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. Latta N 1 i Coming and Going. S V_ T JinA nf fiillnn uro u Vi ^ Thao- I <la y. J. A. Perritt and son of Zion were ^ here Saturday. 4 Giles Love of Oak Grove was here ] Monday. Ernest Page of Sellers was here Monday morning. ^ J. H. Stackhouse of Floydale was j here Thursday. S. L. Smith of Oak Grove was here , Thursday. I J. S. Fair of Oak Grove was here Thursday. H. E. English of Bingham was here Saturday. L. T. Sessions, Jr., of Floydale was here Saturday. x\7 t n ~ o ~ i n . %>. JL>. v^auiput'ii ui ?a? ? here Saturday. R. B. Bethea of Suiithboro was ' here Saturday. ( Willie Rouse of Fork was here 5 Saturday. __ ( J. L. Lane of iMallory was here ( Saturday. 1 Mrs. J. B. Fearce and daughter of Marion county were here Saturday. ! Lawrence Hayes of Free State was here Saturday. j Hudson Fore of Elberry was here ' Saturday. John C. Haytes of Elberry was here Saturday. i Joe P. Lane, Esq., of Dillon was ] here Wednesday. i Pratt Watson a merchant of Sel- < lers wag here Wednesday. 1 L. B. Alford, a prosperous farmer of Floydale was here Wednesday. ] Mrs. L. F. Ellis and little daughter of Mai lory were here Wednesday. W. E. Allen of Dalcho was here Wednesday. C. Piatt Berry of Little Rock was | here Wednesday. i G. A. Spinks of Florence was here | L Wednesday. 1 Walter Mickel of Columbia was ( here Thursday. , J. Frank Easterling of Temperance was here Thursday. F. O. Lawson of Sumter was here , Monday. A Q \f O cnn r\f PVl loQ rrrv nro Monday evening. Mrs. Sam Edwards of Dalcho wag here Monday. J. O. Bethea of Sfellers was here Monday. J. O. Brigman of Temperance was hare Monday. R. M. Bailey, veterinary surgeon of Dillon was here Monday. J. R. Reaves of Floydale was here Saturday. Julius Rowell of Floydale was here Saturday. | Mrs. E. L. Powell and children of Dalcho were here Saturday afternoon. Dr. R. F. Smith of Clio was here Saturday. Mrs. R. C. Wysong of Washington, D. C., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Marion Allen who is sick. Loyd Hamer of Tampa, Fla-, is vis- ^ iting relatives and friends at this j place. y Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea spent Mon- j day with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Crawford , in Mullins. Mrs. W. C. Parham and Mis8 Leila Bethea went 'o Columbia Monday to be gone several days. ^ Mrs. J. G. Crawford of Sumter was a visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea r on Wednesday. U E. Hood, Snpt. Southern Bell Tel-jJ epbone Co., of Marion was here!1 Thursday. :1 Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Bethea and!* dautrhtor Evelvn went tn Marion II Monday afternoon. I Mr. and Mrs. Truss Thompson and > children of Little Rook were visiting < relatives here on Monday. Mrs. A. L. Hardee and son Coving- < ton of Florence spent the week end i with relatives here. ? Mrs. R. J. Dew went Monday to i Red Springs, N. C., to attend com- 1 jnencement at Flora MacDonald. I Mrs. Alice Smith who lia.s b<^en ' spending some time with her nephew I W. Ellis Bethea, is now visiting rela- ' tives in Mullins. ' J. J. Tolar and his two sons, Lace- ' leau and Laraar, also Joe P. Lane of ' Dillon motored to Pamplico Wednesday afternoon. i The many friends of Prof. R. T. ' Fairey will be sorry to learn that he has been confined to his bed for | \ about a week on account of sickness. ' Jt Mrs. W. D. Bethea entertained a ill .1 nnr-Aa nn TX7a#1 HaC^qv ' /lvtt i i iniun at taiuo vu j ' afternoon. After several Interesting r / games werd played dainty refresh- i ments were server by the hostess. Messrs. W. C. Parham, Ted Allen and Luther Lee went through the | country the past week to Greensboro and Winston-Salem, N. C., and at- | tended the Hardware Convention I while away. Miss Teressa Dickens, a student of J Coker College who having finished lier course at that institution some r time back, is spending the time here t with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. P. > Dickens. At commencement she will [ i return to the college and receive her f diploma. , ^ Private Harley Allen, Company D. t 66 Art. C. A. C. Camp Jackson, is at home with hig parentg for a few days, f It will be remembered that private Allen came near passing out, and it . was thought that for a long time that fc he could not lire, and we are glad to \ mote that ha is sufficiently recovered r to come home to his parents, Mr. and c THE DILLON HER ews Depa Conducted by W. Ellis Bethe Social Events in Lnttn. Miss Annie Covington, sponsor for 2amp E. T. Stackhouse Old Confederate Veterans, entertained the Pee Ton r^VinTT T\ r? 1 v.