University of South Carolina Libraries
"Nothing But The Ti "Nothing Knt the Truth," widely-1 path Chautauqua. Tlx* plot of this g inspires one constant gefe of morrimeti < Carpet fJrass, the Most Important Grass for Permanent Pasture in th,. Coastal Plain of the South. Carpet Grass is the most import- J z A rant grass for permanent pasture in . the Coastal Plain area of the South. ? Carpet grass is not a native grass, but was accidentally introduced from tropical America before 1830 and "has spread generally over tin* South ern States. Carpet grass requires a moist or at least, not droughty soil and succeeds better in such soils if sandy than any other pasture grass. The minimum temperature it will survive is about 10 degrees F. ?Carget grass pastures arc readily established in tilled land by seeding at any time from early spring to late summer on a well-firmed seed tied, when moisture conditions are favorable. On unbroken or stump land Rood results can be secured by burning or mowing the tall native grasses, seeding at a favorable time, and*then pasturing to keep the native grasses constantly short. Under this tieatment the native grasses are eradicated In one or two years and replaced by a pure stand of carpet grassThe carrying capacity of good carpet grass pasture is one cow to the :acre for five best months and one ( ccw to 2 acres for three to five months longer. Dallis grass, lespedeza, white clover, bur clover, black medic, and Augusta vetch are desirable In mixture with carpet grass. Italian rye may be used as a winter mixture, but needs *to be sown each fall. Under some conditions redtop should be used to precede carpet grass. Carpet grass pastures should be grazed to their capacity, as under heavy grazing the i t ? . - . - ui*Hi conuiinn. is maintained. Bitterweed and dog fennel are ihe only two weAks that seriously invade > \ *v.u.4UMu?a -? n Ill ? ? || Mat \ rill ewc belongs I I a wix*j ( down t proved t at a kt Only gt j( vivc suv I compar 'i'\ PAIQE-D 'J* V"'r' ;^;r '* V . v T - THE DILL ruth," Sparkling Com* mown comedy success, will be one of t rent American play is so full of aiuusi it fron ftrst to last. carpet grass pastures. During the first iwo seasons these weeds should be mowed gefore they ripen seeds. Thereafter they will cause but little trouble, but mowing should be resorted to when necessary. umi wi iai |icl fiiasn is rilSHV nil!"vested by mowing .nnd thrashing. Large areas of pure or nearly pure carpet, grass occur in several re' gions in t he South. | rp to the present the quantity of seed produced has been only a fraction of that required. A comprehensive plan has been devised to increase igreatly the harvesting of seed, sis the outstanding need to stimulate a much , greatet use of carpet grass for pasjture is an ample seed supply. Complete information about Carpet Grass U? published in Farmers' Bnnentin 1130-U. S. Department of Agriculture. G- A. CARDWELL. Agrioxlltural and Industrial Agent, Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Coi FINAL APPEAL TO FARMERS. | Columbia, April 11?A final ap.peal to the farmers of South Carolina ito reduce their cotton acreage this (year was issued today by the South (Carolina Division of the American |Cotton Association. "W?j have given you the facts regarding the world surplus of cotton and we now leave the case with you" says a stutenient issued by the association. "If you go ahead and plant another full crop when there is alteady enough cotton on hand to supply the world for a year and a half, ivou will be making your own bed and will have to He on it. We have done everything that we could possibly do to warn you and you will be walking 'mto the trap with your eyes wide open. "At the conferences held in Washington last week regarding tho cotton I " TTT.' - . 