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E1 . ? PERSONAL MENTION * B. A. Edens of Rowland spent Monday in town. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Welch spent Saturday in Fayettevllle. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Croxton spent the week end in Columbia. J. W. Creasy spent Sunday in Flor - ^ | f ence. Miss Eris Stanton of Clio wag visitiDg in town Sunday. Prof. E. O. Smith, the old reliable, spent last Sunday with relatives at Cash. Miss Floride Johnson has as her / V. \ guests this week, her mother and Ut' tie sister, Marlon, or AllendaleMessrs. B. B. Beaifield, Leon Bryant and Monroe McDonald spent Sunday in Florence. i J. R. Thompson of Andrews who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thompson returned home Tuesday. Miss Vieve Huggins of Nichols returned home Tuesday after visiting friends in town. Mrs. A. B. Harrelson of Elm City, N. C., is visiting Mr and Mrs. J. R. Regan this week. C. G. Graham, who is conducting a sale in Florence, sP?nt Sunday at home with his family. ?o? Miss Helen McDowell, one of the Union School teachers, has returned 10 ncr norae m Klugstroe for her summer vacation. - Mrs. Ernest Vinson of Fairmont, ^ N. C., spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Lillian Williams. ?o? Rev. J. 1. Allen attended the meeting of the Southern Raptist Convention at Chattanooga last week. ?o? Miss Marjorie Leckie of Marion graded schools spent the week end with Mrs. W. C. Moore. Misses Sadie and Amanda Godbold of Delroy, Fla., are the guests of Mrs. Dunk Stackhouse. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O. Smith of Spartanburg are spending a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack O. Moody. Misses Katherine and May Murchison who have keen teaching Union school lett Wednesday morning for their home in Camden, driving through the country. Coit Muldrow. who has for the past year made Dillon his home, has returned to his native city, Darlington, much to th e regret of his many friends here. Miss Evelyn McElveen of Lake City, S. C., has accepted a position with the Morris Fass Department Store as milliner. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Brown wish to thank their many friends for the kindness shown them in their recent bereavement. ~"'*e Woman's Missionary Society ot ilie Baptist church, will have its regular meeting Friday afternoon at 4:30 in the church. Every member Is asked to be present. Remember the Miley-Hooker meeting to be held in the Latta Presbyterian church on the fifth Sabbath in May, 29th. See account of same in ?, Latta Department. * I ? fS * The children's exercises at the DilIcn Second Baptist church, consisting of songs, recitations and dialogues, were very much enjoyed by all those who attended. A series of services conducted, by Rev. F. W. Walters will begin at Hamer next Monday night, the 23rd at 7:30 P. M. and continue for the week. Public cordially invited to attend. TOR FL1 We have And Ne And a go< Make V I Our prices are right. Braddy-Whe< DILLO] THE DILLON Johnnie Mclnnis of Carolina spent Sunday in town with friends. ?o? Mrs. T. S. Uichbourg and Lesesnt iRichbourg have returned from Chat-tanooga, Tenn., where they went tc attend the Southern Baptist Convention, which met in that city. Mother's Day exercises will be held af Beulah Baptist church the first : Sunday in June at eleven o'clock. Fathers and mothers are invited to attend and bring the children with them. Mrs. Ida Dunbar entertained the Ann Fulmore Harllee Chapter, U. D. C. on last Friday afternoon, assisted by Mesdames A. J. Evans and Frank Thompson. After a business session, a program consisting of a life 3ketch jof Sydney Lanair, the southern poet, by Mrs. Chester Moore, was followed .by music on the Edison. Cream and cake were served by the hostess. The Women's Club was delightfully entertained on last Monday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Frank Thompson. The parlor and living room were lovely In their decorations of tall, white Easter lillien and many colored rases of sweet peas. After the usual game of rook the members and invited guests enjoyed ice cream ,and cake with iced grape punch serjved by the hostess assisted by Mesi dames Lutie Bethea and T. B. Thompson. ?o? The ladies of the Women's Club ; entertained in honor of their husbands on Wednesday evening, May ,11th at the home of Mrs. A. J. Evans. The guests were greeted at the door by Misses Louise Moore and Edith Elliott. At an attractive