~?- ? \J AS* V. Cll L1XZI IIVIIIV UU A'odnesday afternoon, May the 18th. \n interesting programme was carried out, after which delicious refreshments consisting of fruit punch ind cake were served- The occasion kvas greatly enjoyed by those who attended. I Miss Gertrude Manning entertained svith a large rook party in honor of Miss Miles of Marion. The reception tiall and parlors were thrown together and beautifully decorated in nasses of varicolored sweet peas, handsome ferns and bright summer rolored nasturtiums. Six tables were irranged for the game and a number if rubbers Wero enjoyed. After :urds were laid aside covers were placed and an elaborate salad course svith iced tea was served. Miss Mantling was assisted in entertaining by Mesdames L. A. Manning, Jr., Houston Manning and Miss Estelle Eller:>e. Mrs. Deans Crumpler was hostess at two lovely parties this week in honor of her house guest Mrs. Sprott of Manning. The first wqb on Thursiav afternoon when she had twenty friends. Mrs. Crumpler's pretty new home was made more attractive with lavender and pink sweet peas. The lights were softly draped in the lavender. These with pink candles made Llie living and dining rooms which! were made into one large room a' perfect bower of loveliness. She was assisted in receiving and entertaining by Mrs. Isla Crumpler and Miss EsUlle Ellerbe. An interesting flower contest was enjoyed by all and at the close, the prize awarded to one having most correct anwser, was a pretty vase. Mrs. L. A. Manning,, Jr. received this. The consolation fell to Mrs. S. J. Bethea, Jr. A salad course with iced tea was served. The Pee Dee Chapter of the U. D. 3. met with Mrs. T. C- Covington and laughter Miss Annie Covington Wedlesday afternoon. The program was 11 charge of Mrs. John J. Allen?Subject: Sidney and Clifford Lanier; heading, Jones' Private Argument, diss Annie Covington; Paper, Sidney L.anler and his place among Amerl:an Poets, Mrs. H. A. Bethea; Poem, dy Spring, Miss Lillian Bethea, 'innn Snln Ml Pnninn A 11/>n Pnom I rhia Silent Flute, Mrs. C. W. Foxvorth; Reading, Revenue of Hamish, Jrs. T. C. McGee. Plans were made or a lawn fete to begin on the green t the Library the middle of June. V. social hour was enjoyed, iced >unch with caramel and chocolate ake were served by Miss Flora Kate lethea, little granddaughter of the lostess. The Chapter will hold its line meeting with Mrs. T. M. Beliea. Again on Saturday afternoon Mrs. grumpier was a charming hostess at i rook party. The same lovely decorations of lavender and pink were lsed. The guests were received by drs. W. J. Summerlin and presented o the guest of honor by the hostess, "roin a pretty silver basket most itiractive score cards of lavender >utterflies were drawn with which daces were found at the card tables .vhich were covered with dainty pink covers and lavender markers. Four mjoyable rubbers were played each :ouple keeping their score. The one eceived the highest progressed and , it the close Miss Julia Rogers holding highest received a lovely wall rase; the consolation a set of lingerie pins with lavender and pink roses fell to Mrs. F. L. Carpenter. The truest of honor was presented with an exquisite hand embroidered madeira tray cloth. Music by Mrs. Summerlin naa enjoyed. The hostess assisted by Miss Teressa Dew served fruit salad, ? Farmers ? Merckan <g LATTA 5 Canital ?r i Surplus I OLDEST - STRO AJLD. DILLON, SOUTH CAROLINA, irtment. I olives, crackers, sandwiches and ic*ed tea- Small pink parasols tied with lavender ribbon and filled with pink mints were the favors for the afternoon. Mrs. F. L. Carpenter entertained the Bridge Club on Thursday afternoon with one of the most elaborate parties of the spring season. The entire lower floor was thrown ensuite and beautifully decorated. The library was all in pink roses and fragrant sweet peas of dainty pastel shades. These were arranged in baskets and cut glass vases and bowls. The living room was in white hydrangeas and white roses. The dining room was double rose colored poppies. The table was covered with a large lace battenberg cover with a big brass bowl of poppies on a crystal reflector as a centerpiece. Dozens r\f rAoA ?lt - ? -1 ' VI i voc VV1U1CU lauui^s itI1U SUIliy shaded lights of rose cast a glimmer of lovliness over these decorations. The reception hall was in yellow and