University of South Carolina Libraries
PERSONAL. MENTION ! Mr. and Mrs. P. D. beaton spent Sunday in Aberdeen, N. C. * R. F. Booth of Lake View was among the visitors in town Tuesday. Joe Wood spent Sunday with relatives in Enfield, N. C. ? ?o? Miss Lula Tatuui is home from Red Springs Seminary. Miss Margaret Wood of Marion spent Monday in town. Miss Nell Caldwell it at home from Wlnthrop College. Miss Gladys Smith i8 at home from Wlnthrop College. B. F. Williams and son, Leon, motored over to Lumberton Sunday. Mis8 Pauline Webster spent several days in Re-viand last week. Mr. Bax Stanton of Clio was in town Sunday. Mr. J. A. Nettlos and familv mot ored over to Aberdeen Sunday where they spent the day with their son. Mr. Wilkes, of the Comptroller General's office, is making the annual audit of the county's books. Mr. O. C. Hayes reports that he] killed a large rattlesnake on his. place Monday. Miss Helen Da\ id of Richmond is spending some time with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. David. ^ Mrs. Addie Root of Arkansas is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cottingliam. Mrs. Eugene King of Aynor, S. C.s has been visiting her father, Mr. W. J. Carter. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. I. Blum and Mr. and Mrs. L. Kornblut with their families spent Sunday in Rowland. Mr. T. B. Stackhouse of Columbia came over Friday and attended the * -A ** V% 1 uuuivui s ii?ii ny ai nyau s rara, Miss Klyce Manning is at home for the summer from college in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rogers left Tuesday for Winston-Salem, N. C., to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Shufford Tindall of' Marion spent the week end in town with relatives and friends. ? a ? ? is is m si is a ? i ! NODE! ffl m uvcrncau CApeii: ^ expense. Old system 4 a a m One-third of the pz have thrown away t the end of the year a ? I r;. i 51 sr.- ? , 51 L===B|?z~^fp I Hiisillii s ^==\z=zijbi i a sijs=iij I ue-J I ~TTI llllll ' a f^ill I Hi y ? ' > OS LEDGER LE > ? Double or single ent i a umns. Machine ruled o [ ] ledger paper. Standard ' gn all the time. Special f( | gj short notice. & es " : r k m Grows in poula ? the month your sta ^ iS daily use throughou H gj put them up in all s gj in&. They drop back ^ m k ? We are not bej ? every particular. T 0 IS traveling auditor fi k V J5! simpler and more a g We have specii JJ and machinery use p g of the big city ma K, gj Don't send p fflaaaaaaaaas a-?? THE DILLON" H [ Mrs. A. B. Welch visited Charleston this week, I Elbert Fort and sister, Mrs. Ruby iCavtnichael of Fork were in town jSaturday afternoon. Mrs. D. H. Fass and little daughter, June, are spending some time in Balvii?orc with Mrs. Fass' parents. ?o? Messrs. Harold Stanton and Mou-1 roe Woodley of Clio were in town Tuesday. Miss Elsie Hamilton of Clio is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wallace. Dolph Braddy. a third year student at the University of Virginia, is houie for the summer. Miss Estelle Braddy is at home from Columbia College for the holi-; days. Mrs. J. C. Blake and children of Charlotte. N. C.. spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rogers. O. W. Ramsey of Hamlet, N. C.^ is Rnon/ltnir o fow Jn "f" "U? ?*t5 ? kV ?T tuiy *? CV IX . with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.j Ramsey. Mrs. L. J. Prevatt of Lumberton, N. C., spent last week in town with ' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parks. Mr. \V. Ellis Bethea, the efficient manager of The Herald's Latta bureau, was among the visitors in town Monday. ?o? Mrs. \\\ M. Ford, Mr. \V. E. Ford and Mrs. Naomi Hill of I.ako View were among the visitors in town Mon-. day. -?o? Mrs. E. M. Hale left Saturday niglu for Mount Olive, N. C.. where! she will spend several day* with relatives. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. J. I*. Ramsey left Wednesday morning for Ehrhardt, S. C., where they will spend a few days with relatives and friends. ?o? Mrs. E. S. Beattie, who has been undergoing treatment at a hospital in Charlotte, N. C. returned to Dillon last wwk, Hon H. M. Stackhouse, secretary, of the Fertilizer Board at Clemson' College, spent several days last week with his son. Dr. Wade Stackhouse. ' ?n Mr. S. V. McCarty. of Lynchburg. Va., who will be with Watklns and Bethea at the Farmers Warehouse, this year, arrived in the city last week j and will remain here until after the tobacco season closes. SB ? H IS H H ? ? IS ? 