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SUB NEXT WAR'S WEAPON. The next war may see great submarine battles with artuadas of U-boats fighting beneath the surface of the sea. This is broadly hinted at by Simon Lake, inventor of the submarine, in a communication addressed to members of tbe senate, urging a broad extlBw,tenslon of the submarine building ^ J for the United States. Lake disclosed that there are plans now on file! In tho secret archives of the United States navy for warfare by sub U1U1 ilico U5UIU91 VUt'lUJI 5U Dinar I Ill's. The submarine has not yet reached lto full development," said Lake. "There are other features that may well be added to further their effectiveness and increase the scope of . their usefulness. * "In my humble judgment it is the only weapon that can be safely relied upon to keep foreign fleets from our shores. Every other weapon is visible and can be met by auother of its kind; the submarine is invisible, and v. if made noiseless and provided with noiseless and invisible automobile torpedoes or with proper mine-planting facilities, no other type of ship that floats cn the sea or in tho air can meet it on equal terms. The cost of the submarine is slight compared with other vessels. Did the six hundred millions spent in aircraft get a single German submarine? No. According to the official reports, the best defense against the German submarines was other submarines. As soon as war was declared between our country and Germany I sent several plans to our navy department as well as to some English naval friend:'. 1 outlined how submarines could lv used for a defense against attackin enemy submarines. Some of these plans were later put into practice. They proved effective, but i. tin . had been fully carried out the i". of ships near the English coast would havc been very much reduce I. Thes pians, 1 presume, are still on file in the seciei -archives of the navy dopa: iluent where they may remain without further discussion, so far as I aiu concerned." U-lloats Undefeated. Lake firmly believed thai the German U-boats were not beaten in the world war. "Many people think the submarine was mastered and driven from the sea," Lake declared. "Hundreds of millions were expended and lost on barrages and largu fleets of travelers, submarine chasers and other ships to offset the sinkings caused by these German submarines, and the submarines captured by these vessels were only one or two disabled submarines and those sunk were insignificant in number and cost In comparison to the surface ships lost. England lost ships, cargoes and men without number. Untold fortunes paid tribute to the awful power of destruction of the submarine. / "In spite of the expenditures of billions on destroyers, submarine chasers, mines, airplanes and barrages the submarine continued to infest the seas. fy "The strategy of war made It good tactics to claim destruction of submarines in unlimited numbers, but the war history records so much events as were claimed during hostilities. Much has been made of th< fact that no American transports and troopships were sunk by submarines. Tlie writer understands that history records that the Germans felt it better not to sink American troopships and saw her error in thinking that she could conquer the world through frightfulness. "America Was Spared." "To quote the statements of ono high American naval officer who was active overseas, "Germany decided it k was bad policy to sink any of our ^ troops, as that would further alieni ate tis when it came time to make peace and resume trade relations,' so the orders went out to spare American troopships; in other words, as this officer stated they could have sunk our ships if they wished, but they had lost