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NEW YORK'S NEW DRY LAW CAUSE OF MANY ALIBIS. New York, May 8?A policeman walked into a. saloon, approached a man standing near the lunch counter who was making peculiar motions with a bottle, and arrested him. "Your honor," said the prisoner in court, "that bottle did not belong to e. I saw it on the counter and I ^ picked it up. Just as I was in the act Al cf smelling it to see what was in it " x { tills man grabbed me." How He Smells. "If that is true, judge, this man smells with hig mouth," spoke up the officer. "When I arrested him he had ie mouth of the bottle halfway down his throat." That is one excuse. That is only a Bample of the alibis, excuses and ex-' ptanations that come from the hun-j '.t dreds of prisoners arrested under j New York's new dry statute. Several hundred prisoners are arranged be-| fere New York magistrates every j week for liquor violations. Each and every one has a brand-, new excuse- Some of them are star-j tlingly original, leading to the con-' elusion on the part of the judges tliat| the dry law is responsible for a great-, er variety of excuses than any other, law ever passed. "I never was more surprised in my . me: i cto not Know now that bot-; tie canie to be there," is a standard' excuse when there is 110 chance to frame-up another. For Heart Attacks. A bartender who was caught be-' hind the mahogany with a flask of whiskey in his hand told the court that the doctor had ordered him to always have whiskey by htm because he was subject to heart attacks. He ptoduced the doctor's certificate. "That seems to bc a complete defense," said Magistrate McGeehan.1 "hut I think I can see an epidcnih of % * heart disease among bartenders." ! Another barkeeper was in the back room. Ho had a bottle in one hand and a glass in the other. lie also said , he was a very sick man and had the booze 011 his doctor's order. The magistrate ruled that the glass spoil-1 ed the alibi and held the bartenderj for trial. A young man behind the bar of | his mother's -?aloon was arrested: when a cop found an oil can full of 1 whiskey on the bar. The boy dis-j claimed all knowledge oi it. His mother came to his rescue in court by swearing that the liquor vas used , to polish the brass rail. "That wins the brown derby," said j the magistrate. Her Alibi. I An Italian woman in the Bronyx, i arrested charged with the ownership! of 20 barrels of wine, is trying toj escape the responsibility by saying | that the wine was made by her hus-j band who died two years ago. He did not leave a will so the wine really ? - In a new si a . r! ' lOforlOcts t J c 1 IMPORTANT CHA Tlie Atlantic Coast L Monday, May 23rd, their to Limited," will leave Dill 9.20 P. M., as at present, at 8:35 A. M., instead of < at 2:40 P. M., instead of 3 As No. 82 will pass 1 earlier than at present, this the travelincr nuhlic will iu o A Attention is also espe No. 82 will arrive at Wash phia, New York and all ir it stops, about one hour c; schedules. Another change wh the same time will he in N< will leave 9:10 