University of South Carolina Libraries
In Memory of Lex B. Brown. * Our home was saddened a few days ago upon receiving the announcement of the death of our son Lex B. Brown which occurred at Tuscon, Arizona, on Saturda>, April 30th. He was twenty eight years of age and had lived all his early life in this section. In 1913 he entered the United States army and became > one of the "regulars" in an infantry ^^-^^ivision before the outbreak of the \ orld war, and when our nation en7 tered in 1917 he was sent to France with the regular army. He was a good soldier and wis in the thickest of the fighting at various places and. suffered much harship. It was duringi his active service in August 1918 | that he, with others, was ordered j Into a dug-out or trench for a period of temporary rest, and while in this position the Germans began to asi sail them with gas shells. They were. breathing the gas before they could, adjust their masks and some went; down in death there in the trench.j Some were not injured so badly,j vrhile others and Lex B. Brown, our; ' son, was among the number were' ' seriously gassed and never perman-] ently recovered. He was sent by the government from one hospital to another with the hope of restoring his health, but relief was only temporary and after livgering for nearly three years, his strength giving way he finally could resist no more and passed 1 away, nis uuu> was urouKiu nume May 5th and laid to rest in the Dillon cemetery May 6th, attended by the local post of the American Legion and a large number of relatives and friends. "Lexie" as wp called him in ouri home was a good boy and an obed- j lent and dutiful son. Our hearts are. sad and we shall miss him. We feel ! that we have given him for his coun-( try and have made a great sacrifice. \ ^ "After the pain and sickness. -V? The tears are all wiped away. After the flowers are gathered No more of earth's decay. After the night of darkness. The shadows all flee away. After the day of sadness Hope sheds her brightest ray. ?Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Drown o ? 11 Stomach's Bad Don't Worry, for You Don't Need It. That the stomach is a superflous organ is the startling discovery of Dr. Victor Pauchet, reported to the Academy of Medicine. Affirming that he has successfully removed the stomach from a woman who continues to livc happily in perfect health, he reports that the operation also cured her of cancer. He says: "The stomach's action is purely preliminary. The mechanism for the vital part of the digestion is in the small intestines, with the intervention of the pancreatic juice and the bile. Therefore, providing the patient follows a light diet, the stomach can be dispensed with advantageously." CROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters con, tracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. ? I "WANTED? A live agent for good. Laundry, good commission. Write Sanitary Steam Laundry, J. C-i Brittingham, Mgr., Hamlet, N. C.I ?4 28 4t ! HOB '~r: pape] Albert Prinee Albert is told n in toppy red bags, uli " tidy red tins, hand- flint i some pound and halt 111 a L pound tin humidors cnisilro and in the pound blllUKc crystal glass humidor with sponge "Mr* 1 moistener top. " ' ing m Copyright 1921 I by R. J. R?rnol<U | Tobacco Co. I WU-ton^Um, J fct. ^ * ' " t.. * THE DILLON HERALD, DILLON, SOUTH CAROL! O-d Gloiy 15 ci; the Seven Seas i ! ll Ship and Sail under the Stars and Stripes to all parts of the world OU can now travel, or ship your goods, to any part of the world on American owned and American operated ships, flying the American Flag. American ships are modern, scientifically designed and constructed, new ships built for satisfactory service. American ships will carry you in comfort to Sotlfll A m or i r n PrKrlon^ V.