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GUN WITH MO to MO MILE RANGE MAY BE DEVELOPED. Nncleiu of New Engine of War, Invented by Englishman, i* Given Teat. Scientists and Inventors today discussed the remarkable qualities of a new gun which Dr. Miller Reese Hutchinson, former chief engineer for Thomas A. Edison, claims may be developed to hurl a projectile of five tons from 200 to 300 miles. Its ve"Tr locity, he declared, ranges from one to five miles asecond. The noise it made at a demonstration yesterday sounded like the disk of a cash register, though only a IIliniHlurt; nuu ipi nsm iiivu barrel was used. The gun is the invention of John Temple, an Englishman, who developed the idea in this country. The demonstration, held in the presence of scientists and newspaper men, J was, curiously enough, held in Dr. Hutchinson's office on the fifty-first fleor of the Woolworth Building. The testing groynds consisted of a box of sr.nd on the floor of the office, over which was placed a sheet of steel three-quartrs of an inch thick. Pointing the gun downward toward the 50 offices filled with people beneath him, Dr. Hutchinson discharged the weapon and the cash register click was heard. In the sheet of steel there was lodged a projectile three inches long and one-half inch in diameter. The ends stuck out on either side of the steel. o Typhoid No Respecter of Age. The general belief that persons' over 50 years ot/age cannot contract typhoid fever has been upset by thel North Carolina Board of Health. This board advises all persons to be vaccinated against typhoid. It says: During the first four years of offi1 ial death registration in this state typhoid fever is given on death certificates as the cause of death of 226 people aoove nrty years or ape, anil of 262 infants who were under five years old. During that period five persons above 85 years and 28 under one year of age were victims of this preventable disease. These statistics show that typhoid is no more a respector of age than of six or color; that the infant in the cradle and the old person approaching dotage are susceptible even as nrt. those in the full course of adult strength. Because age is no bar to the disease the State Board of Health is urging that the typhoid vaccine he taken bv all male and female, white and black, children, and aged. Three treatments ol the anti-tvphoid vaccine means immunity for two or three years from death by this cause. WANTED TIRE SALESMEN to SELL low nrino/1 mio 111 ? -- !' I\.vu (,uuiunil-ru IIICS. ."MI or spare time. Exceptionally nood com. mission. Address Burr Oak Cord Tire Co., Burr Oak, Mich.?7 16 2t s?s???a???a | NODE! r^i Overhead expen rz expense. Old svsten . a a a One-third of th j=~ have thrown away t ? the end of the vear a _ : IS < ? is ?. |? " **! IS m i ... m ? ==: = = . ? = -t = i . ? * i!.. ? .h1 i?tet?a ffl LEDGER EE * Double or single cut IS umns. Machine ruled c is ledger paper. Standard iS all the time. Special f< g short notice. is I ' T m urows in pouia irr the month your sta daily use throughou put them up in all s S ing. They drop back ? g? We are not bej every particular. T ^ traveling auditor ft ^ simpler and more a ? We have specii ? and machinery use [g of the big city ma SI SI ffl 08 Don't send; THE DILLO? Statement of the Condition of THE PEOPLES BANK Dillon, 8. C. at the close of business June 30, 1921 Resource*: Loans and discounts $304,352.26 Overdrafts 6,606.08 EondB and stocks owned by the bank _ * 250.00 Furniture and fixtures 6,147.00 Banking house, 18,000.00 Other real estate owned 2.228.20 Due from banks and bankers 19,079.54 Currency 4,105.00 Gold __ 20.00 Silver and other minor coin 641.89 Checks and cash items 1,360.57 Total $367,790.53 Liabilities: Capital stock paid in $ 65,700.00 Surplus fund 8,800.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 7,697.79 Due to bunks and bankers 2.651.14 IDividends unpaid 2,628.00 Individual deposits subject to check 73,433.23 Time certificates of deposit 102,058.22 [Certified checks 53.60 Cashier's checks 268.55 Bills payable, including certificates for money borrowed ? 