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SWEET POTATO HOUSE. "We are not only assured of a tweiijPj?T "ty thousand bushel house, but we f have ia prospect a Well's improved syste.n of curing: sweet potatoes. By this system a powerful fan drives a correal of air of not more than seventy five degrees through the potatoes in crates. They nr.. better cured than in the ordinary government house and tliey are saul to reach destination at northern markets in prime condition. I have copy of a letter written by Mr. Herbert Hoover while in France saying he had received It some Texas yams in fine condition. I( Th?ese potatoes were taken from a J Wells curing house at Long View, Texas, nine months before he received them. I have seen many testimonials stating that under this system of curing, potatoes were free from rot, had better flavor, and carried to distant markets belter than in the ordinary government house. We are determined to give Dillon the best potato curing house that money can build. We believe that we are going to make a success of growing and selling yams?pure Porto Rico's. We wish every one desiring t.) ship potatoes to plant only one variety?Porto Rico. If your seed stock is not pure best get some certified plants for Immediate shipment. Since' a large acreage is to b0 planted do not wait ou your neighbor expecting to get some vine cuttings free of charge. Your neighbor may need all vine cuttings available for himself and tenants. Potatoes should he planted before June the twentieth, so as to allow them to mature before digging. Immature potatoes will not keep it frost bitten. If we dig and keep if frost bitten. If we diu and store twenty thousand bushels of potatoes in Dillon we need to begin eliciting by October the fifteenth. If a potato is mature a broken or cut surface will dry into a clean surface in a few hours. If immature the cut surface will hnvo a cum enured out and "when it dries there will remain a dark surface. Vine cuttings can be planted as late as July fifteenth with fair expectation of making slips for bedding. But if one to produce from one to two hundred bushels of potatoes that will grade number one and two?the only grades that should ever be shipped?the planting should be complete by Juno the twentieth. Over sized potatoes kvown as Jumbo's and small potatoes can he used on the farm for both man and boast. We expect to provide crates so each farmer can grade his own crop in the field and haul them to curing uuu&e wiidoui mriner nananng. we expect to employ a competent man to look after grading and storing the crop. We hope our potato expert can visit each grower in this section by October first. If you grow pure Porto Rico stock using plenty of phosphates and potash *n your fertilizer to insure keeping qualities we will do our best to cure them so as to reach market In the best condition. Wade StackhouEO. SlffllSfflSSBSBSffi ?1 5. Overhead expen a expense. Old systen a a a Onc-tliird of (lu a have thrown away t jg the end of the year a a ' _ a at, l ? = i==i a M? - f = - : a i = i | I a == ij 41; a ^=i^=llf a RR a gg LEDGER LI a Double or single en m umns. Machine ruled < J= ledger paper. Standan all the time. Special f a short notice. a a Grows in poul a the month your st? ]e>\ daily use througho put them up in all inV. Thf?v ilrnn Ka/>1 |^| o- J f "?vi We are not be every particular. 1 Sj traveling auditor f g] simpler and more ; We have speci and machinery us< of the big city nu lfi] s a ffl ' - . gj Don't send ffiaaaaaaaaas THE DILLON 1L GLAND GRAFTING NO CURE FOR DEATH London, May 12?Alfred Wilson, aged 7 2. who hired the Albert Hall to lecture tonight on how ho was made twenty years younger by Prof. Steinach in Vienna, last February, by means of gland drafting died suddenly yesterday. , The doctor who attended the lecturer said that Wilson was frightened at some of the phases of his rejuvenation. | "I have observed", said the doctor, ; "That when rats have been treated K?' 1 1 * iv; gmuu iittiispiuiiiniB, xncy grow | | new hair and then die. "Mr. Wilson knew this. He called1 ' me in a few days ago and said that his hair was growing again. Now ho is dead." I rottes I for IQc from one sack of GENUINE ? i s g s I |pn sag | ; DuBHAM ! sgss. TOBACCO I (???j Ip MOTHERS 11 I 1 For Three Generation* Jit \vj lidvo Made Child-Birth Sllj I I r : Easier By Using ? M wmma> w?m ton BOOKLET ON MOTHERHOOD ANDTHI BAVT. r?(l , draofield Regulator Co.. Dept. ?-D. Atlanta. Ca. ! I I a ? ? in a ? i? a a a ? se is the canker worm that gi is are costly. They.waste tim i ; cost of a ledger is in the bin he cost of a ledger, in additic is buying new leaves at a mil I gjjjj OL 1 A SAVES. try up to 12 col[mi extra heavy i forms in stock orms ruled on arity every year. It is a great atements are ready to mail or ut the Carolinas and our cusi sizes, bound in Red Russian k flat when open, giving a per: ginners in the loose eaf line. \ "ell us what your business is ar or one of the largest.bonding accurate. al forms for farmers as well i ed by other manufacturers. W inufacturer. HERALD PRINTERS your money away to distant? KRALD. DILLON, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19. i I Great Convenience?Small Cost liusiness concerns and traveling [ men using STATION TO STATION long distance service || i; > to great advantage in reaching fflSst] branch managers and the home U o^lce, where some one who can Jkw/ ^ transact business is likely to be n always present. This class of toll service is rendered at much lower rates than the person to person service. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE if Af) AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY il a DANGER SIGNALS Headache, colds, nausea, blues, mental de\ pression?these are not only painful and - St annoying, but they are danger signals. A great majority of these passing illnesses are due to self-poisoning resulting from con^ J stipation. Unless you keep your system free from decaying food waste, you start continuous poisoning inside. Ultimately Bright's disease, rheumatism, gout, diabetes, pernicious anemia, and the like, may result. * A -? ' - Fills, castor oil, laxative waters and salts only force ... - and irritate the bowels, and make constipation a habit. r'Jy - Nujol works on an entirely new principle. Instead of forcing or irritating the system, it simply softens the food waste. This enables the many tiny muscles in the walls of the intestines, contracting and exponding in their normal way, to squeeze the food wast* -"j**"**-.. along so that it passes naturally out of the system. ir" yjjug-' Nujol thus prevents constipation because it helps Nature maintain easy, thorough bowel evacuation at regular intervals?the healthiest habit in the world. Nujol is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. Try it. '. , V1 Nujol is sold hy all druggists in scaled bottles only, hearing Nujol Trade Mark. Write Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey), 50 Broadway, New York, lor booklet "Thirty Feet of Danger". * TZagular as / The Modem Method of CIockwork igS Treating an Old Complaint JjPl Nujol | ^ + g-ff\ For Constipation y IL^sJ ? ^ ? ? S IS IS H IS H 3 IS (51 ? S3 ? ? ? 111 IS H H IS S ?5*3 W *>*^3 ??5i ^SB i?Si naws at the vitals of every l)usiness. The problem today is e and lose dollars that run into big sums. The modern syst THE LOOSE LEAF SYSTEM ding. When you open new books you throw away one-third )n to the time lost in transfering accounts. A loose leaf ledj nimuni of expense. JR DUPLICATING LEDG le(lEer pay for its c saved in three months. It c *" .' v jf W osite each ledger sheet an 11 bill head perforated at one t q| D-1*/ = ben sheet works between tin second sheet. The items are 1 H ibe bill head and a copy is m liag r - H second sheet. At the end of Mm your statements are made m ; time-saver. You make out bills from day to day as the i it. No rush at the end of the month. No delay in getting t tomcrs tell us they would not do without them for many ti cowhide bark and corners, corduroy sides and strong m feet writing surface. Ye have been putting up loose leaf outfits for many years, id let us design a system to suit it. We offer you the services companies in America. We guarantee to give you a system is merchants, bankers and manufacturers. We have forms 1 e employ the same skilled workmen.. We use the same ms PUBLISHING COMPANY, D RULERS cities for the same class of work. We can also give you clos is ? is is a ?a is m is is mm is is sis si si s m ? 1921. r^EVER BILMZ? ' S3 Charleston, Miss.?Mrs. R. V. Heins, of this place, 8j II) says: "I have never had to use very much medicine, (U ioecause it i ieu neaaacne, uizzincss, ur cuius, uau lasie ng in the mouth, which comes from torpid liver, 1 would (l] take a dose or more of Black-Draught, and it would jl . straighten me out and make me feel as good as new. Mi ^ We have used in our family for years ^ I ^ THEDFORD'S BLACK-DMUGHT Eg and it certainly is the best liver medicine I ever saw. ptt In it has not only saved me money, it has helped keep my (|1 U system in shape, and has never weakened me as so Ml P[ many physics do. 1 recommend it to my friends and am lli glad to do so." Black-Draught is the old, reliable liver III P medicine which you have doubtless heard much about H v H) When you feel badly all over, stomach not right, bad fy t taste in your mouth, bilious, or have a headache, try IW Thedford's Black-Draught At all Druggists. Til |j Always Insist on the Genuine! fn fjmmmCTmmrafxirzifAir^rinrTnninnrirAirxi r^nri rxi rxi v*> A spies <nrr& nf" s A M*' ? ^4- ?. & & 4A/ ^ t & i.^;.".;{;| 1 | T mI^ XO HIACTIRE IS SO SERIOUS k- ^im^i A' ii'l .' ^ that our welding cannot repair. This *1' / ^jou cr,n put down as a positive fact. | f Wc? are prepared to mend any break, ^ ^ crack, chipping, or dorect in any part i l&i* ot your car- truck or machinery with . our skilled welding process. R fer> R ATTTH QATFC . v JL^. XJk V JL DILLON, S. C. Phone No. 241 East Main St. gj Lgl 1^1 [ ! I^r-I 1^1 1^1 ! ! 1^1 l^-l IVI 1^1 1^1 1^1 1^1 PTI 1^1 1^1 I^T7^i*T^T SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD $2.50 HHas??s??asa?a?a@s?SB? SAVES MONEY I to get maximum Drodiirlinn at n ! ! _ J V> I. U 1II11I11IIU1II Ml em is SI IS of the cost of your ledger. In three years you ? ?er will last a life time and your only expense at ? ffl carried to IS ade on the THE STEELBACK LEDGER IS it* and?you Bound with Red Pigskin Leather ? ,? iil it to the a binding that appels to the customer ^ id sheet in who wants the best he can get. It con- ? is paid. It tains a mechanism better than all oth- IS ; work and ers and is bound with materials that 5] d- cannot be beaten. It is strictly a binder ffi of extra grade. IS H items are entered on your ledger, and at the end of IS >ui on time. Hundreds of these ledgers are in H imes the cost. They cut book-keeping in half. We ( ] etal parts made of the very best aluminum cast- g] a and we guarantee our books to be first-class in * of an expert accountant who was for sixteen years IS that will s ave time and make your book-work [<> that suit every business. We use the same presses g^ iterial and our overhead expense is less than that gj Hllon, S. C. ffl BINDERS H e prices on lithographed, engraved, or embossed work, gj