University of South Carolina Libraries
JLattaN < : i ? V V'Ullll^ tllUl \IU1I1^? 5 W. G. Kirkland of Florence was i here Tuesday. f J. B. Ayers of Blenheim was here c Tuesday. r H. T. Hartley of Brownsville was 1 here Tuesday. f Mrs. J. A. Garner of Hamer is vis-if %? ? " ? * Aims uci uiunifi, mrs. niunun Alien, s Magistrate Joe M. Bass of Sellers J was here Wednesday. 1 J. K. Page of Sellers was here J Wednesday. I S. V. Lane of Dillon was here Wed ( nesday. C Eugene Vareeu of Marion was here : Wednesday. J. D. Coleman of Elberry was here i Wednesday. t J. C. Alford and brother of Floyd- 5 ale were here Thursday. li J. H. Manning and Frank Watklns q spent Thursday in Dillon. r Pratt Watson of Sellers was here s Thursday. t Eugene Berry of Elberry was here1 u Thursday. |q Mr. and Mrs. Trncey E. Fore of t Elberry were here Friday. D. G. Manship of Elberry was herejii Friday. j j D. G. Burden of Rowland was here.i spending the day Friday- !q Miss Florence Allen of Free State! p was here Saturday. jo F. B. Watson of Antioch was here S Saturday. I ? Bert McLaurin of Floydale was j here Saturday. R. B. Bethea of Smithboro waSj8 here Saturday. i ? Jas. L. Dew of Temperance was j p here Saturday. |a A. L. Parham of Mallory was here t ijai ui uaj . i ^ E. L. Powell of Dalcho was here Saturday. S. A. McMillan has gone to Greenville, S. C., for a few days. Remember the Miley-Hooker meet- f ing in Latta Presbyterian church on g the fifth Sabbath in May, 29th. c Mr. and Mrs. Ben Covington of Bennettsville are spending the week end with friends and relatives here. Messrs. W. D. Bethea, William Bailey and O. J. Zeigler motored to Darlington Tuesday. Mrs .Alice Smith of Birmingham, Ala., is visiting relatives and friends in this section. Mrs. A. S. Manning of Columbia is visiting her mother, Mrs. Marion Allen. J. J. Johnsonius of Columbia it? ber*> for n fpw rlovc n?ci?tin(r TTnt'f _ Watson in the insurance business. |y Mrs. C. E. Bethea and son William ,j of Wilmington. N. C.. are visiting Mrs. C. E. Manning and W. Ellis Be-'f theas families. I a Mrs. W. M. Monroe who has beenjt, spending some time with her broth-11 ers, F. M. and S. A. McMillan hasi(j returned to her home in Marion. j Mrs. E- B. Watson of Wilmington, y ^ N. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mar- t \ ion Allen, who is very sick at this s time. E Mrs. Adalaide McMillan of Marion \ is visiting her two sons and their e families here, S. A. and F. M. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Humphries a from the west side of Great Pee Deo *, spent Friday night with Mr. S. A. c McMillan, who is the brother of Mrs. j. Humphries. v \Vf? W coon n f r.tTT r\ f llir. aI/1 Pah .. c ... w ,. ? ....? j t federate veterans who attended thej(| Annual Memorial dinner at Marion ,1 on May the 10th, and they report ajfc bountiful dinner, and a fine tlm<% for t all who attended this delightful oc-';\ cosion. t o t Social Events in Lnttn. I Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Williams enter- ^ tained on Saturday night with a fish|( supper at their home on Marion Ave.;. Among the number enjoying this, delightful occasion was Mrs. Alice' Smith of Birmingham, who is Mrs. e Williams' aunt. r Miss Mary Dunn entertained a \ number of her little friends on the r afternoon of the 10th of May, with j ?. birthday party it being her tenth ] birthday. The dining room was taste- , fully decoratefl in wTiite and pink, <. the color scheme being carried out,'r also in the refreshments, consisting1, of ice cream, cakes and wafers. The], birthday cake was decorated with|. pink and white candles and each , guest was allowed to blow out a can- ( die and make a wish for Mary. Many ( and interesting were the games play- f ?d by the littFe folks on the lawn. ] Those enjoying this delightful occas- ( ion were: Misses Melva LeGette, Helen Tippett, Caroline B'ethea, Hazel and Doris Floyd Josephine Major, Vera Jenkins, Catherine Dunn, Mary Kate Fenegan, Carolyn Stafford, Albertine Mclntyre and Jewel Bethea. Mrs. J. O. Armstrong delightfully ? entertained the regular meeting of 1 the Bridge Club on Thursday after- f noon. The reception hall and living f room were artistically decorated ? f Dorothy Perkins roses being