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Hn * i W i l< person a i. mention j i * * * 1 , Miss Lacey Jacksou spent Monday j in Marion. I jt Rufus Edwards of Sumter spout \ * several days in town last week. Forrest Taylor of Florence was a f business visitor here Friday. * Mr. and Mrs. James Hamer of Lake ! ^j^City spent Sunday in town. 1 i"** C. E. Taylor of Melrose, Va., spent I Saturday in town. < Miss Kittie Mae SnipeB of Clio was I in town Tuesday shopping. Isadore Blum is 8P'-ndlng the week in Newbern, N. C. t Mrs. W. Murchison and daughter . \ spent Tuesday in Lumberton. Mrs. Lizzie Mason spent Tuesday in Lumberton. Ringland Smith of Lake View was in town Monday. W. H. Walter of Columbia is visiting relatives in town this week. \ Dr. Leater of Lake View was in f town Monday. I O | Messrs. Ileedy and Woodley of Clio , were visitors to our town Sunday. I Miss Ruth Able left for her home ( in Norway last Friday. Misses Kdeu field and Harvey left lot their respective homes, Augusta, Ga., and Greenwood, S. C. yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McKe~zie ot Florence spent last Sunday i:?. 'Dido?! with relatives. *-? Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mineon of Fair / inont, N. C., were in town visitinv Sunday. Charlie Herring, a student at the 1 A. and M. College, Raleigh, is at ( home for the summer. t ??? 1 Thad Bethea of Hamlet spent Sunday in town with his mother, Mrs. ! Georgia Bethea. Mrs. Kate Beatty of Washington. | D. C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and ^ Mrs. I. C. Ingram. Mrs. B. F. Olive left Wednesday for Greenwood, S. C.. where she wdl make her future home. Mrs. Sallie Walters of Manning is ^ visiting her sister, Mrs. Lizzie Mason j this week. i Mrs. Louise Elt'enbein and little Bon of New York are visiting Mr. and 1 Mrs. Samuel Elfenbeln. 1 Mrs . Cliarlie Hayes and daughters, \ Misses Olive *fnd uud Bettie. spent < Tuesday in town. i J. Roneck of Fayetteville. N. C., < spent Sunday in town with Mr. and ] Mrs. I. Blum. Mrs. Susie White of Fairmont, N. ] C., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. ] L. Whitfield last week. I M. S. Goldstein of Baltimore, Md,t . spent Sunday and Monday in town ( with Mr. and Mrs. I. Blum. , Charlie Stackhouse of High Point ' spent several days this week with relatives in and near Dillon. Miss Lillian Bethea of Latta spent several days last week in town with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bethea of HamRlet spent the week end in town with _ Mrs. Georgia Bethea. Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Daniels spent ' Sunday in town with Mrs. E. R. H-.uner. Mrs. A. B. Wel?h and Miss Nell Smith motored to McColl Sundav af ternoon. Mrs. L. E. Johnson of Allendale has returned home after spending some time with her daughter, Miss Florlde Johnson. Dr. J. T. Henderson of Knoxville, Tonn-, will address the laymen at the First Baptist church Sunday night at 8 o'clock. The public is invited. Regular meeting of Dillon Lodge No. 54 K. of P. on Thursday nighi May 26th. All members urged to be present. C. S. Herring, C. C. Capt. Jones Is still after the speedsters, having brought several local Oldfields before Mayor McLaurin in the last few days. Capt. Jones is also enforcing the law against grazing cows on the streets and warns everybody not to stake cows on any of the town's streets. Mrs. J. E. Diebler entertained the "Women's Club," on last Monday af ternoon. The hall, living room and dining room were profusely decorated in the many delicate shades of sweet peas and added much to the lovliness h^ w of the home. Ten tables were arranc* ed for "rook," after which cream and fruit cake were served by the hostcss, assisted by Mrs. Jack Watson. Refreshing punch was served all during the afternoon. STOLEN?From my Stable** in Dillon horse, color red, white feet, short tall. Reward for information. Henry Munnerlin?5 26 ltp. I ! iwrii iii IIWII H i Mrs. Wm. Murchison delightfully entertained the "Bridge Club" on last Wednesday afternoon. The living and dining rooms were thrown enj suite and were lovely in their deco-] rations of sweet peas. After several i hands of bridge were enjoyed, a de-| lightful frozen salad course was serv-j ?d by