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BAMBERG LOOKS AHKADL News and Courier. (At the meeting of the Stat? Press i Aaaociation in Greenville last week. Mr. R. M. Hitt, of the Bamberg Her- < aid, contributed to the Greenville , Piedmont the article printed below, , which is valuable not only as a re- ( of conditions in Bamberg counbettr. the present time, but also as ( rating the courage and optimOnvith whica the Bamberg people ^attling against the eboll weevil. ^ c. Hitt, talking to the editor of Pffe News and Courier of the wonder- ' ful -prdgress which Greenville and ' the Piedmont country are making, I added: "But in ten years, or sooner, 1 flip lnu* pnnnt rv ?o wnincr o V* oo ^ fn ? /%*? 1 than this upper country ever dreamed 1 of doing." He speaks for the new \ spirit which is alive in the low conn- I try today. Read his article, which j ioUows. ) , JPf R. M. Hitt, Bamlfcrg Herald.) 1 one of the few "boll weevil" i r^W'sentatives present at the Press ! Association, I would bring ihe people ?' l^e Piedmont a message of i cheer. I speak of the cotton boll wee- ( vil because in our county (Bamberg) ] it is foremost in the minds of not only < fie farmers, but the business people i .1 all lines. 1 \ I have repeatedly stated that the i boll weevil is the friend of the South, 1 and after experiencing business in an i inlected area, for several years, I re- ' peat the assertion. Our farmers last ( year had an estimated loss of 25 per i cent, to 33 1-3 per cent, in their cot- 1 ton production because of the weevil. ( The preceding year the loss was slight but there were sufficient numbers of ] the pest to convince the average planx ter that as a money crop cotton could not again be depended on. Consequently the past year far less cotton was planted notwithstanding the allurement of 40 cents a pound. The largest crops on record of com. peas, potatoes, velvet beans, etc., were planted. In the fall these crops ncic um yesieu iiuu Biureu, una today I believe our people could live for months without importing any food,.if necessary, and it is necessary to live at home, for few farmers have money with which to buy. As events' later turned out. the planting of; these crops was found to liave been aj great blessing, for the harrowing fi-i nancial depression arrived with the; harvest. It transpired that through EfffjgjTj I;?.]" J. iflj ' .. DIXIE HOUSE COMPANY TV/f ANY of you 1.1VA learned th: duction of itself i and satisfactory s< \7- r i ? i ou nna somett liking in the polii of Hartford Tirei They think tc Hartford Tire re duce a single tire of careful and pa manship. And m appreciate the r this method of tir DILI MOTOR S 1 HART] y V THE ML favorable seasons a fairly good cotton crop was made, but it availed the farmeer nothing, rather putting him in debt. Greenville County does net look with favor, perhaps on the approach of the weeviL Neither did Bamberg, and it still doee not, but it is an undisputed fact that our county has more food, including cattle and hogs, than ever before, and this condition would not have prevailed but for the visit of the cotton pest. I cannot attempt a discussion of the boll weevil, but I will say that the weevil is not taking possession of the great Southern section of the State without a stiff fight. The weevil is being fought successfully and it can be stated with reasonable certainty] that five or six acres of cotton may be cultivated to the plow, from which in average yield may be expected by reason of intensive cultivation, poisoning, picking the forms, etc. This may not be interesting to your people now, but it will be, probably in two years. Five acres of cotton per plow will not bring the farmer much money, even with good prices. Therefore, it becomes necessary to introduce other crops. Leading farmers in our secLion take the position that every crop that can be grown and marketed j should be planted- This will make' the farmer absolutely independent,' and will go further toward th de-1 velopment of the South than any other agency. The mighty resources of our State have been dormant, lo, these many years. If the boll weevil can induce the development of our latent resources, who will say It is not our friend.? FINAL. DISCHARGE NOTICE. Notice *8 hereby given that J. W. Hamer, executor of the estate of Sarah McBnde, deceased, has made application unto nip for final discharge as executor and that Thursday, July 28th 10 o'clock in the forenoon has been appointed for the hearing of tho iyi 1H nof 5H/\n All persons holding claims against the said estate are requested to file thetn with the administrator on or b(-fore 10 o'clock in the forenoon of July 28th or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. JOE CABELL DAVIS. Judge of Probate, 7 7 4t. Dillon County. ipped from factory in easy-toldle sections. Quickly and easily cted by our simple instructions, solutely rigid and weather tight. uble walls in most designs. En- | Juring. Delightful to live in. Desi ns changed to suit your ideas, without charge, if general size retained. Sketches supplied free. State kind of house you want to build and Ave will send special suggestions and free illustrated booklet which gives designs, floor plans, descriptions and money-saving prices. 