^. ?, ui.giauu, UU1U|JC, II1C ranean and the Far East. And the further from j'j home you go, the more of a thrill you'll have to see the Stars and Stripes floating above your head. I President Harding says: "We know full well we cannot sell where we do not buy and we cannot sell successfully where we do not carry." I Operators of Passenger Services Admirnl I :ne Pacific Mail S. S. Co. 17 State St.. NVtr York. N. Y. 45 Bro.dway, Now YtIc. K. Y. Seattle to Yokohama. Kobe, Seattle to Yokohama, Kobe, Hongkong, ot m.-hai. Sinyn- Hongkong. Shanghai, Slngapore, and occasionally to pore, Tientsin, ar.d occasionManila and Hawaii. ,lly to Manila and Haw-ill. Matson Navigation Co. U. 5. Mail S. S. Co. 26 So. G.-.y St.. Baltimore, Md. n , v, v 1. xr v Baltimore to Havana. Pan- 46 Broadway. New York. N. Y una O.nal, Lot Angel.*, San Fcw. Urlt Boulo?n? npd Franc i co. and Hawaii. London New ark lo Bremen nml Diniifr. Fmurinnt Munson Steam Ship Una Service to Genoa and Naples. 82 ncrvor St Now York Ward Line New York to Kio dc Janerlo. Monti video. and Buenos (New ^ ork and Cuba Mall S. S. Aire*. C-o.) Foot of Wall St., New York, N. Y. New York and Porto Rico S. S. New- York* to Havann nnd Co. Spanish port* Vigo, La 11 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Cor,inn, Santander, Gijon, New York to Porto Rico. Bilbao. Free Use of I 1 ^ * . ----- ror oaie Snipping Board St?, ?nf) Wood Ships urns an(j woocj Hull? and Use of Shipping Board motion Oc,->n - ("inin^ Tusrs picture of four reels free - UOint, - Ug8 on rsquiut of any mayor. (To American Citizens Only) postmaster, pastor or organl- , . . .. zi.tion. An interesting eJu- **7' Ffnmer* are l*>th o.l picturo of sr.ips and **n coiU ""tiers, the sen. Write for informs- Furtl or information may lie tion to H. I.aue, Director obtained by request sent to Information Bureau, Boom the Ship Sales revision. 1319 911. 181U "F" Street. 1*. W.. "?" Street. N. W.. WashingWashlngton. D. C. ton. D. C. For sailings of freight ships to all parvs of the world, write Division of Operations, Traffic Department, U.S. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corp., Washington, D. C. ?--:~~zrrr~r~^T:?_ \ You'H enjoy the sport of rolling * 'em with P. A.! ???, _________ mmmm mmmmmm ST thing you do next And, besides Prince jo get some makin's Albert's delightful flavor, rs and some Prince there's its freedom from bite : tobacco and puff away and parch which is cut out by home made cigarette our exclusive patented procwill hit on all your ess! Certainly ? you smoke t cylinders! P. A. from sun up till you slip between the sheets withtomorrow. Do it while Prince Albert is the tobacing's good, for man-o- co that revolutionized pipe VOU Can't fiCUre OUt smokitlP-- Tf vnn novpr oil' re passing by! Such smoke a pipe ? forget it! :, such coolness, such You can?AND YOU WILL sh-ness?well,the only .?if you use Prince Albert o get the words em- for packing! It's a smoke ; enough is to go to it revelation in a jimmy pipe low yourself! or a cigarette! rince Albert -v... the national joy tmohe ^ XA, THURSDAY, MORNING, MAY 19. C ROP AM) CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real * state, mortgages real' estate, bills of sale, planters con- 1 ta tracts, rent liens, claim ami <leliv- t . ery papers for sale at The Herahl M J office.? 3 24. ft, ? ^ ir-'aMrSSS Et^'viSsM iBrl lis /BS l!?i| (ip* Tire "j^fast PI nj There is an air $*9^? ''I thai Jon wnl hi car. That ;s v. ?. '-JKi v ^ > ,, i^lS who wii! net t<: 1 ,:cn. rvmcmh i j ?.V'?Y* 3 Under the hoc *1 j?