P. M. inste present. J. L. BRID < . ^ THE DILLON HER belongs to her children and not t herself. j An ice cream vendor was pushiu, hit, cart up a prominent street on day this week- Detective suspecte* that there wag a reason for his grow ing number of adult customers. The; found four quarts of whiskey on< three quarts of gin in the cart. I The peddler was dumfounded. H , swore that somebody must have pu I the liquor in the cart, which he let' in an alley at night. | "You had better sleep iu the alle; ;or take the cart to bed with you,' said tho judge. "The first thing yoi know these people who are so care less with their liquor will get yoi into trouble." | o SPEND MI LI TONS YEARLY. X K. Winters Tells Aiken Fanner: of Cost of Fertilizers. Aiken. May 5?At thP regulai monthly meeting of the Aiken Agri culture Club yesterday, Chief Agrin omist, N. E. Winters of Clemson Col lege, made an address on "Soil Man agement, Or Economical Crop Pro duction." to the large gathering ol farmers present. "South Carolin: spent in the last year more than om and a half million dollars for Kan sas hay and like products," said the speaker, "and fifty-three million dol lars for fertilizers, nearly onc-sixtl of the whole amount spent by tlu United States for fertilizers." Tin speaker stated that a bale of hay ir IIH .'I \? CSl VUSIS I lie Wit rid II'.. farmer $3.50. He claimed that thirt) million dollar? of the fifty-three toil lion spent last year for fertilizers 1>> our farmers went for nitrogen, am if they had crown velvet bean.-, vetel cowpea.s and other legumes tliej would l.ave gotten as much, if no mere, improvement en their lands II" deplored the fart that the count) ogent had been discontinued fo Aiken and gave out the fact tlia tlu average county ag^nt did more it one year at a cost of four cents poi annum to each farmer than any othei known investment the farmer eoult make, and that the agent's work foi ore year offset his salary for full) fifty years by the good hL? scattered o DARREN' ISLAND PUPILS SEE THEIR FIRST TREE? New York, May 1.?For the firs' time in their tender years many o: the 150 Barren Island school childrei who enjoyed an outing at Prospec Park, Brooklyn, beheld a close-up o trees and a bed of flowers. The sigh brought gl"e to the little folk, a l?rg? number of whom never before hat journeyed from the island. o Clifford MeLeod, cashier of th< (Union Bank end Trust Co.. of Laki View, was a visitor in town Monda; afternoon. ze package VMifi ^CIQARETTE^^ MANY smokers prefer it. They'II find that his compact package of ten Lucky Strike Cigarettes vill just suit them. Try them?dealers now :arry both sizes: 10 for 10 cts; 20 for 20 cts. It's Toasted NGEIN SCHEDULES ine announces that effective train No. 82, the "Palmet011 at 8:52 P. M. instead of and arrive at Washington 5:30 A. M., and New York 130 P. M. Dillon twenty eight minutes notice is given in order that )t be inconvenienced, cially called to the fact that ington, Baltimore, Philadelitermcdiate points, at which arlier than under present ich will become effective o. 78 for Fayetteville which :ad of 8:50 P. M., as at GERS, Ticket Agent. ^ w AL1>, DIIXON, SOUTH CAROLINA, o CLAIMS AUDITED AMI OFFERED j MAltCH 31, g Claim No. Claimant 0 817'- J. It. Watson, Treas. J 80 it. C. Moztngo SI J. Watson, Treas. y 82 J. It. Watson, Troas. 