104,500.00 Total $367,790.53 State of South Carolina, County of Dillon ss:? I Before me came V. L. McLean, vice president of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says thut thej above and foregoing statement is a| tiue condition of said bank, as shown! by the books of said bank. V. L. McLean. I Sworn to and subscribed before me; this 11th day of July, 1021, It. L. Moody, Notary Public.' Correct-Attest: Directors: W. J. Adams, J. J. McKay. F. B. David, Statement of the Condition of THE BANK OF FORK, nt Fork, S. O. at the close of business June 30, 1021 j Resources: iLoans and discounts __$11,530.74 | Overdraft s. 2.2.44 I Furniture and fixtures __ 2,588.50 i Due from lintikx nml i bankers 64 8.80 'Currency 263.00 (Silver and other minor i coin __ 71.8") Chocks and cash items 0 2.35 I Total ? $15,230.7 i liabilities: {Capital stock paid in $ 8,725.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes ! paid 25.58 Individual deposits subI ject to check 4,361.10 iTime'certificates of desua????????? se is the canker worm that g is are costly. They, waste tin* e cost of a ledger is in the bin he cost of a ledger, in add Kit is buying new leaves at a mi > i OL ry up to 12 col- j *' >n extra heavy forms in stock * >rms ruled on - i t : trity every year. It is a great tements^re ready to mail ou it the Carolinas and our cust iizes, bound in Red Russian ; flat \yhen open, giving a peri pinners in the loose eaf line. \ ell us what your bus ness is an ?r one of the largest.bonding ccurate. il forms for farmers a*^ well a d by other manufacturers. VV nufacturer. HERALD PRINTERS your money away to distant c i ra ran ran rsi rsi ran m iaiai ran ran 1 ts ts is ts tfi txi ts 1990] ts txi - . f HERALD. DILLON, SOUTH CARO posit? 2,125.00 Total $15,236.77 State of South Carolina, County of Dillon, ss:? Before me came L. M. Rogers, President of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a tiue condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. L. M. Rogers. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of July, 1921. M. E. Carmichael, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: F. Rogers, Luther Carmichael, Z. Edwards, Directors. Statement of the Condition of THE UNION HANK A. Tltl'ST CO.. I.ukc View's S. C. a. the close of business June 30. 1921 Resources: Loans and discounts $65,220.54 Overdrafts 1,593.8? Furniture and fixtures 4,053.01 Due from banks and bankers ? ? 4 23.89 Currency 191.00 Gold __ __ __ __ 5.00 Silver and other minor coin 242.80 Checks and cash item 305.25 Total $72,035.29 Liabilities: Capital stock paid in__ __$25,00O.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses an(] taxes paid? 951.78 Individual deposits subject to check 9,596.25 Time certificates of deposit 25,335.00 Cashier's checks 152.26 Bills payable including certificates for money borrowed 11.000.00 Total $72,035.29 State of South Carolina. County of Dillon, ss: ? Before me canie C. It. McLeod,! Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly swor", says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank. as shown by the books of said bank. C. R. McLeod. Sworn to and subscrib? d before nie High Power, Fa We have a high power, fast cut tint iL< ver control starts and stops saw. COLUMBIA SU1 H2:5 West (iervais St., H??H?(S?aSSS ;na\vs at the \itals of every h e and lose dollars that run ir THE LOOSE I diner. When you open new ho )n to the time lost in transit nimum of expense. IK? V*^I TP* > C a "*l u OUR TIME SAVER time-saver. You make out t. No rush at the end of the omers tell us'they would no1 cowhide back and , corners 'ect writing surface. " k Ve have been putting up loos d let us design a system to sui companies in America. We gi is merchants, bankers and mi e employ the same skilled w PUBLISHING RI ities for the same class of w< LENA, THURSDAY, MORNING, JUL this 9th day of July, 1921. R. E. Pace. Notary Public, Correct-Attest: R. L. Smith, D. K. Ford. L. G. Miller. Directors. Statement of the Condition of THE BANK OF LAKE VIEW, Ijttke View, S. C. at the close of business June 30. 1921 Resources: Loans and discounts $389,115.06 Overdrafts 6.069.66 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank 1.550.00 Furniture and fixtures-- 2.200.00 Banking house 2,500.00 Due from banks and bankers? ? ? 44.166.85 Currency __ __ 4,497.00 Gold __ 60.00 [Silver and other minor coin 2.144.32 tDlPckc ?nil - ,???u i-uoii uvuis Tolal $-155,195.31 Inabilities: Capital stock paid in $ 5n.noo.oo Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, loss current expenses and taxes paid 2,663.75 Individual deposits subject to check 134.027.09 Time certificates of deposit 166.607.71 Cashier's checks 367.54 Notes and bills rediscounted 1,529.22 Bills payable, including certificates for moneyborrowed __ 75,000.00 Total $455,195.31 State of South Carolina, County of Dillon, ss: ? Before me came W. M. Gaddy, Cashier of the above named bank, jwho. being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. W. M. Gaddy. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of July. 1921 It. K. Pace, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: Hiniard Rogers, Robert F. Flvington, 11. T. Rcnfore, Directors. st Cutting Outfit ; < ul fit forced ford?a complete power plant in it sol f for sawing logs to any length Dot s tho work of si.\ to ten men. Lever control of blade while engine is running. Have good assortment of Gasoline Undines. All equipped with Bosch Magneto and offered at factory prices. PPLY COMPANY fOl.r.MBIA. s. c. ] ? bb a is a a ? s a a g usiness. The problem today i 11 o big sums. The modern sys :eaf system ok3 you throw away one-thir irfng accounts. A loose leaf !e< iTING LELX This ledger v >U pay for ' saved in three months. It yosi;c each ledger sheei ai bid fcead perforated at one bon sheet works between th second sheet. The items ai\ the bill head and a copy is n second sheet. At the end of year statements are made o tCui* out the hilf head and m customer, keeping the seco the ledger until the account saves one-third of your bool gives you a completer reco t bills from day to day as the j month. No delay in getting t do without them for many t , corduroy sides and strong n e leaf outfits for many years, t it. VVe offer you the services aarantee to give you a system ! anufacturers. Wc have forms orkmen.. Wc use the same m COMPANY, L 1LERS >rk. We can also give you doe ssffifflfflsasfflsi Y 14, 1921. _______ ? I SUMMONS. , State of South Carolina. 1 County of Dillon. Court of Common Pleas. Bank of Clio, a Corporation, 1 Plaintiff. i vs. G. W. Atkinson, and Mrs. L. D. Atkinson, Defendants. Tr G. W. AtkinsonYou are hereby summoned and re- ( quired to answer the complaint in 'this action, on file in the office of the ( ^ <*"1 i CJJLO. , chile. Or ^ .1 " ^ i It is the Dl'TY I teach their children I it. Urge YOUR boys their first piece of small, in our bank; if watched and e'tco their balance grow. j ' Then the> will h and POWER of moi older they can, whe conns along, inak' ' r go into business Start your childr \V,. invito Your f _ *? * iMMWHnMaaiVHRmEKlinT'eu't WMli I ' i THe Bank SAFETY. SERVICE II i Dillon, Sou I B ? H H (5! H ? H ? S3 H H SAVES PI s to get maximum production ;tem is f d of the cost of your ledger. In Igor will last a life time and y< i i carries op- j ordinary j end. A car- ] t>, , c hill and :; j ^ ; carried to Hade on the THE STEI the month T> , , , , Bound n ith ut, and you ail it to the il hmdxng that nd sheet in who wants the is paid. It tains a mechani k work and ers and is hour rd- cannot he heate of extra grade. items are entered on your ledg out on time. Hundreds of th imes the cost. They cut hook-k< letal parts made of the very I and we guarantee our books t< of an expert accountant who w i that will s ave time and mak< that suit every business. We u aterial and our overhead expei )illon, S. C. BINDERS e prices on lithographed, engra< gimm mmmranramgimr BjIZICSI HJmcEJfflfflmWIXJi I l Clerk of Court and to serve ?opT of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office* ?t Bennettsville. S. C., within twentr days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the cotnp!aux? within the time aforesaid the plaito*liff in this action will apply ta ibr rourt for relief demanded in tl* omplaint. J. K. OWENS, 5 30 6t. Attorney for Plaintiff.'. dk, AMJUhs biiMs tlkts .. of all parents to the banking hub and pirls to put money. Iiowrvei they themselves uraped. will mak? mow ih< VALUE ney. As they prow n a pood ehanc' a safe invest m? lit en TODAY. Hank in: of Dillon AND 4 PER CENT [th Carolina Lf] l?J ! ] ?11?J ! !! ! (jy ttl l?l ! ; p? i?l at a minimum ol Irz ( i three year> you mr onl\ expense at ^ EE . ^ I ^ I 3LBACK LEDCJER 5r , . !\ccl Pigskin Leather ? ~ ai3!2cl.s to the mstnmpr '? best he can get. It conism heller than all oth- -id with materials that n. It is strictly a hinder g Si Si er, and at the end of icse ledgers are in ? eeping in half. We ? >est aluminum cast- S7 ? <?. 4 [) he first-class in as for tiivfppn rooro i your hook-work ? ?. sc the same presses (<F ise is less than that f f E ved, or embossed work [ I B IlllZlizllzltzltfjIfitSffllJ