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W 7 i THE RIGHT THING AT THE RIGHT TIME By MARY MARSHALL DUFFEE WHAT ABOUT GOSSIP? Be thou aB chaste as Ice, as pure a: snow, thou shalt not escape calumny.? Shakespeare. THIS trained nurse who is worthy of her profession sticks pretty,strictly to the etiquette that tnukes the ruling that the nurse and the doctor should regard us confidential any In j, formation or impression guincd of I ** their patients or patients' families as u result of their professional relation- i ships. While the young nurse is in training she usually learns to her grief the embarrassing results of Indulging in rwbnt seems sometimes like harmless gossip concerning her patients; so that by the time she goes out on cases in private homes she Is usually pretty well cured of any natural desire to gossip. But what ahout the others who come into our homes who sometimes learn tilings about us and our affairs that we might not wish to have bandied about the neighborhood? What a blessing It would bo if they. too. had been given Instruction in n sort of professional etiquette that would seal the'r tongues! It may not be that there are bits of information that It would really embarrass us to have known, but in the course of telling, many facts become distorted anf twisted sometimes past nil recognltloa But whether or not you are bound by professional etiquette. If your work \ takes you Into Either people's homes or gives you a special Insight Into other people's lives, remember that common courteousness forbids you to make xeen ior gossip or tnis Information. Remember that many a seamstress and dressmaker has brought real unpopularity on herself because she has gained the reputation of being a gossip. And remember that It Is Just as ill-! bred to "pump" for the bits of gossclp that you crave as It is to spread .them. (Copyright) O Clinging to Prose. "I have observed that you never quote Shakespeare In your speeches." "No," repllod Senator Sorghum; "] have trouble enough keeping my facts and figures straight, without being called down by people who specialize on pointing O^t mlsquotutlons." O Not Strang*. Miss Fuss?Yes, that's a photo of my maiden aunt. Perhaps you saw ) her name In the papers Inst week? She frightened away n burglar. Miss Rood (closely Inspecting the portrait)?Did she? Well. I don't wonder at it.?Tit-P.its. V O A TREAT FOR MA I "Do you find very irksome ! on your camping trips." "-.>'1 no, we take mothc. ?>:ens to | ?<- She needs a vacation." V FIXAIj DISCHAIKiK NOTICE. Notice is hereby Riven that J. H.j Meadors, guardian of the estate of ( W. Bruce Boahn minor, deceased, litis j made appplication unto nie for final ; discharge as guardian and that Mon-^ day, August 15th, 10 o'clock in the j forenoon has been appointed for the j hearing of the said petition. i All persons holding claims against f the said estate are requested to file ^ them with the administrator on or'i before 10 o'clock in the forenoon of < Monday, August 15tli or this notice'( will be plead in bar of their recovery, j ? JOE CABELL DAVIS, ' - O T\ l-l juu^k ui i-roouie, 7 21 4t. Dillon County. t Subtcribo to The Dillon Heruld. f f\ ? "THE MONEY YOU DON1 "BUY THE G For the odd jobs of you don't need the 1 Insist on "Tide Woter" Cypress? you can idtn> j tify it by this mark. Lower grades will ansu just as long. Save yo Write us for list of FREE PL and no substitutes" from you SOUTHERN CYPF 24 roup LOCAL DEALER WILL SUf # % T1 ' ' * ' THE DILLON HEUALi "What's in a Name?" By MILDRED MARSHALL Pact* iHout yout name; In hlttory: mean Ing; whence It wn derived; ?lgnl6cancei your lucky day and lucky jewel. KOSALIE. I ROSALIE and llose appear to bo of j llit' same generul root, l lit? more euphonious naiiit? of Hosnlle boiiur u French extraction. A curious jMiint is that the color rose Is irrevocably nssoclateil with the name Kosnlie, us well as Hose. The history of the mime Itosnhe Is most Interestinjr. If llrst was ^iven j to fair women of France ami it was j there that St. Potnliiic arranged a I series of flevotlons by means of tell- , iiiR beads upon a string. These formed the rosarium, or rose garden, or freely i translated, delights of devotion. The ! Uosnrium lias a day to itself in the ' Roman calendar and may possibly have named the transatlantic Saint j Rose dl Luina. which gave rise '.?