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. Lalta I ( Coming and (iolng. Miles Mclnnis of Bingham was attending to business here on Monday. W. D. Sellers of Sellers was in town 1 on business Wednesday. |i Miss Irene Campbell of Chesterfield is \ isiting her brother L. A. Campbell. T. N. Allen of .Bingham was in town on business Thursday. J B. and Kenneth McCutcbeon of E lion were here Thursday. D. G. Manship of Klberry was here Tlfursday afternoon. Re"?" J. L. Mullinix of Bingham 1 was a business visitor on Thursday. J. D. Coleman of Elberry was here attending to hiiRinpcc Thiim^nv D. G. Burden of Rowland spent FrL day with his family at this place. ' John C. Allen of Elberry was a bus- 1 iness caller here on Friday. A. L. Parham of Mallory was here 1 on business Saturday. F. M. Haselden of Mallory was a business visitor ber Saturrday. J. L. Lane was here looing after ' his wants Saturday. Eugene Berry of Elberry was here ' on business Saturday afternoon. Mrs. R. J. Dew and son are visiting relatives and friends in Wilmington. Houston Manning is now at Sera- ) nac Lake where he will spend the hot months, returning about October. Misses Marie and Vera Newton of (' Tatum are visiting relatives at this place. I Misses Agnes Davis, Thelmu and! Aileen Hayes were calling on friends, in town Wednesday afternoon. John Hargrove of Dillon spent most of Thursday afternoon in town looking after his cotton interests. J P. A. George of Elberry was shak- ( Ing hands with friends here Thursday afternoon. W. E. Allen of the Dalcho section of the county made a flvintr trin hpr. Thursday. L. N. Hatchel of the Elberry section had a load of very fine melonF here Saturday afternoon. F. B. Watson of the Antioch section of Marion county was a visiter here Saturday. S. B. Crawford of Mullins spent Sunday in Latta with Dr. Kirkland's family. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Braddy and their son Olin left Sunday night for Hendersonville, N. C. C. E. Haselden of Sellers was here on Tuesday looking after selling his lot of cotton. 1 Mrs. J. O. Bethea and children of tbe Sellers section were calling on friends here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Alonzo Bailey returned from ' Florence Monday night where she ' has been visiting relatives for the .past few days. Dr. E. L. Brown returned Monday night from Rocky River Springs t where he has been for the past week 1 for his health. ] Misses Alma Watson and Eunice '. Allen returned from Myrtle Beach on i Monday night where they have been t on a house party for ten days. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith and son r Ellison and Misp Mildren left Satur- i day for Asheville where they will ? spend a short while. t Misses Sarah and Julia Moore, i daughters of Rev. G. E. Edwards of(i Orangeburg, are visitirur thoir !" ,?.! . i mother, Mrs. D. S. Edwards. , E. L. Powell a prosperous farmer i of the Dalcho section of the county \ was among those who come here Saturday. Misses Mary Carnes and Caroline < Porter of Lancaster, clasg mates of T Miss Vivian McMillan are spending a 1 few days with Miss McMillan- I Thompson Allen and his daughter 1 Miss Margaret of Chattanooga are J spending a couple of weeks with Mr. < Allen's mother, Mrs. Marion Allen. 1 Reese Edens has returned from 1 Spartanburg where he spent four 1 days attending to business of great ' importance to him. i Miss EBtelle Ellerbe left Wednes- ' day morning for Brevard, N. C. where she intends to spend the remaining hot months of this summer. Mrs. C. W. Biggs and children who for the past several weeks have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell of Columbia, returned home Wednesday. Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea returned Jfonday night from Wilmington where she hag been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bethea for the past ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh Evans and children of Ocean View, Va., left here - Tuesday for their "home, after having spent some time with Mrs. Evans' iprents Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Baker. Rev. E. C. Bailey preached at Kentyre church last Sunday and Monday night. A large congregation was present. That was his fourth discourse that day and he expressed thanks for a day of rest. He is hitting the mark, but not in the dark "these .days." o