tlibir guts and did not have the nerve to carry out the former program of frightfulness. According to the Bridgeport telegram of April 23, 1921, Admiral Sims said: 'If Admiral Von Tirpitz had had his way in the high councils of Germany we would now be speaking German with a decided new England accent* and he also said he believed I TOR FL1 We have And Ne I And a go< Make Our prices are right. Braddy-Whe< dillo: vi, rr. r grume-vm THE DILLO'i HERALD. airplanes and submarines would b' the master weapons in the future wars.' "The submarine has not lost its I power over other types of craft. It I is just as deadly as when I first appeared before the house and senate | naval committees many years ago and foretold the events that history has now recorded during the war with Germany." o GET FISH FROM GROUND. Mud Variety in Florida Secured in This Way. New Smyrna, Fla , May 23?Izaah i Walton scarcely would believe his eyes if he were to walk through the country near here and encounter neg-l roes digging live fish from the ground as 1 f they were potatoes, and even persons accustomed to the miracles or this ago would look twice and then set out in search of an oculist. A certain variety of mud fish found in nearly all parts of the State, is responsible for this. This queer member of the finny tribe inhabits streams or ponds which i have mud banks or bottoms is block and weights up to five or six pounds. When the water in a pond evaporates, ias it does during ceitain seasons of [the year, leaving only a mass of mud which on the surface is practically dry, it doesn't worry the fish. Thevl ! merely burrow into the mud to wait j for rain and apparently continue to live as long as the earth is wet. The negroes locate them by exploring th* ! t:itl(l Willi tlicir here feet The fish is edible but is n<>t a favorite because of its strinsr aid roarse flesh. NOTICE. Take notice tli.u the sunnnor ' tni of the Court of Central Sessions f r the County of Dillon will convene nc Dillon on Monday. June 13th, If-21, at 10:20 o'cl ok in the forenoon. Sain McLawrin. ,3 10 It. C. C. C. P. & O. S. i FINAL 1>1S< HAHUE NOTICE Notice is hereby Riven that Lloyd :Thompson, administrator of the esitate of Ellis Thompson, dcoeased has [made application unto me for final [discharge as administrator, and that | Monday, June 6th at 10 o'clock in thn , forenoon has been appointed for the (bearing of the said petition. I All perrons holdinfi claims against (the said estate arc requested to file I them with the administrator on or .before 10 o'clock in the forenoon of ! June the 6th or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. JOE CABELL DAVIS. Judge of Probate, 5 3 4t. Dillon County. mmw iwn We l?ave opened '.in Optical Office at Dillon, S. C. At the present time ' we will be at rlio Hotel Wheeler cvi c*rj Secoiul ami Fourth Mondays' in i each month. We examine and fir ' glasses. Call and see us. I,. A. WOOP1U FF, n-Opt. Fyesight Specialist BETTER DEAD i*3 a burden when the body is rat': -d with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes ierporident nr.d downhearted. To a ring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL 1 he ratio?.'A remedy of Holland for over 'i"j yearj; it r. an enemy of all pains r<vi.ultin/ from kidney, liver and uric acid trjoblei. All druggists, three sizes, levii for fbo r.c.ttic Grid Medal on eeery oex a.-ui accept no imitation \cco JES New Iron I w Tools | od man to | Flues I See us before you buy eler Company I N, S. C. I ' T - DILLON, SOUTH CAROLINA, Tilt Rating; Roasting Cars. Florence, May 2U?Farl C. r.ige ' general agent of Tlie Suite, believes! lias gathered the first roas ing ,ui,7 vri i mg nvllUII. I I -ilil ill - l>ill I ' of corn planted on March 1 he pa'h- 1 eied tou fully developed car.; at< 1 enjoyed them fur his Sunday dinner. | ^ ^^ENUINE UURHAM iobzccc rn^kes 50 good cigarettes for ~ " 10c I | \V ' 1 r\ ^ v^sL I ' -"*.' ; I hT^:^ isr :> %~x I / I i? Ail /; . ^MOTHERS**: f | 1 F- .