15 IN BOOK! se is the canker worm that g is are costly. They.waste tim < i cost of a ledger is in the bin he cost of a ledger, in additic is buying new leaves at a mil f - OL AVES- l#lj ry up to 12 col- LffiSj n extra heavy forms in stock >rms ruled on ^rity every year. It is a great tements are ready to mail or it the Carolinas and our cusi iizes, bound in Red Russian ; flat when open, giving a per pinners in the loose eaf line.1 ell us what your bus ness is ai or one of the largest.bonding iccurate. al forms for farmers as well i id by other manufacturers. V nufacturer. HERALD PRINTERS your money away to distant 3 tZl OH rxi m m m mm m rx o CB m ffij ts mmmwri ixi ts ERA LP. DILLON. SOUTH CAROLINA ' Mr. aud Mrs. Charles C. Haynes tnd little daughter. Hazel Storritt, vre spending the week with Mrs., Haynes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. \Y. Jackson. i ?o? I' | Misses Hettie Dethea and Alice Dav-| id returned last week from Salem | College ?t Winston-Suleni, N. C.; Misses David and Bethea were among ( the graduates this year. R. S. Rogers has returned from a'( business trip to New York. I The Sunday school of the First , Baptist church will hold its annual picnic at Hyatt's Park this afternoon. . ??? Misses Edith and Margaret Elliott . left Tuesday afternoon for Savannah, ( On whom * hov will !/%?? ? v?-m .. v *? ii j\j 111 a iuuiin^ l Tarty on a steamer trip to New York.', After several days in New York they' will visit all points of interest, in-i eluding Atlantic City. Canada and' Niagara Falls before they return. |i Sunday School Institute will be,t held at the Second Baptist churchjf next Sunday at 11 o'clock and at,! 7:30 o'clock Sunday. Monday and j Tuesday nights. The public is cordial-'.c ly invited to attend these services x which will be helpful and inspiring. 1 F. W. Walters, Pastor. , i ?o? ,1 Mrs. Ola McNair has returned from ' the Florence Infirmary where she ' was operated on for appendicitis. f The operation was very successful : and Mrs. McNair returns home very much improved in health. * ?o? 1 Mr. Smith St abbs left Sunday for < Chester. S. O., on a very lmppy mission. Yesterday afternoon hi' was marred to Miss Mary Cornwcll of that city. After a honeymoon to Washington ami othei points of in11-1est Mr. Stubbs and hi- bride will be at home to their Dillon fro ml.-. - ?? Mr. and Mis- J. N. Lipscomb of .affne.v are \i<kiinn I)r. and Mr S C. llensVo. Tuesda> morning Mr. atul Mrs. Lipscomb, Miss Isla Mc- ' Ketizie. .Miss Rebecca Field Ilenslee 1 ami Di. Hensl.-e went down to Myr- 1 tie Beach where they will spend sev- ] eral days. ?o? "The Old Hickory Division" of the j American Legion is offering a cheap ( trip to the battlefields of Europe and , rnt.o... n'l... ? ...ill 1..-I..J 1 I vvui U. I lie Ul|> III Ili'JUHM* *11 UU>? , from New York and the cost, includ-'^ ing transportation, hotel and all oth- . er expenses, is $565 from New York. The p?rty leaves July 12th and any.) one desiring to make the trip ran se- ' cure further information by railing:' on Mr. J. L. Bridgors at the Coast . Line depot. j j: Prof. Roberts and family left Sat-', urday tnornit g for Columbia where;' they will spend several days with Mr. ; 1 Roberts' relatives. Later Mrs. Hob-1 ' erts and the children will go to Bam-j , a a a is a a a aa a a (pppror. i tujyfl inu , naws at the vitals of every bui e and lose dollars that run int THE LOOSE L ding. When you open new boo >n to the time lost in transfer nimunt of expense. JR DUPLICA OUR TIME SAVER ; time-saver. You make out it. No rush at the end of the tomers tell us they would not cowhide back and corners, feet writing surface. We have been putting up loose id let us design a system to suil companies in America. We gi as merchants, bankers and nu Ve employ the same skilled w< 1 PUBLISHING RL cities for the same class of w i. THTRSDAT MOKMNfi. JVXE 9. berg where they will spend some time' with Mrs. Roberts' parents, and Mr. Roberts will return to Dillon and v. ind up the school's affairs for the' 1!? 