1 S3 J. it. Watson, Tivas. 84 j. it W -isom, Treas. e 85 J. It. Watson, Treas. t' SO J. H. Watson, Treas. t S7 J. It. Watson. Treas. j 88 J. It. Watson, Treas. y S9 J. it Watson, Tioas. 'i 90 J. !t. Watson, Treas. i !il J. It. Watson, Treas. -! 92 S. V. Lane. i 93 II. F. Cobb Furniture Co., I 9 1 J. C. Crawford 95 WL S. Grantham 9 6 llethea Lumber Co . 97 Dillon Machine Shop 98 s. F. Bailey * 99 W. B. Ford 8200 Moore Auto Sales I Ul J. C. Adams, Super. ; uz v. Lano 0?. C. T McDonald 04 Public Works Com. 05 Max Fnss 0 6 J. p. McCrackon 07 D. S. Alien T| OS Jno. P. \Vat?nn i 00 C. P. MoLood i 10 C. T. Lector -j 11 J. C. Davis i 12 Jno. p. McCraekon *; 12 Joe C. Davis 1, 14 T. P. Foro ' 16 Sam MoL'.uirin 5 17 C. S. P-tlma >i 10 Jno, I.. pot boa i ?o Sam M<*I aurin 21 J. P. MoCruek >n 22 C. P. '1-T.O' il r 22 J. li. Dun'ai> ami Son : I 2 t J P Price t 25 Win. Prick 20 v. W. Mel"n? I 27 W'nV r. Fvrtr - A Cocr-v. 11 Co. 2S Coo D 1' irnartl Co. 20 W. T Davis f ?n ,ii.i> emboli Da^ is t 11 \ t> t< .t,?? i 32 Viw 1 fivnoo'T roni-viny r F''rnitnvo Co.. [ ' n 1 T V a* . Vnnrhf 1 ?V. W. MrTnnop r no Fit'-', P: : t<ln\vr? Co. n,7 ^'1,0 aT'-T.i,i ?,8 r q foil,m, Sheriff. , no W. T. Tvnrlnll R2 1H T"n?1o','?'or?ri Tv-ervi ter Co J1 Co'o Pn'ntiup Co. > -12 Pnhlir Work Com. 1 n Sin, MoT oorln ( 1 Di'lon Mnol,ino Shop | f r Q-v-ohv Ji 4 6 .T p. TTnrrrrovo 17 "niro 1 "'n C?.,l/->5 t' 4 8 J. D. Hargrovc ?i 4 9 Wm. Uriels j 50 W. S. Grantham 51 J. C. Adams 52 J. F. Meares 53 J. C. Ailams 3 5 1 .1. C. Adams 3 55 Palmetto Hardware Co. r 56 J. C. Adams 57 W. J. Adams , 58 George L. Seals 59 Uraddy-Wheeler Company 60 J. C. Adams 61 Win. Rrick 62 Tile Dillon Hardware Co. 63 Palmetto Hardware Co. 64 J. C. George 65 W. J. Adams Company 66 Hayes Profilers ! 67 M. E. Hayes 68 Aloe Traywiek ! 69 Uraddy-Wheeler Co. iw j. v,. Aiianis 71 The Dillon Hardware Co. 72 Austern Western Company 73 J. C. Adams 74 McEaurin and Thompson 75 W. M. Allen 76 The Elfonbeln Co. 77 Palmetto Hardware Co. 78 Carolus George 81 .Tno. C. Hethea 80 Etta Sue Sellers 00 Etta Sue Sellers 01 J. C. Adams 02 I.. Cottingham 03 C. P. Hayes 04 P. A. George 05 W. C. Moore 06 Sam Mcl.a'irin 07 D. S. Allen OS S. W. Epps 00 S. W. Epps S30rt J. P. McCracken 01 J. H. MeCraoken i 02 .T. H. Edwards ; 03 C. S. Pethea i 04 J. C. Pet Ilea | 05 J. C. Davis | 06 J. C. Davis 07 J. C. Davis 08 J. C. Davis 09 C. P. MeEeod 10 ll. M. Moody 11 H. M. Moody 12 R. S. Rogers 13 C. T. Lester | 14 .Ino. R. Watson -1 15 J. C. Adams , >8316 W.D.Webster 17 Tracey E. Fore j 18 T. L. Fore , 10 F. Rogers 20 S. M. Rogers 21 L. B. Haselden 22 E. C. Allen 23 J. M. Hill 24 S. Horn 25 E. T. Avers 26 L. w. Melnnes 27 M. E. Hayes ; Z8 II. CUIUS 20 W. B. Allen 20 T. W. Bcthea 21 P. C. Henry 32 E. V. Moody 33 G. E. Ilasolclen 24 T. J. Bass 35 W. C. Bane ' 36 C. E. Taylor 37 J. D. Manning I 2 8 J. D. Ray 39 J. A. McLeod 40 W. W. Parham 41 A. L. Parham 4 2 Ervin Coward 43 Z. A. Ellen 44 L. B. Alford 4 5 W. S. Campbell 4 6 S. \V. Stephens 47 D. M. Watson 48 E. P. Wiggins THURSDAY, .MORMNf, MAY 10, 10 I'.UI) FOR tJl.UiTHK KM>l\(i 1021 Account of Ami. Allowed f? 