- T'-roc Generations i ? ti : < Child-Birth flj! i i ; Liisiar Ly Using ?? .... ilHs Wain ro? BOOKLET ON MOTHERHOOD ANDTNI BABY, rail ! Bradfielo Reculator Co.. Dept. 9-D. Atlanta. Ga. | i Ifc H 13 ^ o i is i nnl i h arc you ? r.J * ' this year, ar % ~;1 * e Lc come? V M ? ^ you \,;iy icihouid j? ? There arc a hnn< h Chandlers on ti v . i| Fr--rt a modest v A mJJ } "arc r.go, but \vi h St-'*?; :,-T . of a six iO sol! j-<i ? !' v. i a a rcct: pi p-*r^! that knows how < Br-^j has gone steadily Ft p"': ! And 1^21 will ' I pr^Tr^* f?nr m 2:J; - oi t. r more aistinci.sve | Char j'ic/ price s: f ?s?j pe.iiaou and Ch: ? ; "d hljx- then that [' ??\ of service. .. : .. 1 *m . ih*;! U n ry"~Z Chsm '1st : , ? T ' rfL . ; * j *j v/as no:n-_i ^-.-i v.-.?..1?w. l/'?, :j the prir/c f' n^nr ! rTj! probably is. Bit' f' ? n: of the C ~ "**! iv <!i qiality, the fj I h- ?'in. The whole u struct icn. i- (' iJ 'j he motor h .if f.? .oimance in t. r a dependability ? ?Vt conditions that nc h & Distill j W M 8 fP /> MONG d'stir g *21 solid cost el R L~ from irame to fra B heavy counterba & Zi.% bearings. silent < B Eb shafts, the comb s 5^ system which ma n **i to overheat if ih< K ^ oil in the crankcc /RSD.YY MORNING. MAY 20, 19:21 ! spsot ? 7> r/ > v SMf V-^S ' V. has J>f , ri ^ t , jg"- . _/rJj - j| ""i 5 r_ DIXIE HOUSE COMPANY P ~ V'Gljtsfc I rp> 'TWERE i ^ j Silver or . ... j for the brid: 'ysu??; will find our ,,u !J _ usual suggest ^%Z' -> appreciative ' A ^ And you i r?,....... any gift froml V., ?:.... C. four years ex j ,a stand behind L-^ lute satisfact M i' The items she Vv to meet your t . represent the No. AS T; titrt'Acg Paul-GaleLargest NO RFC E A N O t a. s Fo r Its M iigh Quality si Ptsi: Chandler l going to drive >d for severed ?3 f'C Vc v.vnt to t. 11 ^ f hM fiio-v"..- vA <*v . .Ircd dicusaud p , / ? le road hay. tCHl iifCS diSSC egirsr.irg eight ________ th 'lie pioneer for j ; -.s tar... two thou*. nd dollars < ood car and an organization o br.iid good car', l'"? Chandler into a position c. leadership. be no exception in Chandler ho Chandler never occupied a poaiti m than it does today, to the Chancier c.i .rt /.m contindler r<. Ve value is relatively of any car, after a like period a n t' I. r O ft o rs Vr ou - ^ * f. ' ' - * - r% ... . /.del., i.i the early days, " i he Af&i v . ->i i s Motor" by has always b cn thought of as e of the Chandler car, and it ' : >" t:i? other units and equip>-v: er chassis are of the same i s plan did character cf dec! . is ;o cf fine, sturdy con j v.'cn suprcn icy in it 3 constant e hands of its owners. It has 01 service under any and all t nany other cars can show. % uisi >-I Ci3 -n dler c'_c - Features istive r features are the uminuni incio. base extending mc, the magneto equipment, the lanced crankshaft, extra lar^.e :hn:.n drive for auxiliary motor ination manifold and a cooling ikes it impossible for the motor ere is water in the radiator and isc. rt PalvliT V47 ? ?V ITSVOk a H1A 1J Sevcn-Posicnger Touring Cur. SI930 Two-Passenger Roadster. J/OJO Seven-Passenger Sedan, tJOJO Four-I (Prices J. o. b. CI Cord Tires Stand. ~)GERS MOTO. DILLON, SOUTt iNDLER MOTOR CAR CON w - > ? '.H 'JU\J . ' I?:a A.O(B^| a ppor! from f^rlory in oasv-t? .? * . .'i i.. . . * mi v . ?.. *k 'r *l ?. * ,> ?.*. ". #,. , . ., i' / : :i ! an I weather tight. ' v!' <: -v ] .;?'o !' ' ' 'i !ivo in. i i" sui? your > '. 'i ? if Ken oral iiz r< tuiif ' Sketches supplie i i V : ' " iiiT you want to i \i:'. 