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? * ?? ? ?? * ( PERSONAL MENTION * I ' i Bill Evans of Clio spent Monday in , tcwn. I Joseph Strauss of Clio was in town Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parks spent ^ Sunday in Lumberton. v j] H. A. Cottingham of Clio was in town Tuesday on business. I ?o? . Mr. and Mrs- C. S. Jackson of Clio I were in town Wednesday. 1 Jas. M. Sprunt is in New York this week. * Miss Ellen White returned to herii school at Lake View Monday. Miss Helen McDowell of Kingstree < spent the week end with Miss Effie i Ramsey. i Miss Hcttie Bethea returned to I Salem College at Winston-Salem, 1 N. C., Wednesday morning. i Mrs. E. L- Moore and daughter, Miss Louise have returned from Char- ' lotte. mi. ana wrs. KODert uiacKwell of 1 Marion spent Sunday in town with ; Mrs. W. Murchison. I Mrs. M. A. Hayes of Clinton. S. C. 1 is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. M. i Sprunt. , I ?o? < Miss Julia Bethea returned to Sal- 1 em College, at Winston-Salem, N. C. < Tuesday. I Mrs. J..C. Adams and Miss Laeey *ri- Kson attended the Eastern Star I V eting at Latla Monday night. < Miss Lacey Jackson returned Sunday night after spending the week in J Columbia, attending the Palmafesta. i Messrs. Julius and Abe Blumberg ' and families spent Sunt Sunday in '> Lake View. Frank Fitts of Clio lias accepted i a temporary position with the First ! National Bank. < Messrs. Nathan Carliner and Abe 1 Elfenbein spent Sunday in Lumber- ? ton, N. C., with friends- t The Morris Fass Department Store 1 is being equipped with a HolmeB 1 Burglar alarm system. 1 Marie Thompson, Mary Murchison 1 and Pansie Edwerds motored to Little Rock Wednesday afternoon. 1 Mrs. Olin Horn and children have returned to St. Mathews after having 1 spent several weeks with parents, Dr. and Mrs. Watson B. Duncan. 1 1 The comedy-drama "A Womanless Wedding" will be given at the Hamer 1 school house; tonight (Thursday) at s 8 o'clock. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rosenbaum t spent last week with Mr. and Mrsjl D. H. Fass. They left for their home j in Baltimore Saturday. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Luther Prevatt of Lumberton spent Saturday in town with Mrs. Prevatt's parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank Parks. s Misses Emilu Moore, Louise Rliz- c ?ard, Ailene Hamer and Mary Eliza- > beth Stackliouse, returned to Con- t verse College Monday after spending Easter at home. c ?o? ] Messrs. Sam Kirschbaum. Melvin t Nachman, Harry Fass, Edwin and \ Ike Iseman motored to Lumberton ? Sunday, where they spent the day 2 with friends. J Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fass and Mr. c and Mrs. Sam S. Elfenbein, Louis A I Flfenbein and Miss Bertha Fass spent c Sunday in Lumberton friends. a Read the advertisement of the Re-Id vival Meeting at the Main Street t Methodist Church found in another t column in this issue of The Dillon f Herald. t g Miss Alice David returned Wednesday to Salem College, Winston- ? Salem, N. C., after spending the Eas- * ter holidays with heT parents, Dr. and 1 Mrs. J. H. David. ? ? |B Mrs. Lutie Bethea was hostess to 7 the Women's Club on last Monday 1 afternoon. After the usual game of * rook, a delicious salad course was * served. * Mrs. W. B. Smith and son Robert left yesterday for Rock Hill where they will attend a piano recital by Miss Gladys Smith who graduates at c Winthrop this year- ( ?o? r Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Sargent who have been spending Borne time with,? their parents, Mr- and Mrs. J. A. Hur-;* sey, returned to their home in Spring- , d field, Mass., last week. j* Mrs- James Sprunt entertained a e number