'Ions Co: 1 $ 70.n0 l.iphts and < 28.50 Stumps nml Knvelope.s 22.0Freistht on Coal 211 *2 far load eoai 210.72 S-inkinc fuml 1" I'.n. patient o St a. to a-ylnm 12 ua Janitor's salary* Work on Typewriters by M? *. 7V..3?? Pliono i nt:* C. II. aril jiil IS.22 mL Il-.irh'os Hdp. by <1. H. llond 82 00 Janitor's salary C. 11. 22.<hi W. II. Phillips plumbing C I!. 30 "" Stamps 10 20 13.00 Cots for chain rantr 1920 32 00 Work on U. A. it. 1120 30.2-? Work on K. and 11. 102" 1". 7". Dumber for llridges 1120 135 S7 Repairs on road Maoli. V?20 2k.50 Work on R. and B. 1920 16.on Work on K. and R. 1 f?2f? "0.0" Repairs, ?as and oil 1920 117.77 Sal. Feb and Mch. 1 r?20 2 27 " Ilxpensr of prisoner 1120 12 c. 2 Deputy sheriff sal. D?c. 1*120 83.7 2 voter and ligltts Tier. 1:120 ' s Fuel for Court House 11'20 1 '-0 Jan. Sal. rural oolico 17 Jan. and Feb. salary 177 ? ' Ja*t. and Feb. salary 170. C-.l-.rv r*^.v??? F.i'a'v Fioputy Sheriff 232.22 Salary Jan. and Feb. 8'. Salary rural police 12.".00 I.unacy rural nolio? *al. Jan. and Feb. 2."".? ? Stnntps f, on S;1 la ry J nr. and T * !>. 3.o. 0 n Magistrate pal' ry 1920 100.00 S. lary Jar and Fob. 10".ni Salary ntr i polieo r.n no Salr.r nur 12" 00 l.s nib :* for ! i i?' ,?s 2 2.'0 P. a ' W:V 18.0.1 Mai 11 v- - tor a?l JO. P:. la rv i . i i>r: " 1' ' ' 1 Printhv for P. of C r.' "o Stationer: oourt house 8 1.11 f A' ; wb. at jail Tin ' f. i* r I'TV" o' .? s 120.0,1 t ' -1 i nldio 1 ullil up3 36.26 r?i- itM-" i". r jail r.T .7" v... rt|>hnn-s O.OO S;-1. and dhlinc prisoners 125 1" Pu-udrnvn for II. 21 00 r.'iTor.Jin : i?on<ls O.oo Expense rf prisoner 11 0 10 Fanper expense Typewriter C. II . 122.00 Hooks for Treas. offic0 11.57 Water and lights Jan. 26.10 Express nnd drayace 4.00 Tlepairs chain gang 101.2,0 Supplies for chain gang 10.2.0 Supplies for chain gang 41.00 Repair on inicks 120 57 Supplies for chain pang 51.75 Psots for chain gang 10.50 Work on roads 20.25 gasoline and repair on car 50.11 work on roads 6.25 E. D. Cox sal. guard 75.00 gasoline and oil for county 206.15 Supplies for chain gang 12,.fc:i Supplies for chain pang 22.00 provisions for chain gang 546.25 provisions for chain gang 1.00 Supplies for gang 27.4 5 F?'h. sal. c. gang guards 20 5.00 P. F. Gasque C mattress 16.50 Supplies for c. pang 72.70 Supplies for chain gang 4.75 r/\?i il tfnt'l.* In Tt'ii'lif 1 4*. 1 "III Provisions for chain pang -1'" road supplies in.TO work on road Ilillsboro 4.37 work on road Carinichaol S.<"?0 supplies for chain gang 22.4 1 supplies for drain gang 21").no supplies for chain gang 20.6') road machinery (plane) (54.."0 gasoline and repairs 7S.72 prov. for chain pang 4 12 l purveying and calculating 25.00 supplies for chain gang 2*? 1 ~i K. B. Cashwell wk on truck 66.50 load work in Kirby 176.12 Pal Clerk of Board 200.00 Pal. ITonie Dcm. Work 123.22 Pai. Home Deni. Work 133.2:', Men. salary Supervisor 125.