-^T' 'i accelerates froi seconds Hat. 'I of the highway V C .*1 ? M p ? tjj Last, hut not ie [' l'** extracts every F tfP aNy*?'l . luri-s up slirPr1^ k . i J with a keen spoi t * K'M *. But we ask yo*a one ruir in the hidden under tl and a liberal cd fci^*y-vJ PA1GE-D y.k'*:.'c' <*3 u*?."<* t- w fidk- **?u Ne? %**?. '^e-. 7Fj*'vkA"-' ^1, ?* JL e*-i .jvj^ -. iS,-',; -V?r~ ?. -feU. .V ? *tS I - - ________ I I III _ J&t lh WwM v.?vyj$M (?) Il l&iW/ttl lfc*si WMta k i MM 1$ ^ ijllgiiiij m H|uite m< I iiii'l !l' I ilijh|m^'k'iijfHuf I Ml i $mm 23 (iii'lfe ' i i ' i K9 PfaJwStH \ f'.' IS \ \&f' ?to^Sjwjim \ ! 0 u*Be>l in the Long cI(un" i 1021. FINAL, DISCHARGE NOTICE Notice is hereby piven that Lloyd l.ompson, administrator of the OSS' of Ellis Thompson, deceased has ado application unto mo for final -eliarpo as administrator, and that; onday, June Oth at 10 o'clock in th,, { r< noon has been appointed for thet mcmomiibm Mil MJi J* ^ "?*?rn mtP-J ? f ? i re a J-. -ia. v ,7ru Till I HI IMi' nurTHTT'TiTI?>1 "T~l" IH JWlTITT v MpM |i| jl \fc. * i*= ' JBoa. u tit til CV?** in <Z> ar With Personal of extinction about thr New Series "C id tn no other moderate priced, fi\e hy it has been adopted by really sit derate the commonplace. ier, it not only looks but acts the tho id there is a niarvciously efficient n five to twenty five miles per hoi 'his means giant energy for hills and ast, the "Glcnbrook" is a ripid atom of power from a gal'on of pa ing mileage on a set of tires. It is riing personality ? a . cry hard coinbina i to estabhsh these facts for yourself. : "Glcnbrook*' and discover what n le hood. It will prove a revelation, 1 location in snuiiy modern cnginecrini ETKOIT MOTOR CAR CO., DKT tmu.'ACturtri $/ f?i|# Af$t*r csn*i A/iur Truiif J. EARLE BETHEA Dillon, S. iJ. U-TSr^C- - . ? . '.r^.1- _ -c. ??v. . ;. ' -"TV ^ V- $>'? - <>>> iasm -.v ?fiC^ "A iU . **. -* ?w u . ii?ik . ? ? ..' '. *iV) j . : -J-r.i ? Silvertow * are included ii Tirc Price, Among tires S o the name that in the thought c l known qua lit)-. I value has given | in trie esteem oi | Motor car man I dealers are quic to their prospcd are equipped wit knowing that n tion nor argumc This makes all tl tani *ie facl ti C!nrn< arA adjustment of ti / took e(Te<ft May THI; B. F. GOODriCJ I c.4krcrt Your Gooutico t;?!. r is pr Goodrich Silvortown Core Goo<Ir>ch Red aud GruyT ubei !* s hcurlng of thy said petition. All persons holdinfi claims against the said estate are requested to filo 111e111 with the administrator on or b' fore 10 o'clock in the forenoon of June the OHi or this notice will ha plead in bar of their recovery. J OK CABKLL DAVIS. Judge of Probate, e 5 -It. Dillon County. T . I IR Vfn c?jrjest 11 jj | ilenbrook I ^ t passenger |M&rfc iart people K|f>^lr3 life rouyhbred. motor that ur in nine E*5s<^eE I 6 frtV * * everv tret It Hi' . ' KS'F K S y ' 1 * 'nomist. It i 3 soline and a thrift car |?Csi,4 lion to find. \%%M I Ch. i * Take just 16fiv'o? ' ': ictually lies tve believe, ; jj " * KOIT I ?2&H8 |jDr ; lp* | fi < 8 S j >A^J* >' x.-. . .' gmv. ?-Ag.?' - ' ~ -. ^gvy, ;V. V -** & . w ?tfk.vV?r^.ri5L'V : /. ^jc.V >rv? ,\-.. vr<-?..- A'-.- iv." Ofk^-W ir*.- ^V| ? ' -V ? * * m Cords a the V ? 1 jFOcaiich Reduction ILVCRTOWN is istantly conveys ?f the highest Their srenuine o them first pi nee f motorists. Lufa&urers and k to emphasize :s that their cars h Silvertowns? ^ either explana:nt is necessary. lie more impornat Silver town ided in our rere prices which JL ^ I 2uu. FIBBER. COMPANY OA ic tpamt to M?pp1* you vu'ih Is, (joouricli Fabric* iiiilltt ?C '(, price (ivluctton. i