of friends at a bridge party v Tuesday evening. Upon arriving de_ 8 lightful punch was served. All enjoyed the hospitality of the charming ' hostess. After several tables of Abridge delicious ice cream and cake were served. Music on the Edison add cu tuucn to ine occasion. Mr- and Mrs. W. C. Tolar enter-|t tained a few friends at rook on last n Friday evening. Tables were arrang- a ed for a dozen and these played un-'o til a late hour, when the hostess, as- 11 sisted by Miss Hyatt, served a de- 1 lightful sweet course. The guests on ii this occasion were Misses Richards, t Rast, Baxley, Edenfield, Allen, Lyles, i Carpenter, Wardlaw and Riddle, all t of the public school faculty and Miss Minnie Hyatt. . r7 .M A THE DILLON HERALD, 7 1 Mrs. Jas. M. Sprunt entertained cirite delightfully a few of her friend8 In honor of Mrs. J. H. Halsford on I'uesday evening- The guests upon entering were served punch by Mrs. G. H. Bell. After a pleasant evening of progressive bridge, Mrs. Sprunt assisted by Miss Beatrice Rogers and Mrs. Bell served ice cream and cakQ. Mrs. A. M. Bethea entertained most attractively Monday afternoon the ladies of the Womans Club and a large number of invited guests from four to six. The roll call and minutes were dispensed with. The meeting then became a purely social one- The j afternoon was pleasantly spent play-; Ing rook. After several games, the hostess assisted by Miss Julia Bethea, served a delicious salad course. Tbe stock of groceries formerly be-( longing to Samaha & Samaha has! been purchased by Max Fass and A. Elfenbein who conducting the busi-j ness under the name of the Cash Grocery. It is their intention to oper-1 ate a "cash and carry" groce-y. They are disposing of the present stock at and below cost and will put in an entirely new stock- Mr. Elfenbein is a brother of Mr. Sam Elfenbein, and recently came to Dillon from New Y'ork. r> To Be Burled With Military Honors. The body of Lonnte Proctor, who fell in action over-seas is expected to arrive in Dillon this morning and the J funeral will be held at Little Rock today at 11 o'clock, with military honors. This will ht? the first military funeral held in th? county since the war. The eulogy will be deliver-1 by Rev. Jno. McSween and the funeral arrangements will be in :harge of Lieut. Raines of Rowland. , o IMPROVEMENT C LI B MEETI\<?. The Improvement Club held a so-', :ial meeting Thursday evening, in the school auditorium. After singing America and prayer by Prof. W. D. Robertg a brief business session was held. TU? w r.? ^ i iic tjccieiiir.v, MI'S- \> . L. .MOOl'P ?alled the roll of members and sever-! il new names were added. The club's delegate to the County i Federation, Mrs. J no. Hargrove, then! read a report of the six months work iccomplished since the organization 3f the club in September. The president added a personal j word of appreciation to Prof. Rob- j irts, the teachers, town authorities! tnd members of the club for their J hearty cooperation in carrying out; the aims of tbe organization. Plans were then announced for "Clean-upDay" and the County Federation Meeting, after which the following program was enjoyed: Piano Solo?Miss Effie Ramsey, [leading?Miss Louise Manning, [leading to Musical Accompainment > ?Maxine Watson. Pantomime?"Comin" Thro' the Rye" *?Misses Riddle and Wardlaw. Reading?Miss Louise Manning. '.'ocol Solo?Mr. R. C- Banks. An informal reception was then leld and delicious fruit punch was / T* n, ... ! ?1 - 1 ? ? ? ' >? . . vu Liuui mu migc uums uy III e 111jers of the social committee includ-! ng Mrs. J. B. Gibson, Mrs T. W. Be:hea, Mrs. Jas. Hargrove, Mrs. J. E. Diebler, Mrs. W. C. Moore, Miss Ituth \llen and Miss Mary Bethea. o TEACHERS HOLD