? Burning for Sixty Years. Up among the coal mountains of eastern Pennsylvania the town of, Sununmithill has lately celebrated, if, I' 9 tho -I..v.. 1 # J. .1- 1 ???.? w ?uv 115UV n vi u iui II, 1110 81A-| tleth anniversary of the great under-, ground anthracite coal fire- It start- ' ed from a flaring lamp in the hat ofa miner, and i t has been burning, fiercely ever since. More than fifty.1 acres of valuable coal have been de- I stroyed, and now a still greater area.! is threatened. All sorts of methods (l have been tried and over a million ' dollars have been spent in trying to extinguish this subtle, wasteful underworld fire, but so far all efforts have been in trainNow one of the greatest coal corporations is going at the problem in this way: The tqp of the mountain that overlays the burning section is being stripped and taken away and the veins of coal are being taken from the path of the fire. This work whfrh hns huon ?r?->lnrr nn fn- " ?? - .. k/vvu VU ?ui o- > cai, J will take four years more to com- t plete. Steam-shovels are gnawing at < the earth, and hundreds of men are < at work. When it is finished it will t either solve the problem or prove it(i forever unsolvable. At any rate, it is t believed that the coal taken from the' i ~ut will pay the expense of the entire's project.?Girl's World. jt o .1 Small Profit Made by Farmer j I Charleston American. M. P. Croghan, a prosperous far-(? mer of Myers, S. C. shipped 16 drums * of beets to Washington, D. C., re-j' cently, and received $6 per drum for^ them, which made Sftfi fr?r th- > lot. The express charges were $63-72. ? coniHiissions being $9.60. ' This left hini $22.68 from which ^ he had to pay 65 cents for each emp-,1 is *?? t Lucky Strike 1 cigarette f ! M( 11 O \1 WoasM a a a a si a a a a a is t I NODE! [21 Jzj Overhead expen ? expense. Old system s a ? One-third of the have thrown away tl [3 the end of the year i ? a ? ?? [3 ?r.;:,..,/ : ? m ^ (?1 === = = |j 111 B ^==:==|;||: = ? ^ II ' ? P^ill B ^=SE==F.ill = B - g) LEDGER LEi ? Double or single enti a limns. Machine ruled 01 m ledger paper. Standard t all the time. Special fo ? short notice. a 69 flrntl'e in nonlo _ -U.SVTTO 111 |fVUia !ffl the month your stal [<0 daily use throughou # put them up in all si ?g ing. They drop back ________ We are not beg ^ every particular. Te * traveling auditor fo +j simpler and more a< +) We have specia -xi and machinery usee - ef the biff city man s ? Don't send y fximmmmmmmrximm jD iv* IX) IX) 1X1 IX) 1X1IX) lXJ IX) IX) I THE! DILLON I ty drum and 25 cents for labor. The express charges were almost $4 per package. This is how his profit figures out: Expressage $63.72 ' 10 drums @ 65 cents 10.40 Labor 4.00 Commission 9.60 $87-72 ?o be deducted from $9 6, which leaves him $8.28, or 51 3-4 cents, for 11 whole drum of beets. No wonder farmers raise the cry that their labor has become unprofitable. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is herby given that in pur-. 3uance of a resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Dillon Dassed! in meeting duly assembled on the 1st lay of March, 19 21, in accordance | with the provisions of an Act passed ; >y the General Assembly of the j State of South Carolina, same being House Bill 219, for the purpose of, unending Section 3016 of the Civil J Code of Laws, Vol. one, 1912 ofj South Carolina, so as to exempt from :he provisions thereof the Town of Dillon and to add a proviso thereto.* o abolish the offices of the present Commissioners of Public Works of laid town, and to place the duties hereof upon the Mayor and the ( Town Council of said town, an elec- I ion will be held in said town on i Tuesday, April 12, 1912, at which d 'lection the qualified electors of the ( .aid town shall vote for or against f he proposition of abolishing said j Commission of Public Works and tnposing their duties upon the Mayor t ind Town Council. Those who are , in favor of abolishing said coinmls- j lion shall so vote for such abolish-', lient and those who are against the j lame shall cast their ballots against lie said proposition. Said election to ie held in accordance with the rules ? if general election in said town. Books of registration are now open \l Evans Pharmacy for the purpose if registering all qualified electors. The polls to be opene d at eight . o'clock and to close at four p. m. . ind