Table Damaske, Fine Quality table Damaske, value $2, 1 yd ffl 2 Yards Table Damaske, value ffl $1 yard, 2 yards for ,gj 10 Yards LL Sheeting, Best quality LL Sheeting, very fine j#i finish, 10 yards a 10 Yards Figured Lawu, beaua tiful patterns, 10 yars i_ a a $10 and $12 ? Voil Dresses 1 $1.00 To all whose purchase aggre S IIB or more during our Dollar .Sale. You can make these purch ^ 'from any department of our big si Ask the clrk for a printed sales cl f& for $15 and get your dress for Jz These dresses are all new?Just HN rired tblB wek. laaaaaaaaaa 1 THE1 DILLON HER ract may be binding on the subscrib- < ?rs. it is not binding on the telephone, onipany. if i' car be shown to the 1 satisfaction of the railroad comntis- ' sion that the provisions of the con- i tact are against the public welfare.! The right of regulation in the case . ?f Hartsville (the cast. on appeal) be- i ing expressly reserved to the coin- : Mission, Judge Smith's decision, while j lisappointing, can hardly be surpris- ', ing to anyone who has taken the i trouble to inform himself. This may ' not be good law, but anyway it is.' law, and Judge Smith's decision could' not have been otherwise. In the lust half a century the U.i' 3 Supreme Court has handed down numerous decisions on this quest ion. I1 nut the clearest one probably is that nf the Union Dry Goods Company of;' Macon against the Georgia Public:' Service Corporation. This was a case in which the Geor-j, sia Pubilc Service Corporation nnd'( the Union Dry Goods Company were, t>eth corporations organized under the laws of the state of Georgia and loing business in Macon. They contracted together in writine- for ?i 3? five years, the former to supply electdic light and power to the lattei, which agreed to pay stipulated rates for the service. j The contract was performed for almost two years when the Dry. Goods Company refused to pay a bill for services rendered, in which] a higher rate than that of the contract was charged. The service cor-; liorution claimed that this rate was authorized and required by an order at' the Railroad Commission of Georgia after investigation and hearing.J Soon thereafter the dry goods' company commenced a suit to compel specific performance of its icntract, which had three years to run; to enjoin the service corpora ion from charging the higher rate,;, ind from executing a threat to cum t off from a supply of electricity be-j ause of failure to pay the increased; ate. The trial court and the supreme|< :ourt of Georgia both held against J' ilaintiff and the case was taken to!' the Federal Court. One of the two laims considered by the court was .hat the order of the commission vioated the obligation of the contract. The court held that the law giving ho commission the right to regulate ; *as in force when the contract was ntered into and the presumption was 11 favor of the validity of the order, here being nothing to show that it DEE? S3? BESS 5 We A re Or atest erica offer Dollar a i n __ = $ n $ V A/ ^ rft i 4 Yards Dress Ginghams * Dress Ginghams, valu to 50c. yard. 4 yards Yards Percale^ Percali "1 light arid dark pattern X low price 25c yd. f( grade, 6 yards ? . 