University of South Carolina Libraries
i ii mi in in * mv?SeEjMciNK. Aimed ?t Eradication of |H^RH|pMt ?1IVwdn-Ajutitoxin is Snw Ready for Distribution. IIBBR* Btate Board of Health) llrPwPl*^ May 24?Another forward the protection of the public ||8p?P?Pfci la announced by the State v ^RP^o' Health, the neweet move bel > MR aimed at the eradication of diphThrough Dr. C. A. Shore, dii H|fr (d the state laboratory of by"|W^ notice is being sent the phyHHMa of the state that toxln-anti*J^HNpp* is now ready for distribution |^Mjjgfcp nominal charge of ten cents ?nMr the three doses ndeded to give s^^jhmuxUty. - v' v Toxin-antitoxin is different front v^z-diphtheria antitoxin. The letter is "need for treatment and in 1,000 unit dhaea, for immediate protection. The iauaunity rendered by the toxin-anting^hxia mixture is believed to last for S. c?*?. ' f WHEN IN TROUBLE Call Phone 77 P. & W. REPAIR CO. * i * ||j * & Painting and Repairing all * Make Cars " >> ******* ********* J K: Seeds from the chaulmoogra tree c went Of India, the oil of which forms the 8 M. %ae of a treatment successfully used * dr.ys m treating leprosy, have been re- 1 C delved in the Philippine Islands by 1 4v the Bureau of Science. An attempt 8 will be made to grow the tree for ] this purpose. 1 ? I ,heET.,SWp and Sail under Mar'pifbc Stars and Stripes to Fre* ; ' Mil parts of the world j is s OHIPS with the Stars ent O and Stripes blowing J * from their masts are once [ jffinT' | more sailing the seven seas. r [ They are, by the Mer- J chant Marine Act, 1920, [ ^ .' . ultimately to r vfr I j be owned and operated |> ' privately by citizens of the t United States." [ a?* I T They are American ships, r p i carrying passengers and, as , President Harding has said, f chiidre **. . . carrying our car- r burg coui.?oes ^ American bottoms t . _an o the marts of the world." C town Frid W <splendid ships Miss ji00 the seven seas under 1: .section wjhe Stars and Stripes by C nco sailing and shipping on h T them. fc he' : Free use of E Shipping Board films % [< Use of Shipping Board _ r motion picture films, four L ' reels, free on request of 0 C | any mayor, pastor, post- imaster, or organization. L SHIPS FOR SALE E (To Aimricmn citiuru oniy) j ' Steel steamers both oil and coal P burners. Also wood steamers ~ wood hulls and ocean-going tugs. E Further information may be ot>- 12 tamed by request. For sailings of passenger *and freight ships to all 0 ^narts of the world and all thther information write L evenir_ E Fowl I U. S. Shipping Board [ M WASHINGTON, D. C. C gpeiMijug?Bga M rs. - n "ar-i rt? -m ^LLIVK a II SOUTH CAROLINA'S C gi{ I x&MI l57l Acre? of Land, Vali ML OPERAT1 St. DEGREE COURSES I Agriculture (Seven Majors) 'V/-.1 Architecture. *i? 1 Chemistry. ! Chemical Engineering. 6 \ 1 Civil Engineering I Electrical Engineering . I Mechanical Engineering I Textile Industry I Industrial Education 3 11 General Science awl'^ I SHORT COURSES r.ipM; Agricultural ]|"r f Textile Industry WTjif Fre-Medical. SUMMER SCHOOL 'iit' ,tme 18?,nl* ** |r Agricultural Teachers Cotton Graders BP Cdhpi Make-up. a Hem oral of Entrance Conditions B. Agricultural Clnb Boys ^ :3<'vJ <f mjy T. C.?Clemson la a membei atuduuta reostve financial assii # Junior and senior classes /w&m ** IjIF rLUCKr\ vsimKEJ Ten for 10 cents. Handy size. Dealers carry both. 10 for 10c; 20 for 20c. It's toasted. (jftZZZZ-tt-z? The prison population of th? MidLie and Southwestern United States lecreased 12.4 per cent In the last ix years, This falling off in prison copulation of this section is equivacnt to more than the combined crisoners of Kansas, Iowa, Wlscon'n and North and South Dakota in L914. SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI Si SI I I ! ! 151 EH H3 tSJ [ I [5J rwl 151 g Safe Deposit B 1 Thousa I DO 1.1 1 STO s I EACH S B _ g rT^he only safe placi g - * ey and valuable B Where it can't be ST< B LOST. B When you keep vali 0 your house, you take 0 ous about them all the 0 Put your money in 0 get it at any time anc 1 when you sleep. 