bounti- c fully used. The guests were received by the hostess and from a mound of roses in the rear, delicious iced punch i was served by Miss Susie Allen. Da'.n- r ty score cards representing small c pink roses were used. Four Interest- g ing rubbers were played and Mrs. \ D. B. Shine holding highest score was ii presented a beautiful box of pink Is L THE DILLON HI ews Deps Conducted by W. Ellis Beth< itationary. After cards were laid iside cones were placed and pink ind white tea napkins passed. Re'rochmonfe e U1 1" *vw..u.vmo VVHOIOUU^ KJL pill IV UlUCtk ream with angel cake ic^d in pink md white mints were served by the iostess assisted by Miss Allen. The quests had the pleasure of meeting or the first time Master J. O. Armstrong, Jr. Those present were: desdames W. D. Dethea, R. J. Dew, L. Watson. E. R. Ellerbe, D. B. >hine, D. C. Edwards, T. C. McGee, loyt Watson, M. E. McNair, Deans Grumpier, F. L. Carpenter and Miss )rmie Bethea. The Mother's Club was delightfuly entertained Thursday afternoon by he president of the organization, Jrs. J. J. Tolar, at her attractive lome here. The lower floor was ex[Uisitely arranged, Dorothy Perkins oses in profusion and silken rosehaded lights making a soft reflecion throughout the reception apartnent "The Inculcation of a Literary 'aste in the Child" was the theme of he Literary programme as arranged >y Mrs. F. L. Carpenter. Giving readngs and talks on this subject were: toadninp.q M AT MrT.pan .T V ATf )onald, T. C. McGee and R. J. Dew. 'hen followed a musical programme rePared by Mrs. W. D. Bethca and ffectively rendered by Mrs. W. J. lummerlin, Miss Teressa Dew, Mrs. ). G. Burden, Mrs. Deans Crumpler, Irs. Ada Edwards and Miss Mao Bery. At the conclusion the hostess asisted by Mrs. O. J. Fenegan, Misses telen Tippett and Mary Kate Fene:an, served tea with tomato, chicken nd pineapple sandwiches. About fory guests were present at this very uccessful meeting of the club. Entertain for Graduating Class. A very delightful party wan that pven at the home of Mr. W. L. Gaddy Saturday evening by Misses Emma salmon, Mary Henry and Hortense iiggs, in honcr of the graduating lass of 1921. The guests were met it the door by Misses Salmon and denry, while Miss Biggs ushered hem into the parlor. Here the tables md mantel were decorated with >e?.utlful baskets of sweet peas. In .ho reception hall also wero baskets ind vases of sweet peas the class lower. Three tables were arranged or the ever popular game of ro>?k. Hter several games had been played, t was found that Miss Flora Bethea vas the winner, and was presented vith a beautiful bouquet of sweet teas. The score cards also carried out he colors and flowers of the class. Refreshments consisting of pimento nd sandwiches with Ice tea followed iy home-made candy were served by he hostesses. Music was furnished uring the evening by Miss Dorothy togers. Those enjoying the party /ere: Misses Evelyn Stafford, Doro hy Rogers, Mae Braddy, Flora and adie Btethea, and Messrs William tailey, Jack Hammond, Duncan Dew, \ ade McMillan, Leroy Powell, Hubrt Stalvey and M. D. Biggs. All the other circles of the Wornn's Missionary Society of the Bapist church were invited to moot with ircle Xo. 4 at the home of Mrs. S. 1. Fenegan on Monday afternoon, rhose home was made bright and ativ. ctive for this happy oeasiort with nantities of Dorothy Perkin roses, .'hese were effectively arranged in iowls, vases and baskets and made lie rooms very attractive indeed. Jrs. Lawton Watson was leader for he afternoon and the following prorram was carried out: Prayer-Deader long, I Love to tell the story, Duet: very Palaces", Mosdamos Ada Edvards and Mrs. H. C. Dunn. Scvipure and a beautiful and inspiring alk by Mrs. Watson, on service. Clos. rig prayer by Mrs. II. C. Dunn. Afer the program a social hour was mjoyed and ic0 cream and cake were served by Mesdames M. Morton, J. J. rolar, E. J. Brown, L. C. Bass, and VIrs. Edwards, L. C. Bass, and Mrs. Edwards, Mistfes Allen and Bcthea. ifusic was furnished for this delightul occasion by Mrs. W. J. Summer in and Miss Teressa Dew. A cocoannt vas brought in and given Mrs. Wation by Mrs. Dunn. She cracked It ind found a message of greeting from ill the circles, telling