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I ; fflfflffl???????? ? mi I s The B9 ? ? ===== m iRli ? M i W si a w b b b b I $400,Ot ? cd ib b b b ! ! m ? ZZZZZZZZZHZIZZ 1 SALE 1 STARTS ? | ffl H H ========== S H ? : ? . ? ? We ore ct ? 000 worth of I?1 SB in our great c i public at eacl \ 1 of this great a j? are already p j| needs no expl ? reduced to tht ? ? si summer trad< ffl i and ffi SB 1 Look Fon L3LI i 83 IS ffl ? ffl ffl iBLl r m I i :: EB ffl ffl r Iff Or !? flB BB ?( BBGBSEBEBGBSBBBBffiEB THS DILLON HERALD. DILLON, SOUTH ' Lowest Prices = The Great im & I )0 Worth of H Sacrifice f ridav. Ii / 7 >ur Reason f impelled to unload $40( high grade :hain of stores, giving i \ store fourteen | 14 | dc sacrifice sale. Our pru re-war prices. Ready cc anation. Stocks must s minimum. No other m i occurrence is so direc \y helpful to your . Our Big Two-P All n*,. Don t Foi IM & New Store - N > POSITE mHHmmHBmmrimmaimmmmmglB IS IS nD IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS Sj IS S) Si cuouu, mnaMi morning, mm , tni. gfflfflfflSffiHSlglfflHfflfflHBBfflS ; You've Seen Unloading Kor ncorporated ====== igh Grade Me d to the Publ, lie Hie 1 !or This Gre 9, - Mr. W illiarr tse our store at Ch "he / it-'- - tyS WflUlgC Ul gfllS 5 zes people of DilU lyl country that no I towards making tly gain event ever ? *age Circular E er The C. rget 'Ine P KORI ew Goods - Ne\ PEOPLES n m mmmmmmmmmmmmmr rxira aSjISUSED lxj (S DD (S (S DD ED tZl IS (SI (SIS IfflfflfflBfflfflfflBffiffiffl???????? i in Years! 1 Sale 1 m _ _ 1*1 nblutl SI - a 51 rchandise to be | ic 1 51 ====== a " AlL LASTS 14 | I II I I S?LLING DAYS ffl VIII == S IS SI ====== H :at Sale = 1 I Rudman, manager of 1 SI eraw, S. C., will be in ? 77 is -ale, and we assure the | m and the surrounding | thing will be left undone ? g this the greatest bar- @ a ? put on here. |j 1 51 ! a ' a ' - a >eing Distributed | i IZ1 1 ? I lace 1 < NBLUTli E0 *> ^ v Ideas ?j I BANK 3! ffl 5 a