green?quantities of yellow daisies in green bowls jardineses with yellow shaded lights. There from a bower of yellow and green, golden colored punch with chicken salad and pineapple sandwiches was served by Mrs. M. E. McNair. Four tables with pretty embroidered covers were placed for the players. Dainty baskets filled with pink verbena with markers designated the number of each table, where dainty score cards were used. At the close of the games Mrs. W. D. Rcthea was presented with a cut glass vase for holding highest score. Refreshments of pink block cream, fruit and angel cake iced in pink were served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Pearle Pinkerton and Mrs. T. C. McGee. Favors were bunches of sweet peas. One of thte most interesting events among the social affairs of the week was the Silver Wedding reception given by Mr. and Mrs. W. Ellis Betbea in celebration of the twentyfifth anniversary of their marriage, on Tuesday evening from seven until ten o'clock. The large and spacious porches and entire lower floor were beautifully decorated. Dorothy Perking, rose were bountifully used in baskets and long sprays were gracefully draped on mantels and furniture. These combined with many handsome ferns and quantities of sweet peas made a beautiful background for this happy occasion. The guests were met by Mesdames F. L. Carpenter and E. B. Berry, Jr. They were presented to the host and hostess by Mrs. M. E. McNair who invited them to the rear corner of the porch where from a bower of ferns: and golden nasturtiturms lighted by| numbers of small electric bulbs, golden iced punch was dispensed by Misses Annie Covington and Ger-, trudc Manning who Were dressed in airy organdie dresses of white and yellow. Miss Ormie Bethea invited into the gift room. Mrs. W. D. Bethea received in this room. The large and elaborate display of handsome silver gifts fully testified to the populaiity of the couple. The beautiful leather bound register with a quotation appropriate for each guest was presided over by Miss Gussie Bethea.i The guests were invited into the dining room by Mesdames D. B. Shine and Charlie Ellis Bethea. The dining rocm was decorated in Japanese style, the lights in many Japanese lanterns with graceful parasols and fans, being effectively arranged against a background of dark sweet peas, poppies and roses. The table was covered wiih a large Japanese luncheon cloth with silver baskets of poppies and sweet peas, tied with an airy bow of pink tulle fastened with numbers of va iiuuiuifu jiiimne?t' HiiiH oil ?i lar^f silver mirror. Mrs. T. C. McGec and Mrs. E. A. Hethea dressed in Japanese costumes sat at the table and cut block cream and sliced pound cake, iced in pink. This was served by u bevy of attractively dressed gills in SHehSHSHS???? and ? ts Bank ? . S. C. ? I ? a $100,000,00 ? $125,000.00 | NGEST - BEST I CP m m gi ?n gi ~nK Kl KJ KJ m W* THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1 Japanese costume. Misses Mae Braddy, Evelyn Stafford, Flora Bethea Inez Parham, Hortense Biggs and Margaret Bethea. About 200 callec during the evening. The out of towr guests were: Mr. and Mrs. E. (J. New ton of Tatum, Mrs. Julia asterling oi McColl, Mr. Sam Crawford and sor William of Wilmington, N. C., and Mrs. Alide Smith of Birmingham Ala. I o . News Items of Interest in and Aroimi Latto. The Miley-Hooker meeting begin: this coming Sunday at 11 a. m.. Mai 12??th, in the Presbyterian church. II | you care to hear this preacher th< sooner you get there at the opening services the better because seats an going to be scarce. Better to begii attending, then drop out and giv< place to others later on. The ladies of the Presbyterian church and other friends went to th< Manse last Friday evening and gav< the minister and family a gooc pounding. This has been done sever al times during the year already, but neither minister or his family fee sore for the pounding, for the lick: were administered with love and gen tleness. Rev. E. C. Bailey has gone to Tim monsville and Sumter. He will go or to Clumbia, for Sunday, where h< preaches in the first Presbyteriar church, but this will not inferfer< with protracted service, as he returns Monday morning to assist Dr. Miley the evangelist. Rev. L. F. Beatty, Assistant Editoi Nashville, Tenn., filled Dr. Kirkland'i pulpit at both the morning and even ing hours on Sunday at the Methodist church here- It will be remembered that Dr. Beatty was a Marior boy and he has numerous