her that while lome refreshments had been served she was invited into another room vhere she would be served again in lifferent style. There she found many Sifts of a personal na.are for hericlf, Mr. Watson and two children, [t is such a pleasure to have this investing family in our midst. o Vows Items of Interest in ami Around IilttA. The readers of The Herald will tote with regret that Dr. W. C. Klrknnd was called to the bedside of a lick brother in Savannah, Ga.. on lunday afternoon. Rev. S. J. Bethca 'tiled Dr. Kirkland's pulpit on Runlay evening at the Methodist church. Th'e1 game of ball between the Maron and Ratta teams Thursday afterloon on the Ratta diamond, showed nore practice than tho previous tames with Marion, though not so rell attended, and much less enthusasm. At the end of the ninth the core stood 5 to 2 In favor of Marion J !RALD, DILLON, SOUTH CAROLINA irtment. ?a i The many friends of Miss Aileen ! McMillan who has been teaching; , music in one of the Greenville schools, will be pleased to know that J she has received the appointment for' the "Fountain Bleau" scholarship to' | France- Miss McMillan will be gone across the Atlantic for about three I months, and will be due to leave this! 'country about June the 23rd, 1921. I Under the auspices of the Pee Dee I Chapter; United Daughters of the Confederacy, Memorial Day exercises were conducted at Magnolia ceme-. tery Tuesday afternoon. May 10th, at 5 o'clock. The following program was carried out, Mr. R. T. Fairey acting' as Master of ceremonies: Progi'am: Opening Prayer?Rev. Lawton Wat- 1 son. i Song?"Coronation". Address?Rev. E. C. Bailey. Decoration of Graves by Children. Song?"America." Benediction?Rev. E. C. Bailey. What a difference? People preaching the universal brotherhood of man, ' ..nd killing each other by the mil-1 |lions. Jesus preaching that some people are hogs, saying, "Do not cast, your pearl before swine". No won-1 dor there is some confusion in a con- j fused brain about some things! But' to the man who knows and wants to know the truth, it is all very plain; to such a man Christ told us what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears every day; but the universal ! brotherhood of man is a lie, and every thinking man knows it. However, we are all brothers in Adam, the first sinner, and the fact that crimes! stain the pages of history proves it. And there is a christian brotherhood; hut both are entirely different things. Can't you see it.? The biggest preacher in South Carolina will hold a week's protracted service the last Sunday in May at | the Presbyterian church, the fifth | Sunday. The Rev. Dr. Miley is a big man in body, big in mind, big in his [great heart. He writes us to invite the; other denominations to the service: because he is working primarily for the Kingdom of Christ which consists of all evangelical churches. In this service a Presbyterian will do: the preaching; Rev. Mr. Hooker, of the Methodist church will assist him 1 and lead the singing; and you will j hear some of the best prayers you | lover listened to by tho Baptist. If We, (had other churches tn our commun- . lity you would hear also from them.! i Dr. Miley not only draws a crowd I when he holds such services, but peo-( pic do not soon forget the wonderful impression he makes. Dr. Miley! is very busy. These services only last la few days. If you want to hear him, i leome at the beginning, as you may, not get a seat later in the week. The jSynod of South Carolina has paid Dr^ jMlley to come here. This is not a| [money meeting; not a Presbyterian' (meeting, but it is rendered in the! I name and for ihe sake of Christ's I j kingdom in the world. ; The readers of The Herald will be giieved to hear of the death of another little son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Brunson, who live near here. On Tuesday of last week, little Joe was! buried in thc Florence cemetery, and I at the same time a younger son who was very sick was taken to the Florence Infirmary and left with Dr. Mc,t.eod for treatment, but it was seen frotn the first that his case was hopeless, and on the following Wednesday [the younger child died, and was bur-i led beside his brother on Thursday,) this making