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mr Club Short Oonrie and Encampment at Lake Mew. On June 28, 29 and 30 the short course and encampment for the club boys and girls of Dillon county was held at Lake View under the supervision of Mr. S. W. Epps and Miss Etta Sue Sellers. This short course proved to be a most successful one; 8b club boys and girls attended the meeting. Each day interesting demon^ strations and lectures were given. The instructors were Miss Laura Bailey, Asst. State Home Demonstration Agent, Mrs. Frances Y. Kline. District Agent, Mrs. Edna McPherson, Demonstration Agent of Marion county, Miss Edna Earl, Demonstration Agent of Marlboro county, Mr. B. O. Williams, Asst. State Agent In Boys Club Work. Mr. A. H. Ward, County Agent of Darlington county. Mr. L. L. Baker, State Agent in Boys Club Work and Mr. W. G. Sheelv. Beef Cattle Specialist. The girls made tea napkins and aprons and were given demonstrations in jelly making and canning beans, tomatoes, and beets. The boys enjoyed lectures and demonstrations as follows: Feeding pigs, club work, common diseases of live stock, cultivation and fertilization of corn, record books, crop rotation, boys club work, beef cattle production and seed corn selfection. The boys and girls had some of their meetings together. At these joint meetings Mrs. Frances Y. Klin gave some interesting hints 011 "raising poultry," Mr. H. A.; Ward spoke on the "value of an edu-j cation," and Miss Laura Bailey gave a demonstration on "lable service and manners." Besides the lessons learned, there was a space on the program lor va-j virus amusements?some of which were contests, games and club songs' and yells. The club members carried enough! lunch for dinner and supper of the1 first day. The meals f'?r the second day and breakfast of the last day were prepared a? the school house! by a competent colored woman. J "Aunt Becky Page." Thc very efficient cliaperones were Messrs. J. C. Hayes and Mrs. T. E.| Fore. The encampment closed with a pic- j nic dinner on the last day. All the girls and boys went away feeling that they had had a most wonderful outing. o EARACHE. Earache is so painful that the person suffering from it thinks of little except the pain. The physician, however is interested in it as a symptom. It may have various underlying causes. Although It is generally owing to the state of the ear itself, it may be what we call indifferently a reliex, a sympathetic or a referred pain; that is, one caused by trouble not in the ear but in some other part of the body. Earachc may attack either the young or the old, but it oftenest attacks children. When babies are in acute pain the doctor should observe them closely until he -discovers the seat of the pain. If the ear is at fault, the baby will scream or start when anyone approaches it; or it may roll ii.3 ueau on me piuow or nri lis nanu to the ear. In older children earache often means that the nasopharynx is in an unhealthy state or that the teeth need attention. It may mean that the child has adenoids for a child with adenoids catches cold easily, and the cold may result in inflamation of the Eustachian tube. Parents used to regar,i earache as one of the inevitable ills of childhood and thought they had done their duty when they had' applied some old wives' remedy vthich did more harm j than good. It is painful to reflect on: the edrendful tortures that young children than endured. If your child has persistent earache j you should call a specialist in ear! diseases, for the pain caused by inflamation of the middle ear. is relieved most quickly and permanently by making an incision in the ear drum. That not only gives relief to the sufferer but often prevents his becoming deaf in later life. The ear specialist is the only person competent to decide whether or not the incision should be made, and he is the only person who is competent to make it. BROADENS SCHEME TO EXPORT COTTON. War Finance Corporation dives Plans New York, July 11?The war finance corporation has adopted a new policy for financing of export shipments of cotton, Managing Director Eugene Meyer, Jr., announced today. Heretofore he said adyances were made to cotton exporters only on cotton actually exported under definite contracts of sale. Following conferences with cotton men and bankers in Washington, New Orleans Atlanta and New New York, he said, the corporation will now consider applications for financing of exportatic-ns of cotton on any one of the following three plans: 1. For prompt shipment against deferred payment. 