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' r* K ^ Music By Wii<elcsj Following is from the Monro'?1 Journal: I Stettted In her own home, Mrs. Frvln Stack Sunday evening heard the rendition of a violin solo, "The j Beautiful Use of Somewhere," in Pittsburg, over a thousand miles J ?* ?%?.? nu vxit>u 111V I VVVI* CI XJt win less telephone outfit installed by Mr. Stack, who is a skilled electrician. She says she could not have heard the quivering notes from the violin any bettor had she been seated in theaudience at Pittsburg. Mr. Stack's wonderful instrument has not been completed, but when adjustments are made, and the delicate receiver is tuned to other outfits over the country, he believes that he will be able to hear distinctly bands playing on ships at sea. distress signals and news events as they are flashed over the country. A Charlotte man .who has a similar outfit, reported to Mr. Stack that h?* heard a sermon delivered at the! Pittsburg radio station and a song, "Where Is My Wandering Boy To-1 night," Sunday. c Chester News. That the surgeon Is subjected to a ! deadly peril every time lie performs j an operation involving the use of i the knife on infected tissue was il-j lustratcd again this week in Philadelphia by the death of Dr. Pierre X. j Bergeron. Two weeks ago. while making an incision i 11 the side of a: patient in order to establish drainage; for pus collected around ihe lung.' the doctor inflicted on one of his' own fingers a slight puncture. Fully! realizing the serious consequences, that oft An follow such an accident, the doctor said, "This is the la?t of me!" but. n.? i- the heroic custom of. liis profession in such circumstances.' ho went on and completed tlio op> ration before lie gave attention to his own wound. It was this delay, presumably that cost him his life for it is something I more than possible that instant and vigorous treatment with scalpel and antiseptics would have saved him. i In this satne way, a few years ago, died l)r. A. T. Bristow, an eminent and well known Brooklyn surgeon, for though his big brother surgeons made a desperate fight in his behalf ( and used all the resources of their; science, it was in vain?as Dr. Bris-! tow, from the beginning, had prophe 1 sied that it would be. Many similar cases are recorded ; in medical history, and in most of) them there is a nai-f nf tlip rp?r>r>r:t > the statement that not until the intended work for th<> patient had been! done did the surgeon attempt to protect himself from the effects of infection thus received. o THE tA>W COST OF ADVERTISING SPACE Few advertising men know that; S ? BB IS IS IS IS SI ? 1 3 pj Overhead experts expense. Old system 151 m ? One-third of the ? have thrown away tl 53 the end of the year i H _ . ^ " "'-'C-I. -.UMC [ j ? a F 1 ffl L W - - I - ffl H 51 ^=i!== ? = ?"= 51 y^I==". rljli ? - - ? 51 5) LEDGER LE 51 Double or single ent 5] nmns. Machine ruled o ? ledger paper. Standard nil thp timr? Sn^piol tr short notice. B ? Grows in poula IS the month your sta [g daily use throughou [ ! put them up in all s gg ing. They drop back We are not beg every particular. T< traveling auditor fc BC simpler and more a< ftj We have specia r^j and machinery use< g of the big city mai a a a Don't send ; aaaaaaaaaaa THE DILLON HI 'advertising space in newspapers is | by far the economical way to reach the consumer. It is a fact and the only reason that advertising was ever created was because wise and shrewd business men learned that they could buy white space in publications at a minimum cost and because of the( message they would put into tliatj space they could make a profit on the transaction and make the adver I rm hO SMil w ill u Ml!!*! THe p: ?mM ? v 31 M.-?ct five-pa mm 1 key - ? *' * -j the first ureal 'V ji i and many or 1 I- *Ja When you v once 2? a cat -rL?^:^ pcrs>or.a'..;y I r .>*>>$ Ri'?r in the 1 . 4 enthusia ;ic c *' | r or hantcai i Kach 1>m>: o .4 tiun lioiive. M 1*1 . . {v v v * 1 P".? smrtt^n p ij acr.v.'k'cd v . C- w the Glenhrod v fuel and uoke ; il *<; -* y FA1GEyfed -'v'vi * V."V<* v." - > -iOt2M?