<?0 Jan. and Feb. Commissioner 55.54 Jan. and Feb/. Sal. Com. 55.5 1 J Jan. and Feb/ Pal. Com. 5" "1 | C'umty Any. Salary 25.00 | March salary 58.3". March salary and stamps 03.4 5 Farm Deui. Wor!; Mch. 5s. 32 Farm D in. work Jan and F< b 116.66 March sal. rural police 75.00 March sal. rural police 50.00 March sal. Clerk 100.00 March sal. Sheriff 150.00 w. k. .McQueen janitor cai. no B. F. Gapr?uc Jan. sal. 22."it P. F. Casque sal. Feb. 22.50 R F. Casque sal. March 22.50 March Sal. 41.fir | March sal. County Nurs0 125.00 ( Feb. sal. Supt. Education 62.50 March sal. Supt. Education; Jan. and Feb. sal. Supt. Ed. 187.50 Vch. sal Deputy Sheriff 116.60 March salary and stamps 87.SI Jan. and Feb. sal. Super. 250.00 Magistrate, sal. Jan. and F<b. 27.30 Magistrate s?l. 1st- quarter 25.00 Constable 833 Magistrate 18.75 Constable 6.23 Magistrate sal. 1st. quarter 225.00 Magistrate sal. 1st. quarter 37.50 Constable sal. 1st. quarter 37.50 Magistrate sal. 1st. quarter 37.50 Equilization Board 2.00 Equilization Board 2 00 Equilization Board 2.00 Equilization Board 2.00, Equilization Board 2.00 Equilization Board 2.00' Equilization Board 2.00 Equilization Board 2.00 Equilization Board 2.00 Equilization Board 2.00. Equilization Board 2.00. Equilization Hoard 2.0ft Equilization Hoard 2.00 Equilization Hoard 2.0ft Equilization Hoard 2.0ft Equilization Hoard 2.0ft Equilization Hoard 2.0ft Equilization Board 2.00 Equilization Board 2.0ft Equllization Hoard 2.00 Equilization Board .2.00 Equllizatlon Hoard 2.00 Equilization Board 2.00 21. 41) J. A. McKae 'J J. 11. Dunlap and Soils ' 1 J. II. Dunlap ai.d Sous "2 II. lKinlup and Sons '! .) H. Dunlap and ??>r.s * I J. II. Dim lap ,tad Son.* a5 1). II. Ford " I M. II Ilium "7 N. \\\ Mclnnitt ' S W. M. Phillips *' Wall-'^r ! !).- $ Pofjwi II r > Wall., i f" \k\v-II Co I Jno. II. \V;>.l cn >2 ! N. \' in Voorliis Sou. Ib'll Telephone C<? ?> 1 Sou. r dl T'dej>lion< '"> Sou. Hell Telephone ?"> ' C. S. Tlclhcu '.7 Sam McLaurin >A L 1). HaM'ltli'ii ':? Palmetto !iai'dwuro Co. 7?? O. It. Little 71 .loo Crib. M Davis 7 - Th(. Ilorald Publishing C?>. 7 ". .loo Cabell Davis 7 Jn?. H. Wats-n Tiva*. 7 7 Public Wvrks Com. 7''. J. C. Adams 7 7 W. J. Adams Co. 7 ^ McLaurin & Thompson 7r? Lak>> Vb'\v Grocery Co. v,? 11 ra?'fly Wheeler Co. S3* I K. 1*. Smith S J C. W llass S:: V (I C.ranthnm "v. s4 Lake Yi< \\* (.irooorv Co v" 1. C. Oent uc ' 3 V". Fo-t r *7 W. A. niir/ard v s .lain 1). Morri-on '? Dillon Mael'no Shop ' Hop. S M Ml Or C t. 1 Carmi? ' .? '! V- od\ F C ' ' 1.. 11. Ml". d Pol r' C ? 11 vii nn t c ' r. r. i?. n i."tv ' .1.1'. 1' i rc > ov" ' J. C. A?l ? ; r?i\> rt Co. '] ? - . nt< .1' wn f> >? 1 ? ;ij .; :. ! .< \: J" wan air Tieas. Receipt Ti > a.;. Ren-ipi No. ." 2 2 Tteas. Receipt No. Licence TlX-an. Receipt No. Note. Warrants drawn f"r 1st. quarter 102 Rnlance on hand March 31. 