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8iuvi Lugs Not Wanted. As a result of a recent discussion -with a number of authorities on to-' haoco in regard to market demands this summer in South Carolina, we Jeei U. our duty to impress upon you ;*t Yhla time two points: " .First: It will be a useless waste of time and money to harvest the lower | ""plant bed" leaves or inferior "lugs." CK course this does not mean that none of the lower leaves are desirable 1 tout the cheap trashy leaves and such leaves as become burnt would best toe left in the field for manure, as we can not hope for them to bring cost ol curing and handling. Some think that such grades will not even get a' ""bid" on the warehouse floor. About' this we do not know, but we do know that such goods, if sold, will only stand out statistically against the far-; rner and make prices lower next season. '* Second: We get from good sources that this year it will be absolutely necessary for tbe farmer to Let his tcbacco get ri>e before gathering. The green grades which have been :**lling well in the past are apt to be a drag on the market. These grades have been exported in the past, butj the foreign market iB in such shaoei that you can not depend on it. IT the hands or "croppers" pull some, t eaves. cull them out from the curing' before, marketing. At the end of the] season, after having had them bulked i .tlown, market these green leaves from] ail your curings. This information is being distributed at the request of the South Caro-j Una Tobacco Association which is( composed of farmers, bankers, mer-| chants, warehousemen, aud buyers 1 and others, and a* our mailing list is! not as full as we should like we want j .to ask every one who gets this letter; to try to do all he can to pass on this; 'Information as wc feel it will mean . ihousauds of dollars saved to the state if complied with. Thc bankers,] merchants and warehousesmen can especially be of great service in emphasizing the importance of this ad-j vice. Bear in mind that the small tenant farmer is the one who most needs this message so try to help us to get it to him. The newspapers of course will be our most effective means of impressing these points. Yours for a successful marketing OPSQMn W. W. Long, Director. KINDS OF MSN. .Horry Herald. Often you will see a man working bimaelf almost to death and apparently he will be enjoying it every minute of the time; while in other cases there is no visible evidence of enjoyment but the work goes ahead with never ending regularity as in the other case. Yet it might surprise you to know how bod both of these men hate to do it. This statement brings us to the point we had in mind, which is that some men *hAve the will power and energy and determination to do something, so that their lives shall not be lived in vain, even in the presence of an innate laziness and dread, amounting almost to abhorrence of all forms of work and labor. Such men are not few. They are young and some are old. No matter, however, whether young or old large or small, handsome or ugly, they are each and all the kind of man ?ho will stick to duty regardless of any personal feeling and they are preprred to tackle the most fearsome ' obsracles in order to accomplish their ends. On ihe other hand we find the Tiien who lack that something which impels to accomplishment. Whether they were born short or lost it afterwards by environment or manTier of training we are unable to say. Such a.s these exist. They are more numerous than the other kind. They appear hale and hearty at all times. They will meet you with a joke and they are good at repartee. An to doing anything, they never <lid and never will. They have nothing to say against hard work as a good thing. Often they appear, from their talk to know more about it than .the man who actually does it. Right "bere is something that it is hard to understand. This difference in men. We have thought it over and given Jt up as a hard job. o Blossom-End Rot of Tomatoes. Clemson College, July 4 ? The 'plant pathologist and horticulturists of the Experiment Station have reaseived