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. ' ^Souther m " u Bi cc A Full I I rs & mia uj It will pay y the low market < Stubbs, and Mr. in keeping with i it-attdc nrnTTT \ I I UUIVO 1 IVULI aggllilll nMl Ill Ml?? DILLON CO. FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS. The eleventh meeting of the Dillon County Federation of Womens' Clubs was held in the Dillon School Auditorium Saturday, April 9th with about 350 delegates and visitors in attendance. The president called the meeting to order at 11 o'clock and the program was as follows; Song?America. Invocation?Rev. W. C. Allen. Piano Duet?Misses Effie Ramsey and Thelma Hamilton. Address of Welcome?Prof. W. DRoberts. Response?Miss Beulali Harris. president's Address?Mrs. k. t. uon frow. Business Session?Minutes of Bast Meeting Head by Secretary, Miss Florence Allen; Treasurer's Report, Miss Mattie Haves; Committees Appointed. Report of County Nurse?Miss Mc Leod. Report of County Home Demonstration Agent and Thrift Chairman?Miss Etta Sue Sellers. Miss Helen Fenton, District Supervisor of Public Health Nursing, then spoke of plans for "Baby Week," April 25-30th and asked, the co-operation of the womenI of this movement to save tlie| babies. Address, Economy in the Home? Mrs. A. J. Campbell, assistant State Homo Demonstration Agent of Winthrop College. She showed very clearly by statistics that women are the money spenders for the necessities in the home and their need of special training in household economics and the art of buying. Economy and thrift consist not in doing without necessities, but in spending wisely, increasing production of home products and careful consumption. No business can be successful unless accounts are carefully kept and housewives need to keep acounts in the important business of housekeeping. At the close of her address Mrs. Campbell spoke of the Pageant of S. C. History to be given at Winthrop College in May and invited all to see it. At one o'clock a bountiful lunchcon was beautifully served to all the delegates and visitors. Afternoon Session?2 O'clock Piano Solo?Mrs. P. D. GilreathAddress?Mrs. John Drake of Bennettsville, Corresponding Secretary, S. C. Federation of Women's Clubs. Mrs. Drake outlined ?. some of the work of the Federation and gave interesting facts to show the great Influence Club Women may exert. Reports of Delegates from 30 Clubs. Miss Etta Sue Sellers, delegate to the State Convention in Camden. , made an interesting report of that meeting. A Juet hire a novel feature was ln THE DILLON HEI n Whol( ood Rice at $3. " grade << # 1 III I u " grade flour " grade grits " Molasses in " " in " grades of s est corn meal a Horse and mul inned vegatable ir.e of High rou to come MILES on all lines. We ar J. W. Edgerton will the low prices of otl O * I , aouznern hhimam troduced when Mr. Jansen, a Swedish entertainer was presented to the audience and gave a very enjoyable 10 minute, lecture. Invitations were extended the Fedeiation from Latta and Lake View for the next meeting, the majority deciding in favor of Lake View, since the Federation had never held a meeting in that part of the County. Res-! olutions were read by Miss Gertrude o r? n i n rr L ?lr * V> ? 1 - .......ww.b iumiiviii& lilt? J-JIllUll lifUJIll' | for their "lavish hospitality," the visiting speakers and all others con-| tributing to the success of the meeting after which the Federation was adjourned. i o Local l'ost Meets. The Local Post of the American, Legion held an enthusiastic meetingj here last night, the meeting being attended by the largest number of "old vets" ever gathered in Dillon 111 the interest of our organization. The purpose of the meeting was to reor-i ganize permanently and after discussions of various subjects pertaining to the Legion the following officers were elected: Hon. Jack Henegan, Post Commander; F. B. David, Assistant Post Commander; Chas. S. Stubbs, Adj.; Jesse Evans, Historian. Also the following were elected as directors: Maj. O. M. Page, CaptFrank Niernsie, Win. David, L. C. Bradd.v, Jr., Carlisle Bracey and Bill Thompson. Chaplin, Tom David. Fin ance Committee: Dr. L. It. Craig, Jack Henegan and F. B. David. The by-laws of the old post will ibe adopted- We wish to extend to ourj |comrades and all of the vets an invitation to come and join us as we wish tc make 'h'8 post one of interest. CHAS. S. STUBBS, Adj. o THE REVIVAL SERVICES Splendid congregations are attending the preparatory Revival Services at the Main Street Methodist Church every afternoon this week. Rarely is it the case that such deep interest is taken in preparatory services. The whole week is given to the study of the Eighth Chapter of Romans. There are no sensational methods and no side-shows, but the people are greatly moved by the spirit of God. The usual services will be held on Sunday and the meeting will be continued through next week. On Monday morning Dr. C. F. WLmberly will arrive and preach twice a day during the rest of the meeting. The hours of service next week will be 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. The