University of South Carolina Libraries
I PERSONAL MENTION i A. R. McRae spent Friday in Mul- ' lias. Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Craig spent Sunday at Myrtle Beach. , Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hamilton spent Sunday in McColl. I Mrs T.. S. Richbourg is visiting relatives in Kingstree. Rufus Fennegan of Columbia was a recent visitor in our town. Robert Hamilton spent last Thurs- , day In Raleigh, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. I. Blum left Tuesday mornlng for Baltimore. ( Messrs. A. P. and Jno. C. Bethea spent Sunday at Myrtle Beach. M. C. Woods of Marlon was In town . Tuesday attending court. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Evans are visiting their son in Cbarlestoi\this week. Jack Rephan of Charleston is visiting Max Pass this week. Mrs. D. M. Dillon has returned from a visit to North Carolina points. W. V. Knight and family motored to Maxton, N. C-, Sunday. Miss Florine Johnson spent the week end with Miss Kittle Williams ' at Bishopville Hubert Carniichael, with Missesj ^Eutha and Mildred Carniichael, spent Sunday at Myrtle Beach. D. Worth McKinley. with his mother and Sister, Miss Cora, is spending the we*k at Myrtle Beach. ?o? Dexter Evans, with Misses Bessie McQueen and Zynetta Gressett, spent Sunday at Myrtle Beach. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Farley and Samuiie Williams spent Sunday at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. S. B- Stney, Sr., of Charleston are visiting their son, S. B. Stoney, Jr., this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Salmon of Marion spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. White. J. B. Gibson spent Saturday in Bennettsville on professional business. ?o? Mrs. LeRoy Williams spent a few days last week in Columbia with friends. I Lt e a El 1 rTTHE L I ? Hard 1 Our av< D | Bring y | est market pi - 0 | Rick or I T< 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 ' Sa is aa en is cs cd go ce THE DOiLOX H Mr. and Mrs. Gus Alford left last] week for Black Mountain, making the trip by auto. < Misses Evelyn and Katherine Rogprs of Statesboro, Ga.. are visiting ' their aunt, Mrs. Don Martin. Mrs. D. V. Hamilton and daughter. Miss Thelma, left last week for Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Elliott and j family spent the week end at Myrtle Beach. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daniels of ' Florence were guests of Mrs. E. R. ' Hamer on Sunday. 1 Mrs. C- R. Taber is visiting relatives in Columbia and Fort Motte this week. Misses Ruby Smith and Elizabeth i Gravely of Lake City spent several days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith. i Mrs. J. A. Moore and daughter, Miss ' Emmie Lou and Bryan Michaux left Monday for Richmond, Va., making the trip by auto. Miss Beulah Mason leaves Friday for A8heville. N. C., to take a six week's course at the training camp for women. Dr. S. C. Henslee and daughter. Miss Rebecca Field, are visiting his 1 mother in Ohio. Messrs. B. H- SaPP. E. J. Staples, Sam Levine and R. L. White formed a fish fry party on Pee Dee river Monday. Miss Minnie Hyatt leaves Friday for Landrutn to spend a few days before joining a tourist party on a northern trip. ?o? Messrs. A. B. Welch. W. B. Stackhouse, Joe Meadors and L. B. Haselden spent the week end at Myrtle Beach. ?o? Messrs. Morris Fass, Abe and Lewis Elfenbein. Nathan Carliner and Sam Kirschbaum and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elfenbein motored to Lutnberton Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Robertson returned home Sunday from Fayetteville. where she has been spending some time with friends. Charlie Herring returned to Ral-1 eign oaiuraay alter spending the week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Herring. Miss Elizabeth Huntley of Aberdeen. N. C., and little Miss Hois Haywood of Troy, N. C., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Deatcn. m m m mm m m m m mm laders ikerty Warehoi v Boys on tke ;rage in 1920 our tobacco to rice because WI poor, white or DBACCC X obacco 1 Lite IGDGDGEKZKZKZlfZlfXKZIIZlC BKALD. DTTJLOIf, SOUTH CiltOLD Mrs. John Herring of New York 1b visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Herring. Mrs. Auni<> Welch, who has been with Mr. W. C. Welch in Saranac, N. Y., stopped over on Monday en route to her home in Clio. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ?lfenbein ' who have been visiting friends and relatives in New York returned home Saturday morning. Jord Jordan left yesterday for Columbia where he will enter the Citisen's Training Camp at Camp Jack30n for a month of intensive military training. Mrs. Luther Bailey and daughters, t Faye and Ruby, left Monday evening for an extended visit to friends and relatives in Atlanta. Mrs. J. C. Lupo who has been un- ^ tier treatment for some time at a hospital in Fayetteville returned home Tuesday evening. j_ Mrs. W. J. Robinson, who has been; spending some time with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ramsey returned to her home at Disputanta, Va.. Saturday morning. Frank Hursey- left last night for Baltimore where he will spend several days. It ! TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Staf-, ford's superfine ribbons for Smith! and Underwood typewriters. Her-! aid Publishing Co.?3 24 I?HH? BB?a"SB ??? I Stop, Loo gig W^e the people of The H want to thank, the peop H Ion and the surrounding patronage; and we are H street where you can H for the Revolving Sig place where you can i a first class style V M "deliver the goods t S wh en in nee d of any 1 SB .in and see us. We do lad I THE PEOPLE'S imiumisiLJiisiaiuiDiui! ?? VI ase will open ?o 19th of this m ras $2.89 per liu tbe Liberty W I SELL TOBA colored, get equ > SPELLt looks better and rty HARDY & HA Dillon, Sou ammnanmimxiiiiajiaf rA. THURSDAY, MORNING. JULY 1 WANT COLUMN ! liub-My-Tism is a pral {tail) killer. Relieves pain and soreness, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Kie.? 5 12 20t. I 666 quickly relieves Constipation.,' biliousness, loss ol' Appetite and,^ Headaches, due to Torpid Liver. ?6 12 20L rROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and deliv-;* ery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. | 4 i 4 366 has more imitations than any ^ other Fever Tonic on the market,* but no one wants imitations. ?' 1 ?5 12 20t. I 4 SVANTED ?COUNTRY PEOPLE TO * TRY OUR 75c. MEALS. PALMKT- ? TO CAFE, NEXT TO HERALD t OFFICE?.tf. . NOTICE?I AM AGENT FOR THE I Florence Steam Laundry and will; t receive and deliver all laundries as . promptly as possible. Palace Mar- t ket. 4 TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Staf. * ford's superfine ribbons for Smith ( and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 ( , I HOP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and deliv- , ery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. k> Listen! I People s Barber Sbop Hp le of tke Town of Dil- M country for tbeir past H now located on M am Bb easily find us. Look H fn, it will sbow you tbc H ?et barber work done in Jn e bave men wbo can Eg be way you want it. 9 und of barber work call jg* I I I *i i * i ? "" I BARBERSHOP | ^ m m m m m ma m m i tha tliv ir business under ontk. ndred kigker tl arehouse where lCCO and n al attention. > WHA7 sells lor more Warel lRDY. Proprietors th Carolina. XI rxKZl (ZIIZMZMZIEIIZIIZllZir M 4, 1991. MONUMENTS?We are builders and 1 erectors of high grade monuments. | All work of the best material and fully guaranteed. Prices reason-[. able. See us before placing your ^ order. Lumberton Marble Works.1 J. H. Floyd. Prop., Lumberton, N. C.?2 24 52t. i. ? nop AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters con- * tracts, rent liens, claim and deliv- ' ery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. I CARO f MILLING C f % ? K We wisb to ann ? ly the first our lea ^ Liberty TobaccoW J sons holding cotto ? ceipts issued by ^ ^ ton are requested t( cancellation by tba ^ arranged w ith the new cotton ^ cotton parties wish to store a ^ per month. There will he n< ^ cotton from the tohacco wa v*4 warehouse. Any parties not July th e first wi 11 pi ease ma charge of it if they do not wi V We urge all parties expec for storage to prepare and fei tatoes should he set and gro\* ?% are to he mature hy the frost ; R ico plants before it rains to W e buy Fulghum Seed O >* fir bring us a sample and we Buy from your merchant ] lina Milling Company and u A industry. We especially asl is equal to the best and will | CAROLINA IV V dillo: V Mark the able manag< lan the market ; you are assured OT THE 4ti T \Y/F <sJ7] money at louse praroancamcpgiagao>xi *' l . Ruh-My-Tism is a powerful Hsnp tic. Cures infected cuts, old sores, etc 5 la 20t. __ rVPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stef- ] j ford's superfine .ribbons for Smith * j ana unaerwooa typewriters. tier- ? aid Publishing Co.?3 24 WO Cures Malaria, Chills and Fever^l Itilious Fever, Colds and LaOrlf .? or money refunded.?5 12 20t. tf MITItATK OF SODA, KAMT Cotton Seed Meal on hand and i " | sale by L. Cottinghani.?6 30 r UNA | COMPANY * W ounce that on Ju- ^ i tse expires on the f arehouse. All pern warehouse re- *** Jr. D. V. Hamil- $ 3 present them for t date. We have warehouse to take over any t a rate of fifty cents a hale V 0 charge for transferring the irehouse to the new cotton ^ wishing to store cotton after j* ike sale of the cotton or take sh to store as ahove. j x ting to plant sweet potatoes -til lze th e land at once. Po- V ,-ing hy July the first if they date. If possible secure Porto ^ 1 set your entire crop. *** 'ats. If you have any to of- ^ will name a cash price. V products made by tbe Caron tbat way patronize a local i tbat you try our flour. It 1 V please you. J TILLING CO. | Nf. S. C. .J # . B B . i it! I B B S 0 ement of tke g ' 0 S . 0 Q average. g of tke kigk- B B lJN. ? ? i B B . B B B B B B B ? 3 i 3 l mrorancnranGnnatxiixjcJ I ""^"_""" /