Mrs. Murchison assisted byj Miss Mary Murchison. Mrs. Annie Hill and daughter of Greenville spent several days last sveek visiting friends and relatives in' and near Dillon. Mrs. Hill is a for-j mer resident of this section, being a; lister of Rev. J. A. Campbell, former j pastor of the Little Rock Methodist | :hurch, but this is the first visit sh** had made to her old home In 25 rears. ?o? Senator Bethea of Minturn was ini lown Monday. Senator Bethea is very! nuch interested in the co-operative1 narketing plans which are being launched all over the state. He be-1 leves if the farmers can be induced1 o market their crops, particularly! :otton. under the same planB used by! the fruit growers of California thatj jetter prices would be obtained for j arhat we produce. A good argument 1 n favor of the California plan of co-' jperative marketing is that Califorlia frillt hna n of or?l ' *.%.W MVV uvvuiit'U 1 Li pi IUV, jut is in strong demand at war-time prices. The California plan has been n operation several years and grows n popularity. President Hamer of! die S. C. Cotton Association is pushng the co-operative marketing plan [or cotton growers and hopes to get t in operation by the time the next ?rop is ready for the marketFrank Daniels of Florence spent sundav in the city. Mr. Daniels says be Florence folk are very much in;erested in the new bridge over Big Fee Deo and aiv awaiting developments with no little concern. Sen'i-. ment in Florence is divided as to the proper location of the bridge. Inis-! much as the contract had been given [or the Wiggins Landing crossing the Florence folk had built a good road to Winona and had made their plans to carry it on to Wiggins Landing to connect up with the bridge road.' Since the controversy has arisen as to lie location, work on the Florence oad has been suspended. Mr. Daniels 33ys Florence wants the bridge regardless of where It crosses the river. \ Florence company has been formed .o build a number of cottages at Myrtle Beach and if the bridge is noi pu'ilt the plans of the Florence people will have to be abandoned. o RACES NEXT WEDNESDAY. 1 I The Dillon Driving Association j will hold the first races of the season ! it the Fair Ground Track next Wedaesday afternoon. The races will bo :alled promptly at 2:30 o'clock. There will be between 40 and 50 horses entered at this meet and the patrons of thc track are looking forward to some interesting sport. Professional trainers have had the hors?s in charge for the past several tnonths and the animals are said to !>e in the pink of condition. The itables at the track have been full of liorses for the past several weeks' and owners are herc with them. Mosti pf the horses entered at *ext Wed-, aesday's meet are owned by local j horsemen, but there will be entries from other sections. Many of the horses that will work, at next Wednesday's meet have been filtered in the big circuit racos an<l ( ivill be shipped away as soon as the races are over. rsHannnDsnn KNOWS AUTO See Him At M I Tip-To; I Have you tried I try it, and see how U _ -VI Lue wun it. tresh e DILLON IMPORTANT CHA The Atlantic Coast L Monday, May 23rd, their to Limited," will leave Dill 9.20 P. M., as at present, at 8:35 A. M., instead of < at 2:40 P. M.f instead of 3 As No. 82 will pass 1 earlier than at present, this the traveling public will nr Attention is also espe No. 82 will arrive at Wash phi a, New York and all in it stops, about one hour e; schedules. Another change wh the same time will be in N< will r\ ' r r\ T~> Af L ~ ..... .VUT V y. IU X . 1*1. I1IMI present. J. L. BRID( Student Social Affairs. | Friday evening the Christian En doavorers entertained at a proxies sive party, for the tenth and eleven'I grades. They all gathered at Rev. Mr Chandler's home at eight o'clock an< went from there in automobiles firs' to Dr. Craig's residence. wherc the., were delightfully entertained with music. Delicious punch was served. The house was appropriately ed, the punch bowl being surrounded by a mass of lovely nasturtiums. Next they went to Mr. L. A. TatUtil's where they spent another pleas ant hour. Beautiful potted plants were to be seen every where. Tea and sandwiches were served there by little Misses Mary and Elizabeth