University of South Carolina Libraries
B LIGHTHOUSES FOR THE BLIND. [ Atlanta, Ga., May 21?In the State !i of North Carolina live 1563 of 57,-ji 272 blind people of the United States, j' according to figures given out by the 11 B* Southern headquarters of the com- 1 mittee for lighthouses for the blind | here. North Carolina ranks fifteenth i 1 P. among the 4 9 States listed according|< to blind persons per 100,000 popula- 1 tion and of the above mimhw li fare white and 623 negroes; 929 of'i the whites are native born and 2 J t -^foreign born. The statistics show;< <VAt there are now 275 blind persons[l ^^ eing cared for in North Carolina < ^institutions. t The cotnnilttee for lighthouses for t the blind of which President Warren t G. Harding is honorary chairman, t was founded in New York 15-years > ago by Miss Winifred Holt. Several it "lighthouses" as they are called ?j places of instruction for blind per-1 f (tone to nnnhlo tlin?n trv If supporting and to provide broader and more renumerative fields of labor?were established at that time under Miss Holt's direction. They proved so successful that now lighthouses are functioning in Italy and France. PlanR are now under way for extending the United States so that blind people everywhere will be assisted. Sponsored and supported by souie of the greatest national lights in finance, industry and politics, tbe committee is about to launch an American appeal for $2,000,000 with which) to broaden and extend the scope of It3 work at home. Contributions niny. be addressed to Lewis L. Clarke, | Treasurer, Committee for Llghthous-j e.i for the Blind, 111 East Fifty-( ninth Street, New York City. ! Among other interesting data con-, tained in the committee's statement regarding the blind is the fact that of 29,242 cases investigated in this country, 1900 of that number .ere born without siplit nn,l IIipsp 700 were the offspring of parents who wedded first cousins. Of the total ! < blind population in America. 797fi^ ? are earning their own living; 6783 ; are white and 1103 negroes. The ; above figures include all sightless t persons actually making their own ( way independent of others, whose vo- ( cations vary from that of agricultur- 5 alist to store clerk and clergyman. . o PUBLISH SLACKER 1 LISTS, SAYS LEGIOX ( tuen wiio soncd Honoramy willing to Undergo Tempoi^ary Fmbarassracut Indianapolis, Ind., May 22?Assur- 1 an'ces are coming into national headquarters of the American Degion ' from members in all parts of the 1 country that even though their names ! have been erroneously included on lists of draft deserters they are willing to endure this temporary embar- 1 rassment in order that the real slack- ' ers may be held up to permanent shame. In some localities legion posts are checking the lists befor e publication. Relative to errors that have crept into the slacker lists, National Com- t mander F. W. Galbraith. Jr., said: "The Amcriran T.ecrinn vr\ ran son to regret the issuanoc and pub- J lication of the draft deserters lists, i Tha t publication has shown there are so many errors in thcse lists is inevitable in the handling of oiv hundred and sixty thousand names. SSSBSSilllSISS a gg Safe Deposit B | Thousa a DOLL 1 S TO a 3 EACH j ? HI rr^he only safe plac< '? ey an(* valuable ? Where it can't be ST< ? LOST. S When you keep vali S) your house, you take ? ous about them all the 41 Put your money in ? get it at any time anc jU when you sleep. B ? x . g] We invite your pat] ? FIRQT NATin "02, [+1 * AAtl^ 1 HiliAiV/ g] DILLON, Sou IS National Bank Pro IS Savi; a is ffl s? is is is si is a i TH1 "Many of the men embarrassed by the erroneous inclusion of their names are ex-service men and legion members with honorable records, rheir embarrassment has been but temporary, however, as the errors nave been quickly righted. "Friends, relatives and neighbors know who served and who did not ;erve their country and newspapers nave quickly made amends for unintentional injury at the hands of the government. Legion posts throughout the country stand ready to assist in J 'learing up any confusion. It has not >een a source of bitterneso to vet-' f n hn tnninnt-orilt' ^.1 o ! he slackers. At most it has been an ' innoying experience. The bitterness,! he anger end shame are felt only by he real slackers, the men whose tames are on the lists and will stay | here. "I believe that nine out of ten ex-! service men are willing to be