> 11??slta. Switzerland calls iter ltosel and ; France Rosine or Rosette. In lOng- i, land site Is Rosunne, sometimes Rosa- j hell a, meaning "beautlfnl rose." From Italy comes Rosinu and Rosetta. AI more rare, hut no less charming interpretation Is Rosealha. signifying "white rose." There are red roses and white roses and yellow roses In nature, yet tlie real rose is the deep pink and the hearer of the name or any of its derivatives should surround herself with the llowers if she would wish the psychic atmosphere which their quality insures. Her jewel is that rare beautiful gem, the flame-hearted ruby. It denotes pride and haughtiness and appoints Tuesday as the fortunate day for its wearer nnd three the lucky number. (Copyright.) <) There's Plenty of Time. "How time flies! It seems hut yesterday I went to school." "Oh, lor', Marin, fur heaven's sake make It the day before yesterday.**?Cartoons Magazine. <) Poor Philistine! Mrs. Plblcy (with newspaper)? Says here that T>. W\ Griffiths Invented the elose-up. Pihley?Who's lie?dancing master? ?Buffalo Express. O A Reasonable Restraint. "You never Uilk scandal." "No," replied Miss Cayenne. "The fact thut people do something terrible is no reason why I should say something shocking." () O 0 A LINE 0' CHEER By John Kendrlck Bangs. NO EMBARGO. WHEN Cliaron conies to take me o'er The River on his Eerry I hope I'll face that other shore With spirit blithe and merry. And take the wholesome things of earth. Its love and joyous laughter. And ail Its glorious gifts of worth Along to the hereafter. For that's tlio wealth that never dies. And holds the Joyous leaven Tim t r?,n - ' ..... lilt IIU pilCH The path 'twixl E-irib an'! Heaven. (Copyright.) C r:? (J N'ofico of Sale. Xotice is hereby given that the unlerslgned Sheriff of Dillon county ( will sell at public auction, to the , ugliest bidder, for cash, on Monday, \ugust. first, 1921, in front of the :ourt house door in Dillon, S. C. >etween the legal house of sale, one ^ luick Automobile, roadster^ ,sabe b<>-:< ng the automobile seized by the of- ' 'it-era of Dillon county from one P. I'.;i kValker and confiscated by and to thejJ ounty of Dillon-under and by virtue/ if the laws of the State of South : j Carolina. C. S. BETHEA, \) 1 21 2t. Sheriff of Dillon County.! iS Germany has opened three universi-i ies since 1914?Cologne, Hamburg, j >nd I'rankfort-am-Main. 1 ( T HAVE TO SPEND ON REPAIl RADE THAT FITS building and repairing arc iiigher grades of CYPRFSS v**' a fi 2L&. "THE WOOD ETERNAL" rer just as well for many of t >ur money. "Buy the grade ANS for farm buildings ? but in the menntir r local lumbcrdenler?no matter for what pi tESS MANUFACTURERS 5 Cirahain Building, Jacksonville, 11a *FL%YOV. IF HE HASN'T BNf**'QH CYME. * ? t , D, DILLON, SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 I /lucim ^STRIKE,/ Cigarette To seal in the delicious Burley tobacco flavor. It's Toasted PiolfessioRal Cards. "OTIS M PAGE 1 Civil Engineer DILLON, S.C. OK. J. SI. HA ME I'., 4 It. Dentht Office over Peoples Park. S C. HEXSI.EK, M. D. Ear. Nose u.*i<i riiroai Spectacles Fitted. Office Hours 9 to 11 and 2 ta 4 >enln? Houtb by Appointment. J. \T. JOHN SOI* Attomey-at-Lavr 'raettco In State and Federal Cetiri Marlon. 8. O. L. O. I1A;SELI)EN Attorney at Law DILLON, 8. C. toney to Lend on First Mortt&jz* Real Estate. GIBSON & MI LLER, Attorneys-at-Lnw Office over Malcolm Mercantile Co. DILLON, S. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts Surveying Drafting and Blue Printing W. M. ALLEN Dillon, S. C. Phone No. 112 DR. R. M. BAILEY, Veterinarian Office at Dillon l.ive Stock Co's. Stables. Office Phone - 23 6 Residence Phone - ? JOE P. LANE Attoriiey-at-L:i\v Office Next to Bank of Dillon, Main St. Dillon, S. C. DR. R. F. DARWIN Dentist Office Over Rank of Dillon L. D. LIDE \ t torney-at-Law MARION, S. r I SIMMONS. State of South Carolina County of Dillon. Court of Common Pleas. Bank of Clio, Plaintiff, vs J. W. Atkinson, Defendant. To G. W. Atkinson, Defendant: You are hereby summoned and reluired to answer the complaint in j his action, on file in the office of 21erk of Court, and to serve a copy )f your answer to the said complaint >n the subscriber at his office at lennettsville, S. C., within twenty, lays after the service hereof, exclu-: sive of the day of such service; and f you fail to answer the complaint | \ithin the time aforesaid the plain-' iff in this action will apply to the ourf for the relief demanded in the omplaint. J. K. OWENS, Attorney for Plaintiff.1 > 30 6t. ! * RS IS ALL PROFIT." Tiir inn?? inc. jud || )und the place? Indst on "Ti If Water" Cypress ? you con identify it by tl >s mark. 7k*? rtl fr% w ,, fW >B hesc jobs ? and last that fits the job." ! ne insist 0:1 '"CYPRIISS urpose you buy. Address ' ASSOCIATION 55 LET US KNOW AT ONCE. J 1 1 ). niURSDAY,MOKNIX<;, JULY 28. 