20-21 sessions, before leaving for Columbia, where he will take charge of Epworth Orphanage. i The bankers of Dillon and Marion' counties held their annual fish fry iit Hyatt's Park last Friday. There | were fish in abundunce and the famous pine bark fish stew prepared by that prince of chefs, Mr Jno. E. i, Diebler, was exceptionally good. Af-'( Ler serving the stew a course of fried1 Tish was served. This is the first time! the association bus met with the Oil- ]^ on bankers in five years. Each town n the district entertains in regular , >rder and the next meeting will be! teld at Latta. !, Mr. A. V. Bethea suy8 he has becnjl cadi ng with interest what The Her-Ji lid has been saying about developing ! he peach industry in Dillon county, ji ind Saturday he canie in with a s >asket full of very pretty peaches, ust to show us what Dillon county |i ouia ao even in an unprotessioirai | vay. Mr. Bethea raises peaches for I iome consumption but lie says even is a side lino peaches can be grown | u abundance without much effort. ! rhis year his trees are loaded with peaches of a very fine variety and he lays if lie gave them close personal ittentlon he would be afraid to say icw many bushels he could make to he acre. Mr. Bethea believes that lip money can be made in Dillon I ounty prowinE peache?? for niurket., ?r - . I, Mrs. Latte Betln a ent? ftpined the A omen'- Club <>n lasi Mondaj nf< moon from 1'i\ to seven o'clock n her spacious lawn Her four < en tables wore niranpod for P: ocressive Rook." Misse - .lulla and i'lorn TP tliea presided over tin punch inwl which was placed on tiv lawn lust ai the end of the piazza and the: >i autre colored hovers.ire wn? lovely ii its scttinir of preen vines from the lorch -as a hack ground. Score cards .lore passed around by Florie Jane itetliea and the guests found their 'aces for rook, after which an or mue ice course, with cake was served >y the hostess assisted by her little laughters. Florie Jane, Odessa and .utie. Music on the piano all during he afternoon by Miss Effio Ramsey, ; as very tnucb enjoyed by everyone. Misses Doris and Nell Caldwell assisted Mrs. Tlethea in entertaining. Reddes the club members about twenty nests were present. ? I ! WHEN IN TROCHEE ?j * Call Phone 77 * * P. & W. REPAIR CO. *' * Painting aiul Repairing all * ; Make Cars * , SSiBBSSSSB? METHOD Mness. The problem today is o big sums. The modern syst EAF SYSTEM ks you throw away one-third ing accounts. A loose leaf ledj TING LEDG This ledger will pay for its saved in three months. It c posite each ledger sheet an hill head perforated at one e bon sheet works between the second sheet. The items are the bill head and a copy is m second sheet. At the end of your statements arc made on tear out the bill head and ma customer, keeping- the secon the ledger until the account saves one-third of your !x>ok gives you a completer recor bills from day to day as the j month. No delay in getting c do without them for many ti corduroy sides and strong m > leaf outfits for many years, t it. We offer you the services larantee to give you a system mufacturers. We have forms jrkinen.. We use the same m: COMPANY, L HERS ork. We can also give you clos SUSSES??? SHE 1921. HETHEA-MARLEY ttl 'hi Fork. June 7?A redding of unurual Interest was solemnized Tues-,c< day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the D lovely country home of Mrs. HattieJ|>< Lee Bethea. when her oldest daugh-(C' tet Miss Mary Coleen became the;In bride of Eugene Harris Marley oflhi Columbia. i it: The ceremony took place in the' parlor which was a scene of simple lovliness, being decorated for the oc-! casion using a color scheme of white and green nasturtiums, gladiolios,1 sc capejesaniine and ferns being arrang- nc eu most artistically and effectively. tli At the strains of Lohengrin's wed- in ding march played by Mrs. Kenneth w; McDuffie, niece of th(. bride, the'w bridal party entered. First ctnno Miss pt Eileen Roberts, friend of the bride, th as maid of honor with Mr. Joe Stack-! sa house as best man. Then came tbe'eil bride Miss Coleen Bethea with the fi< groom Eugene Marley. She wore a ici stylish coat suit of naay blue trico- in tine with grey accessories to match, j ? and wore a lovely corsagL. of bride's loses. Always pretty, she w&s never! more so than on her wedding day.' The Rev. T. J White of Mullins per- St formed the cerenionv. the impressive ling ceremony being used. i Then to the strains of Mendelso- th lion's wedding inarch the bridal par- D' ty marched out. ,id Immediate after the ceremony they tv left for Dillon where they caught a ti north bound train. Tiny will visit :.f st \? :al northern cities, and will bt. at at home in Columbia after June 20. 