Social Evens in I>atta. Miss Katherine Bethea entertained In honor of her cousin Miss Alda Crawford of Sumter who is visiting her, with an afternoon picnic at Pee Dee Park. .Something more than a core of young people were invited, and the afternoon was very much enjoyed by thosee who attended. ______ Miss Ruby Bethea delightfully en- ! tertained for Misses Mary Carnes and ; Caroline Porter at a "Gingham's i Tarty" Thursday morning. Immed- i htdy after the guests were assembled i ,/y C 7 Tl ATM ft t rfjWWl" 11 4 v " I m D11XOH HKI News Depar Conducted by W. Ellis Bethel partners were drawn by matching 1 scraps of ginghams for an appropriate contest. The prize a dainty homespun upron was awarded to Miss Carnes. After this delightful refreshments, consisting of ice tea. sandwiches and honiemade candy were served. Small gingham hags filled with mints were given as favors. Assisting Miss Bethea were her sifter, Mrs. D. B. Shine, Mrs. M. E. McNair and Miss Thelma Bethea. In the afternoon Miss Rogers was again a charming hostess when she entertained twenty more of her ] friends at a lovely rook party. Punch . and a salad course were served. i Miss Gertrude Manning entertain- i ea wiin a six o'ciock tea on Friday in honor of Hampton Manning and guest Mr. Knickerbocker of New York City. Others enjoying thi8 were Misses Klyce Manning. Aileen Hamer, Love Braddy, and Edwin Kirkland. Nas , turtiums were bountifully used, these: ?ombined with the warm hospitality of the hostess, merry conversation and lovely music made it a very pleasant occasion. Miss Vivian McMillan and*her two attractive visitors from Lancaster were honored with a morning rook party on Friday by Mrs. T. C. McGce. The card tables were placed on the shaded porch baskets and jardineres of daisies marigolds and yellow cannas were used. Upon the arrival of the guests iced fruit punch wa3 served by Miss Rubie Bethea. Score! cords carrying out the decoratives motif were passed by little Dora! Elizabeth McGee. After a number of' rubbers were played. The hostess as-1 sisted by Miss Thelma Bethea served each ice cream with block nut covered cake. To each of the guests of hf.nnr hlinnh 00 r\f d'e flowers were presented. One of the enjoyable affairs of the | week was the masquerade party givc*n in honor of the ruany visitors in town by Miss Love Braddy on Friday i evening. The guests arrived in full I masquerade of characters some of | which were very good. From a flower ' decked bower iced punch was served I through the entire evening by Miss Mae Braddy and Inez Parham. The | hostess was assisted by her mother, , Mrs. W. W. Braddy and Miss Ger- | trude Manning. A tent was arranged i on the side porch where a real gypsy I foretold past, present and future. I Many merry stunts combined with ' music and conversation made the evening pass so pleasantly, and all reluctantly departed pronouncing I Miss Love a most charming hostess, i Mrs. C. F. Bass delightfully enter- I ained on Tuesday afternoon with two . cables of rook in honor of her sister I Mrs. Carey Kilgore of Bishopville. j rhe rooms were attractively arrang- I *u with shasta daisies and lovely r 'erns; this combined with the cooling I Jieezes of electric fans made a pleas- [ tnt place for the players. After many 1 nerry games, cards were laid aside [ ind the hostess assisted by Miss Kath- f mine Roger served tomato and P'ne- I lpple sandwiches with iced tea. Those r ?iesent to meet Mrs. Kilgo e were: t Mesdanies Houston Manning, \Y. W. [ Braddy, T. C. McGee, .1. F. Rogers, 5. J. Bethea, Jr., Misses Amanda Edvards and Katherine Rogers. i One of the most delightful parties >f the season was one given by Miss Vivian McMillan at her home on! Wednesday evening, in honor of; Misses Many Carnes and Caroline Por-! ter of Lancaster and Sarah Jones of Mullins. The guests after receiving a cordial welcome from the hostess/ were conducted to a cozy corner of," Lhc large porch, where they were ser-, ved delicious fruit punch, after, < which they were invited on the lawn I to engage in playing progressive con-'; versation, which was very much en-| Joyed by all present. At a late hour.t Ice cream and cake were served. Those ] who were present and enjoyed Miss ] McMillans hospitality were: Misses!] Mildred Smith, Ilubie Bethea, Eva < Allen, Alberta Hammond, Katherine . Bethea, Alda Crawford of Sumter, Elizabeth