^WWC 5 m." ' - i-Wi'y fcp; -~ ?? * ' * **;?*'>. ' " ]<*- r?V* _.*&zsr-_i iasiuLUt S SI [8? IS SI EE? 0 111 >n nnniri in uuvni c is the canker worm thai gi s are costly. They.waste tint t cost of a ledger is in the bini ie cost of a ledger, in additic s buying new leaves at a mil l=!qm OL M|. I I?j 1 Hi; {iiiirt HI jjtiki W WES. I|| ry up to 12 col- E &II i extra heavy forms in stock rms ruled on rity every year. It is a great lements are ready to mail ou t the Carolinas and our cust izes, hound in Red Russian flat when open, giving a perl inners in the loose eaf line. V 11 us what your business is an r one of the largest.bonding :curate. 1 forms for farmers as well a I by other manufacturers. W ufacturer. HERALD PRINTERS four money away to distant c a a a? as as? sal KltALI), DILLON, SOUTH CAROLINA y I .tiding a real investment in produc-i jtion of sales and good will. In these days of high cost of white paper and printing the advertiser ; could not print a full page advertisejment and buy the white paper at the j small cost that the newspaper charges him for the complete page de. I livered into the home by invitation. (That is to say, the readers of this newspaper buy a paper because they **1 !? ill I jW'Tlrt^f T'a?rilWTWW??*ailnK%MTTB 11I il IWHM1W.1 t T-eeiuiiiiil Car in J? ? ' nctiori Withot \ '.xtrav>?.gance i>t'.r.T cr.-s arc u.n'i.stmt :ive and com le^ tc.o oi oriymai creations. And t cure between t?>e New Series ''G ?t< urs of the r?:ed* r> y*riccd field irs: I 1c ?r "Glenluoolr" you will rcct v. :.i; a very disti- and ihorether -i'.:tligrv . tried pr r, it is individual a G 1 rock ar.d your first impression w o: 'ens. You vt" cense a? once the e>- es that n:e"' y enter, ency o i S. C(lj CaC:I CtliCUeiC.: ^TaU*a oflVCj t* erf TTTtnr.rr is roor.* nppv;ct?*ed these da fit! - :t an . exttavr^.tnee. Not ti ik tier's san-fiction lies in his mode e; . DLT^OIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETR A) . 4/auitfvri ?' Kjf? V? C<r< ??.! KImsr Tnuit J. EAttLE BETHEA Dillon, S. vJ. "W" f ./fc ? Yi.r '?* ^?4^V>VVK-. - " a: &*&&&*??iit&d iu .z^rs-- ^ m r^fi Hvi nsi rsn rxi n^i rsn~/n nsn m L^J LZTJ C2U L5U L?J LTJ L5LI LSlXJ IXJ L?J f. i? i Ua4 naws at the vitals of every hu e and lose dollars that run ini THE LOOSE L [ling. When you open new boo in to ihe time lest in transfer tiimum of expense. JR DUPUCA OUR TIME SAVER time-saver. Ynil make nut t. No rush at the end of the omers tell us they would not cowhide back and corners, *ect writing surface. Ve have been putting up loose d let us design a system to suit companies ir. America. We gu s merchants, bankers and ma e employ the same skilled wo PUBLISHING RUl ities for the same class of wo S 00 51 IS 51 SI ffl 51 ? IS 51E V, THURSDAY, MORNING, MAY 2 Want to read it and because they ( know they get more for their mt?neyj at 2 or 3 cents than anything else, they could buy at that price. That is! what makes the advertising so val-; uable, provided they have the right j ntfessage, the right illustration and j the right merchandising plan back of the advertising. NewsiKiper advertising is by far! the most economical method to reach | the consumer. w nil jn&i-jca, I herein lies I 3 iienbrook" r yr\' jj )^ni7.e it at jjj|pfiijij* nd unique. H ill become 5 ^^31 1 power and 1 f the road. " "lis con vie- ! ys whrn it Km j ie least of HRfj 1 st bills for { o?JB ni?a-?y:szmxz-VJJS-a-m gr ,iv:* g n tw^NiT *S ssssfflSBsaisis? siness. The problem today is lo big sums. The modern syst EAF SYSTEM ks you throw away one-third ing accounts. A loose leaf led* TING LEDG This ledger will pay for itsi saved in three months. It c posite each ledger sheet an bill head perforated at one e bon sheet works between the second sheet. The items are the bill head and a copy is mi second sheet. At the end of 1 your statements are made ou ioav rmt ilin Kill * ?'' ? ? -- wmi iiiv uni ncdU AIIU