table punch was served l?v Miss, s Mildred Sellers iand Nellie Carniiehnel. Tho entire jhome was made beautiful with its decoration of pink Dorothy Perkins ! roses. After several games of rook j Mrs. T. \V. Hethi<i was presented (with a lovely bunch of sweet peas for I holding the highest score. Uefresh! ments of block cream and pound cake were scrvvd by Mrs. A. J. ICvans, Mrs. L. C. Draddy, Mrs. \V. V. Jones. Mrs. C. L. Wheeler, Mrs. E. T. Elliott and Mrs. W. Murchison. o Baptist Laymen's Meeting of the Pee Dee Associations ^ The second annual inspirational meeting for the laymen. ?f the Poo Dee Association will be beld at Mullins, S. C., on Sunday, May 29th. This meeting was provided for at the first meeting of the laymen held at Dillon last November. At that time it was decided by the laymen to hold , one inspirational meeting each year and a committee of seven was appointed to arrange for the next meeting. This committee held a meeting .sometime ago and decided that it (would be better to hold the meetln? , this year in the spring and decided tf jhold it at Mullins on Sunday, Maj 29th. Dr. J. T. Henderson of Knox ville, Tenn., Secretary of the Lay men's Movement in the Southern Baptist Convention, has been secured jto address the laymen at this meet I ing. Dr. C. E. Burts, of Columbia .and Mr. I. H. Hunt, of Newberry will also be present and speak to the laymen. In addition the local laymen will be expected to participate freely In the discussions. It is hoped to have five hundred layment present and delegations are desired from all the 'churches of the Association. The ter rltory embraced in the Association includes Marlboro, Dillon and Marion counties. The following program [has been arranged by the committee | in charge: ! Program of the Laymen's Meeting ol | the Pee Dee Baptist Association at the Mullins Baptist Church, May 29th, 1921. Sunday Morning, May 20th. 11 A. M. Song Service. ;11 A. M. Song Service. Enrollment of laymen and report ol | Program Committee. Address: "Some Discoveries of Lay men, oy necreiary j. i. nenaerson of Knoxville, Tenn. Address: "Plans and Prospects of the South Carolina T,aymen's Movement." by State Chairman I. H. Hunt, of Newberry. S. C. Discussion: "What can tho laymen of ! the Pee Dee Association do in a practical way, and how," opened \cco JES New Iron :W Tools od man to Flues See us before you buy eler Company N, S. C. HERALD. DILLON, SOVTH CARC i by appointed laymen under direction of Dr. E. I. Mason. Associational Representative on State Lay? men's Committee, followed bv goneral discussion. ? Appointment of Committees to report at the afternoon session. Announcements and adjournment for dinner. Sunday Afternoon. 2:30 P. M. Song Service. Address: "Life a Trust," by Secretary * J. T. Henderson. Addross: "Active Laymen and the General Board, or Insured Denom- f inational and Kingdom Success." t i by General Secretary C. E. Burts, c ot Columbia, S. C. a Reports of Committees. Miscellaneous business, i Adjournment. v J. H. David. Dillon. a T R Rn?r?, I n , ? t E. A. Cariuichael, Mullih* s R. J. Blackwell. Marlon > J. R. Bivens, McColI, ' C. S. Evans, Clio J. H. Reese, Tatum t Committee. C o r School Closes Next Week. v The 1920-21 session of the Dillon C Public schools will close Tuesday it nipht with appropriate exercises. The s literary address will be made by Dr. ;h Kennedy of Due West, S. C. Next ( Sunday morning at 11 oclock the an- y nual sermon will be delivered by Dr. u R. E. Stackhouse, editor of the Southern Christian Advocate nt the school p auditorium. On Monday evening. _ May 23rd, a play will be giv, n by the members of the 10th and 11th grades.! f Following the exercises Tuesday 1 evening and the literary address by e 'Dr. Kennedy, will bo the presentation ti jof diplomas to the graduating class, j The members of the class are r.s fol-,t llows: Paulino McKinnon, Tlielnta {Stanton. Bryan Micliatix and Brown IMeCallunt. Examinations will be over |by Friday of this we<-k and promotion v Irnnli will <i . *" "- "V "'.- , II morning. 1 The school is closing a very sue- ( jcessful sos.-ion. Under Prof. Roberts'i( supervision the school has reached a (, very high standard. His work hasi , been thorough, practical and progres- j ^ rive and the whole community feels ;j very much indebted to him for the splendid results he has obtained. The following teachers have ac' cepted work for next year in the schools: Miss Marie Smith. Miss Lena Baxley. 