MEETING j The last regular Dillon County J roachers Meeting of the current school year was held Saturday in the Dillon school auditorium. It was one )f the best attended, and on the vhole, one of the best meetings of lie year. The separate meetings of the three lepartments were called to order at LI:30 o'clock. After an hour devoted o various discussions in the departnehts, all of the members assembled n the main auditorium to hear the iddress of the day. Prof. W. H. iand, superintendent of the Colum>ia City Schools, delivered this adLress. He tcok for his theme "The Educational Outlook," and delivered >ne of the most pithy and instructive .ddresses ever heard by the teachers >f Dillon county. The thread of his liscourse was the effectiveness of the eacher in the classroom as shown by he results obtained. In his own hap>y and distinctive manner he made he teachers see herself for just what he is. At the close of Mr. Hand's ad-! iress, a short business session was >eld. Mr. J. B. Thorn, principal of he Lake View School, moved that j ll those interested in arranging projams and securing speaker,, for the ear, be given a vote of thanks from he association- The following are he officers for this year: R. T. ^airey, President; M. A. Wilson, V. Miss Helen Burriss, Secretary. o Pythlans to Hold Big Meeting. You, Brother Knight are requestd to be present at the Castle Hall Masonic Hall) Thursday night at egular meeting, consisting of a get-1 ngether meeting when the degree of } Jsquire, known as the second degree, j till be conferred on five robust can- j fdates. Refreshments and cigars fill be Drenared for on o hnnHroH vlo_ I I ting knights. All old members urgd to meet us promptly at 8 o'clock kith a warm hand shake and broad mil??. C. S. Herring, C. C. V V. Jones, V. C. NOTICE Notice is given that street tax and log tax are now due and payable at he office of the city treasurer. All itale persons between the ages of 21 ( n<l 50 years, except those incapable f earning a support from being uaimed or from any other cause, are lable to a street tax. All dogs within the limits of the town are Liable o an annual tax, and if the tax is 'Ot paid they will be impounded by he town officers J. H. HAMER, [ 7 Mayor. t J DILLON. SOUTH CAROLINA, CH WANT COLUMN TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stafford's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stafford's .superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 NOTICE?I AM AGENT FOR THh Florence Steam Laundry and will receive and deliver all laundries as promptly as possible. Palace Market. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Stafford's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 WANTED?Everybody to know that I now have a full line of machinery and that I am in a better position to give quick service than I have ever been. All work guaranteed. Electric Shoe Shop over Dillon Hotel, W. R. Summerall, Prop.? 1 20 tf. CROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. WANTED ?COUNTRY PEOPLE TO TRY OUR 50c. MEALS. PALMETTO CAFE, NEXT TO HERALI) OFFICE?.tf. ( HOP ANI> CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. MONUMENTS?We are builders and erectors of high grade monuments. All work of the best material and fully guaranteed. Prices reasonable. See us before placing your order. Lumberton Marble Works, J. H. Floyd, Prop., Lumberton, N. C.?2 24 52t. CROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to eal estate, mortgages real estate, bills r?f odi. *?