lllii customer, keeping the secon the ledger until the account i saves one-third of your hook gives you a completer recor* hills from day to day as the i month. No delay in getting o do without them for many tii corduroy sides and strong m< leaf outfits for many years, i it. We offer you the services < arantee to give you a system 1 nufacturers. We have forms t rkmen.. We use the same ma COMPANY, D IERS rk. We can also give you close BfflfflfflfflSlfflSIBEiaBlE 0, 1021 IS YOUR HEAL' 6RADU Interesting Experience of a Tcxa: Women Knew About Car Much Sickne Navasota, Texas.?Mrs. W. M. Peden, of tms place, relates the following interest Ing account of how she recovered her strength, having realized that she was actually losing her health: "Health is the greatest thing in the world, and when you feel that gradually slipping away from you, you certainly ail up and take notice. That is what I did some time ago when 1 found myself in a very nervous, run-down condition ol health. I was so tired and felt so lifeless I could hardly go at all. "I was Just no account for work. 1 would get a bucket of water and would feel so weak I would have to set it down before I felt like I could lift it to the shelf. In this condition. oi course, to do even my housework was a task almost impossible to accomplish. "I was . . . nervous and easily upset. fxinsnmmrzimmmmrzir: ! Yes, and u i\ ii mscniN n> B. y B. AX DILLO Phone No. 241 i^i 1^1 i^i i^i i-^i i^i i^i rvi i^i ivT SUBSCRIBE TO 1 a a as? a a a a is a enure ? jhilj ri to get m aximum production em is of the cost of your ledger. Ii jer will last a life time and y elf in time BRBwl opordinary ^B|B nd. A car- ^ bill and a ^ carried to ade on the THE STE the month n , ... t, and you ,Bo?nd w'th il it to the a binding that d sheet in who wants the is paid. It tains a mechar work and ers and is bou cannot be beat of extra grade I tems are entered on your ledj ut on time. Hundreds of tl mes the cost. They cut book-k stal parts made of the very and we guarantee our books \ )f an expert accountant who v that will s ave time and mak hat suit every business. We i terial and our overhead expe illon, S. C. BINDERS i prices on lithographed, engr a is si si si mm is m bb eb fH AUY SLIPPING? 5 La-ay Wto Declarei That il dai They Would Bs Spared V. bs and Worry. I couldn't rest well at night and was . . just lifeless. "I heard of Cardui and after reading 1 i decided I had some female trouble that was pulling me down. I sent for Cardui i and began it . . ? > "In a very short while after I began ttie t Cardui Home Treatment I saw an imI provement and it wasn't long until I was . all right?good appetite, splendid rest, and much stronger so that I easily did my ( house work. s "Later I took a bottle of Cardui as a tonic. I can recommend Cardui and gladly do so, for if more women knew, it would save a great deal of wary and sickness." The enthusiastic praise of thousands ol other women who have found Cardu' helpful should convince you that it is worth trying. A!1 druggists sell it L Tf snrxiranr^nrinrxirsirxi r^n nn m )e do it well NO Fit ACT IRE IS SO SERIOUS that our welding cannot repair. This you can put down as a positive fact. \Ve arc prepared to mend any break, crack, chipping, or defect in any part ot your car, truck or machinery with our skilled welding process. TTTV A T nn J1W D/VJLI15 'N. S. C. East Main St. liim^itzjgjgjgjgj gjLa m HE HERALD $2.51 a a a ? a ? a ? ? ? a a? WM^Lil ffl i at a minimum of gj l?I Ill ID i three years you |g our only expense at gj - f? ~ ^ ELBACK LEDGER ^ Red Pigskin Leather ? g^] appels to the customer ^ best he can get. It con- g lism better than all oth- ^ nd with materials that en. It is strictly a binder gj ' ? rer, and at the end of m hcse ledgers are in keeping in half. We best aluminum cast- ^ - a a ^ to be first-class in g] vas for sixteen years ^ \ :e your book-work j=j/ lse the same presses IS nsc is less than that ? a a a a aved, or embossed work, a a is a a a a a a a a a