slightly) md temporarily embarrassed if they, eel that the slackers of the country ire. at the same time, b'ing rightful-! y and permanently embarrassed, the J nore quickly since errors are being' tuickly cleared up by individuals an<li >y the American Legion and similar, organizations. "As a matter of fact, publication if these lists gives the opportunity! of forever clearing the names of the; nen who served, which otherwise night through error be stained-1 Newspapers are doing a patriotic ser-! ice in printing the lists, for it is of. .he utmost importance that the records be immediately and finally leared. Evten though unavoidable er-1 ors occur, the American Legion is' 'irm in hplipvinr thai t Vi ? slnrlrrr lisle: uust receive the full light of publicity. Only through publication can :hc innocent be completely and finaly vindicated." o Special Services at Oakland. Editor Herald:?Please say in this week's issue of Tho Herald that there will be special service in Oakland Methodist church next Sunday, the 2f)ih instant ond we are expecting it lO be a day of special interest to tho ongregation and their friends. Tho lav is our Sunday School Day- A special program is being prepared ind a feature of it is that Mrs. J. N. Hargrove of Dillon, is to make an ad^ nv-ir,l- Ar ?u. Jicaa uu nit' IUIMU, i lit4 xuan ui i ii?j Sunday School." The public is coriiallv invited. E. Z. James. o DOCTOR HAS CLOSE CALL Lumberton Robesonian. Dr. G- M. Pate of Rnynham had a close call yesterday afternoon when somebody shot a bullet through the ?lass in an Overland coupe in which be was riding. The glass was broken near Dr. Pate's head. He was riding along a road near Raynham and the shot was fired from the woods. He has no idea who fired the shot. THE ANSWER IS EASY Why are so many people coming to us for Business Training? They receive the RIGHT KIND OF INSTRUCTION from the right kind of instructors. What pleases them will idease you. Try it. All regular courses taught by mall also. 1?RAl'CiHO.VS BUSINESS COLLEGE Phone 951 Columbia, S. C. Win. Lykes, Jr. F. W. Lykes s?????????^ s oxes For Rent gg nds of | :ars i LEN 1 ? YEAR ? ? a i to keep your mon- S ;s is in a BANK, g] OLEN, BURNED or a a uables and money in ? a big risk and nerv- ? ; time. ? our bank, you can ? iyou will feel easy ? ? ?? m si ronage, g NAL BANK 1 ith Carolina gj tection For Your HI ngs B B SSBSSSBBSB5 ^>5K>^T!erald? WANT COLUMN^ MIC. FAJtMUK?Use a nurabeivd order book for writing your orders to merchants. It leaves you a perI mancnt record and it is easy to i cheek up your account with the merchant, A safe and economical way of handling your farm affairs. They can be carried in the vest ] pocket. The cost is small. For sale 1 at The Herald Office.? 5 5. __ 1 (1GU lias more imitations than any', other Fever Tonic on the market,1; hut no one wants Imitations. ?! ?3 12 20t. TYPFAVUITKR KIRUOXS ? Staflord's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 FOR SALE?10O Gtishcls of Golden! Dent Seed Corn, $2 per bushel in! ear. Free from weevils. Best corn ^ for late planting. II. C. Stanton, Dillon, S. C., R. 3?4 7 tf We are proml of (ho confidence doc- ~ tors, druggists and the public hnv? ' in Odd Chill and Fever Tonic. ? 3 12 20t. Rub-My-Tism is a powerful antiseptic. Cures infected cuts, old sores, etc 5 12 201. NOTICE?I AM AGENT FOR THK ^ Florence Steam Laundry and will receive and deliver all laundries as promptly as possible. Palace Mar| ket. CROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES 1 titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald | I office.?3 24. TYPEWRITER RIIIRONS ? Stafford's superfine ribbons for Smith! i and Underwood typewriters. Heri aid Publishing Co.?3 24 I I "As in tho greatest cities so his own home town?the U. Tire user gets fresh, hvo tir of currant production." THE U. S. CP A.IN TR1 One* of tin* ic i *f inch i be said that tliey iienv"?- ccc year in and year out and t:re afi The U. S. Chain Tread sufficient traction on all or read surfaces. It is p-robab i be '.sotr.est, and l It I-utmc i it?, lu.c. j| 1 IF 3Tou co owners ; i find that the much the sj Most of t at ' job lots "surplus sto all settled t one sound a As soon price tag, ai concentrai sized stock what it mej ?-?not once Not mer< hi? own ho Uni Unite I><'Kers Motors Cump Dillon, S. C. 