>?? . fiuiiiciB contracts. rent liens, claim and delivery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. FOR SALE?lOO Bushels of Golden Dent Seed Corn, $2 per bushel In ear. Free from weevils. Best corn for late planting. H. C. Stanton. Dillon. S. C., R. 3?4 7 tf FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that A- P. Bethea, administrator of the estate of W. W. Hamilton, Sr., deceased has made application unto me for final discharge as administrator, and that Thursday, April 28 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon has been appointed for the hearing of the said petition. All persons holding claims against the said estate are requested to file them with the administrator on or before 10 o'clock in the forenoon of April the 28th or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. JOE CABELL DAVIS. Judge of Probate. 4 7 4t. Dillon County. Subscribe to The Herald $2.50 pr. yr. REDPATH C* 1 v^nauiauqua H Attractions k | Including 1I Dunbar's White Hussars Band and Male Chorus "Nothing But The Truth" Rollicking Comedy A.tists Four Singers and Players Grobecker's Swiss Yodlers Beulah Buck Entertainer f Evelyn Bargelt Popular Cartoonist In "JOY NIGHT" Program ? iNotable Lectures on Timely Themes 5 BIG DAYS 5 REDPATH Ghautauqua {Season Tickets $2.50 Plus lO p. c. War Tax Chautauqua Week May 5th to May 9tn I SJRSDAY MORNING, APRIL 7, 1921. i $1485 )T3L /. o. b South Bend ..A lis Sin Points of Sti ? of liymdrcds of dollars i m /V| 1 4 yy quality is today priced 11 Cf lie a Siudebuker Baby Six M ^ of gas and oil. Studeba! fy of the country is sltowi " ft Stttdebnker engineers. 9 in cost of tires. With ^ W ^y ance. studehaker liahy %/ Cf for all light sixes. All t_ in having your Studeb Savin a f <>l refinisliinu ?i?d < ; m 1 ^ ^1 /Y |?laito?l ut'iuiim- Irntlu ^ W 1/ I C ^ mirror rinisU. ^ in ciisl of U|?k?'t'|i. I.<( i i) $ th of stn1,uo ovti"t,u* <ai*v *"* (lie Kit>Hl Stiulehnkei ! T WO OtKer ModelsSix--Open and Clos from. Let us We are in Position to Gi1 This is a Stu B.&B. Ai ?- - - | fhone 241 DILLON jBEEEBEBBaEBEBBBEE | Samaha & 1 Bankru a U Of Fancy and S j| Sold at less || Friday anc m (Royal Dates 1 I 1^1 Package AvjC | a | Peter Pan Large Ca a '? Campbell * 11 . I ran soups 11c | a a SERV-US Grape Juice, Pint a I '^| IlaskinB Toilet I Soap __ OC | a Skinners Macaroni, 3 a [XI Columbus Asparagus /y An I ? Large blue cans " a 1X1 1 SUGAR 91 a a R,cc 5 1-21 a ffl r. R I T ? Q n u it i A U U V I . Dillon Cash | NEAR TO P | Dillon cu . kl 14 idebaker Savin? in first cost. No other ear of Studebaker Baby Six it anywhere near so low. \ on save money by buying now. ker Rnby Sixes in the hands of owners in all parts ng fuel costs even lower than the predictions of i its exceptionally light weight and its peifect lmlSi\ hi?ls fair to make the long distance tire record Stndehaker's are equipped with Colli) TIltES. aker now. No price advances can then affect yon i car a greater cash value. inishiug. Ilahy Six model has the Studehaker deep upholstery and the famous Stmlehaker lasting st> show you the splendid specifications or hotter ee for yourself why the model Ilahy Six x\ill match no.nnn mile rcord with lowest cost for repairs. -Big Six and Special ed Bodies to Clioose Demonstrate. ve You Terms if Desired, debaker Year -J O _ 1 nuociies , S. C. East Main St. SB?????!????????? z Samaha | pt Sale 1 . ? taple Groceries ? , w than LUST ? f Saturday 1 a Holly Currants 10r a Package ? A " C in Salmon 15 cents i a Spring 1 ZL gg Corn Avl ^ ^ nsn D x-v 4-4-1 xv , JJULLIC ------- - ZDC IS White House Apples [ ! Large Can __ __ __ __ ^ * V gj Packages for 25 cents 1 HI I Swift Borax Soap (T _ 1X1 Arraw Brand VfV# m 2 cents per pound 1 a ILuzianne Coffee OfC-, ^ Ready for use. lb. . ! ! m ents per pound ? Grocery Co. I OST OFFICE * SC a ) v/. r^i 121 IZU rn t?| rn rxi m m rxi nci rxi rxi rxi rxi CBQ3 IZ11571 mi5jl5Jl5Ji5jl5][5jix;l5Jml5ll5JL5]CE j. "*