recently many inquiries re -?uuiiix iqh cause ana proper trentnwrat of tomato blossom-end rot, a non-parasltlc or physiological disease, of which dry weather is the cause or at least an aggravating circumstance. In dry seasons tomatoes from the half grown to the ripening stage are likely to be affected with a dry black rot at the blossom end, says C. A. Ludwig, associate professor of plant pathology, and this disease Is likely to do much damage as long as it continues dry. In normally moist seasons there Is little or no trouble usually from blossom-end rot. The only remedy is water. In a garden where water can be applied easily, the benefit to the crop will usually make the application well worth while, but where tomatoes grown on a commercial scale this remedy is not usually practicable, as few truckers are equipped to irrigate. About the only thing to do for the disease where Irrigation Is not practicable Is to keep the plants well cultivated and to hope for rain. -Spraying with Bordeaux mixture. White It will do no injury and will 'help against leaf-blight, which may appear later cannot be expected to control blossom-end rot. We are proud of the confidence doctors, ill malts m4 the public havi te 6M Chfll sad Fever Tonic. ? ?11 Mt. THE DILLON HI [(iEORUIA PEACHES MOVING FAST. Fifteen Train Crew* Called Into Service to Handle the Business. Florence Times. j I It was learned today that fifteen , railroad train crews which have been j on the "extra board" for some time have been called into active and ! regular service with the Atlantic Coast Line within the past few days.I! This increased activity in railroad' lineR is said to be due to the tremen-j. dous movement of peaches from Geor-j giia to Northern markets. This busl-! ness is of course not expected to con-! tinue for many days as it is necessary! to move the crop to the market with-j in the shortest possible space of time in order to receive the top of the market and to prevent spoilage also. Yesterday over a hundred car loads of peaches from the Georgia orchards passed through Florence and today there were just as many if not more. The Atlantic Coast Line having an almost direct line north from the Southern states always receives the largest portion of what is known as "perishable" business. Railroad men are delighted with the increase' in business and arc hoping that it will continue. o IN A BAD FIX. Mullins Enterprise. Editors in small towns usually think they have a hard time in making a bright, readable newspaper, but a few of us get so hard press t u as ine eaitor of the Willar, New j Mexico, Record, if what he Fays in a: recent issue of his paper is true. | He writes: "It is easy to write news when there is any news, but if you live in a town where the dons won't fight, and the eats agree, and the roosters won't crow, and the women refuse to talk about each other, and the oldi ranks have lost their hammers and can't knock, what are you goinig to! |do? Our subscribers expect us toj !write something breezy, anyhow, and 'we are certainly in the middle of ? bad fix. The shows have come and gone, and the big trading days are things of the past. The sun ahine's part of the time and the wind blows most of the time. Spring i3 due yet winters lingers, and we are in a rather doubtful mood as to whether we should buy more coal and more heavyweight clothes or try to shiver through a few more days and then hunt up our seersuckers and light weight stuff. This is a wonderful, doubtful world, anyhow, but we do have so many calm, quiet days in Willard." Wonder if this brother ever heard of the newspaper rule in Texas in the olden days. Out there, we are told when the country was first being settled. if news did not happen the editor would take his gun and go out and make it happen. o How to Stop a Car. When making a stop, close the throttle and withdraw the clutch at a distance from the stop, allowing the momentum to carry the car forward until a very slight pressure on the brake brings it to a standstill. Constantly practiced, this little saving will subtract a nice margin from the running expenses. In accelerating do so gradually, as, the engine then uses the entire quan-J tity of fuel fed to it, whereas in quick' acceleration it irpts more th??n ii I employ for the moment.?Farm Life. c When in need of printed stationery phone or write The Herald Publishing Co. ? I The best i I made for he I or rough RED I Extra Ply ? 