72 by 90 Sheets, Pepper JK ? Mohawk, war price $ ~~r? Pillow Cases, Pepperell < hawk, 50c value, 3 f 3 Yards White Goods an \ I beautiful new white goc V * Voil, value $73c. and a | 3 yards ? __ Voiles. One Lot Voilet up to 50c, 4 yards __ a Corsets. American Made sets, value #2, $ DAY 55 ases tore. heck vi II. \ ii. > --. ALD. DILLON. SOUTH CAROLINA. was not reasonable. Said the court: "Tha? private contract rights :nust yield to the public welfare, where the latter is appropriately declared nnd defined, and the two conflict, has bet i, often decided by this court. Oil'1 whose rights, such as they are, and subject to state restrictions, cannot remove them from the power of the state by making a contract about them. Contracts must be understood is made in reference to the possible exercise of th0 rightful authority of ilie government, and no obligation of i contract can extend to the defeat jf legitimate government authority." The language of the preceding paragraph makes it very clear that liny further effort to reestablish rates by appealing to the court would be a useless waste of time and money. The fight must be carried before the railroad commission in whom is vested absolute authority to regulate rates in a dispute between a public service icrporution and a municipality, an individual or a corporation composed of individuals. If it can be shown that the rates are excessive or that the telephone company is extravagant in the management of its properties or is earning either in salaries or dividends more than a fair return on its money, the railroad commission will restore the former rates. If this cannot be shown the rates will stand? ami there is no appeal except to thc. Interstate Railroad Commission ? and this would be u hopeless undertaking. Mrs. Nancy Fd wards. Fork. S. C.. Aug. 5?Mrs. Nancy Edwards, well known and highly . stecincd woman, died at her home near Fork Weunesday morning at 7:00 o'clock. She had been in failing health for several years, but di<| h??r house work up until one week ago, when she too.< her bed. Funeral services were conducted at the home of thc. deceased Thursday morning at -i i -1 i ? ? ? j.4.uv o thick, oy me kov. Mr. Whiteji and i he interment was made in the J family burying ground near here. Mrs. Edwards would have been 7 ) years of use had she lived to see Saturday, August 6. her birthday. She has been a resident of this place ill her life; was a consecrated mem-' tier of the HopeWell Methodist church, ind a sincere christian. Mr. Edwards before her marriage was Miss Nancy Owens. She was married 56 years ago to W. J. Edwards, he preceding her to the grave 7 years. She is survived by ont, sister. Mrs. Anegline Lane, two sons, Robert and Zack Edwards, three daughters, Mrs. M C. McQueen, Mrs. D. W. Tarte and j Miss Ella Edwards, 14 grandchildren ind 2 great grand children. Subscribe to The Herald. iginato rs nit r s~\, Days; Fr ugust 12y 5 L L A , 3 2 in. m a Brassiers, 75c Va es up V A Ladies Waists, lit js on (f* 1 _N I the store ? ? g, new V * )r this Laces, 20 Yards f( ill or 10 Yards Embrod 13.00 ?P1 , or . T. yards 25c embi Blue Buckle Oven or sP A ?? ous Union-made <1 \oii ma Overall, gold as k,l o a ?/I - $1 vd! ^ Men's Dress Shirts . ?_? sortment oC nev i, value patterns, well n up to |2.50 z__!_ Men's Caps, a Lar Coi A 1 of Cap.s just arrii V A es up to $3.50? $ D "^CORPOB DILLffl (COO?1 S(, 3BBSBBSS Blfirownup., rfpyrlcht) ... ? ISi^v,. ' I r THURSDAY, MOXRIXG, AXGUST 50good cigarettes for 10c from one sack of GENUINE "BULL"! DURHAM /SSs TOBACCO i ll FOIt SAIjIv?Koailsit'i', old model with magneto. Needs p?int but runs good. A good bargain at $250 or will trade for Ford Roadster. T. L. Avers, Dillon, S. C. ltp. FOR SAI.K?Fhq. Milk and young calf. Perfectly gentle. Gives 10 quarts tnilk per day. IJ. F. Williams, Dillon. S. C.? 8 11 ltp. MARGARKT WII.KF.n <. It A RIWTF Nurse. Located at D. M. Dillon's,I Dillon, S. C.~-S 11 2tp. HA VI-: VOI* It FAD ?