160 COSGROVE AVENUE, NORTH CHARLESTON, S.G i car owners have at quantity prodoesn't put long srvice into a tire. ung more to your ;y of the makers 9. >o much of the iputation to probeyond the limit linstaking worklore people daily eal economy in e-building. LON ALES CO. * * "ORD dTUBE/J Jm fVia^HWaBaaa^MHMav^minviVVTI! 1911 H n niiifrfti <fi r i t wmmmrnm n i n imtlt LORHDMIA.HUOR.WVII CJJ NOTICE The Dillon Tobacco Market will ( open on Tuesday, July 19th. F. W. 1 Watklna and A. V. Bethea are manag. 1 ing the Farmers Warehouse ("The 1 New Brick.") i I /lUCK?\ y^TRISCiJ ! OCT _ sealed in by toasting MOODY'S MARKET j New Prices on Fresh Meats Prices that mnkc you (liiuk of the old before the war days. For the next few weeks or until further notice all meats at our market will be sold at the following prices: Iloast beef, per lb __25c. All Steaks, |kt lb ..25c. Wo sell chickens, eggs, butter and fish at the market prices. Fresh fish on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. If you want the best to be had at a first class market call on us or plione. Couiteous treatment to all is our motto. MnnHv's Market *awvu J V I AUI nvv On the corner next to Seals" Store, back of the liank of Dillon. 1 , ' I ^ \ i / .V: I' ' k - v . -' " * I V V , . I & : ' ? V? ' 'm t TY' V" . I i d. . PI 4~-=^ {w&fc-xfc I ; , There is that you That is not tolei Then, r Under t erates fr This m( Last, bu tracts e\ surprisii sporting r? ' J WW. UUMDAI MQMDN, i =s=e i i nones. Bennettsvllle A Cheraw Railroad Co., hereby gives notice that on the 17th day of June, 1921, it filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission st Washington, D. C. its application for a certificate that the present and future public convenience end necessity permit the abandonment of its ^There; (L \ none lo ALADDIN simply 1 mm or dowi That's > SECURITY OIL ordina,r STANDAUU to mak CXLOOMWWl . . ^ j crisply < some cc fection Oven is uj it conveniently : It's a pleasure, t coal and wood i around and und basket or box. A t place of the stove Always be sure wick so that the NEW PERI Oil Cook rnmrn^mm^mmmm^SSn^JSSS^lS!^ / 'VV, / f?h>4 T & W\ i _ h \ , 2 ; ''>' " y- ' '-.\ : : v,'. .'r . ^4 ^ ? -_ **- - ^ ^ V/ / ^ J & f- f : /rn\ > iii '.> t Adosc 3ca dij All lids ' > an air of distinction ah l will find in no other m why it has been adoptee rate the commonplace. emember, it not only 1< he hood there is a marv om five to twenty five m sans giant energy for hil it not least, the "Glenbr< rery atom of power from ig mileage on a set of ti ; personality?a very har( PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR C Manufacturer a of Paige Mc J. EARLE BETHEA, t. ? / > .? ? r ' mmmmmemmrnm i DLY 14, ItU. line of railroad extending fromf i Brownsrille, S. C. to Sellers, 8. CL. a distance of 10 1-4 miles, all said , mileage being slturted in the counties of Marlboro, Dillon and Marlon. The applicant, desires to abandom such line of railroad because of the 1 fact that it Is and has been in the past operated at a loss, and the traffic thereon is not sufficient to wars pleasure ii in a cool kit EN your cooking is white ti me with a New Per- most he Oil Cook Stove the theNe^ l isn't*made uncom- bluech hot. All the heat you the he; ready, just when and utensils roil want it? 'here is the bot st. You regulate it by compli turning the wick up drop o i a trifle. ^ew 1 -vhy it's so easy with in five, y cooking experience one-bu e light flufFv cakes, erssele :rusted pies and tooth- the wa >okies. The New Per- Use A1 p where you can reach best re: ind look into it easily. ancj oo, to be relieved of NewPerf carrying, of sweeping at most d* er the hod and wood ware stor small dust-rag takes the stand/ blacking brush. _ to adjust TCTION Stoves J & i ^,TV; $ pi J r?i.'T-'n ;rS. . i 0 l?i ful Car bi/tmerica ' ' For $1635 out the New Series "Glei 1 i / oaerare priced, tive-passei I by really smart people \ 3oks but acts the thoroi elously efficient motor th iles per hour in nine seed Is and every, test of the h 3ok" is a rigid Economist a gallop of gasoline and t res. It is a thrift car witl I combination to find. i '* AR CO., DETROIT, Michigan ttor Cars and Motor Trucks Dillon, S. C. * X.J -ant continued operation. Bennettsrille ft Cheraw Rail7 7 3t. road Company. FARM WANTED?Wanted to hear from owner of a farm or good land for sale for Fall delivery. L. Jones. Box 551, Olney, 111.?7 7 ltp. *| ti cooking ;; ichen ips. These give you the iat. Another feature of w Perfection is its long imney. This drives all at up to the cooking ? and doesn't soot up toms of them. Insures ete burning of every f oil; none is wasted. Perfections are made , four, three, two and rner sizes. Most buyct them equipped with rming cabinet. addin Security Oil for suits; it's always clean pendable. ection Oil Cook Stoves are sold rpartment,furniture and hardes. lRD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) |f I !' 'l /?W 1 n -/rrr i r'V i * vV ^ Au/ j?y^ .'- >' -A-V I :':S/. i '?y : i . J nbrook" lger car. vho will , ighbrecL at accel* inds flat, tighway. \ :. It ex* rums up l a keen * > . i - ' < V . ?. i " ; ^ s. ' (- . a ^ 1 ^ # '