the managers of the election to be I. C. Ingram, S. W. Jackson and b. S. Herring. I* J. H. Hamer, Mayor, i* Attest: Jennie C. Watson, Clerk T 3 24.3t. 1 FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE. t ? Notice is hereby given that Nora Williams, administratrix of the estate C dL H. W. Williams, deceased, has c made application unto me for final( i discharge as administratrix, and that c Thursday, April 7th, at 11 o'clock in 1 the forenoon has been appointed for t hh(- hporliifT r\f V* <-? aaU ? vuc IWIU IJCllllUU. I All persons holding claims against the said estate are requested to file t them with the administratrix on or t before 11 o'clock In the forenoon of f Thursday, April 7th, or this notice J will be plead in bar of their recovery, j JOE CADELL DAVIS Judge of Probate, ' I 17 4t. Dillon County. 2 asssssssssst RNB00K1 se is the canker worm that g s are costly. They. waste tim< # A cost of a ledger is in the bin le cost of a ledger, in additiG is buying new leaves at a mii iB!| ou ry up to 12 col- m i extra heavy forms in stock # rms ruled on < rity every year. It is a great tements are ready to mail out a. il . n ? i me i^aronnas and our cust< izes, bound in Red Russian c flat when open, giving a perf* inners in the loose eaf line. W ill us what your business is an< r one of the largest.bonding c .curate. 1 forms for farmers as well a* I by other manufacturers. W< iufacturer. HERALD PRINTERS our money away to dis tant ci [21 21 121 [21 [21 f21121 (2K21 (21 f21 txl 1x1 ttJ tti IxJ ffil ffil IrtTl Izl (zJ U IKRAIiD, DILJXJN, SOUTH CAROLJ L D. UDE Atiorwj-at-Law MARION. S. O. "slow-! DEATH Aches, pains, n rvousness, difficulty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's standard remedy for 'cidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles? COLD MEDAL _ SkltaB Pftl' _ bring quick relief and often ward off deadly diseases. Known as the national remedy of Holland for more than 200 years. All druggists, in three sises. Leek for the uet Geld Model ea erery hex aad ecceet ao imitirino FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Sam D. Iraham, executor of the estate of "rank D- Graham, deceased, has nade application unto me for final lischarge as executor, and that Frilav, April 15th at 10 o'clock in the orenoon has been appointed for the leering of the said petitionAll persons holding claims against he said estate are requested to file hem with the executor on or before LG o'clock in the forenoon of April he 15th or this notice will be plead a bar of their recovery. JOE CADELL DAVIS Judge of Probate, i i I 17 It. Dillon County. i j NOTICE | ! i As cotton buyer for the American j hoducts Export and Import Corpor- j ition of Columbia I will bid on cot j on graded by the Government Grad-j i >' and will accept the government, | trades E. Cottingham, Sec.-Treas. lillon Co. Warehouse and Market j I Comnratinn *> n ' ' r 0-+.1. i . ! I FIN All DISCHARGE NOTICE. I Notice is hereby given that H. F- { I Iraham administrator of the estate! ] tf Harry E. Blackwell, deceased, has. I nade application unto me for final] | lischarge as administrator, and that! ; Thursday, April 7th at 10 o'clock in ] he forenoon has been appointed for | he hearing of the said petition. \ All persons holding claims against j he said estate are requested to file ' hem with the administrator on or be- j ore 10 o'clock in the forenoon on, Vpril 7th, or this notice will be dead in bar of their recovery. JOE CABELL DAVIS Judge of Probate, t 17 4t. Dillon County. 3HHHH? HHHHHI KEEPING I naws at the vitals of every bi v n ? '1 1 1 11 " : unu tuse uonars tnat run ini THE LOOSEL ding. When you open new boc >n to the time lost in transfei limum of expense. fR DUPLICA : v , y> B v !,,, I OUR TIMti SAVER time-saver. You make out L No rush at the end of the imers tell 11S t hPv wnnlfl nnt j ff WU1U IIV1 owhide back and corners, ect writing surface. re have been putting up loose 1 let us design a system to suit companies in America. We gjui i merchants, bankers and mai i employ the same skilled woi PUBLISHING Rljt ties for the same class of woi BSUSfflfflfflfflSfflBBIlB NA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRII "Black-Draught is. in "yTw my opinion, the best liver medicine on the market," im/ states Mrs. R. H. White- laC/ side, of Keota, Okla. She Clili continues: "I had a pain Jdfm BjiSL in my chest after eating? Kra EStS? tight, uncomfortable feel- jgjgg Qki ing?and this was very fSKi disagreeable and brought gM fflGu on headache. 