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m, ? PERSONAL MENTION t ' 8 Miss Mary Craig of Columbia is 1 visiting her brother Dr. L. It. Craig. \i] Capt. D. W. McLaurin of Columbia ? was in town Tuesday. J c Palmer Bethea of Hamlet spent c * Sunday in town, r Q * Bill Thompson and Jack Hayes ? spent Sunday in Charleston. i Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Deaton are 1 spending some time at Myrtle Beach. ?o? / > Harold Stanton of Clio was in 1 " ' town Saturday. Miss Bessie Blizzard of Hartsville is visiting her uncle, Mr. W. A. Blizzard. ( Dr. C. R. Tabor who has been in 1 Fayetteville, N. C., for some time, returned home last week. Joyce George returned Saturday from Furman where he attended the summer school. Messrs. E. C. Stanton, L. B. Haselden and Pierce Alford spent the week end and Myrtle Beach. Mrs. H. K. McCormick and Mrs. I John McArn of Rowland visited Mrs. L. F. Johnson Monday. Smith Stubbs spent Sunday in Florence with his wife who is findergoing treatment at the Florence Infirmary. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Duval of Mo4"} bil, Ala., are visiting their daughter, ^ Mrs. L. R. Craig. Q Misses Coy King of Roseland, S. C., and Ruth Kruskey of Chesterfield arc visiting Miss Estelle Braddy. Mrs. Ola McNair spent Wednesday in Florence with her sister, Mrs. I Smith Stubbs. Mr. R. S. Rogers left Tuesday to! attend a meeting of the State Board! of Education at Greenville. -n_ Miss Inez Tolar of Wagner, S. C., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tolar this week. ?o? R. J. Blackwell of Marion spent the week end with his daughter, Mrs. W. Murchison. IMiss Emily Craig, after spending a few days last week with her brother, Dr. Craig, has returned to her home in Columbia. ^ Rev. W. C. Allen left Monday forj McBee, S. C., where he will assist in a protracted meeting. V SSI????????? 1 I (mF?CI ra is , a ^ m> j| "HE opening a A. The peopli a ? are needing we S half, so have we a our losses alon ? are offering and a i'ffl S Some of ou J=j we see the situatioi , County to take adv a may not be able to b Ia is ours and the gain m 1 m S6.50 Woman's Latest B , J? sizes 4 to 8 @ IS S6.00 Men's Brown Oxfoi 1 ? Men's Work Shoes @ i ? $5.00 Gillette Razors wit complete @ * " ^ (?1 ^ne Ladies bed room I ... m sizes @ > J5 25c. Ladies Lisle Hose, b I is @: I I g] Childrens Hose, all colon I I [g Extra good quality Mei > I ? ? i I Williai M ? i on txi m cxi mnimm ran m n I 1 iXI Qu IZJ IZi (SI IZJ tSJ iZJ ISJISJ -THE DILLON Mrs. J. S. Hayes and son, Gary, of Free State section were in town Sunday visiting relatives. Mrs. Thelma Edens of FIorencc Is spending the week in town as the guest of Mrs. Lizzic. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Mozingo moved, to Lake City Tuesday wherc they will make their future home. ?o? Mrs. Luther P'revatt of Lumberton, N. C.. spent the week end in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parks. o Mrs. J. W. Rowland has returned home after spending some time in Darlington with her daughter, Mrs. P. P. Phillips. Mrs. Morris Fass and daughter, Mio. 13. ?.. 1 ? ? ... .oa untiia, ICIUIIICU iUUIIUiiy UlOrlling from New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Marshburn have returned from a two week's visit to relatives and friends at Elizabethtown and White Lake, N. C. ?o? Mrs. J. F. DeWitt and daughter, Kathryne, are spending the week in town with Mrs. DeWittt's parents.: Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Jackson. Mrs. L. R. Craig entertained quite a number of young folks Thursday evening in honor of her guests, Misses, Emily and Mary Craig of Columbia.! The hostess was assisted in entertain-j ing by Mesdames Rod Carmichael, Ola McNair, W. Murchison and W. C. Tolar. Negroes composc some queer telegrams and sonietijnes send them to names that sound fictitious. A colored girl oncc handed in a message reading like this: "Don't