'tii Mrs. Marley as Miss liethea was one of Fork's most beautiful and at la tiuitive young women She is a stu- < i? ut of Columbia College. For the ti past two years she has been holding C< a responsible position in 11 mens- I to ; ?. N C. She lias numerous frieiuls t there well as lore wl o v i: h her t' niut-h happiie s. :r. Marley i- a nist'.i ?' st< rl na _ wort ai <1 i < promit.t tit in business ii.ti re-ts il<- was fornieriv engaged in e toe lo ss ill tlft ensbor i, N. C. li now liohls a prominent position with i. Harvety-ltustiu Furniture Co. in Co- i luntbia I" oriLTT IIOMLI M\UllL\(ii:. I' A quiet marriage was solemnized v at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M A '' Smbbs Sunday aftenoon at 5 o'clock when their daughter, Miss Myrtle, be- j1 came the bride of Mr. A. F. McRae. tJ the ceremony being performed by the the bride's pastor, Rev. W. C Allen. Only the members of the family and a few intimate friends of the bride.*' and groom were present. Mr. and j _ Mis. Mcltae left on the 6:35 train: for Florence where they were the j guests of the groom's brother. The bride is one of Dillon's mostj charming young ladies and has hosts ^ of friends not only in Dillon but i < throughout the county who will learn * of ber marriage with interest. For; t is ??? a? rasas OA USDS* M OHwLn) rl to get maximum production t em is of the cost of your ledger. In fer will last a life time and yoi ' elf in time HSuSjhgJlH arries opordinary nd. A car- ^ s bill and a carried to adc on the THE STEE the month ? . . it. and you Bound with I til it to the a binding that d sheet in >vho wants the 1 is paid. It tains a mechanii work and ers and is boun d- cannot he heatei of extra grade. items are entered on your ledg< >ut on time. Hundreds of th imes the cost. They cut book-kf etal parts made of the very b and we guarantee our books t< of an expert accountant who w that will s ave time and mak< that suit every business. We ui Uerial and our overhead expei Hllon, S. C. BINDERS ie prices on lithographed, engra 1 e past year she has been teaching Dotlian. The groom is a native of Marion tunty, but has been a resident of illon for the past three years. He aids a position with the Dillon r.unly Warehouse Corporation and is many friends who congratulate in on having won so charming a fo companion. lii'aheman b?es Hand. Drakeman Monroe had his hand severely mashed yesterday after)on that it had to be amputated at ;t wrist. Mr. Monroe who was runng 011 the southbound local freight a.s attempting to moke a coupling lien his foot slipped just as the bum is came together and his hand was rust between them in an effort to ve himself from falling The injurI man was carried to Dr. Craig's of;e where he was given prompt medal attention. Mr. Monroe's home Is Florence. NOTICE OF FLECTION. ate of South Carolina, County of Dillon. Whereas, u petition signed by more an one-third of the qualified elecrs and a like proportion of the resent freeholders of the age of twen-one years of Oakland School Diaict No. 5, of the county and state oresaid. asking that an election be Tiit- d in said district oil the quesr?n of issuing bonds to an amount >. exceed ill..: i. 1 Timns;|pd Dolt's for the purpose of erecting and uii koolJjnnMiiur|Jn said a lt!?r t>> tie* unit;'Board ot education, and now tl auihoritv ted iti us under tiion 17 12 Civil Code 101- said eti<?i. !- t>> ordered to be In id . J t. in; ^ 1 ' ( ).ikl:md <> I sneh ei-.M-'oi > as return real , ,i! : pert; for toxation ami >\hibit Ui* ir tax receipts aud i gi.-t ration '< 11 ifieates shall bt. al?v. d t-? vote iti said lection 1-inch elector who favors the prm c-.sed bond issue shall cast a ballot ith the word "Yes" written or riut.d thereon, and each elector opii'sed to said levy shall cast a ballot ritli the word "No" written or printt. thereon Tin following managers will serve ' said election: j??up- W--C.tmpadL-^L-iL-ilttapn. J 00 W. McKay. Moore. H. NSx^Cousar, Hi M. Mtxidy. 9 2t. Co Board of Education. **************** WHEN IN TltOl'llLE * Call Phono 77 * P. & W. REPAIR CO. * Painting and Repairing all * .>iaKe inrs DSS??!*]!????? & E a it a minimum ol jg is i? ? three years you gg i?- only expense at g ? LBACK LEDGER IS *ed Pigskin Leather ? ? appels to the customer ? best he can get. It con- IS sni better than all oth- S) d with materials that [S a. It is strictly a binder Si IS SI ir, and at the end of m ese ledgers are in SI ^niriP" in hnlf VVp rxi - -1? ? r? "* v ! ! est aluminum cast- g] is > be first-class in * as for sixteen years SI ; your book-work 00 se the same presses gj ise is less than that gj SI SI SI ived, or embossed work. S 3 IS SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI 2 I" [ I ! I [ l ! ! IT! ITI l 1^1 IWI