1 was constipated and knew it was Rftn Jfut indigestion and inactive vHBfl gPfi liver. I began the use of ?gr>K LMS Rlarlr.nrouflrhf nirrhf nn/1 itS morning, and it sure is splendid and certainly Qig gives relief." flgj Thedford's BLACKDRAUGHT1 For over seventy years : th's purely vegetable ?>.^v; orcparation has been Osl^J 7^0 found beneficial by thou- I fe'f sands of persons sufferin" trom ef,ccts ?* a tor~ yivi i Cjjii P^' or s^ow-acting liver. ?5? I *V*)[ Indigestion, biliousness, ytw I colic, coated tongue, diz- jgfe? Rl ziness, constipation, bit- /3g ftS?$ ter taste, sleeplessness, |^| lack of energy, pain in back, puffiness under the ; 2Sri: eves?anv nr all nt > ySr symptoms often indicate SS Sg5 that there is something FajjL\ the matter with your fjjjEj liver. You can't be too pSa careful about the medi- jjCT Hjcl cine you take. Be sure QjK} ???? that the name, "Thedford's Black-Draught," is Kg on the package. At all fep3 Accept Only j?E3 ^ the Genuine. SIS IS IS SHUSH? IS? METHODS l.siness. The problem today is lo big sums. The modern syst EAF SYSTEM >ks you throw away one-thirt ring accounts. A loose leaf led . 111>U LtiJL This ledger will pay for its saved in three months. It c positc each ledger sheet an bill head perforated at one e bon sheet works between the second sheet. The items are (he bill head and a copy is m second sheet. At the end of' your statements are made ot tear out the bill head and ma customer, keeping the secon the ledger until the account tavoc ? ? 1 * vsj wiiviiiiiu 1/1 yuur uuuk gives you a completer recor bills from day to day as the i month. No delay in getting c do without them for many ti corduroy sides and strong m 9 leaf outfits for many years, it. We offer you the services < arantee to give you a system nufacturers. We have forms 1 rkmen.. We use the same ma COMPANY, D LERS rk. We can also give you clofM (21 CD SIfSi SI SI IS E ! D tXJlX) DO BHD WSI i 7, 1931. WANTED ? Fresh Country Eggs.? A. B- Jordan.?3 17. . ? !?S \l If HUNTS Salve fall* in the ' xi %j?y II treatment of ITCH, ECZKMA. ? /ffljf fJJ RI NO WORM, TETTER or \ I II rf other Itching akin dieeaeee i iJ\ Tr? 75 oent boa at our risk, j a Sold by Evans Pharmacy r-PAI We are intensely fact that our model broke the w record for speed, consider a mere t What we wante was enduring { stamina. We k car strong enough championship w< enough for all am ?in years of serv And now, we sa;j for yourself. Test i with any other ca ?and draw your conclusions. i Our dealer is read demonstration. 6-df> Laitvood Srten- Paftnger Ti O-' H I A'tp? t'ai:rnger Coupt 6-tio Seccn-I'aiHHj0r Seut on time. Hundreds of th mes the cost. They cut book-k< etal parts made of the very h i 1 i and we guarantee our books t< of an expert accountant who w that will s ave time and mak< :hat suit every business. We us terial and our overhead exper / If linn C ^ BINDERS e prices on lithographed, engrra HfflmmiSSlSlBBfflfflBBE Mg*** V .|fi 'IfCBV * ' ' We have opened an Optical Office t Dillon, S. C. At the present time re will be at the Hotel Wheeler evry second and Fourth Mondays' and he following Tuesday in each month. Ve examine and fit glasses. Call and ^ Ve examine eyes and fit glnsses. Call nd see us. L A. WOODRUFF, D-Opt. Eyesight Specialist GE?i"' . r proud of the ivtnna odd's stock car But speed we >y-product. id to establish strength and new that any to win a world's Duld be strong ateur demands ice. s r, test the 6-66 t in comparison ir?at any price own impartial ly to give you a >tir> nf Cat o 6 Detroit 'SportTypf KVJUf o.b Detroit .. 3776f.ob. Pttroi I ........... 3SS0J o b. Detroit R CAR CO., DETROIT f Core and Motor Truck* ?THEA C. L CAR. IK AMERICA I0NEY I ? ^ at a minimum ot H IS i three years you >ur only expense at is |S - - [ ] :lback ledger * ? Red Pigskin Leather ? ? appels to the customer pj best he can get. It con- m sm better than all oth- S3 id with materials that si n. It is strictly a binder SI SI IS er, and at the end of SI cse ledgers are in 51 jeping in half. We 03 ?est aluminum cast- is , ffi ? I?1 f > be first-class in as for sixteen years SI 5 your book-work ? u-x-J se the same presses s lse is less than that ^ I Bmrnrammmmm H OD OH IS) IS) tzl tZi UK Si t?lSJ