McLaurin. About ten o'clock the party left for the ho rate of Mr. D. A. McCallum, where young folks are always pleasantly entertained. They all enjoyed themselves in progressive conversa tion. Block cream and pound cake was served. Lastly they went to Dr. Stackhouse's residence wheiv all joined in toasting marsh mallows. The boys at Mr. Chandler's suggestion, pave some splendid yells for Misses Richards, Itast, Wardlaw and Riddle. The very deliphtful eveninp ended by all gathering around the piano and joining in some good old time songs. On last Monday evening at the school auditorium the members of the ninth, tenth and eleventh pr.ules entertained about TOO people with a plav eutitled "A College Town. ' The characters were assigned, and the play was enjoyed by ev* ry one. o Mrs, lialford Kxprcted for \i?i'. Greenwood Index. Mrs. Jaiuo<; G. Halford, of Dill* i js. C., is exnectejl to \ i>!t Mrs. T;iy!<>Goodwvn in a few days. Mr- lialford will be remembered ;;s Mi Ann'I". Crouch of Johnston, s. li n visited here o.i nunterotiH occaslot when she made many fr nds win will be delighted to see l?- a--i n She is a graduate of Conve. -e Col lege and later pursued he" nidi a> Columbia University. IDt nia-riage to Dr. Halford catne as a -ur prise to her many friends, who wi for both her and I)r. Halford a Ion. and very happy life. Sale of l'ii?e Race Hor>e*?. At the race track next Wednesday I will offer for sale four young racing horses. 1 am leaving after the Dillon races for Ohio and other points and '*ave too many horses on hand. I cannot conveniently carry them all and I must dispose of some of them. The ones I am offering fui sale are young and are good pros pects. They can be seen at the track any day before the races. They will be sold to the highest bidder, regard less of cost. 5 26 It. J. H. JORDAN*. FOR RENT ? Three Unfurnisliet rooms for light housekeeping Light and water. E. T. Elliott, Jr 5 26 It. CREDITOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified a.s executor o the estate of Joseph J. Hayes, dececis ed, notice is hereby given that al persons holding claims against th? estate are hereby notified to prosen same duly authenticated within th< lime t>iuviut*u oy iaw or tms notice will be plead in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to th0 ^aid estate are hereby notified to niak< immediate payment to the undersign ed executor. L. F. Johnson. 5 26 3t. Executor. GENERATORS Joore's Garage p Bread 1 it? If you have not, well pleased you will very morning at the MARKET NGE IN SCHEDULES ine announces that effective train No. 82, the "Pal me t011 at 8:52 P. M. instead of and arrive at Washington >130 A. M., and New York :3c P. M. Dillon twenty eight minutes notice is given in order that >t be inconvenienced. cially called to the fact that ington, Baltimore, Philadelitcrmediatc points, at which irlier than under present ich will become effective o. 78 for Fayetteville which ad of 8:50 P. M., as at jERS, Ticket Agent. Races! Bac May 3( Races Called Prot I There are about 30 quartered at the Fair Gn afternoon of real good, c tome m Oil oh I There are horses he 1 Darlington. Florence, Mar Minturn, and other towns B The best field of horse in South Carolina will tu 8 the 30th. We will have the folic I $2.30 Trot, purs I 2.30 Pace,, purs | 2.16 Trot, purs -1 Free-For-All Tro ; _____ The Rules of the Ur of which we are membei Five to enter and fo \ per cent of purses and i ners. i The races will be ra 1 plan as provided by the I ting Association, and pai< I of each heat. Entries close Sai l ! 3 o'clock, May the \ Right reserved to ca or failure of any class t< A. P. BE I Secretary MM?????? es! Races! X 1921 nptly at 2 o'clock head of horses already ounds, and if you want an lean sport. 3U. Uffci-L I W list JUUI" I re from North Carolina, I ion, Mullins, Little Rock, :s that ever faced a starter irn for the word "go" on I >wing classes: , e - $150.00 e - 150.00 e - 150.00 t or Pace, Purse $150.00 lion Trotting Association, ~s, will govern. ur to start; entrance fee lothing from money winced under the three-hpat rules of the Union Trot- I i as they finish at the end I j 1 \urday afternoon at I 28th. 11 11 off on account of rain 11 3 fill. If 51THEA, | of Races. H