two deaths in the same) family inside of a week. Mr. Brun-j ison who has been married twice, lost all his first children, there being four' ;of his first children and this one which has last died makes three of his last children, and seven In all. One of his children by his last marriage died a few years back with .whooping cough. Thoee who have lost! children by death know how to sym-1 jpathize with these parents who have' jbeen called on to drink this bitter) cup. ! For some time the Town Council lias been been certain that a great' jdeal of "Monkey Rum" was being' .brought into thb town and being soldi j especially wag it so on Saturday. And1 now and then wc had good reason I ? Koiipvn that not. only "Monkey ! i Rum" was being dispensed, but fine: whiskey as well; so on last Thurs-j I day night Deputy John McCraeken 1 I caught one Mr. Walker of S-avannah, iGa. with a lot of "bottled and bonded" fine Scotch whiskey between midInight and day up near Bingham, I there being quite a lot of whiskey,1 jand two men in a big Buick runabout, j The haul was so large and there be-' ling two of the men, Sheriff McCmckien saved the whiskey but his men. .made a get away. McCraeken mana-i |gpd to get his whiskey to Latta, and. turned it over to nome other partiesj who took it to Dillon, woke Sheriff Bethea up, took a splendid car noted for speed owned by the sheriff, put gas and oil in it preparatory for a long trip, went up the road to where Mr. Walker turned around in the road near the town limits and took hifl trail which was easily done, and just, as easily kept all tho way to Cheraw, wherty Mr. Walker was tak THURSDAY, MORNING, MAY lfl en out of bis sleeping Quarters, hav ing lain down only about ten minu tes, by Sheriff Bethea and bis Depu ty McCracken, and taken to the Dll Ion county jail, wherte he afterwards put up a cash bond in tho sum ol $1000.00 also losing his fine Buicl roadster, and his load of fine Scotcl whiskey. Several of the young me* here state now that ho has mad< mr.ny trips to this place, and thai they know his whiskey to bo of t real fine quality. Mr. Walker sem word to the boys here that he hac made his last trip to this section, anc mai mey wouia not get any more 01 his famous "Dew Drop." W? ar< under obligations to Sheriff Bcthet and his deputy, Mr. McCracken, foi their faithful performance of duty and as long as he wants his job, anc performs his duties as he has done lr the past he will get my vote. And I am willing and anxious to helj make up a fund to buy Sheriff Bethec a loving cup and have it promptlj presented to him. The Epworth League rendered ar unusually interesting program lasl Wednesway evening May 11th, at it? regular devotional meeting. The subject was one of particular interest to all Methodists just now ? Christian Education. After the devotional portion of the program the leader Miss Gertrude Manning spokt Krinf l\f r?rnn f ?m0??a ui ivti/ vu uic gi cau i^ouCj liisisiiug that the emphasis be placed on both words Christian Education, as real education, must be christian and thorough. Miss Christine Berry then read an excellent paper on the "necessity of preparation for leadership.81 She pictured the success of the greatest Bible heroes and historic figure! and noted their preparation. The most interesting feature of the Program was the debate, "Resolved: That church colleges render grcatei service than state colleges." Mrs, Hoyt Watson spoke on the affirmati\c, hinging out strong points as tc the great men end leaders graduated from church colleges, and gave indisputable statistics about the Ministry Missionaries, etc. She stressed the fact of the origin of schools in th< church, and noted North America*! success as compared to South America's, because the Pilgrims souglil God, and the Spaniards gold. Sh< emphasized the effort of the churct colleges to train to make lives rather than a living, character ratliei than perfect machinery. Mrs. Kat< Rogers debated the negative and proved conclusively that the Stat< colleges ministered to those who oth erwise would have to go without or account of finances, and she called attention to the equipment of Stat< colleges to give thorough training She brought the argument of the per manancy of