0 B g We invite your pat; g MKSl IMAT1CJ g DILLON, Sou S National Bank Pre S Savi Isassaaaaa?' SON COL OLLEGE OF ENGINEERING \X7 iur our/re r>?!j? ,t . m. ntvjvju, rresiaeni lc o( Plant Over $2,300,000.00. En ID UNDER STRICT MILITARY DISC VALUE OF A TECHNICAL 6 EDUCATION. A technical education lg th? best insurance against hard times. In earning capacity, it may equal an estate of $&0,000 For the untrained are the positions of poverty and obscurity. Times are hard in South Carolina, but the cost of an eduoation at CI era son College is comparatively low?sufficiently low to be within the reach of any ambitious young man in South Carolina. Scholarships, free tuition and the payment by the United States Government to R. O. T. C. students, still further reduce the cost. Do not allow the financial difficulties to keep you from entering college this fall to prepare yourself for the opportunities that lie ahead. ? ' of the senior division of the Reserve< lance from the Federal Government,! I FULL INFORMATION WRITE OR 1 JAR, CLEMSON CO CRBDCTOB-s KOm ' Having qualified a* -oxacutor of I the estate of Joseph J. Hayes, deceas- I ed, notice is hereby Riven that all c persona holding claims against tho t estate are hereby notified to present [ same duly authenticated within the * time provided by law of this notice p will be plead in bar of their recovery, f! All persons indebted to the said f estate are hereby notified to make r immediate payment to the undersign- ? ed executor. p L. F. Johnson. 5 26 3t. Executor. ^ Women \ Made Young jj Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may bm r yours if you will keep your syataua E In order by regularly taking ? COLD MEDAL jj E The world's standard ramady for kidnayw Uvar, bladder and uric add troubles, tha J; ncmUs of lila and looks. In use sinew H iQ90. All druggists, thras aixoa. Look for *o iuh Gold Modal oa ororr ka [ oad mmvI mm l?U?lli? I: aaaaBBBaaaa [ m r m r oxes For Rent g] fc mds of i| - A R S || l?l E LEN -Si ?E YEAR || hi 2 to keep your mon- m 5 is is in a BANK. S E OLEN, BURNED or S jj fflE uables and money in 51^ a big risk and nerv- ?. i time. ? I our bank, you can ? ? iyou will feel easy jjj E E be E E ronage, B E NAL BANK 11 ith Carolina [+) E Section For Your E j? ngs Bfl B E SSSSSSiiSilE LEGE ij AND AGRICULTURE & E rollment 1919- 20. 1014. r IPLINE r ?~ 12 SCHOLARSEOPS AND KXA.MI- " NATION 3 12 The college maintains one hun- E dred and seventy four-year scholarships in the Agricultural Iand Textile Courses. Each scho- P larship means $400 to help pay Z expenses and $160 for tuition ? apportioned equally over the four years. SI Also fifty-two scholarships in ? the One Year Agricultural Course, these scholarships are i worth $100 and tuition of $40. C The scholarships must be won c by competitive examinations p which are held by each County r ouyermienaeni 01 HiOUCaUon on [ July 8th. It is worth your while to try for one of these scholar- t ships. f Credit for examinations pass- i ed at the county seat will be given to thoso who aie not applying t for scholarships but for entrance. j Officers Training Corps. All R. O. r this reaching about $200 per year I WIRE: t 35^3^^ 1 9 fflffiffiffiffifflfflfflfflffiffif ^ I : II ^ I B B B BK - ^^^B B B if ft! iV v I I ' | The Dillon County W | Corporation represents 01 g Buying Companies in the | ready to sell your cotton g representative of this corp B B Authorized Capital Stock g house and Marketing Corp< a periectly reliable and safe. g Warehouse Certifcates issu ? Grader grades your cotton B the government grader sen | of selling their cotton withi B graded. One large farmer g has had previous experien< B ed cotton gave us his checl | cotton for him this very da | for the samples upon requ< B given him the official.gra | pleased. There are scores B pays. It does pay. If yoi | the sales of cotton made 01 H week and you will be con\ B tl TAT * - ? ei yv e now nave three thou g storage. If your cotton is ? you are losing money by S your cotton. Co-operate v | corporation. Its aim is un B mon good. One of these d g why not now?. i?^ | Jl J 1 Dillon County | & Marketing & CD HI CD CD rgi m m r+j' SJIBISISISISISSIIScBSnfilfifffRMKl^ ; < W ^BL ffi ? I ^ES izi HI SI I BB ton) ' ffl ? ffl ; ' Bfi 1 arehouse and Marketing ffi lie of the largest Cotton jfjt South. When you are ? see that the authorized EB oration has a chance at it. m of the Dillon County Ware- j|J iration is $100,000.00, ? Cotton stored and State gg led. Government Cotton ? There are patrons of j? /ice who would not think j| out having it Government 51 of this date, June 1st, who jfj p ce with government grad- ? t for grading 10 bales of sa .g ly. We sent to his house |j est and our classer has SI IS iding. He is more than gj}> -i 5 of people who believe it ? , Bb If i do not believe it, follow m 1 thp Dillnn marL-ot (nr a SI - <w aaaw*Ji ttlUA IWt 1V1 d |^j rinced. 19 < ffl $ isand bales of cotton on 19 exposed to the weather, jH weather damage. Store ? 6 ? 19 < vith the Corporation, your is selfish and for the com- ? 1 ays you will be a booster, 19 ^ m g BB ^ Warehouse 11 Corporationj