'H*'v ' J . y.V: ^ \ fiiiii mil i >i ? jiti.trwiA.u ?i-^? j, . | % * ' | | JBe\i u ii'^ul Car < ;ter of the Higl >rld's stock car record for sp to Paige?and Paige aior.c. )ur "Daytona 6-65" model t he beach at 102.S miles per itself not only a marvciously perlatively good car. ant strength and endurance c .U a heroic test. e are qualities that you will fi: -66. ite you to take one thorough d< hind the exclusive 6-66 motor i 1 of the tests. de in any other car?at any p: . ? - - e tne results. ETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROI Uaitu/mturtri of Foigt Motor Ctrl gnd Motor Trutl J. EARLE BFTHEA Dillon, S. C. ?-- i mmr rm < vrw ? V ?ht?wuasw,.' ON HKRALD, WILOX, SOUTH CAR ?dy, at Chautauqua j ?; ; In* notabk' tVjituivs ?>i tin- roiniii^ lis tt?u)j?U?rjti<>iirt and surprises that it I siiua.tion it was the concensus of pinion that the only hope for the hiitir? of the South lies in a heavy 1 duct ion of i lie acreage. The New Voik bankers, the administration at ^"ashinpton and the cotton experts ail ukreed that another lai'Kc crop of ro ton would mean finatu-ial ruin for t!:e South. "A heavy reduction in the aoreaKo miplU result in our pettinp a much bettur price than now prevails for the cotton still on hand- A large crop meant tiiat the price will po much lower 1han it now is. i "if >ou can prow cotton at > rents a pound and make money at it. po to it If ; on can't you had better plant food and foodstuffs this year." o . A 1 .ittie Vaiiio. There is a girl in Delone, The very cutest ever; I Her heart I fear is hard as stone. But she is surely clever. -> ? - = ?- - - vj.unnif; sn?* is lerpsictiore; Sings sweetly as a siren, Glibly talks of Keats and Moore, Of Tennvsn and Byron. Can wear her mother's hat of straw Trimmed with fadded posies; But when she walks out her eelat Makes it a wreath of roses. With her fine eyes she makes a mash Mountains it with fire phrases, Until she finds you're short on cash. Then you can go to blazes. But oh, the child is wondrous sweet, And one can't help but love her; From the shoes upon her dainty feet, To the wreath that blooms above k her. ?I. C. I . o The New York legislature has pass ed a law making it a misdemeanor for t a person to engage in the business ot theater ticket "scalping" on the street, near ih0 premises of a th?-ater i or in a place of amusement. i ] ? * ' i f I r' 1 :; ) Iv*-'- \ I as : si jnejri ra g s- *$: I; , jj - - < ^ . BP lway ||j|jj 5ted now bundcrH hour, it ccr, * iid in any (8^1 rmonstra- | and make -\ rice?and j T, Michigan W' M l'JI.Hny > r' 1 * ? V k ^ , .'" ' ' ft.- ^ ? .? '. * ?* * : " ' * } J*V>? I .. * t< ^ u ^; a K-r i. - ^ t. -'- - 4l?^_ l ^ j OLIXA, TJTTRSnAY MOKMNti. APR Professional Cards. i* Surveying Drafting and Blue Printing |n W. M. ALLEN Dillon, S. C. Phone No. 11J ? I.. II. IIASl'l.llh.N Atloinry a: l.a\* l>IU,<>\". S. to Loud cn First Mori gay Keal Estato i?K. J. H. HAM F.I*. J11. OoUtlst Offloo ovi i P? o;>los Pank OTIS M. PAGE Civil Engineer DILLON. S.C. joi: iv LANK. Offi'o Next to liank of Dillt n. Main Sf i?:n.... " ? DR. R. M. IlAIIiEY, Veterinarian Office at Dillon Live Stock Co'.-. Stables. , Office Phone - - 235 ' Residence Phone - ? a C. HENSI.i:!'. M. I), ^ye, Far, Now nntl t'hrnnt Spectacles Fitted. ','fllce Hours 9 to 11 and 2 to % Tvunlnc Hours by Anpolntmen* J. W. JOMNS()> _ Attcrncy-at-J .n? '.'ictldo n State and Federal Marion, S. C. DR. R. F. DARWIN Dent ist Offiee Over Rank of Dillon L. D. I.IDE Attorney-?t-I,ii\? MARION. S. ( O IBS ON & MFRI.ER, Attorueys-at-I iiuv Office over Malcolm Mercantile Co. DILLON, S. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts I r__ vu. rirnrs ! UUIN'l I DESPAIR I If you are troubled with pain'; aches; feel tired; have headprhs. ; indigestion, insomnia; painful pass; age of urine, you will find relief in ' GCiJS I-.J'?i>AL The world's Btr.ndurJ remedy for kidney, liver, bladder uric a" .I innv lv and Wa'.ior.ul T\ir:;.'dy of Hoi' ?r..\ s-.uu lh30. Three sir or, ?dl ciru . " is'.