1 30: $22 I Reduction on all I A New Low I Known and H< I ERALD, DILLON, SOUTH CAROLE IN FIGHT WITH BEAR. Mail Uses Pocket Knife in Encounter. Asheville. N. C., July 11?Encountering a bear with three cubs, Walter PcBter of Old Fort, relied upon his pocket knife to save him and during the inelee suffered a badly mangled ( inn, while the big bear was later found dead about 200 yards from th scene of the encounter. P. H. Mashaern. who was near Mr. Poster when the bear attacked him, killed two of :he cubs with a shotgun but was un- < 'i 1 -'AMf *LA? ?? Wh e n you sail, sail under the Stars and Stripes to anv part of the world PRESIDENT HARDINO has summed up the merchant marine by saying th^t we know "We cannot sell successfully w here we do not carry." And now we have a great American M erchant Marine, with ships sailing under the Stars and'Stripes to every port of importance in the world. Certainly the American people will never permit this merchant marine to decline from its present ! preeminent position. Nor will it i ? if each one of you will ship and sail under the Stars and Stripes. Operators of Passenger Sera ices Admiral Line, 17 State Street. New lUIK, I . Mat son Navigation Company, 26 So Gay Street, Baltimore, Md. Munson Steam Ship Line, 82 Beaver Street, New York, N. Y. New York and Porto Rico S. S. Co., 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pacific Mail S. S. Co., 45 Broadway, New York, N. Y. U. S. Mail S. S. Co., 45 Broadway. New S'ork, N. Y. Ward Line, (New York and Cuba Mail S. S. Co.) Loot of Wall Street. New York. N. Y. Free uae of Shipping Board filma Uae of Shipping Board motion picture films, four reels, free on request of any mayor, pastor, postmaster, or organization. A great educational picture of ships and the sea. Write for information to H. Laue. Director Information Bureau, Room 911, 1119 "F" Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. SHIPS FOR SALB (Ta Amtricmm dNrm aa/y) Staal ateaaiers, both ail aed aoal baraaro. Alia wood staaasaro, wood balls a ad ocean-going lags. Further Information obtained by request. For sailings of passenger and freight ships to all parts of the world and all other information, write any of the above lines or U S SHIPPING BOARD WASHINGTON, D.C. dealers abric tire avy service roads ? TOP ieary Tread s 3i .00 styles and sizes r Price on a anest Product ? : .j i SA. THURSDAY, MORNING, JULY 1 able to reach the dense underbrush where Mr. Poster wrestled with the big one until after the "scrap". Mashbern and Poster were crossing the Blue Ridge mountains near Old Fort in ai? effort to round up their cattle when the bears were encountered and today made known their Btruggle with the bruin when they returned to Old Fort. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that all :!aims against the County of Dillon must be in the Clerks Office at the 3ourt House on or before th first Monday in each month or same will not be passed on until the following month. J. B. EDWARDS. 7 16 2t. Clerk. Professional Cards. OTIS M. PAGE Civil Engineer DILLON, S. C. Surveying Drafting and Blue Printing W. M. ALLEN Dillon, S. C. Phone No. 112 DR. R. M. BAILEY, Veterinarian Office at Dillon Live Stock Co'?. Stables. Office Thone - - 235 Residence Phone - ? DR. R. F. DARWIN Dentist Office Over Rank of Dillon DK. J. H. HAMKK, JR. Dentist Office over Peoples Bank. "Tf/E MONEY YOU DOl "HEWHOUSI If you intend to build around the place, use Insist on "Tide Wster" Cypress ? you can identify it by this mark. and you'll not have to soe and lasts" and practically Cypress m< That's the kind of lumbe Write us for list of FREE F and no substitutes" from yc SOUTHERN CYP 245 YOUR LOCAL DEALER WILL S AWi makes 14. 