Braddy, Sadie Bethea, Eve- i lyn Stafford and Messrs. Ernest McMillan, T. V. Brown, George Foxworth, S. H. Cal&han, Marion Mc- i Millan, Harry Sellers, Ellison Smith, Cerl McLean, Edwin Kirkland, Hubert Stalvey and R- E. Atkinson. Mrs. D. C. Edwards entertained with a rook party on Friday after- ( noon in honor of Misses Sarah and Julia Moore Edwards of Orangburg. nefceg of the hostesa. The porches and , roonfs were made cool and inviting ' with numbers of electric fans, vases and baskets of varicolored summer blossoms were bountifully used against a background of ferns. Here the card tables were arranged and ' many merry prames were indulged in. 1 Music on the Edison was enjoyed. After cards were laid aside, a dainty salad course followed by ices was ] served- Other visitors prersent were: Misses Jones of Mullins, Carnes and Porter of Lancaster and Crawford of ! Sumter. The young ladies who live on her l street and their visitors Misses Edwards of Orangeburg and Jones of MuHins were entertained with an amnslng stnnt party by Mrs. D. B. Shine on Thursday evening. Merry games, tricks and stuntg were played and much fun ensued. Delicious iced punch and home made candies were ~ .. ' ......... yjj>, DU/ORi BOOTH QtfMUVAt : ? tment. . j i I 1 < I KHOU1.I) YOU DESIRE TO SECURE a real nice place to board In the mountains near Hendersonville, N. C., address Mrs. J. M. Pender, Hen. j dersonville. N. C., Route No. 5. My family are there and having a bully ] time and cooling off. If you can't < go let the tired wife have a rest; ] for she certainly needs to get rid of you for awhile. E. C. B.?7 16 It ] NOTICE. | Rowland Tobacco Market opens ] i uesaay, July 19th. Sell your tobacco with Thomas Brothers, at the Row- < land Brick Warehouse. They will S work hard for you, and will give you the same good service this year, as < lhey have in the past years.?7 14 It < ffl H a a a ES H is s E a 91 ? Safe Deposit B> | Tho a 1 DOLL a I S TO a I EACH a gj >T"*he only safe place S A ey and valuable a Where it can't be SI( a LOST. ? When you keep vah ? your house, you take : ? ous about them all the ^ Put your money in get it at any time and ^ when you sleep. a a g We invite your pati 1 FIRST NATIO +] DILLON, Sou S National Bank Pro S Savii g <3 ? H S ? S 3 3 3 3 3 B liojKirt of the < FIRST NATIONAI at the Close of Busine Resoiir .oans and discounts Total Votes and bills rediscounted with Fede Bank Overdrafts, secured none; unsecured Deposited to secure circulation All other U. S. Government securities Total Dther bonds, stocks, securities, etc. b'urniture and fixtures ileal estate owned other than banking Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Sash in vault and amount due from nat Amount due from banks, bankers, and panies in the U. S. ? ? ? Cheeks on other banks in the same city reporting bank Total of items 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 . Checks on banks located outside of .city reporting bank and other cash items Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer from U. S. Treasurer ? TOTAL Ldabili Capital stock paid in Circulating notes outstanding Cashier's checks on own bank outsta i Surplus fund , Undivided profits individual deposits subject to check ? Dividends unpaid Total of demand deposits Certificates of deposit ? ? ? Other time deposits Total of time deposits subject to rei 32, 33. 34 and 35 Hills payable with Federal Reserve Ba TOTAL STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Count I. J. R. REGAN .Cashier of the al that the above statement is true to the Subscribed and sworn to before m? . , < r ' ? ... * * i WW*'* TKJ1MDAT, NO RJf LNO, JULY 14 Notice of Meeting of Stockholders of! the Fort Supply Co. Notice is hereby given that a meet-J ng of the stockholders of said cor-i poration will be held at Fork. S. C.,\ >n the 12th day of August, 1921, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the purpose of said meeting being to consider the liquidation of said corporation, :be winding uy of its affairs and the surrendering of the charter of said sompany. J. P. McQueen, M4-4t A. G. McQueen. Statement of the Condition of THK BANK OF DILLON, Dillon, S. C. it the close of business June 30, 1921 j Itesources: Loans and discounts , $693,730.17 Dverdrafts 18,117.54 Bends and stocks owned by the bank 2,700.00 Furniture and fixtures 7,500.00 Banking house 15,000.00 