friends ii this section of our state who welcome his coming back to us, and wish thai we might see him more often. o LATE LATTA NEWS. J. B. McCutcheon of Dillon wa; here Tuesday. Monroe Rogers of Dillon was here Tuesday afternoon. Roy Edw*ards of Blenheim was here Tuesday. Jack Evans of Blenheim was here Tuesday. C. P. Wells of Bennettsville was here Tuesday. Eugene Vareen of Marion was here Tuesday. H. A. Bethea went to Sellers Tucs day afternoon. Rev. J. M. Gasque of Dillon was here Wednesday. E- B. Price of P.nliimhin -waa hev< Tuesday. Robert McMillan of Centenary wai here visiting relatives Monday evening. W. S. Floyd of The Floydale Mer cantile Co., of Floydale was her< Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berry of Mar ion were visiting Mr. C. G. Bass' iamily Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Edwards and Mr. Sam Edwards, who were formerly of this section, but who now liv< in Palmetto, Fla., were here Tuesdaj afternoon. o The debts of the great nations wer incurred during recent years wlier money was cheap; now said debt? will be paid off when money is dear Shingles I still have several grades, and a big stock of Cedar Shingles, including the best grade. Those needing shingles will do well to see me before buying. o W. Ellis Bethea. IjAtta, S. C. Professional Cards. i Surveying Drafting and Blue Printing W. M. ALLEN Dillon, S. C. Phone Ne. 112 L. B. HA8ELDEN Attorney at Law DIIJiON, 8. 0. llonoy to Lend on First Mortgage Real Estate. DK. J. H. HAMKIt, JR. Dentlat Office over Peoples Bank. OTIS M. PAGE Civil Engineer DILLON, S. C. S O. HENSLEE, M. D. Eye, Ear, Nom and Aroei Spectacles Fitted. Mn Heora 9 to 11 and 1 to 4 Evening Hx>on toy Agf laMail 1M1 JOB P. LANE Attorney-at-Law I Office Next to Bank of Dillon, I Main St. Dillon, 8. C, J. W. JOHNSON r Attorney-at-Law l fraetlee In State and Federal Ceo^U 1 Marlon, 8. a DR. R. F. DARWIN Dentist j Office Over Bank of Dillon i ! PUT YOUR GET QUICK SOUYEN IN THE < WASTE | ? RAWFT 1 ' AND | Put Your i | IN THE " i ** I 1! If that scheme the smooth 1 ; such a "good thing," he would 1 to sell it. Consult us on any propositi you are banking with us. 3 , We may save you from LO I We invite YOUR Banking The Banli ' SAFETY, SERVICE Dillon, Sei C n m ww ILVUL.1 COM Dillon, - - Sweet Potato We have closed a coi Texas, to install a Wei Curing System. e wil ing twenty thousand crate i ment over the (jovernmer ! under a forced draft ot air than 75 r cent. Potat? said to reach distant marl hy a y oteer system evei We are willing to cont 1 Poto Rica potatoes at 50 We w 11 store potatc tomary in the Governmen We in touch with and will order for immed - acreage desired. We pla to the sweet potato huaim the hest curing house in Soi WE OFFER A CO* TRY FEEDS. We excl for co n. We make a mask derived mostly from meat n J L1_ a-L - 1 -* uuuuic inc egg proc.uction also cause growing chicks to a hag of mash, also a hag of suite. Our MONACRH Y\ percentage of digester tanka it will ke pork productic We ahout sold out We huy every lot of Peas We sellMilo.a grain s< We recommend this for ho Carolin Com, DR. R. M. BAILEY, Veterinarian Office at Dillon Live Stock Ca'a. Stables. ' Office Phone - 285 Residence Phone - - - - ? GIBSON & MTJLLER, Attorneys-at-Law \ Office over Malcolm Mercantile Co?/' , DILLON, S. O. J/ Practice in State and Federal Courts stranger tries to sell you were ceep it himself or come to a bank on offered you, whether or not SING YOUR MONEY, business. C of Dillon AND 4 PER CENT nth Carolina t m ? JLINA ' LING PANY South Carolina Announcement itract with Harry Geek, of ^5. 1 a Improved Sweet Potato ? 1 have a house capable of cur- R a. The system is an improve- C it house. It will cure potatoes g at a temperature not higher 5 oes cured hy this system are ? itets in better condition tban n tried. S ract to buy 5,000 buskels No. A cents per busbel of 60 pounds. p ?es at whatever price is cus- 3 t bouses. Ik parties selling certified plants I ,r bate shipment plants to set any B n to devote considerable time S ess, and guarantee all rfrnw*r? m itb Carolina. */ 1PLETE LINE OF POULlange any 01 our poultry feeds i containing 20 per cent protein neal. Tins mash will about of a buncb of bens. It will develop mucb faster. Try oyster sbell, and report re[OG MEAL contains a good | ige. Fed with any home ration >n more economical. _ of Velvet B cans, and Peas. I we can locate. OT orghum, price $ 1.50 per hushel. \ gs in place of peas. a Milling pany