>l It AD. IN this week's paper? Southern Wholesale utid Distributing Co.. M. A. Stubbs. Mgr.?S 11 It. It FAD out A I) VE11TIS KM E NT then come and let us prove to you what we are doing. Southern' Wholesale and Distributing Co., M.j A. St ubbs. Mgr.?8 11 It. ?\ r. nbAUKhUS .UK -ILSlonieis !> ! over the country who are well pleased with our method of doing business; come around and let us show you. Southern > Wholesale and Distributing Co.. M. A. Stubbs, Mgr..?8 11 It. i WHKX Yor XKKD <ilt< M TIKI IIS IT will pay you to see us. Southern Wholesale and Distributing Co., M. A. Stubbs, Mgr.?8 11 ltI'Ol'NI)?In SlrtH'U ??t I>i 11<>ii Cameo Brooch. Owner can get same by i paying tor this advertisement. ] Connie Stanton. 8 1 2t. 351 SIS KB? IS BE! BBS DOLLAR DA V, s.c. i\ W mm ?- 9 *W Ik- ? V?> ff fr 13 and 15 R D A luo, 2 for rf?-| 2 Boys Cap <P 1. 2 for STvalue in A, Men', Ties, --ties X J o Wash Ti< eries, 10 wash roijeries ? ?P 1 Boys r;ints> tils, the Fam- school pa . blue Buckle V* wiU l>a>' * high as $3.50 for samp , a large as-jA? 8 Men's Cull r an,i pretty gle Standard tade, values and clean ge Sel< ct Ion /t? ? i Sofl < Jo , . 2K I White Shcel red, war prio- V X ? high as $ AY LORNBI IATED) [J! CAROLINA a is si si a b If. 1921. GINNERS, OIL MILLS AND B W have a lar^c and w ell a Supplies at present low prices, of them: Bahbitt. Belt Oressir in<*, Leather Belting. Candy E F1 ew Cleaners, Fil es. Steam G gtne Governors. Shaft Eianpcrs. Inj ing. all k nds: Engine Governors, h w ood Pulleys. Steel Shatting. Pi] Wc have everything that should be found COLUMBIA SUPP H2:? \W*t (ii'i'viiis >1.. EE?SB??ESSES 51 Safe Deposit Be s nri I i nousa | DOLL I S TO ? ? EACH a HT^he only safe place L ev and valuable !=! Where it can't be STt | LOST. \\ hen you keep vail gj your house, you take gj ous about them all the gj Put your money in [g get it at any time anc g] when you sleep. ? m j=j We invite your pat] a FIRST NATIO DILLON, Sou jg National Bank Pro g Savii I Y In Dillon II V It 1 nr !: l lilL. to a the : tive d Mon. ho] th only: tfl barp:? _ V Y $ -ZEE s, $1.00 Dov.s Cap.-?, ladies _ $1 fron $1.30 and $2.00 House ^ Apr? JS, 35c. and 50c. - Porch , 5 for ?J>1 Buy Your Boys - Boys \ nts now at $1. You V *> fl.75 and $2 later grade. Boys B ars, Lion-and Trian- (T* -t 1 Collars, now styles V* p.,,;. , 8 for hlldr' 2 an liars for 1 Lot Sold as A ? Cbilds 3.00 ? ? ? V* Size* $ D A Y jUT white, odd loi $1.00. Bfflsffifflaskaaaisis v 1 1 1ACHINERY OPERATORS ssorted stock of Machinery w e only mention u few j iff. Belting. Rubber Beltjectors: F1 ew Expanders. J uages. w ater Gauges. En- j cctors. Iron Lubricators. P.lck- 4 V. 'ipc. \ alvcs. Fittings. Pulleys. * T ?e Tools, Wvcncbes. all kinds. , \* i in a first clin machinery ruppiy LY COMPANY ? Ol.l'MKl X. S. C. a?????????a >xes For Rent ? i rids of | ? ; . A. K j | L EN 1 a YEAR ? a to keen vour mon- ? pa VT- ? s is in a BANK. ^ )LEN. BURNED or ffilables and money in ? a big* risk and nerv- ? time. ? our bank, vou can ? I :n rl.i W i\uu win ieei easy ^ S ? ronage. ? NAL BANK I ith Carolina 'tection For Your ng's | I]?????????? . ~ ~3 ^ 5 ] [ <r ' <h 4K V m 8 S * 51 Is Impossible j ^ dvertise a!! of I t?l j numerous attrac-l S S , , ? a values on saie g] gj is ^ ^ a g . ? ow we mention =; P j?a few of the many ^ g] tins for si 1 SI "< ammmmmm* mm* ? fm i ji ? fiwun i^l E :t? ? ? ^ m Ila's, About 30 to Select ? !, values to $7." "? vl ? gj 5! Dress a:iii Bungalow /t? i izr [XI $1 a gj ? Aprons or Bigder, 2 for _ gj i ? VasU Suits <11 [fi ? *? p m c< f, s*% * ?? 'Al *1 ? 1 Romp- rs, Drcrso.s ft* ? == 91 3 up to 14 *P 1 gj SHOES ! 1 a $1.00 ? si CE 100 pair Tumps in black and ^ SI Values up to $7?taken from j gj ts iu our regular stock only gg aaaaaaaasfflfflffl|| .