public generally Is most cordially invited. Dr. Wimberly has had many years' experience as an Evangelist and comes highly recommended. No doubt, large congregations will hear him. 4 Vv o ? Pioneers of the Klondike who I braved the rigors of the North more than twenty years ago are founding an organization to be known as the Yukon Order of Pioneers IALD, DILLON, SOUTH CAROLINA, gsale & 50 per one hun n coffee 8 1-2 c $6.50 oer 50 o t r _ r in 24 lb bags j 96 lbs tor $2.2 i half barrels to I 10 gallon kegs 5 a ii yrups in kegs a t low prices e teed, dairy tet s, tobacco, ciga i Class Goo to trade with us, ou e located in the An be glad to show yoi tier products. We tl Wholesali BY M. A. S MASTER'S SALE. p b Stale of South Carolina, /d County of Dillon. ( ti In the Court of Common Pleas. n T W. Berry, Plaintiff, w vs. g \V. C. Parham, Defendant. Pursjant to an order of his Honor o i. w . noivnian, juuge 01 uie fourth Judicial Circuit, bearing date the 11th day of April, 1921, the undersigned, 4 as Master for Dillon County, will sell _ during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in May same being the 2nd before the court house door in the Town of Dillon, in the County of Dillon, in the State tWorcsaid, at public auction to the highest bidder for Cash. Description: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land in the town of Lutta, South Carolina. Dillon County. Bounded on the North by Main street; East by Manning street; South by Alley; West by lot of T. W. Evans, formerly lot of W. W. Braddy and being the same lot conveyed to T. W. Berry by W. W. Braddy by (bed dated September 9th, 1911 recorded in Dillon county and by T. W. Berry conveyed to W. C. Parham by deed dated July 15th, 1919. Torino ,.f C!?la. r?.. ,1, t?.. ? ? j.ay for all papers and revenue j r tamps. Any person bidding of the pioperty and refusing to comply with hir v,ir! ,,,orefor, said property will In- resold upon the same or .some subsequent salesday at the risk of the foi mer purchaserA. B. JORDAN. 1 J 4 3t- Master for Dillon County. CITATION' The State of South Carolina, County of Dillon, by Joe Cabell Davis, Probate Judge: Whereas, H. A. Bethea has made suit to me to grant unto him letters ;of administration of the estate and j effects of Ben Davis. ( These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kin!dred and Creditors of the said Ben I Davis, deceased, that they be and ap- < I Lion t to City IV When in Nee< There is in Fresh Mea My low price list Phone orders PITY promptly delivered vll 1 \ L rmjRSDAY MORNING, APRIL. 14, Distribi dred pounds ts. per pound ound tin 75 per bam ?5 "tine or med r 41 cents per 4 for $4.50 " $2.50 nd cases at low ,j ?l:_l r rs, efc. ids at Befo r stock is NEW and derson building on i through the stock, hank you for your p i &Distrib iTUBBS r ear before me, in the Court of Proate, to be held at Dillon on Wednesay, April 27th next, after publicaon hereof, at 10 o'clock in the foreoon, to show cause, if any they have, hy the administration should not be i anted. Given under my hand this 12 day f April, Anno Domini, 1921. JOE CABELL DAVIS, Judge of Probate, S 14 2t. Dillon County. 9 Weil-Known Reader fi at Chautauqua BEULAH BUCK. | Heulah Buck Is a reader possessing < a rare senRe of dramatic values. She L ...111 - A. Al **--? ' r win |?rt-otTiiv in nil* coming lll'tipail) I Chantauqua a program of varied ae lections, splendidly rendered. | o I Utah has banned the sale of cigar- I jttes. I rget the |1 m 1 I larket 1 of the Best ts, Poultry and Eggs. is still in effect. MARKET, Phone 2. i iting Company I HI 9 m ll ium*y ration prices /, canned meats, | m ?; ire The Wa Prices FRESH, and you get the benefit of railroad avenue. Our Mr. C. S. and make you prices that will be atronage. PHONE 257 I utins Co. DILLON, S. C. || J Every one who has a Washing Machin^ ought to have one of our ^ Washing Machine Drainers that will automatically drain the machine whenever it is conveniently near a faucet. Write us for circular. Also one of our Little Giant Clothes Reels, which does away with the unsightly clothes line and really is mor<? or less an ornament than an eyesore such as the usual way of hanging out clothes it. Write for circular and price. Columbia Supply Co. E 823 W. Gervais St. Columbia,S.C. I sia?? ii@ assssBils ? ? | Biggest Bargains V 7V7 A -x ? UI IIIC A &U.I 1VULU /iLUClll g 1 YOU! 1 | Right in the Heart of the Season ? . s when most stores get their highest g 3 prices, we have marked all our fj? ? merchandise at a mere shade m | above cost, therefore you can be ? a assured of extra value for your | money. 'gj ^ Pretty New Dresses ? ! $11.35, $14.75, $19.50, $22.50 111 ? and $24.75 ? ^1 Each one worth one-third more than the IS d price asked. IS . s ? . 9 Oxfords and Pumps XI TN - - S Price special at $1.98, $2.75, $3.50 and $4.75, which ] would sound clieap at 1-3 more. Bench made at $6.50 l? 21 to $9.75. IB., i | ? a g KABO CORSETS, the Live Model Corset, S ^1 on sale this week at 25 percent reduction. ffl | ? s a JONES DRY GOODS CO. 1