10 21 The L-epislatnr0 appropriated > County for the year 1021. same to b Relow is statement showing appro expended first quarter nn4 balance Manning; Township Ib tliea Township Kiirlec&villo Carmichaol I lillsboro K i i by * "f ' * v v [ Tip-To I Have you tried 1 try it, and see how I be with it. Fresh < | DILLON No C S 11 A minnUh timr- remCITl I pi?Tc. I ^in movunmt in<l?(> yrnr an UCCli 1 TTiin finish Pp.. $17 50. ' ion Guor jnUtd tllHCpM ! V Our Catalog 21 offers a solu every gift problem. No mat occasion may be, or how mu< to invest you will find a sui of gift suggestions. Catalog mailed upon reqi Paul-Gale-Gree Largest Je C NORFOU Kquilization Board 2.00 Bijuilizatioii Board 2.00 Lumber for bridge 20.?2 Lumber for bridge 63.S 4 I.nnibt r lor bridge 7.40 Lumber lor bridge 12.81 inb< r for bridge 04.08 1. .! f ; b'i !tm 53.67 B is :oi build iugbrtdtro 14.00 l-ii 1 sal. and dieting pris. 78.20 Closet i'.>r 23.50 ." 'n >n< :> and printing 20.33 St." ?r< i\ and printing 4.27 J. L. Bil-'gers C. O 1)7 broken T pewri* -r for cert h. 21.95 P ' ji.ii- ' >r typewriters r. li. 9.21 I* '> j.h- in' lvum 21.75 V? !: pbonc rent 18.25 Apr. phono rents 21.90 Stamps 2.00 Stamps 3.50 .Voni y paid for burial of mule 5.00 J; '! upp'ie- 0.65 ?'opy of l*?21 "Ac" 1.57 Stomps, i tc. 3.72 S*atlonerv and office sum.lies f >r court bouse 263.57 i"- :d of Co. Com. 45.00 Int. on C. II. and .!; ;1 bo.yls 2005.00 Watei and light M< li 1921 29.77 S' pidi. f >- cbainr gang 281.01 I'lOV ii* - fni mill" f'-inc 1tJC C. ? ? <> - -.ii for chain "ni ' 2C1.27 Provisio f<?r rial", r n / 371.42 H"\ <i[ h, :i- fn: 1.30 *!< 1i-ii ! ?r convict . 5.05 ^ i : i-lin'n uanir 7.00 1 fi r cli'iia panir 4 4.02 i\ >f>ii 1 : :ir- 27.30 \ ... : ,] 1; iii.tV o-Kirby ISO.50 -,vn. 20.25 ! Mnnnipa '"Wit. 50.0'.' vl Hurb \ iown. 10.50 , ... 123.00 1 "5.1 7 20 -.0 : r<>: 1 " >r 22.50 . ,.i . . .1 Mtr 7S.f>0 H ' 1 50.20 r ; h r n? 22.50 1 ' 1 ; ' bain ? r, 21:2.2 ' 11 25 .' ! 1 F' " tl.l 2 150.00 1 a ul\' t 1 "07.32 '2S.500.34 1.552.72 $20.04 7.82 $ 375.00 1 0.00 1 Of 1.00 4 0 0.01 0.01' $40.4S5.0o $40.4 85.00 1 S 26.94 7.82 $26,947.82 $ 13,4 3 7.18 $13,437.18 1?".,000.00 for purpose* In Dillon prolan*! atunnir tin six townships, print inn f?>r ach township, amount April 1st. 1921: A pproprint inn # 4 *71.3 " Total warrants 12 17.6* L'r-lanoo SO 2 3.* 7 Appropt iat ion $3109.67 Total warrants 4?14.fl~ Pulanco $2734.42 Appro:Tint ion $220.3.09 To- I war* - 329.79 15 tlanee $1963.30 Appropriation $2202.02 ? Total warrants 1116.73 Bala not $1175.89 Aj1 propria' ion ? 24 8S.12 3 > lal wai r..:.!rf 10!) 1.15 Balance .< 40 6.97 Appropriation f S55.55 Total warrants .372.35 Balance ? 2S3.20 Respectfully submit tori. J 15. EDWARDS, Clerk. ?p Bread it? If you have not, well pleased you will Dvery morning at the MARKET I GRADUATION GIFTS? or The Sweet N'? r, s * knew >?" tiful, drtaihablc wrist irl Graduate w,-.t( h Klein mmrrwnt II in 20-yjr e uar antcrd rai1. iere is no more f'lA^ <"> *>> ?*?*? 928 oo: S?nu' n? above e*rept ppreciated handsomely engraved . ' , case. $29 09. i f t than a ainty wrist Iff l\U oy, no finer 1U| irate,mannish ition to your VLYJL& *l tor what the :h you intend rro x!i nwood Company welers South C, VIRGINIA " ''