1 Miss May Errenfield. Miss Ruth Allen, i Mr. T. L. Ayers. : Fee > jfl Fa mo i f ru ! H yi/HAT are you 1 Li th:S year, an f K ?:? . ,r^rrs to rr-ne? W - ** fUi yc-i v !:" "!* culd I | I rT!i There are a hund 5 ^j! Clia:v"?rn m tin , p| ?r. 3; From a mode be ~M'nj \c i . a^o. but wit I f Cil . i u 'i ci blX lO SCiI ! ?Vj .vnu with a rea'dy th':t knows how M *% ? , . -..v" gone steadily o ?A"' And 1021 will ft ?*t progress. For t-i j* more distinctive v i <Js Chandle/ price sc. . *? petition and Che '.e^> higher than that <i i*:': seiice. 2 t-i Th i Ch ! : L? Ur.i 3 "tj "X,i:s chan-1!? : r, ^:j was named 4 U lei! Chandler owners, liSil the prime feature probably is. Bu*. 'A ment of the Cha ^5 i *-i| - oh quality, the u t.ijn. The whole i: ppiS struction. '* The motor ho 5 pc-rormance in th a dependability ? 14 T*-: conditions that no li t-! Distin ii) M. ?0 ni A j- . fu s ^.yviuwu oisur. gj Jjj| solid cast all $ CJ from i'ruine to fra; \y jpj| heavy counterbal B wl bearings, silent c P |~ shafts, the combi | system which ma! to over^eat if the 5j l?j| oil in the crankca I >LIXA, rmjRSDAT MORNING, M The following have decliued: Miss Addle Richardson. .Miss George Wardlaw. Miss Amelia PuIJose. Miss Ruth Able. Miss Sophia Richards. Miss Florence I.yles. Miss Margaret Carpenter. Misrf Annie Coppedge Miss Marian Harvey. Miss Eddfo Rou Rast. Miss Edith Elliott. Miss Margaret Riddle. Miss Mildred Sellers. Thi'rn iirn lliiHno.1 i? illed. Supt. \V. II. MoNairy. of Cheser is now at work securing a full :orps of teachers for the n?xt oestton. o OlwyiiiK hod's ronnnnnds He that loves me will often one to mother talk about mo. Once upon a inte there was an old colored m-m exton of a Methodist church for 3d ears. He waited on some voting tion at a store. Every Sunday morn ng he would go to clean up and grtf hem ready to go to Sunday school )ne Sunday morning there was on?i>an lying in bed. and thlp old sexton wanted him to pot up. He said to him. You seem to be mighty religious, if !od would tell you to jump ihrough hat wall, would you do it?" H' topped to think then the sexton pave im an answer. "Yes sir, vo* sir, if lod tells tne to jump, it will he my lace to jump and Clod's place to put no through." Old Black Joe. hllon. S. C.. May 0. 1921. Old Time Fiddler's Convention? \t 'den's Opera House. Clio. S. C.. 'hursday nirht. May 19tTi. Come evrylmdy. Postponed last Thursday light on oerount of had weather. P:r irizes. Fiddlers from several connit will participate.? :", 19 Hp. ill's!\ i ss ?s noon We averap'o tin* <.* to six calls a reek for nogtaplx rs and Tlook;eepeis. Why? There's a re-son. Mr. in dues : Man knows that young men ud women trained in business niethids by our corps of expert ter.chors an deliver the poods. What we have lone for thousands wo can do for on. Phone or write for full infortunium All regular courses taught hy nail also. iit.H (iiiox's m sivKss cni.i.rtii Phone Ool Columbia, S. C. Win. Ijjkes, Jr. F. W. I.ykes rVPKWHITFR RIBBONS ? Staf ford's superfine ribbons for Smitli and Underwood typewriters. Her aid Publishing Co.?3 24 A N D I is For Its A iigh Quality at Put Chandler going to drive ^ FJ d for several 5i hT JBl 'e want to tell Ss' H >e a Chandler. [red thousand e road now. *,(*(! I IPOS Mai :ginninc eight h t he pioneer for less than 4 wo then mad dollars good car and an organization > buikl good can, the Chandler nto a position of leadership, be no exception in Chandler ie Chandler never orcpied a position than i: does today, s the Chan Her apart from comndler resale \ ulue is relatively of any car, after a like period andler 0*1^1*3 You -natched Value rotor, which , in the early days, 'The Marvelous Motor'' by has always been thought of as : cf the Chandler car, and it all the ether units and equipadlcr chnss:3 arc of the same same splendid character of dechassis is of fine, sturdy con3 '.von supremacy in its constant ic of its owners. It has ^v uu^vi u.iy ana a.1 c ir.any other curs can show. aLhid Chandler otor r features ctive motor features are the irainum motor base extending no, the magneto equipment, the anccd crankshaft, extra large hain drive for auxiliary motor nation manifold und a cooling kes it impossible for the motor re is water in the radiator and se. o The Most Fairly Si'ven-Pa.nenger Touring Cor, SI930 Two-Patsengcr Roidster, S 19.10 fff(R>PdlKni)?r \wluii 1M 10 ( Pricvt /. n. b. < Cord Tires Stan )GERS MOTC DILLON, 7 NDLER MOTOR CAR CO AY 12. 