- Girr.r i ~.teed. L?ok f'.iv n? nnr C'oM hle'li! on n"e > box end Micvpt ni iii'.i.t'Jua XOTU'lv TO CltKIUTOIts Dixtriei Conrl of the I lilted Stales. Kasiciit I ol South Carolina. In the matiei ui \V. C. I'arham, Bankrupt, Dillon County. T0 the Creditors of the aho\e named Bankrupt: Take notie . that on the Oth <lav of April, 1921. the above named bank rnpt fi 1? ?t his pi til ion in said Court pta>insr a discharge in bankruptcy, and that a hearing was (hereupon ordered and will I) , had upon said po I tition on the 18th day ol May, 1921, : Hciore sa'<1 court, at Charleston, in I .said District, at 11 o'clock in the ^ forenoon, at which time and place ail I | known creditors and other persons in I interest may appear and show cause, I if any they have, why the prayer <>t I said petition should not be granted. Rich. \Y. Hutson, Clerk. IF YOU LIRE U.OOD REEF or a good roast, don't go any farther \ than this shop. You won't need to telephone or shop around to find it.'i because it's here and at prices that are right besides. Our meats are all carefully selected for your pleasure. ; T)ll,tM MARKET. 7S \l If HUNT'S Salve fait* in the I ?^?Vo>lr \| treatment of ITCH. ECZEMA. ! WO# hJJ RINOWORM. TETTER ar 1 \ M M I r / othsr Itrhinsr skin 1 Try 75 orat'boa at out rltk. 11 Sold by Evans Pharmacy | II, 14, 1921. xonn: As cotton buyer for the American' roducts Kxport and Import Corportion of Columbia 1 will bid on cot i >n graded t#v tin. Government Grad and will accept the government rades I. Cot tin Khans. Seo.-Treas.' illon Co. Warehouse and Market Corporation. 3-24. lib-- i ib t" T1 H< ra!<!. *2 .* > pr. yr Th? wi.-cst ihinc a .> ti < ini>1 ? : hu-im . conluh < ' il ;t \ ? 11 a~- l is litV purtm '. Open :i hank account lot V Many ;i man lias h?? n a\nit in> his wil',. hm nui' tly un lc ati 1 which -In v. a ahi, '<> *i"' Ti \ ii \V< in\ 11 VOl' II h The Barak SAFETY, SERVICE Dillon, Soi CARC M/Li COM\ Dillon. 1. We wish every !': come to our mill to insiu chinery. Our specialty is Oats. We can tirade y??n wagon waits. Our eluire have high grade Wa: graded in even weight Id per bushel. 2. We have a bargain 2 s it lasts. We will exeh: 1U0 lbs. corn. 3. We will exchange any mill products we mi corn, oats, peas or any o 1. Now is the time to 1 sorghum seed for hay cro You can and should grov and a small surplus to st 5. We will again begi: flour mill on April first. " v ices of Mr. F. D. Rigby, ' ip, Tenn. He has been i W\ hope to build up a fl( friends to try our flour We make high gra( mules, horses, cows, pigs nig you maximum retun ing, try a few bags of oui quality and prices correc 7. Try a 100 lb. bag of tankage. Price $4.75. At 1 cal addition to any feed i Yours t Carolim Com 4 . -faJllBrr ? ? * I 3 Tit ESI'ASS NOTICE. All persons are hereby forbidden to hunt, fish of entoi upon the lands o the iitolersiuncd without writter* p? rtiiis?.ion from the undersign' ? l-"ov htipt ii?tr, fi-hing or hunting 1 ; thing sfriiTly rbidden. All pe< < : \ ol: ; ~ this ?>oticv will bo malt with at-eordinc to law. S f>. Graham. Mrs. S E. Page. M ' !'? ' io P. .ft lies. r. ;!- ru. * w Mm -J? s ^ BANK j :#|eooKj OU*, jfy Voufr Wife: if 1 <lo i< 'o '> .i \% i into hitnak? i hi IH'^INK^S p:ntn?i t Of 11 wit- in out hank. '! frotn I- n? - a<t? - h. 11*** < ii awaj to i < r < i ?!it in the bank ?i . " tij? ti < t i* > al [uoji . t onkitu- business. i : of Dillon AND 4 PER CENT 11h Carolina 1LINA I r nun I \^s JL JL T H PANY ; South Carolina inner in Dillon County . ct our seed cleaning inacoiton seed and Fulghum i* cotton seed while your e is 15c per bushel. We nnamaker-Cloveland seed at 75c. in corn feed meal as long n ns . t W 1 IK- f 1 i* u i?*r> I'.'i'll UlL'ill iUl' K_ for corn at market price 1 ike. We will buy for cash * | \ itlier grain. I ray velvet beans, peas arid I p. We are booking orders. I all the hay you can feed B n the operation of our I We have engaged the ser- | an expert miller, of Dun- I i miller for fifteen years. I )U.r trade and request our | after his arrival. B V le molasses feeds. If your $ or chickens are not giv- I l ns for feeds you are giv- I ] feeds. You will find both | ' our 60 per cent, digester I j this price a very economi- I a riven hogs or poultry. I J o Please, M 2 Milling || rpany II