1 . ' wf will : t?:ul sj*es. ; ! - .' t and fre?? ' 5>:>o?ilf. which jr?? r.: . finer plans. , ; utivl money-ravi?kt i?rio?s. Ji?n ( \YI.\l K, \on:n < u.\it!.$:sT?)N, s.<* r tfielBricle s no gift like Sterling genuine hand-cut glass x\ remembrance. You catalog filled with unions of appropriate and gifts. ncur no ri- k in o: d, ring his Ids!on . S< ventyaerience and reputation the ci abso ion. wn here are guaranteed jvcry expectation and to best values obtainable. Greenw ood Co. (Jcvc/crs South >LK, VIRGINIA !i(ab!i?bed 1S47 t . E R S ra rv e I o n s I\ cr ?? L.ow frice Ha in First Place % f\C^NDLm . % i'k i? sion Magneto been. Many , . _ , ican cars and i :ard fcquipmeni magneto-equi* majority of tr equipped. P plants and motor-driven fire app one hundred percent of all fa: magnetos. The fastest racing i made by magneto-equipped cars. The magneto gives the Chand hotter, fatter spark than battery-c could give, igniting the gas q plctely, and its simplicity of v.i dependability make it the idee ment. A Wide Choice of B Comfortable C-c /^HANDLER bnd nrr -> 4 ^ big seven-par.ser.ger touring perhaps, but the snappy, spor Dispatch car, the lithe, marine-g roadster, and the chummy four-] have their own large followings. models are upholstered in gen leather and softly cushioned. Thousands have choscr. the and the coupe c.s their oll-seasc them ideal in any weather. The design, and, which is equally im substantially built. The uphc velour and the interior fittings in The Chandler limousine is o to those desiring a chauffeur drivi Stability and Respo Back of the Chai QTANDING back of the CI responsible for its honest q the notabiy strong organizations industry. You will find an uncommon faction in the ownership of a Ch Priced Fine Car Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, S20t0 Four-Passenger Roadster, SlvJO "'assenger Coupe, S29J0 Limousine, S3S30 eveland, Ohio) ard Equipment RS COMPAN H CAROLINA 1PANY, CLEVELAND, OF ' V | MOOOY'S MARKET New Prices on Fresh i Meats !'i : -s that .n:ikt. jOu think of i iho oh! hon>ro tiio w;ir days. Fop tin* next low vwrlvs or until furtin r not ! o all moats at our market will lv sol?I at tln? following price*; K>a.-t hoof, per Hi 2>h'. .Ml Steak*. per lh __ilor. Wo sol! chickens, buttor ami at tho markot juices. Fresh tidi on Tin sdays, Fridays ! and Saturdays. IT you want the bo>t t,? he had at a l'irst class niarki't call on us or plione. <'oi:rt?s?iis treatmont to all is our 1 motto. j Moody's Market i Un the corner next to Seals" Store, back of the ISauk of Dill ill, ? ? v V , r- % > a f .1^ !?vvv- - - - * vvy ] Sacrifice Sale % i n o "der to make /com, will sell lot *? \ iiif>m Buggies X ? an i Harn s at factory oric > Just: received 3 & cars choice Timo- v thv Hav. Can save .. , > uu iiiuiKjy. ^ Few gootl plug > mules at half price. * J. B. McCutcheon | & Co. *4 - , k> ><**>?? *> >* >V VVV L r 11 M^ sl O t O r si s ip. 1 ^1 | ? ignition is sup- ^3 ; Bosch High-Ten- S , as it always ha3 -jT gj high-priced Anicr- fij ? all foreign cars are ^ ?jj >ped. The great. ? ucks are magneto g tactically oil air- g >aratus and ; early JJ3 rm tractors have flj ecords have been fi fU | ler motor a much rD listributor ignition ix"!h uickly and com- Uf $ ring and abso'ute j'ii a tl ignition equip- STJ 9 Cj | 1 ru p eautiful I < d:es . I pleasing. The " car is the leader w ty four-passenger ?*1 I ray two-pas-engcr | passenger roadster pLI I All four of these ?? t lUine hand-buffed Lii ? y TJ Chandler sedan mJ n cars and found ~*"j m y are cf beautiful : ^ poi tant, they are jp-Jj ?* >lstcry is of silk jl i dull silver finish. |]~ 2 f striking appeal *lJ en car* risibility rj] 1 tidier tpH . li handler car, and J uality, is one of of the motor car 2TJ H - f Kl degree of satis- "JS y A andler car. ^ K i KM| jV I j -J