you-all meet nobody at the train but me." This was addressed to "Cat-eye" care of "Clover Leaf Colored Club," and she signed it: "L'-all Knows Me." The rather queer looking colored man, calling himself a "corn doctor," who has been a familiar figure on the streets for some weeks, left town in a hurry one day this week. The "doctor" was charged with malpractice! and was to have been given a trial before Mayor McLaurin Monday morn mg, out when his case was called he; could not be found. Telegrams are, as a rule, serious, j There is, nevertheless, the humorous side also. An old colored woman had once received bad news in a telegram. Every time that she saw the telegraph operator on the street, she would exclaim: Oh, "Lord dere comes dat telegram man". "Fo Gawd, white! man. git away frum here, don't you-J alls go and gimme any telegrams." | "Dere's three kinds of white folks 1 sure is scared of, dey is de telegram' man, de doctor and de yundertaker.! I don't want no truck wid airy ob youse." I ? ? ? BR *] ? IS S3 ffi 13! saoa ??, AT IT* Tf T MtL i lm of the Tobacco M e have been econo aring apparel, and ; cut our prices in p g with you, and in < the prices we are o EVER ir competitors may clai i and we are going to a< antage of this opportur >uy the same goods back is yours. Come right alo rown Oxfords, $1.50 Men's $2.45 all sizes (o rds, @ $3.45 $2.50 Men's -- -- --$1-89 $2.00 Men's ,h extra blades assorted | slippers, aH J'en'8 SusP? $1.19 Boys genun lack and colors Men's wool 754c. Men's Khak j @ 8c. One lot of 1 i's Union Alls One lot of < $1.59 assortmei n Brick rxi m m m m rxi ran m fxi m QISII2I ISIZISItXilSltftlfltt) a Xui. HERALD, DILLON, SOUTH CAROL] Miss Carrrie Bell of Dunn, N. C.. is visiting her brother, G. H. Bell. Mrs. Waller Freeman and (laugh-'1 trr. Miss Eloise of City.1 N. C., are visiting Mrs. Freeman's father, J. 11. Hatch. ?o? A Sunday school teacher had been > describing to her pupils the joys of heaven. At the close of the lesson she asked: "How many would like to go.' to heaven?" All. save one. raided their : hands. Turning to the exception, the 1 teacher asked: "Surely, you don't want to go to hell?" The youngster , nodded his head vigorously. "Sur,. I ] do." lie asserted " \l v fnllinr r:iiit that's whore business has gone, and | I want to go in business." I To Mr. B. P. Lee of Hamer belonRS the honor of establishing a new record in early sweet potatoes. Mr. Lee | brought to The Herald off icc. Tuesday' three large Porto ltico yarns weigh- ; ing 4 pounds. The potatoes were set ,] out April 10th and are ready for mar- | ket. Mr. Lee has an acre from which1. hc expects a yield of 150 bushels, 'j and he says if he could keep them1] until September 1st he thinks the yield would be 200 bushels or more. ] Mr. Leg has proved that there is , money in sweet potatoes. I Miss Jewell Hamer of Tampa, Fla., \ has returned home after spending a month with her sister, Mrs. John Carmichael. | Bob Oliver was exhibiting on the streets Tuesday a jar of genuine boll! wi evils. Mr. Oliver found thetu on a I plantation near the state line. When | he found them they resembled small | worms. Later they sprouted wingsj and when they shed their wings, lo. | and belioldd. it was a genuine boll weevil. Mr. Oliver .says the boll wee-! vil does not lik?> tobacco, and while! he has not had an opportunity to! try the experiment, yet he believes that every fourth row planted in tobacco will drive the boll weevil away. He found in Georgia wherc a I man had planted the fence jams in ; tobacco for personal usc. the weevils had destroyed the cotton field but did not touch the cotton near the tobacnfi rnwa Mr oova to try the experiment if the weevil invades his domain. Q HOY IS PAlXFI'IjIJY ( I T. Thirteen-year-old Fletcher Roberts son of Mr. J. H. Roberts, was painfully cut Sunday night by Albert Todd, a boy about 1?