'I lio I<'loy<l Company, I loyd Dale. a. C. wmmmwmmim MK. FARMER?I've a numliered order book for writing your orders to merchants. It leaven you a per-J tnanent record and it is easy to I check up your account with the! merchant. A safe and economical way of handling your fa mi affairs.; They can be carried in the vest pocket. The cost is small. For sale at The Herald Office.? a Kub-My-Tisin is a great i ain killer. Relieves pain an?l soreness, Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Sprains, |-;t?.? 5 12 2Ut. tilt. FAltMDtt?I'se a nnnibered order book for writing your orders to merchants. It lenvpc vmi -i i.?r. mancnt record and it is easy to check up your account with tin' merchant. A safe and economical' way of handling your farm affairs. They can be carried in the vest. pocket. The cost is siuail. For sale at The Herald Office.? 5 5. ___________________ \ ANTED TO KENT STORE HIT ED-; ing in Dillon. Rent must be reus-. onable. Answer Rox 25."?!i 12 f>t.' I ?0(i (Aires Malaria. Chills and Fever, llilimis fever, Colds and Eu(*iippefi or money refunded.'?t 2 2<K. 1 iflfl quickly ii'Ucvcs Constipation, biliousness, loss of Appetite and Headaches, due to Torpid Elver. ?."> 12 20t, iVANTED ?COVNTRY PEOPEE TO TRY OCR 75c. MEAE8. PALMETTO CAFE, NEXT TO 1IEKAEIC OFFICE?.tf. A ANTED ? To save you money on your next winter's coal. Coal is bound to po higher in price and! will be hard to get. With the rail- i road strik,. in prospect, it may be impossible to p<>t if later at any| price. We handle tho very best glades? of Do nestle Coal. No slate, and deliver 20 0 pounds to tlv ton. Place your order with us today. Phones 14, 3 8 or 115. \Y. K. Caldwell & Son?4 21 tf. t33B3< f crtire. v "' AV^' ; iomy rid? uld get together all tl - car you know, you'd probably iir lire experiences had been ime. :hem have taken their fling "discontinued lines*' and cks." Soon or late, nearly )ack on quality fu-*? as the ssurance of tire value. * * * as a man forgets the cutnd comes to the dealer who fes on a full, comnietelv , z J of U. S. Tires?he ler.rns ans to get fresh, live tires in a while but every time. iXy in the big cities, but in me town. c! ^ ? d States ||| tiny, I . 11 gcra, Ink, S. (\ I). J. I**. Hamer, 9. O. MONUMENTS?Wo are builders and'1 erectors of high prude monuments. All work of tiie best materia! and fully guaranteed. Prices reasonable. See us before placing your order. Eumberton Marble Works, J. Tf. Floyd. Prop., Lumberton, N. C.?2 24 52t. | COLUMBIA SUPPL' 823 W. Gervais St., 8 WE HAVE S 1 Manufacturing ?l and can now fill you] | for any qi !Remem W7 /I O f? \i * r 4-1%^. l-v ^v^.A- I ? ? Iv v c Ucin y LI IU UtJbl lint? ( and Vegetables. Also, market prices for conn PHONE 5! C. SAL ( b i <y / -^r sxfnf} $3 *,, b i "~**?*) < ;'t'*] ? I * " * ft ' 'i "!n*< ? -* x7 / je' "*' 1 f1 r ? v .- > ! '- S v> ij~-~? ?* & ?v. ^ r t Ni l merely fur the . y cai the medium ar.d light-v.-eight fuil selection of size, tread and + * * Your U. S. Tire dealer can th;s service because or the se pets from his neighboring U.S. Branch. There are 92 of these E Each gets its share of U. S. ' that the dealer is always suppi fresh, live stock. U.S. Tires sell as fast as they a There is no over production, plus piled up waiting for a "m, Wherever you buy a U. S you buy a lire of current proc as full of life and value as th left the makers. ^ ^1ir? mra ai^ sir Rubber Oomj J. C. Covington & Co Iiulson, S. C. H.iycs Jirothcrs, l*iko Vii'w, S. C. S:ni;h (irocci'y Compn I.atta, S. C. WANTED?Everybody to know that I now have a full line of machinery and that I am in a better position to give quick service than I havo ever been. All work guaranteed. Electric Shoe Shop over Dillon Hotel. \V. R. Suininerall, Frop.? 1 20 tf. Attention C?ami?ei's and Con tract otls. Von vv> probably plan* ii'iig to tuke a campglt sorr. in which case ?<" you should have a first class new Wall T? nt. shown by cut. * r?v<- : <>>? T? nt y Y/* loot 4 inohos of 10 oz. ^ tonal for ?> $21.50, o: 12 oz. 'I"samp" matoiial for $25 50. if COMPANY, Columbia, S. C. 1TARTED I g Ice Cream I r orders promptly r lantity. I / > f> i t/tl . ^ jf Groceries, Fruits Jg we pay the highest try produce. r 8 or 8b it EEBY I $BS-^R'S596SSSHEBBeBME ^1 sM^\ \ ------ Nta si ? i very ?ect:or how it r FJ I i icu finely ?'<-r ta I iive I*. i>. Ti.'ws. ' |3, i : i p h i . r*t _ ? ? 'v.-'' ^ r. I lit for ^ j : car?a jfj | type. I i Rive you rvice he j Factory l ranches. Tires, so ^ lied with ! re made. No surarket." !. Tire? faction, ie day it 3 any 1- J