1021. NOTICE TO CREDITORS District Court ??f tlie United States, Eastern District of South Carolina In the matter of \V. C. Parham Bankrupt, Dillon County. T0 tlie Creditors of the above natnei Bankrupt: Take notice that on the 6th day o I April, 1021. the above named bank nipt filed hi.* p? titlon in said Cour placing a discharge in bankruptcy land that a hearing was thereupon or dored and will b,. had upon said pe tition on the 18th day of May. 1021 ;before said Court, at Charleston, ir said District, at 11 o'clock in tin : forenoon, at which time and place al known creditors and other persons ir i interest may appear and show cause Iif any they have, why the prayer oi said petition should not be granted Rich. W. Hutson, Cle.k. I,. D. I.IDE t\: tnmey-at-I jiw s. C. I We have opened an Optical Offict at Dillon, S. C. At the present Unit we will be at the Hotel Wheeler evtr> Second and Fouitii Mondays' it each month. We o\amine and fit glasses. Call and see us. I.. A. WOO! HI I |'1\ I)-Opt. Hyesjglit Specialist TOO LATE Death only a matter of short Urn*. Don't wait until pains and aches become 'ncurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking COLD MEDAL : O ft S033TnH55 The world's standard remedy for Vddney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles?the * National Remedy of Holland ainco 1635. 1, Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists, look for the sunt Gold Medal oo ?T?rj boa and accept oo imitation . E R ? Marvelous / Low Price Ha in First Place sion Magneto been. Many , , r ican cars and idard tquipment magneto-equi] majority of ti (.i^uippcu. i' planes and motor-driven fire npj one hundred percent of all fa magnetos. The fastest racing ] made by magneto-equipped cars. The magneto gives the Chanc hotter, fatter spark than battery-( could give, igniting the gas c p'etely, and its simplicity of \vi dependability make it the ide: ment. A Wide Choice of 13 Comfortable Be ^HANDLER bodies are mos big seven-passenger touring perhaps, but the snappy, spor Dispatch car, the lithe, marine-g roadster, and the chummy four-] have their own large followings. models are upholstered in get leather and softly cushioned. Thousands have chosen the and the coupe as their all-seasc them ideal in any weather. Th< design, and, which is equally irr substantially built. The uph( velour and the interior fittings ii The Chandler limousine is c to those desiring a chauffeur driv Stability and Respo Back of the Ciia CTANDING back of the C responsible for its honest c the notably strong organization; industry. You will find an uncommor faction in the ownership of a CI Priced Fine Car Four-Passcnder Dispatch Car, S2OI0 Four-Patsender Roadster, SI930 Patsender Coupe, tl''30 Limousine, 33530 Cleveland, Ohio) dard Equipment yRS COMPAN 'H CAROLINA MPANY, CLEVELAND, Of 11 ij 9 | J MOODY'S MARKET New Prices on Fresh ; Meats I Vices that make >'?11 of j the old Ueioit) the war days. For "I |l?e next few weeks or until fur"j ther notice all incuts at our market will Ixi sold at the following 1; prices: * 1 toast beef, per lb 25c. All Steaks, |>er lb 25c. '! We sell chickens, eggs, butter I and fish at llto market prices. Fresh fish on Tuesdays, Fridays ?j and Saturdays. If you want tlie l>est to be hud at a first class market call on us or phone. Courteous treatment to all is our motto. Moody's Market ! m ! Ou the corner next to Seals' I Store, back of the Ban It I of l>illon. \ I v V 1 ** t Sacrifice Sale i 1 v > In order to make V " ro >m, will sell lot ; ; iviii'h class Buggies X X ; !'! ' II rnoss at la 'iory prions. > T ' 1 O Just received 3 v v cars choice Timo- v v t hy 11 ay. Can save V V you money. X v Few good plug ? }n mules at half price. *> I v J. B. McCutcheon % % & Co. ? II V ! > > ?> > t x**f| Motor u-1 R ignition is sup- ? e Bosch High-Ten- ^ >, a3 it always has g high priced Amer- J^j | all foreign cars are ^"| Y, pped. The great ? ? *ucks are magneto nJ a 'radically all air- $ >aratus and nearly gjj (< rm tractors have ?J | records have been .si Her motor a much jfu |% distributor ignition p*| [i luicklv and com- li? ?3 ring end abso'utc g il ignition eq^p- jj? -eautiful jj^J kj >dies Jn 8 t pleasing. The ??t P car is the leader Q* U ty four-passenger nj jg ;ray two-pasnenger yj passenger roadster All four of these | mine hand-buffed o Chandler sedan nj H >n cars and found K ?y ore cf beautiful j|j~ inoriant, they are r\j H ?!stery is of silk m i dull silver finish. Cf 9 >f striking appeal I risibility m B handler car, and nj R luality, is one of ? of the motor car i degree of satis- "1 n landler car. J** g