> years old. Todd ! works at the Cotton Mill. The boys' wore gathered at the Holiness tent in) the rear of Morris Fass' store and; following a dispute blows were exchanged. When the fight was over it was found that young Roberts had a severe knife wound just above the! heart. The blade penetrated the cavi-; ty, but the attending physician. Dr. j Craig, savs the boy will recover if !complications do not arise. The Todd j boy is in jril awaiting the result of the Roberts boy's wounds. SHIS IS 19 111 SUSS SSI MCII01 j. LU vV arkets indicates th; mizing all the Sprin as the low price of t roportion. We are jrder to convice you ffering it at. Y ARTICLE Tj m that we are unduly ah 2t according to the dictat lity to supply themselves at the same money, but ng and let us prove to yc MMBiMHHIHBHMBBBBHHHBnaBBi Union Suits, fine nainsook, p 59c. Pants, special price @ 89c. Dress Shirts, all sizes and patterns @ 79c. mders @ 17c. le panama hats @ __ $1.75 hats @ 79c. i Shirts, extra heavy at 79c ladies waists @ 79c. Georgette Waists, complete it @ ? __ $2.45 r " sssaaesiaaaBSffiS 'i.. IN A, THURSDAY, MOHMVG, JULY The editor feels very much indebt- I e?| to Mr. J. rj. Fair for si very fine 1 melon which was brought in yester-1 day. 'i ?o? t Mr. J. \V. Robertson had sit- his 1 fitter's Tuesday Messrs. J. Ross Mo I Neal oi Norfolk; Will McNeal, of Savannah; 11 \V. lMiillijis of Hard' \ille, S. C.. and II II. Phillip < ! Fairmont. The Messrs. M? Wal ate engaged in the hardware business in Norfolk but have extensive saw mill interests In llardeville. Mr. Phillips, ivho is a son ot Mr. H. II. Phillips of Fairmont, also has large lumber interests in llardeville They were ^ looking over the various plants of Jackson Bros. Co., and h it that of- ' ernoon for Fairmont where they will j lie the guests < I Mr. 11 It IMiillitis I o .Mrs. Mm') Galloway Wallace. Mrs. Mary Galloway Wallace of Hartsville died last Saturda> morning ?t an early hour, in an infirnmry at Florence. After several months of suffering her condition became alarming and a few days ago she was moved from her home in thc hope ot staying the ravages of the disease. Mrs. Wallace is pleasantly remembered Ikic as Miss Mary Galloway, the third daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James S. Galloway of the Dothan section of this county. She was a hightoned christian lady, consistent member of the Methodist church! for more than 3U years, possessing a! charming and pleasing disposition that made friends of all her ac<iuain-j tances. Deceased was about 47 years! of age. Several years ago shL. became! the second wife of Mr. Barney Wal-1 lat'e of McCo'll, after which theyj moved to Hurtsville where they made' their home until her death. Mrs. Wal. 1 luce's remains reached Dillon on 80 j SundaJ morning from Florence and ware immediately taken to Dothan! cemetery where she was laid to rest h> the side of her late father and mother. The large gathering of rel-! at Ives and friends was a testimonial tt? her popularity. The active pallbearers were Dr. J. C. Ellen, \V. E. Hail, A. I*. iiethea, A. V. Bethea, .J M. Rogers atul Pierce Rogers. The funeral services were conducted by I the llev. K. Z. James, of Little Rock Resides her bereaved husband and little 5-year old daughter, Mary Louise, deceased leaves the following brothers and sisters: H. L. Galloway, Clio; Jas. A. Galloway, Cades; D. W. Galloway, Columbia: Mrs. Sallie McCown, Tryon, N. C.; Mrs. Rebecca Ellen, Dothan, and Mrs. Rachel C. Mayers of Florida, all of whom were present at the funeral except Mrs. Mayers, who was unable to reach here front her Florida home. FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE. Xotice is hereby given that Vink Daniel, executor of the estate of Civil E. Daniel, deceased, has made application unto me for final discharge as guardian and that Friday, August 10th. 10 o'clock in tin forenoon ha* n Ip F IS! pi .< te ?25 2KS?SS?52?Ei" KiTtSE! s ,'?"