early childhood ideali and stressed the necessity of the child being grounded in faith before h< goes to college. Mrs. Rogers then paic a glowing tribute to the atmosphere of her Alma Mater, Winthrop Col lege. Throughout all Mrs. Rogers in sisted that the Christian Educationa Movement was timely and that shi would rejoice when its financial sue cess had mad e possible for churcl colleges equal or superior equipment The only decision rendered was tin consensus of opinion that splendi< and strong points were brought ou by both speakers and that all woul< rejoice at the success of both typei of colleges as there is a place foi each. The League usually has goo< instructive programs and would b< encouraged by the attendance of al interested. It meets every Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. SK ingles I still have several trades, and a big stock of Cedar Shingles, including the best grade. Those needing shingles will do well to see me before buying. o W. Ellis Bethea. I.nttn, S. C. Professional Cards. Surveying Drafting and Blue Printing W. M. ALLtLN Dillon, S. C. Phone No. 112 L. II. ItASELDEN Attorney at Law DILIiON, 9. C. .I0D67 to Lend on First Mortg&gi Real Estate. DK. J. H. HAMEit, JK. Don tint Office over Peoples Bank. OTIS M. PAGE Civil Engineer DILLON, S. C. S O. HENSLEE, M. D. ye," 10m, Now and JThroitf Spectacles Fitted. CSee Honrs P to 11 and 2 te 4 renin* Honrs by Appointment. >. 1921. JOE P. LANE | Attorney-at-Law Office Next to Bank of Dillon, - Ha in St. Dillon. S. C. J. W. JOHNSON Attorney-at-Daw .^roetlee in State and Federal CasrU Marion. S. C. DR. R. P. DARWIN Dentist Office Over Bank of Dillon t I I r ; -I It's not "nil right," but "all > spending all you make. I The time will come when you ,throwing away in extravagance. ?' Money is always a SURE F1 5 sure friend, don't cast "him" as'id* [ DON'T do it. BANK your money. L j We invite YOUR Banking B Pi ?l I 3 i The Bank 3 i :| SAFETY, SERVICE 3 1 i Dillon, Seal -i??? I CARC if COMi 1 Dillon, - - Sweet Potato We have closed a cont Texas, to install a Well Curing System. We will ing twenty thousand crates, ment over the Government under a forced draft ot air a than 75 per cent. Potato* said to reach distant mark* hy any oteer system ever We are willing to contrj 1 Poto Rica potatoes at 50 c We will store potatoe 1-?...j ? 11 kuv \juvcrouicni We are in touch with p and will order for immedi; acreage desired. We plan to the sweet potato busines the best curing house in Sout WE OFFER A COM1 TRY FEEDS. We excha for co n. We make a mash < derived mostly from meat m< double the egg production < also cause growing chicks to < a hag of mash, also a hag of ( suits. Our MONACRH HC ^ percentage of digester tankarf ? W o it will make pork production ' We about sold out c We buy every lot of Peas v ^\^e sellMilo,a grain soi We re ommend tbis for bogi . Carolini Comf BR "S IgSSG DR. R. M. BAILEY, Veterinarian ?? " Office at Dillon Live Stock Co'B. Stables. Office Phone - - 235 Residence Phone - - ? GIBSON & MT7LLER, At torneys-at-Law Office over Malcoim Mercantile Co. DILLON, S. C. Practice in State and Federal Court? ^ ; ... fcfr. o/ruivtaol^ t SOYTJi ^Vj&YWiA/ maw** / wrong" to go carelessly along ^ will need the money you are tIEND. When you make this e. business. of Dillon AND 4 PER CENT th Carolina )LINA \, JNG PANY South Carolina I; Announcement L ract with Harry Beck, of s Improved Sweet Potato have a house capable of cur- S f' T1 i ne system is an improve- >' Kouse. It w ill cure potatoes ? t a temperature not higher . ;s cured by tins system are :ts in better condition tban tried. tfi ict to buy 5,000 busbels No. ?; :ents per buslicl of 00 pounds, s at whatever price is cus- B bouses. arties selling certified plants U ate shipment plants to set any m to devote considerable time s, and guarantee all growers a h Carolina. PLETE LINE OF POULtnge any 01 our poultry feeds V :ontaining 20 per cent protein ral. Tbis mask will about >f a bunck of kens. It will H levelop muck faster. Try jyster skell, and report re DG MEAL contains a {food fi e. Fed with any home ration more economical. d Velvet B eans, and Peas. I rt can locate. ^ ghum, price $1.50 per bushel. / s in place of peas. 1 z Milling ~>any :