3ther real estate owned- * 78Q.00 Due from banks and bankers 21,241.82 Currency 2,506.00 Silver and other minor coin 987.80 Checks and cash item6 1,383.00 Dther resources, viz: Libi X i m m I x i r^i m rCTm m m m fflfflfflfflfflffl mm mm? IS oxes For Rent @ nds of 1 , A R S | Ill L EN I ? YEAR ? m a ! to keep your mon- [=! s is in a BANK, g 3LEN, BURNED or 0 S rabies and money in S a big risk and nerv- ? time. ? our bank, you can J=j lyou will feel easy ^ 0 ffl, m -onage, S: NAL BANK 1 th Carolina ( ] tection For Your ? lgs ? E aHBfflssssaag; ??????????; 'outfit ion of j BANK AT DILIiO.V, S. C. ss on June 30, 1921. ces: $430,265.80 $430,265.80 ral Reserve $193,241.55 237.024.25 2,079.89 2,079.89 12,500.00 59,100.00 71,600.00 10,000.00 ? $7,187.50 7,187.50 ; house 20.000 on Bank 11,694.69 ional banks 19,420.89 1 trust com 2,607.46 or town as 588.36 22,616.71 r or town or i 1,255.84 and due 625.00 $384,083.88 ties: $100,000.00 ' 12,300 00 iding ? ? 687.73 3,000.00 2,581.06 2,581.0$ 109,832.50 6,000.00 115,832.50 79,669.28 19,863.31 serve , items 99,532.59 nk 50,150.00 -- $384,083.88 ty of Dillon, sa: ? bove named bank do solemrtly swear I best of my knowledge and belief. J. R. REGAN, Cashier. | ? this 9th day of July, 1921. F. M. FITT8, Notary Public. 3orrect-Attest: - | W. FLOYD, . * . E. T. ELLIOTT. , ; JAMES McLELLAN, i -. ; Wwetors, to. 4- IT. .-11, 1M1. ? erty bonds 30,000.00 ( Total $793,946.33 I Liabilities: 1 Capital stock paid in $ 75,000.00 Surplus fund 76,000.00 , Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes , paid 5,306.25 Dividends unpaid 3,915.00 ( Individual deposits subject to check 235,220.25 Time certificates of deposit 181,326.81 CashierV checks 178.02 Notes and bills rediscounted 18.000.00 Bills payable, including; certificates for money borrowed 190,000.00 Other liabilities, viz: bonds borrowed 10,000.00 Total $793,946.33 Slate of South Carolina, County of Dillon, ss:? , Before me canie J. M. Sprunt, cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. J. M. Sprunt. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of June, 1921. Jno. C. Bethea, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: A. J. Carmichael, Directors. W. W. Evans, W. H. Muller, Statement of the Condition of THE BANK OF I ATT A, Latta, S. Cat the close of business June 30, 1921 Resources: Loans and discounts $363,726.07 Overdrafts 6,818.18 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank 2,800.00 ruiuuuie uuu nxiures 2,384.75 Ranking house 5,000.00 Due from banks and bankers 14,184.26 Currency 1,048.00 Gold __ 10.00 Silver and other minor coin 390.96 Checks and cash items 2,352.68 Total $398,714.90 S Farmers < S Mierchan IS LATTA. jr Capital - I I Surplus w ninrcT cTon SULULJI ? iMlVU To Our Cu: Tobacco I I We beg to an I 1 Ml I opening sate will dsy, July 19th. solicited. We same courteous t accorded custom* and guarantee y best* price. Our corps of I plete and represe companies. Yours ve Planters \ Parhan Latta, S. C. n* * Capital stock paid in $ 35,000.09 Sruplus fund __ __ ____ 15,000.00 ^B Undivided profits less curcurrent expenses and tax- ^B eg paid ' 5,032.75 Individual deposits sub- ^^^B ject to check 128,743.83 _gBB Time certificates of de- ^BB posit ? 1- 99,461.00 Cashiers checks 477.26 ' '"IBB Bills payable, includinig / ^jB certificates for money *"?^|^B borrowed 115,000.00 Jk Total.. 1398,714.90 Tfl State of South' Carolina, County of Dillon, ss:? Before me came M. M. Sellers, Cashler of the above named bank, who, ^B| being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. ^^B M. M. Sellers. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of July, 1921. ^B W. D. Bethea, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: mk D. B. Shine, A M r, 1,1 W. H. Smith. m Directors. Slimgl es vi I still have several grades, and a big stock of Cedar Shingles, in- ^ eluding the best grade. Those f J needing shingles will do well to see me before buying. W. Ellis Bethea. <4 Latta, S. C. [>i m m m hi bi m' ; and a ts Bank \ s. c. S3 ? t $100,000,00 f ? $125,000.00 | I ? ? NGEST - BEST f J ? i -gh-gHa-Hg-gHP-- i ?==^l J itomers & ! Growers: \ nounce that our 1 be on ne^tTues- * Yfllir nafrnnorfo ? v VilH^V | promise you the I < reatment always I \ ers on our floor I ou the market's I ( R "* buyers are com- I 1 :nt all of the best I ry truly, I 1 Warehouse, I < i & Tuck, Props. I i