**% r * ' /"** ysiitix at a dollar is not gc g because they felt obacco has cut the } willing to meet you A - ? ? A i oi this tact we vvai \KES A LOWi irmed and should not a ;es of our judgment. \\ i with what they need at we are taking this chan >u that we mean what w Boy's Skull Caps @ 50c. Best quality oil cloth @ 50c. Organdie at -- _ 25c. White Lawn S5c. to $1.00 Corset at $1.00 Window Shades @ _ Broken up sizes in Ladies V vass Slippers -~i 1 Lot Silks and Satin up to $3 Sale pric$ WALK-OVER SHOI $12.50 Slippers reduced to . $10.00 Slippers reduced to __ r* 2*. 1921. been appointed for the hearing of -aid petition. All persons holding claims against he said estMH are requested to file , tlnnn with the administrator on or e tore lo o'clock ii) the forenoon of u'ttd.iv. August 1911i or this notice will be pKad in b:tr of their recovery. J OH CA1JHI.I. DAVIS. Jttdct ">f l'robate, ' 2* ft. Dillon County. I'INAl. l?ISCH \IC<;i: NOTICK. Notice is hereby given that J. II.: deadors, guardian of tin estate of j Carolina 1\ IDILLOI^ We are now buildin capable of curing and si ta IflOC Wo loiliovo u.'n oi ' * V UV III. 1 V. TT v- U I curing house in South C tracted to buy 10.0C0 cr potatoes. Dr. Wade Stai house at his own expen: will be uniform with th houses in this section. I We renew our offer t Rica potatoes at 50 cents house. We ask our frien tatoes to fill the house. ) tatoes are very grassy, and made to yield from 1 yet. Last year's crop ni the growers f. o. b. cars We plan some improve guarantee a pood cash markc farm. We h ope to have th tion in time to take care of 1 W <? hnv nnrt a 11 Full I a sample of your seed oats a price. We b uy and sell A.Hri for sale let us Have a sample Carolina I Dillon IE IS EE"? IS SHE 35 ssz^ssesEsassEsrzEr sr -\*zrSrr%a % DDfr-^o P r KI^iiLo >ing as far as we tl they were no:" able aurchasing power o i half way. We arc it you to come in ar ER PRICE ct with such haste; but t r'e want every man and the prices we are ofi'erin ce, and if our judgment e say. 8c. 88.50 Slippers r 24c. $7.50 39c. LADIES 10c. $io.00 Value re< " ?4^; 88.50 Value reck /hite Can- I *~*50 \ alue redi 18c. and up 1 fcG.50 Value at .00 per yd. | Ladies White Ca -- 98c. I and up. 2S. Ladies House Sli - ? $7.25 I Children and M $6.25 l reduced in pri fpillon, 3D CD IS1X11X1 IS IS IS IS IS S IS IS ITITI IS CD IS IS CD / . i ' i \\\ Bruce Boahn minor, has made appplication unto me for final discharge as guardian and that Monday, August 13th, 10 o'clock in the forenoon has been 'appointed for the hearing of the said petition. All persons holding claims against j the said estate arc. requested to file v them with the administrator on or ? before 10 o'clock in the forenoon of j Monday, August 13th or this notice will 1\. plead in bar of their recovery. JOE CABELL DAVIS. Judge of Probate, T 2^ It Dillon County. Subr-crib- to Tit,. Dillon Herald. falling Co. J, S. C. g a sweet potato house :oring 15,000 bushels po*e going to have toe best Carolina. We have con ates in which to cure the J ckhouse is building this f se. Our storage charges | at of other Government J o buy No. 1 and 2 Porto h per bushel f. o. b. our ds to grow plenty of po- I Vhile many patches of pothey can be worked out 00 to 200 bushels per acre stted $1.25 per bnshel to at the curing houses. ments at the mill winch will t for any product raised on a is department in full opera:his pram crop. phum Seed Oats. Bring' us nd we will name you a cash I lzzi Rye. If you have any Milling Co. i, s. c. is W 9 ? I IMA ! p _ g11 | 'i-/ l? wwkwmmmwwm ^| Sl a a i<frj lought it would i* to buy. They * f the dollar in iS : willing to take ? id see what we ? 51 m L? 51 ;his is the way that woman in billon p: g our goods. We p{ ; is wrong, the loss 51 m educed to $5.00 m S4 95 m m 3 WALK OVER Juced to $6.25 ^ iced to $5.00 ? iced to $4.25 ? ? $3.75 m n vas Slippers f rom 98c. ? 9 ippers 75c. and up [ isses Slippers, greatly r ice. r S~of,