2. For future shipments within a reasonable time against either prompt or deferrerd payments after arrival in foreign countries. 3. For prompt shipment to warehouses in foreign distribution points to be held there on account of American exporters and bankers for marketing out of warehouses. A loan of $5,000,000 had already been made to the Staple Cotton Cooperative association of Memphis which pledged 100,000 bales of long staple cotton as security, he said, and agreed to export within one year sufficient to repay the full loan out of the proceeds of export*. The cotton will be held in American warehouses until the time is favorable for export. The corporation, he said, stands ready to assist other organisations as well as cotton exporters and bonking institutions la the same way, provided tjfed* adI . iu, I THE DI vunces caa be made upon a sound business basis and the corporation may be safely assured the advances will be repaid from exports within one 5'ear. SUMMONS. State of South Carolina County of Dillon. Court of Common Pl<?as. Hank of Clio, Plaintiff, Prinrp All note i Talking about 1*0 your own cigarettes, tell you right here Prince Albert tobacc< 'em all lashed to the ] You've got a handf happiness coming yoi rection when you pal ii P. A. and the ma! papers! For Prince/ is not only delightf your taste and pleasi its refreshing aroma, b exclusive patented p frees it from bite and 1 kniur r IM n? the r 1IGHT in we u Light-Six for physicians, sturdy, depend of the enclosed new low price manufacture most modern B. & East M ain Street NE> Tooting Car a anJIR LIGHT-SIX 2-PASS. ROADSTER UGHT-SIX TOURING CAR SPEC1ALSIX 2-PASS. ROADSTE SPECIAL-SIX TOURING CAR SPECIAL-SIX 4-PASS. ROADSTE BIG-SIX TOURING CAR ALL STUDB v fjMBSBEESBMBmmSm \ LLON HERALD, DITiLON, SOUTH YS G. W. Atkinson, Defendant. To G. W. Atkinson, Defendant: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the oomplaint in this action, on file in the office of! Clerk of Court, and to serve a copyi of your answer to the said complaint I ' on the subscriber at his office at j Bennettsville, S. C., within twenty bert's a new n the joys of r lling And, for a fact, rc we'll up Prince Albert is m that easy! P. A. is crimp cu 3 has stays put and you wh mast! into shape before yoi ul-of- count three! And, th< ir di- instant you're puffing t with t0 keat band! kin's Prince Albert is so Libert that it has led four n ul to smoke jimmy pipes 1 ng in one was smoked before lit our the greatest old bt rocess smoke that ever foui >arch! way into a pipe or ciga ieAlbef lational joy smoke 112-inch wh?lbui? $1695 I. o. b. South Bend light and smart in aj Coupe Roadster is salesmen and others _l_l_ i I autc, ccunumicai iwo I type. Its wonderfu of $1695, is due t< by Studebaker in tl automobile plant This is a 'tB. AUTO SA DILLON, S. C. V PRICES OF STUDEBAKER C f. o. b. Factors**, effective June 1st, 1921 oadetere Cos . . . $1300 LIGHT-SIX 2-PASS. i . . . . 133S LIGHT-SIX 5-PASS. J R 1SS8 SPECIAL-SIX 4-PAS3 . . 1635 SPECIAL-SIX S-PAS! R . . 1635 BIG-SIX 4-PASS. CC . . . . IMS BIG -SIX 7-PASS. SE BAKBR CARS ARE EQUIPPED WITH ( CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MOR\I\( days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. J. K OWENS, Attorney for Plaintiff. , 6 30 6t. jr j V I if it oiling 'em! [ )lling ighty [ t and isk it p rinre Albert is sold in loppy red 1 CaiT Vog-s, tidy red tins, hanatom* pound * flPYt a"d hati pound tin L " humidors and in the r t,.,,n,r pound crystal glass * *y humidor ivith sponge motstener top. i ^ f \ I Copyright 192t 1^. A by R J- Reynolds Tobacco Co. I Winston-Salem, N.C. | I & ^ ^ ^ ^ I 1 jpearance, the the ideal car i who want a | -passenger car il value, at the > its complete te newest and in the world. Studebaker Year lLES Phone 241 \RS ipu and Sadant COUPE ROADSTER S169B SEDAN 1995 >. COUPE .... 2450 i. SEDAN .... 2550 IUPE 2050 DAN 2950 CORD TIRES s. JULY 14, assst is? an? at ffl } Hi T HI HI HI hi HI HI s Hi | Have I Everything a a Right s 1 At i I Low | Decreasing f 5j i j 1 Printing ? . T | u-know ? o 1 detter m 5! * a Linen a s * a Is ? Safety m 1 Hammermill s I In | New 1 1 Goods a a a a f^OME a 1 Un, give us a 1 Make good w 1 1 Patronize us 3 | Anybody rzi 1 Now s YOUR T a You KNOW us a a a a a ___ a a a a a a IffiiSlffiiSffiSSffiS! i? ?? 5? S sr ? Bt ffl' H B B s ffl ffl. ffi f: L?J a IS a a a a RICES 1 is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ? a a a a a a a a rsi a a a a a a a a a a TRIAL a [SI I_r.l E WILL | sm ffl ffl ffl ffl IMP ffi a a a a 9 a 9 i ? a a a a 9 a s | 299999911 '