1M1. i G. HKN8LKE, M. D. y*s Km, Mom ad Aiat Spectacle* fitted. COM Hours to 11 and S to 4 renins Hours by Appointment. JOE P. LAVE Attorney-aULaw Office Next to Bank of Dillon, Main St. Dillon. S. C. J. W. JOHNSON Attoraey-at-Law .*ra?tlce In State and Federai Ceurtr Marion. 8. G. IS YOUR HEAL1 GRADU/ Interesting Experience of a Texas Women Knew About Cardi Much Sickness a Navascta, Texas.?Mrs. W. M. Peden, of this place, relates the following interesting account of how she recovered her strength, having realized that she was actually losing her health: "Health is the greatest thing in the world, and when voti feel that crraHnaKv slipping away from you, you certainly sit up and take notice. That is what 1 did some time ago when 1 found myself ia a very nervous, run-down condition of health. I was so tired and felt so lifeless 1 could hardly go at all. "I was just no account for work. I would get a bucket of water and would feel so weak I would have to set it down before 1 felt like 1 rouid lift it to the shelf. In this condition, oi rourse, to do even my housework was a task almost impossible to accomplish. "1 was . . . nervous and easily upset. V'T HAVE TO SPEND ON REPAi S CYPRESS BUILD L a new house, barn, outbuildin i genuine ""irHEHS CYPRESS THE WOOD ETERNAL" nd labor and money on repair bills 1 rciuscs 10 rot or wear out. sans "double mone; :r to buy and use. 'LANS for farm buildings ? but in the meant >ur local lumberdealer?no matter for what | ress manufacturer: '( raliam Building, Jacksonville, Fl UPPLY YOU. IF HE HASN'T ENOUGH CYPR ? ?fc?? d like Aai aniodeL hv HER NICE new husband. Ol STEPPED OUT of the house. LI ? ? WHISTLING LIKE a bird. Ol ? WHICH ALARMED vmiTier wl'? I Tl o "?*V? m ESPECIALLY WHEN. W ? SHE FOUND she'd picked Ti * F? THE WRONG package. # # TI AND IN8TEAD of oatmeal. 8< HAD GIVEN him birdseed. Qi BUT DONT think from this. Yi THAT EVERY guy. Al YOU HEAR whistling. HAS NECESSARILY. BEEN ROBBING the canary- ^ OTHER THINQ8 Inspire. w st THE ALMOST human male. to # le TO BLOW through his lips. m ? ' AND MAKE shrill noises. ?( n? A RAI8E, for example. J* k< OR A day off when. . A DOUBLE header is o& 8 "** Lao V. L. B. HAS ELD EN Attorney at Ltw 4 DILLON. 8. O. iooaj to Lend on Plrst MortgM* ? Real Estate. ______________________ el GIBSON A MULLER, Attomejrs-at-Law Office over Malcolm Mercantile Co. DILLON, 8. C. y Practice in State and Federal Courts < L. D. LIDE Attorney-at-Law M Alt ION. S. O. _ ILLY SUPPING? Lady Who Declares That if More u They Would Be Spared > and Worry. I couldn't rest well at night and was . . just lifeless. "I heard of Cardui and after reading I decided 1 had some female trouble that was pulling me down. I sent for Cardui and began it . . "In a very short while after I began the Cardui Home Treatment 1 saw an im-. provement and it wasn't long until I was! all right?good appetite, splendid rest, and much stronger so that I easily did my house work. "Later 1 took a bottle of Cardui as(^i tonic, i can recommend Cardui and gladly do so, for if more women knew, itj would save a great deal of worry and sickness." The enthusiastic praise of thousands ol other women who have found Cardu' helpful should convince you that it is worth trying. All druggists sell it L 71 ,| > fRS IS ALL PROFIT." S BUT ONCE" g, or repair anything Insist on "Tide Water" Cypress?you c*n identify it by this mark. later on. "Cypress lasts p's - worth." , ime insist on "CYPRESS purpose you buy. Address j 5* ASSOCIATION , la. ' ESS LET US KNOW AT ONCE. i ' : ; ? 5 ? leTinrtrl I R AN everyday thin*. KE A gfood dragr. ? N ONE of those smoket4 ? HAT SATI8FY. * HICH CERTAINLY ara< ? HE REAL birdseed. DR MAKING mem RILL THEIR pipes for joy. 3 LADIES, if hubby. M OES AWAY whistlinr. ' OU NEEDN'T worry. g w LL'8 SWELL. M * 0 \ THEM yon ?sy thai CK?- A V terfielda "satisfy," you're hiatling. You know?the in- ^ ant you light one?that the <? baccos in it are of prime section, both Turkish and Do- (P estic. And the blend?well, ^ >u never tasted such smooth- M ;ss and full-flavored body! No ^ onder the "satiafy-blend" in A jpt secret. It can't be copied, IB Did you knout about tha \ fl Chmeterfimld package of 10? " ffl out m myui Tobacco Co. j