192 MASTEIt'S SAI.L\ State of South Carolina, County of Dillon, li the Court of Common Pleas?. J. D. Hayes, Plaintiff, against I Jim Page. Defendant. Pursuant to an order of his Honor | Kdwat'd Mclver. Judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, bearing date the | 20th day of January, 101 J*. the tin- | dersigued, as Master for Dillon couii !! ty. will sell during the legal hour- i of sale, on the first Monday in August, 1921, same being th.. 1st, before I the court house door in the Town of ' Dillon, in the county ol Dilloi . in the | State aforesaid, at public tuetion to the highest bidder. "AH that certain | pit ce, p-treel or lot of land lyit. - and : being situtne in the comity of Dillon, ' and state aforesaid, and in tin* Town , ol i.ak,? View, and bounded on the ' north by Fighth stive!; east by str. e?: ^ south by lot No. 141, an l wt st by lot ij No. 140, saiti lot being numb? < <l an?! ; designated as lot No. 131) on a plat , or survey made by K. F. Pruniu for i i . ami j. r . \\ at son, dHt"il | 1 )ecember 4tn, i b 11 Terms of sale. Cash, purchaser to I pay for all papers ami revenue ) stamps. Any person bidding off tin j said property and refusing to com ply with 1 iis bill therefor. said pri?p- I city will b? resold open th(. same or | some subsequent salesd'ay at tin- ri-lc 1 ol the former purchaser. A. 15. JORDAN', Master for Dillon County. ' SIMMONS. State of South Carolina, i County of Dillon. In Court of Common Pleas. G. D. Barlow. Plaintiff, vs. iRichard Johnson asnl Minnie Johnson. Defendants. To the defendants, Richard Johnson and Minnie Johnson: You are hereby summoned and re[tjuired to answer the complaint in this action of which a copy is served. I lin/oi ? -- -- , ..(ivu ?uii ' (uu iu serve * copy ot your !answer to said c omplaint. oil tlio subjscriber at his office in Dillon, S. C., jwithin (20) days after the service I hereof, *-\clusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the lime aforesaid jihe plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court of Common Pleas for. 'the relief demanded. N. 11. Hargrove, Plaintiff's Attorney. State of South Carolina, County of Dillon. # To the defendants Richard Johnson and Minnie Johnson. You will take notice that the complaint in this action, together with the4 summons, of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in the office of the Clerk of Court Common Pleas in General Session. County of Dillon, State of South Carolina on the 13th day of July, A. D. 1021. N. B. Hargrove, j7 14 3t. Plaintiff's Attorney. H Why p fel Suffer? |y FJ>k3 Wonorrs f?r i*:ey [-Vv i jT^v* Decides This Laiy. ! "I suffered for a long hSk." . time with womanly weak- L Wj^4, tiess," says i.\rs. J. R [ Simpson, of I'i Spruce St., AshevUle, N. C. "I I IT f5na!,y E?t *? t':c place ^ ' r where it was an effort for K^k|j r Yj&& n.e to go. 1 would ha*, e L bearing-do wr. pains in fo&'d r. L^j my side and back ? es- pccially severe across my ' L Efo/yj back, and clown ?n my r r ^ side there was a great , *deal of soreness. I was k^Ljri ? nervous and easily tip- f H' TAKE Bt GARDUl) The Woman's Tonic J S i ncara 01 uardui and R^j I: decided to use it," con- r< tinues Mrs. Simpson. "I | J: saw shortly it was bene- fevxffl [i fiting me, so I kept it up r and it did wonders for ; l^il me- And since then I fc&S 5 Shave been glad to praise 9*58*4 G Cardui. It is the best JL woman's tonic made." w ^ \< Weak women need a ' tonic. Thousands and eVi thousands, like Mrs. ^ Pr^fl Simpson, have found ^|?j|. ^ lw,, Cardui of benefit tcrthem. Try Caruui for yourticu- f< ALL ? E2 DR,T<f:r"TS 1 I* ?Hg JSISfflfflSUST [ i i y; - ? \ . ?1 1. ??S??EBS1@ Bfi 15! m ? 5! * 51 mmvsssatrm 5! ?gs=bh | 5! gl T1 4* J.J ?.. * .y 6! 2 * | JflAVE i | hveryth :i Right >1 ft ? At SI I Low 1 Decreas; s si a a Printing a 1 U-know a | Better I+I | Linen ? i 1 lS ? Safety s ? Hammefi h ? i ? in ? New ? ? /""? l 6 .rni^o -=-> ^_?UUJL/0 5 | Come a On, give a I Makegoi a a Patroniz i 1 Anybody a 1 NoW's yol You KNO\ i sanifflfflfflfflfflfflfflg ^ . .JUs. ??_ . . ? B ? ? HI HI B IS 5! Ill IS IS ? i B 1 | BBSR **r vU s$* Ufikk [& Hi SB m ING | a as cn a m a ? is tNG PRICES 1 IS HI IS s I ? ? ? ? ? ffl ffl ffl ? ffi ? ffl ? ? ffl ffl MILL ffi ffi ffl ffi ffl 53 BB 5! 5! SI ? S ? 1 a Lfi US A TRIAL ffi iS ? 3D WE WILL ES ffi IS E US ffi sr 1 r,^ aa UK 1 lfflt gg / ? I vus | | ? ] ? 1 ^ i "ij